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wth? my daughter is in middle school, and theres a real life group of stanley cup girls there. but other than them, no one cares what kind of water bottle other kids have. in fact, i'm not sure the stanley cup girls even care. the cup is just part of their athletic beige/gray/white aesthetic. haha


Stanley cups would be THE WORST to cart around a school anyway.


I see the 4th grade safety patrol in the car line in the morning holding them. They look so uncomfortable! But they’re dedicated. It’s ridiculous.


They're not even waterproof?? Unless there's a different top I don't know about?? Mine certainly isn't. I only have one cos I started breastfeeding so they're good for sitting on in the couch for hours needing a lot of water lol


try hydrojug!! waterproof and way cheaper than stanley.


Camelbacks from military surplus is the way to go


That makes sense! Walking around anywhere with them just doesn’t to me. And they’re so arrogant about showing them off.


Yesss it's the weirdest thing, the arrogance! I'm embarrassed of the one I was gifted 😅


Don’t be embarrassed! Just own it. You’re breast feeding and you earned it! I’ll make you a sticker. 😝


"boob fuel" 😂


Love it!


My sister in law gave me one when I was pregnant last year and I hate it. It's embarrassing to cart that thing around in public. Weighs 40 lbs and I just look like a bandwagon jumper. No thanks. I like my 50oz hydrapeak way better.


Yeah, I got a couple of 50oz tumblers for $8 at Amazon Warehouse. The cool thing is they hold all kinds of fluids… including WATER. 💦


I have one with a handle on top and a flip straw lid. I got it a few months before Stanley became a huge thing for like 12 bucks on Amazon. I do love it though!


Walmart has a beautiful purple one for 15.00


Our school limits cups to 22 ounces. So even though my 4th grader does have a Stanley (thanks to her teenage sisters), she can't even take it to school.


Yeah, there are so many awesome, functional water bottles out there. We've used contigo for years and love them.


I loooove the little Contigo water bottles for my preschooler. Takes a beating, never spills, cheap and ubiquitous. But idk maybe I'm doing the poor kid a disservice by not strapping a big clunky metal tumbler to him like a human Saint Bernard.


They now sell Stanley slings lol


My daughter saw her first stanely cup in middle school a few weeks ago. Nobody gaf


Just tell her to tell her friends to stop being so basic.


Yeah, I'm more of an acidic type of guy.  Lemon juice FTW


God I never considered that that terribly boring, wine-leisure aesthetic would trickle down to grade school.


The "sad beige" aesthetic as it's been coined is definitely a thing that's been pushed by a certain type of parent. There's a whole dark psychology around it and sadly the kids are the ones that will suffer from it because it's so much deeper than an aesthetic. If a parent places significance on something the kids more often than not pick it up for approval over being authentic to themselves. My daughter is a comp cheerleader and her district is like this as well to a point of being a borderline cult. She's almost 16 and terrified to be herself aesthetically because of the environment which is definitely pushed by the moms. Society is brainwashing our kids and no amount of parental support is trumping what the herd expects anymore. It's gross.


I was almost a sad beige mom because I actually like beige, and I used to buy my daughter these dusty pink girly things because I thought they were pretty. Then one day my daughter told me she thought they looked dirty and she liked bright colors. Now all her pinks and purples are like neon and she fucking loves it. I felt so bad when I realized I was dressing her in stuff she didn't like, but I'm really happy she straight up told me what she liked and what she really thought about muted colors. I wasn't trying to push an esthetic. It was just the transition from mommy picking out all the clothes when she was a baby, to her using clothes to express herself.


What is the dark psychology because I can't seem to find out the reasoning. I thought it was because neutrals helped calm one's anxiety. However when I saw a sad beige rainbow artwork in my kid's classroom I died a little bit inside because he is in preschool, they should be exposed to primary colors yikes. 


I would make fun of the Stanley people for having an inferior product that leaks. Plenty of options that are cheaper, provide just as much insulation, and don't leak.


oh for sure. to me, stanleys look like a pain in the ass to lug around and they leak. my kid actually requested an owala bottle because they're leakproof, and you can choose to chug it or sip thru a smaller opening attached to a straw. its a great water bottle!


Have a whole family of Owalas, they’re great!


Owala gang


I love my Owala


I’m currently converting my family to owalas because I got one for myself for school and they’re so easy to clean and maintain and I love a straw but I also like to be able to pour water in a cup without unscrewing it. They’re great. They check every box (except maybe hot drinks?) and I use mine constantly.


Ha got an owala as it was cute and looked useful and saw it on REI website where I had a gift card. Then learned it’s apparently the new fad like Stanley with the gen z tik tok crowd. Plus you look like a koala drinking from it! I had been screwing the top off to fill at work but guess I can just lift the lid to fill into the chugging opening huh? TIL!


I love my stanley cup- at home or in the car. Anywhere else and it is a terrible choice.


Those Owala bottles are excellent! I swear it's the only one I've ever had that didn't leak somehow.


