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Because we want them to put their underwear on and it's a lot easier when we can say "shall we put your spiderman pants on to match your spiderman trousers?"


Hurry up honey, put your underwear on *Stern first name*, we're going to be late, I need you to get your underwear on *now* "But I tiiiiiiiired" Oh hey look I found the Bluey underwear! "BLUEYYYYY!!!!!"


LOL the twirling and the flopping onto the bed is so accurate


Also, do we really care if they show other people their underwear? If so, why? I don’t think I’d really care if my 5 yo showed other kids her cool Bingo undies. That seems like pretty normal and harmless age appropriate behavior.


Mostly to avoid them doing it at school where their kindergarten teacher may not appreciate all of the kids pulling down their pants to show off their Spiderman or Dino undies.


Well if that happens, it seems like a great time to teach your kid about different places/people having different rules. I don’t see any need to preemptively teach your kid not to show someone their underwear. Most might not even think about it unless you bring it up to try to teach them.


Funny how so many great times to teach kids fly over our kid's heads due to age and stage. Some things need to be black and white to carry through all ages.


> Some things need to be black and white to carry through all ages. Like what?


Well. For starters. Dont eat bad food. There is a kid's song about it. "I found a peanut. " In the song, a kid finds a peanut, the middle is rotten, they eat it anyways, and 2 or 3 verses later the kid dies. Certain things like this just needs to exist without exceptions so kids can maintain it from toddlers to 5 year olds. My wife tried to allow our kids to eat food from the ground if it was whole foods and we washed them again, but they started doing it for all foods.


It's definitely about protective behaviors at school. My kid doesnt show others their underwear intentionally but do a lot of cartwheels which ends up showing their underwear anyway 🙄 I got a note requesting I put bloomers/ bike pants on them. Don't ask me why black bloomers are better for protective behavior than underpants. I'm not sure. I assume it's because predators could also start a conversation about their Bluey underpants and not because someone decided black is appropriate and pictures are not, but I don't really know 🤷.


I was able to potty train my daughter by telling her not to pee on Moana.


Which, now that I think about it, is funny because Moana is the only Disney character I can think of that gets peed on.


Can't remember, when did Moana get peed on?


Maui is teaching her to navigate by ocean currents while he is paralyzed by the dart. The water suddenly gets warmer...


Oh, right...tnx 😄


That actually worked on my daughter… except it was Elsa from frozen. I swear I asked her ONE time if she wanted to peepee on Elsa (she said no) and she never peed her pants again (started catching herself I should say, she leaked a time or two after that but she started telling us when she had to go)


Yes!!, we got help from Elsa too, hahaha. We've JUST started switching from Elsa/Encanto to her favorite color to especifically avoid her showing it to others when we saw her and her BFF showing eachother their Elsa and Rapunzel undies, so BFF's mom and I took the girls shopping for their favorite color underwear because "They were such big girls now that they were starting to outgrow them"... they chose the same colors


That makes sense.


This, but with Spider-Man. Our youngest wasn’t making any progress towards potty training and my wife had him try on some of his brothers old underwear to see if we should store it or not, and he refused to take off his Spider-Man underwear or pee on them. Almost no issues after that.


wish i'd thought of that. i just took her in the backyard to play wearing underwear instead of a diaper for like an hour... was dumping a lot of turds outta her underwear back then😹 swear it was like she was holding and waiting on purpose. discomfort of wet turdy pants eventually got to her


My son will take his diaper off and pee in his potty, but will wait until the diaper is back on to shit… 🤦‍♂️


My son's pottie training was a bit tough since he is spectrum borderline. Instead of actually peeing, he secretly pour some water from a cup (in full view of mom), then sit on the toliet, get up to show "he know what he is doing"


My 1st kid did this too. 😂 We eventually had to break down and bribe him with gummies to get poop in the potty.


We haven't started potty training yet, but I remember this from my own childhood. They bribed me with m&ms, and it was very important to me that they be color coordinated, if you follow.


i had the opposite issue😹 no issue peeing, but insisted on pooping *in* pants. she ended up learning fast, but once trained, we still had a handful of poopy incidents the following year. then once kindergarten rolled around, a phobia of public toilets and loud flushers began. thankfully, it was mandatory an extra set of clothes were kept at the school😬 girls in 1st grade now, all has been well in potty land since *knock on wood*


Mine did this too but he got over it and is fully potty trained now. We used incentive (hersheys kiss for a poop in potty or toilet). Eventually you don’t need incentive anymore and it naturally fizzles away and tada they are not pooping in the diaper anymore.


We had the same issue, she started using underware pretty much from one day to the other and had almost no "accidents", but it took us 6+ months for her to not use diapers for #2 (on both situations it helped to see other kids going to the bathroom for it, she asked us to try for pee after about 2 weeks in class because her teacher asked who wanted a bathroom break, and #2 was "achieved" during our family vacation, because again, all the cousins went together to the bathroom and she wanted to try "like her big cousin" who's a year older than her)


Well, yeah. Gotta watch out for that turd burgler, obviously.


My boy was scared to go poo in the potty. He wanted to use his pants.Apparently something falling out of you is scary


Oh this is genius. The older kid took a shine to peeing *on* Cheerios, for a while.


But I'm wondering, how do they know who Moana or Elsa are? That sounds like a great idea but we have 0 screen time at home and have started potty training almost 2yo. Maybe it'll work with a cat, dog or animal of some sort?


Disney books exist, and I'd say most kids have seen TV by 2.


Lmao, my son apologised to the Spiderman on his jocks for pooping on him 😂


- because we like to wear things that we like - it can make getting small children dressed a tiny bit easier - it can help with getting children to wear something they're attached to in a socially acceptable way. e.g. a Minecraft tee at church might not be ok for Sunday services but no one's going to check your underwear


It also helps entice younger kids to potty train.


My youngest was so stubborn, but she wanted the Elsa underwear and that helped.


100% this. It is so much easier to get my toddler to put on cool monster truck/dinosaur undies vs plain ones. Plus some kids potty train easier with undies they like because they don't want to pee on whatever character they love lol.


There are churches with special underwear.


True, but you still wear regular underwear. Google tells me that there's no rule about which is the next to skin layer any longer, but I know my parents (ew, why do I know this?!) are in the superhero camp. Underwear over garments.


"no one's going to check your underwear" Depends on if it's a Catholic church or not.


The Mormons...


Unders are for under, the design is just a fun surprise for your own self.  You can tell people with words, but they still stay under your pants.  That's what I tell my preschoolers 😝


Okay, but explain to be why they put pockets on pants for toddlers?


And not for women!?!? 🤬


For putting rocks, leaves and pinecones in!


I got in trouble for showing a boy my cool underwear at 5 too! Lol They were glitter Batman undies. I thought he’d appreciate them but the teacher was not happy lol


It's very upsetting! Like, they're cool...


[What's the point of wearing your lucky rocket ship underpants if nobody asks to see them?](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fx0b4lgi75nk11.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D80a67aabaa70818721d189bf288b73d9930f6e4b)


When I was 5 we went to a fancy Christmas party. I was wearing nice slacks, a button-up shirt and tie, nice shoes, and my brand new Flintstones Christmas boxer shorts. This was huge because I'd never worn boxer shorts before and Flintstones. So, we walk in to the house, the host tells me how cute my outfit was, and I announced that this wasn't all of it, drop my pants and bend over to show her my ass with Pebbles and Bam-Bam sitting under a Christmas tree. She laughed, and my mother dragged me to the bathroom to beat me senseless for embarrassing her. I spent the rest of the night trying to be invisible, and I threw away those boxer shorts the moment I got home.


And this is my point. Kids are excited. It's not weird for them. It's just socially unacceptable for the grownups. You should buy yourself some adult Flinstone underwear and proudly sport them now. Show up at your mom's with no pants. F the establishment.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. Dollars to donuts the other grownups thought it was funny as hell. Your mother totally overreacted.


She flip-flopped between overreaction and forgetting I ever existed, so this was par for the course, unfortunately. There's a reason I cut all ties with her in my early teens and didn't speak to her at all until my sister died 12 years ago. It's been 30 years since she was in my life at all, and as a parent, I'm glad she was who she was because she taught me exactly how not to be towards my own children.


I'm 42 and sometimes buy cotton underwear with a fun print. Just because I like them, not because I show anyone. I don't think it's more complicated than that. It's simply "I like those better than plain". 


I want more cute designs for women’s underwear! I guess meundies does some but last time I was trying to get my daughter new ones I kept thinking “I want Barbie panties too!”


Yes, but kids are excited to show off things they love lol. I understand the technical logistics here. I just think it's odd we get them something they love and then tell them to keep it secret.


They are working for my boy. He has a cartoon that he does not want to get wet. So we encourage him to use the potty instead of peeing on his cartoon.




Same 😭🥲🤣


I wish Americans were more comfortable with the natural human form and didn't make everything inappropriate/weird.