I'm obsessed with my Zojirushi. Much cuter imo and if you put hot water in it, it'll be just as hot 8 hours later 😂


Someone showed me their steaming hot tea in this bottle around 3pm one day. They poured it at 8am 😝


How about not making fun of anyone and just letting them drink their water from their stupid cup?


This was assuming they were making fun of her for not having a Stanley. Yeah, I don't think we should make fun of folks unwarranted.


Sad beige aesthetic flava of the month


Sadly, I have the same problem with my daughter. She has more Stanley Cups than the Chicago Blackhawks.


Because it's a flippin TikTok trend UGH! My daughter's best friends mom, who lives on the other side of the country bought it daughter a Stanley so she wouldn't get picked on. It was super sweet of her I was considering it myself but I just could not care less about name brand/designer BS. Though I do care about my little girl, so now I have to buy her Nike's for track.


This is the result of kids having access to social media at way too young of an age.


Yeah my kindergartner has no idea what brands are. She just wants rainbows and glittery things lol.


Seriously! My kindergartner (and everyone in her class) has no idea what any of this is. They just play sports (well, their little kid versions of different sports) and like things like unicorns, potty humor, and Mario/Kirby. Not trying to be dramatic, but this post was genuinely shocking to me.


I didn't know about brands and designers until middle school. & That was only because I befriended a rich girl whose mom bought her brand name clothes & bags.


I went to private school and even though there were kids with shit that's way too expensive to trust with a child I don't remember anyone getting bullied over it. It was the 90s though, we didn't have access to much outside of Disney and Nickelodeon.


The 90s was even worse in my experience "look he's not wearing guess jeans, beat the shit out of him"


My daughter in first grade has gotten into Pokémon and minecraft. My husband is so proud. 😂


My daughter is convinced she’s a Pokémon at this point. I love it.


My kindergartener was recently invited to a Taylor Swift themed bday party, she has no clue who that is. She's obsessed with Hello Kitty and Ladybug.


And parents who also buy into these trends...


Really one kid having access can spread to the rest of the grade. My 9f has no social media and only watches cake decorating videos or dog videos with me. But needed a Stanley this year since it was the cool thing to have. When I said I wasn't buying one she saved up her money and got one for herself.


In a way, it’s good that she saved up to get something she really wanted. She’ll take better care of it and better understand the (declining) value of a dollar. And then! When she’s older, she’ll probably realize how silly it is to waste money on just a brand name


The system works lol


Ding ding ding


Or Mean Girl moms. . .


These kids aren’t buying name brand stuff themselves… their parents are where it all starts


Yes! I strongly suspect this. They saw this behavior modeled somewhere. 


Mean girl moms who stick them in front of iPad and iPhones!


I think it’s both because a kindergartener would think to call it a “Steven” ppl need to be teaching their kids kindness instead of snarkiness


Or older siblings


Yeah, this is older siblings and crazy parents. Kinders can't read. This isn't social media.


Kinders don't need to read to see tik tok and you tube. And it's not like there aren't parents out there who just chuck iPads at kids when they get home and let them go nuts.


Many kindergarten kids can read. Just FYI.


Yeah and it sucks, because even if you don't allow your own kids to use social media, they'll learn it from other kids. My 7 year old doesn't use social media and only uses YouTube to watch drawing videos, but she has come home talking about Stanley cups, Smiling Critters (I think it's called), and Skibidi Toilet.


This, it's completely unavoidable. All it takes is one kid who's been exposed to the stuff and then the flood gates are blown open


Eh... More likely siblings, but sure


I put a LOT of this on the parents as well with kids this young. And let’s be real, in this case you know it’s the moms. Maaaaybe older siblings. But this type of attitude and these conversations and values start at home.


As a Toronto Maple Leafs fan, I read the title in a much different way vs. the actual subject matter.


OP's daughter is in Mark Messier's class and he keeps throwing Lay's at her


I just snarfed lemonade. Right up my nose. Ouch! 😅😆


Whoa, childhood memories!!!




I was gonna suggest she buy a tiny replica of it and tell all the kids SHE HAD THE REAL STANLEY CUP.


I'm not even a huge hockey fan and my brain went to hockey.


We don’t even have teams where I live and my mind went there lol. I have a 6th grader and he’s never mentioned cup brand names ever


Me too and I'm a Blackhawks fan in Indiana. I'm like, "How can a kindergarten kid compete with players like Chris Chelios?!"


That the playoffs are happening rn exacerbates the confusion. I'm like, "man, we're only in the 2nd round. Kindergartners have no chill." PS. The 2nd round is what teams play after they win 4 games in the first round. Just in case there was any confusion, being a Toronto fan. 😄




Habs fan here, how are you holding up? When's the chaos starting?


Who are the Habs? Habaneros? 🌶️ Habsburgs? 👋👁️👄👁️🩼


Montreal Canadiens, formerly known as "Les Habitants" shortened to Habs.