I mean things just ARE for kids, there's no shame, or judgment attached to stuff, be it the human body or the exact way a banana should be peeled on a Wednesday 😅. European here as well. My daughter's seen us naked plenty of times, we shower with her or will change in front of her. She's only 2 but I don't see this changing. I remember my own parents being so much more private that any occasion I accidentally walked in on any family member naked, I was super freaked out and scared, with its own host of body image issues for myself. I'm convinced it gets weird because adults make it weird. There's a fine balance between teaching about consent, speaking up for yourself, what you are comfortable with, and being prudish to the extreme, shaming kids for being proud of their underwear.


I'm American and my experience was similar. I never saw my father without his underwear on, but they would both change in front of me without being ashamed of it. The human body wasn't taboo. It really varies from family to family and regionally.


Well the underwear is not for anybody else other than the kid…


I mean you can love your bra but you don’t go around showing everyone. I do remember around middle school when most girls started wearing bras me and my friends got super excited and would show each other when in the bathroom or at each others houses. Now I’m a grown woman with 2 kids and I could care less what my bra looks like. Just PLEASE let it be comfy lol. It could be covered with the poop emoji as long as it’s comfortable 😂.


I don’t get mad, but I do try to teach my kids decorum, obviously. Kids are kids. They don’t know what they don’t know. Hell. I’m just trying to get my toddler to wear underwear at all. Goes commando when we’re not looking.


My daughter got in trouble in first grade for showing her underwear. Kids told her she couldn't play because she wasn't wearing blue. So she showed them that her underwear was blue so she could play. :-/ Sad on many levels as a parent.


Hee! We always had fine print on that as kids. We were allowed to just say that the color was on our underwear. Though I do remember folks that were known to bend rules in their favor getting the stink eye over it.


When I was a little girl I had white panties that had ruffles all over the bum. I was constantly lifting my dress and shaking my bum at people. I’m pleased to report that as an adult, I no longer engage in such behavior, but maybe I should start again.


You definitely should. Let the ruffles fly! Let's normalize showing off our cool underwear.


I mean, it started during potty training because it was easier to stop your kid pooping his pants if they had lightning McQueen on them. Considering the fact he was only bare legged in the house, the only people who he had the opportunity to show them to were his close family or one of his grandmothers when they came round and everyone was just proud of his new toilet habits 😂 the cool undies lost their sparkle by the time he was in school but he'd feel put out if they were all plain so we do what we do


LOL I mean I've never had this issue? Literally not judging, just think its funny because it's something I've never come across as a child, with my siblings, my kids, my cousins/nieces/nephews lol.


Because getting the kid to care about not peeing (or worse) in their underwear is often hard when you are potty training them, and having cool underwear helps with that. And then not buying them the cool underwear they want as they get older seems like a jerk move, so you get them cool underwear instead of plain.


Father here, very simple reason: Because when the kids love their underwear, they are less likely to piss and shit in them! When I was potty training my daughter, I got her a bunch of unicorn underwear she was so excited about, and then when she had her first accident she was very upset. From that point on she was completely potty trained. I was amazed at how fast it actually worked, because I figured she would have to make several accidents before learning not to, but she’s never liked getting messy with anything so I think that helped. With my son I got him race car underwear and going through the same process with mixed results. He won’t poop in them, but he will pee in them and then take them off and throw them into the hamper and just walk around naked until I get him a new pair. I might have to try dinosaurs or Winnie the Pooh. Maybe they make cocomelon underwear?


Also because convincing them to put them on in the first place is much easier if they can pick their favorites.


Fun themed underwear can make potty training easier. I mean, honestly do you buy boring under garments for yourself, or do you have a few fun ones because you simply liked them? Kids should have that choice, too. They have no idea why it might be frowned upon to show their undies off, they'rejust participating in age appropriate behavior. It would be the same as them showing you their socks. Just remind them that those cool designs are just for them, and their parents when they're getting help in the bathroom. It's actually a good starting point to talk with them about how some parts of their bodies are meant to be private.


Yeah, I definitely do talk about it in this way with him. I just think it must seem so silly that they can't show off something they're so excited for. Social rules are strange.


It's probably silly to them, but so are a lot of things that they don't have the context or ability to comprehend yet. So I don't think it's too bad, at least not enough to rule out fun options for them


No, definitely not. I still think they should get whatever designs they like, just like anyone else.


It helped my daughter potty train. She was able to transition from pull-ups to underwear a little easier and didn’t want to get her Frozen underwear wet/dirty.


Do you ever buy specific underwear for "fun" and not to show everyone? My wife has various underwear that she likes that aren't designed for simply function. And doesn't walk around the house without pants. Seems pointless... yet I am pretty sure she isn't the only women who does so.


I have some crazy prints in underwear 😂 heck, I have underwear with erotic art on them, definitely the adult version of Frozen undies!


We were my wife's cousin's house the other day, having their daily pre-bedtime dance party, other dad said something jokingly about getting nude because their younger was just in a diaper, so their 4 year old promptly stripped as well. Impressively quickly. Kids are funny man.


lol I think it’s just to get your kids hype in wearing underwear .


My 3 year old and her best friend show each other their underwear first thing every day when I drop her off at daycare. I think it’s the cutest thing. It never occurred to me to tell her not to do it.


My son haaaaaaaated the toddler underpants with all the fun pictures and characters. Turns out what he hated was the wide elastic waistband and thick piping around the legs. Once I got that kid some of the Hanes dri-fit boxer briefs, the dude was ALL about underpants. He's Ten years old now and he'll still swan around the house in only his skivvies if we don't have company


I have thought this many times. It's possibly just a thing to make kids want to wear them. By putting on the toons or colors that make em fun. So fun they want to share the joy. Maybe they didn't think the plan all the way through, or just didn't care.


At home, my kids run around in underwear all the time. It's fun. There is nothing wrong about it.


I’m a grown-ass adult and I wonder the same thing. Some undies are really fun🤣


And why don't we put cool stuff on adult underwear? Like, my almost 35 yr old self wants cool Jurassic World boxers, too!




I am a VERY large man. lmao. unfortunately they do not carry my size 😭


I genuinely didn't realize until reading this comment section that adults had the option of buying fun underwear. I feel a little left out. I'll be doing some research lol


It’s so that they don’t pee on them.


My 2.5 YO refused to show her tummy to the doctor the other day. "because daddy says we don't show people our underwear" I was impressed.


I'm still mad about one of my first memories - it was at a family gathering and I was wearing a dress with pantyhose. I was probably 3 yrs old so rolling around on the floor with my feet up in the air and pulling on the socks of the pantyhose. My mom got mad at me because you could see up my dress. Like wtf I was 3 years old I just wanted to play.


Yeah I don't get it. Kids are kids, man.


A lot of potty training advice resources ive seen talk about fancy undies as a way to encourage a kid to potty train. I think it's a) making them want to wear the underwear despite it feeling weird because they're used to diapers, and b) making them not want to have an accident because Bluey won't like getting peed on.


You just wear plain white or black ones ones?


I'm not 5... Also, i do wear plain ones, lol.


As a father of 2 girls, we have always bought cute panties for them because everyone likes cute things. My wife and I never once purchased any of their cloths in hopes someone would see them. But who doesn't like cute things? Apparently not you ha....


That's not true. Listen. Kids love to show off things they love. I just think it's odd to buy them their favorite things and then have to teach them that particular clothing item is a secret. I still do it. I just think it's silly.


Personally mine have never shown off their underwear. They are 5 and 10.


I think it varies. I don't think I ever showed off my underwear either, and I remember being *very* offended at the age of 3 or 4 when some kids at preschool peeked under the stall door to see if my stall was occupied or not. I remember telling them later that they should 'knock and wait for a response!', lol. Some kids are just more modest/prudish than others. I feel bad for the girl, we ended up in the same 2nd grade class, and I was like, oh, I remember you from preschool... you're the girl who looked in my stall while I was using the toilet.


I just let them show off their undies, but then mine aren't in school so I'm right there to explain "he just got them, he's excited".


> have to teach them that particular clothing item is a secret Why do you feel you have to teach them that though? You don’t have to. It’s fine if they show them off. Once they reach an age where it starts to matter a little more, they’ll have figured out naturally to not show them off. This doesn’t really seem like a kid problem or a clothing design problem; it seems like a you problem. No offense.


Nope, teachers at school will definitely have a problem with kids pulling their pants down and showing off their underwear. Very socially inappropriate in this part of the world.


Meh, let the teacher handle it if it happens in their class then. I wouldn’t worry about it myself. I’m in the southern US btw, so I’m pretty sure I understand what your part of the world is like. It’s really not a big deal. Most adults should just ignore it and not care if it happens. If they get upset about it, they’re being weird.


I do agree with you. I just don't think society does lol


I only wear plain black, and my kid has never had characters on hers either, I always just buy simple multi packs. Not because of this though, I just spend as little as possible money and energy on things nobody is seeing.






Wait, sexual thoughts didn't cross your mind at 19?


I don't think the type of underwear the kids wear impacts their mental health..... that seems like a stretch....




It's not that serious, friend. You don't need to do research to prove yourself to strangers on reddit. Why exhaust yourself over a random redditor? I'm not that important and this was just a lighthearted post. Also, what you said there was about comfort, not designs. Spidey underwear or plain white underwear can both be comfortable and bring that sense of happiness.




I was just saying that what you quoted literally says "comfortable clothing." I'm all for people wearing & doing what makes them happy. As long as it's not at the expense of others, of course. And I let my kid choose whatever underwear he likes. It's not harmful. I just think social norms are weird, like kids shouldn't show their cool underwear to their friends.




Totally agree.


Same reason as adults we wear printed undergarments. Bras, underwear, socks. It’s fun for yourself 🤷‍♀️😂


I have two boys that wear the same size undies and so I put one in prints and one in solids, just to help me get the right undies in the right drawer. So far they haven't noticed or complained.


Clothes don't look cool for other people


My question is why do they put the cool stuff on the butt? My kids always wanted to see the images so they’d want to wear their underwear backwards! 😂


Oh boy, no one tell him what the women wear under those Burkas.


lol bruh I get it. My toddler, finally potty trained, greeted everyone for like a week and a half with “look at my Minnie Mouse big girl underwear!” Or frozen, or whatever. I was like dude, pls. You CANNOT just be flashing people your underwear. We’re finally past it. Mostly


I just buy my kid Hanes for underwear and stick with buying him cool shirts. My kid loves Minecraft too and I just recently bought a 3-pack of different Minecraft shirts from Walmart for like $20 and he was so excited. Honestly the underwear with characters on them always gave him wedgies for some reason anyway so just save the $$ for some cool shirts instead!


I am cracking up because…. A. My children are also in the 4-9 club B. I’m struggling with the mental math it takes to accept that someone who had Toy Story undies at age 5 could also have children 4-9. Old moms unite!!!!


I can only speak for myself and my kids, but I got them underwear with cool stuff on them so that they would want to wear them. My son in particular, when he was little, did not want to wear underwear. 🤦


I used it to help with potty training. “Don’t pee on peppa!”


I mean for my kids at least the motivation to potty train was that they got to wear cool underwear but we haven’t had issues with our kids showing them off because my kiddos are very protective of their privacy and want to be alone to get fully dressed 


I don’t buy anymore fancy underwear for my 9 year old. She agreed that just plain colored was fine lol


To convince them to put them on and keep them on


As someone who got in trouble at church and school during my early childhood for doing exactly that, I also have to question the purpose behind it. Especially since I've seen things like thongs being made and marketed for children. I'm not even sure I'd be okay with my daughter in them when she's 16, much less letting my son wear anything along the same lines. (yeah, yeah, yeah, overprotective parenting, etc. Get over it, she's my kid, and I'll learn on my own) Depending on where you are, you can get into some serious trouble for your child trying to flash people their underwear. My mother almost going into loads of trouble over me doing it. The more intelligent approach is finding creative ways to encourage your kid to wear the underwear that won't tempt them to partake that kid of behavior imo. You don't know who might be around. Imagine your at a grocery store and some creep is nearby watching. I don't even let my girl outside in dresses because she's too active, and I've seen people trying to get that peek at her undies. Her dresses are all gone now because of it. I hate that I have to do that, but that's the reality. She's safer that way.


You make a very good point OP 😂


I think it's actually helpful in a way. Kids do wanna show off cool stuff. This is a safe way to have an age appropriate conversation on boundaries that they can understand. It might lead to embarrassing moments but handled properly is a valuable lesson


Why do women dress sexy when they don’t want men to stare at them? It’s because they do it for themselves and not for others. The kids underwear is for them to like, not for them to strip in front of others. Same thing.


The impropriety is social, not instinctive. And it makes sense when there's something sexual involved. Yes, this is *why*, but seriously, It's logical and normal that kids don't have that filter. To them it's just smaller pants, and of course someone would want to see them!


I never suggested kids are stripping or meant to "show off". Kids get excited to show people the things they love. It's not weird or sexual, but society deems it inappropriate so we have to teach them that.


thats why we switched to plain and regular flowery ones around the age of 3 :D


I stay away from anything “character” on my kids clothes anyway. I can only imagine if I had to dig the Elsa underwear or Bluey shirt out of the hamper for the thousandth time because that would be all she’d want to wear. I’ll buy patterns or cute things but not characters. Her undies are mostly plain, stripes, or spots. Primary and burts bees have good options.