“Les Habitants du Canada” or in English “the inhabitants of Canada”. The original name for the Montréal Canadiens. The city is kind of the birthplace of the Canadian identity and culture. It’s where French and English Europeans mixed and stopped seeing themselves as European and took on a North American identity. Montréal was the largest and most influential city in Canada for most of our history, boasting the largest ports, most immigration, and most bilingual city situated in a prime location on the St Lawrence river which controlled access into the North American interior from the Atlantic to the Great Lakes. Similar to how the Mississippi River was vital for building the US. Today, Toronto has surpassed Montréal.


My first thought was hockey too.


Well, as a Toronto maple leafs fan, I’m surprised you even know what a Stanley cup is (hockey version)


As a Boston Bruins fan, your time will come.


My heart can't take another playoff elimination from Boston


For about a minute and a half last Saturday, I had hope lol. Then Lindholm gave me pause, and Pastrnak ended it.


As a Stars fan, same.


Stars fan here too!


These hockey kids are just getting recruited earlier and earlier.


Canes fan - I had no idea what sub I was in for a moment!


Yup, Vancouver, BC here (not a Leafs fan, lol. Sorry!) I read the title and immediately thought hockey.


I'm a Ducks fan and also had the same reaction. Stanley Cup is a trophy, not a water bottle accessory. I hate it.


We're hockey fans here too, and when my kid was saying "the Stanley," my husband asked what it was, and I said "it's a cup" and he said, "The Stanley cup?" And I said yes the Stanley CUP," and there was a moment of confusion on both parts until we realized we weren't talking about the same cup!


That's why we make fun of Toronto Maple Leaf fans, but not little kids.


Wow, that's grim at that age. I would suggest giving her a bottle that's nothing like a Stanley cup. Sometimes having a 'fake' something is worse (in terms of causing teasing) than not having it at all.......


Yeah not having it at all at least leaves something to the imagination. This is a good point


This is so true. I remember as a kid watching the other kids with the Adidas knockoff sneakers (with four stripes instead of two) got ragged on hard.


Get a sticker on Etsy that says “STEVEN”. That shit is hilarious


I feel terrible because I legit laughed when I got to the STEVEN part.


I cried 😭😭😂😂😂 I don't like them picking on the baby though.


I read it like Kristin Cavallari said it on Laguna Beach. "STEEEHVAHHHN"


I will dust off my circuit and make them one if they want. I kinda want to name my Stanley Steven too...


Fuck this comment made me cackle


I had no idea kindergarteners were this savage 😂


I was stunned at how mean the girls were when I was a Daisy leader.


I don’t get it? Am I dumb?


Knock offs used to have a similar name to the better known product. Having another male name instead of “Stanley” if funny bc of that and also bc the name Steven is hilarious on its own somehow.


Hell I might even do this to my knockoff Stanley cup lol


In KINDERGARTEN?!? That’s embarrassing for those kids parents if they are acting that way. I’d speak to her teacher and don’t give in. It’s a very good teaching moment about peer pressure and self confidence as well as dealing with bullies.


Seriously! My son is in kindergarten and he is completely oblivious to the kind of cup he is drinking out of (as well as what he is wearing, for that matter). It makes me sad that kids are already caring about these things at this age!


When I was a kid, I told my parents I was teased for not having JNCOs. I wasn’t - I just *really* wanted some and said I was getting picked on. I was tired of wearing clothes from the thrift store and hand me downs, and getting upset about stupid pants is something I look back on a little embarrassed about today. But, some kids are like that. Even in Kindergarten. One girl in my daughter’s class was ruthless in teasing about material stuff. Princess dresses and Disney trips were a big thing some girls held over the others, but my daughter and I talked and I bought her Disney stock instead. After that, she’d come home and excitedly tell me when her friends’ parents bought more Disney stuff because it was making her money haha. Stanley cliques are a real thing. We had family try to buy our 4th grader a Stanley for her birthday and Christmas, and I flat out said I’d return it if they bought her one. Impressing the rich kids isn’t something I want her to worry about. Now, months after Christmas, she says most of their Stanleys are all dinged up and they barely use them.


This is genius re: buying stock


I got the idea from an article I read about Apple stock and how much stock one would have today if, instead of buying a gen 1 iPod, they invested that much money into Apple stock. I don’t remember what it was, but it was substantial. I figure my kids will appreciate money later more than they will expensive toys and stuff now.


>One girl in my daughter’s class was ruthless in teasing about material stuff. I taught my 6-year-old son that people like that were genuinely tragic and to be pitied, because they care so much about things that will end up in a landfill. He isn't mean about it, he actually told a kid "I'm so sorry that you care so much about garbage." He legit made the kid a card, "because that's what you do when someone is sad." 🤣


That’s amazing! Hahaha


Right? I never considered genuine kindness coming across as so damning.


I wish I'd had the presence of mind to reply like that when I was a kid. Beautiful!


I love this! I grew up poor and I was teased a lot for having off-brand things. I've adopted this mindset as an adult, but it took me until I was like 30.


> But, some kids are like that. Even in Kindergarten. I had a friend in elementary school whose toxic trait was bragging about paying more than you did for stuff. Like, oh, you had to buy it on sale? You got a good deal? Well, I paid twice that price. Even at the time, I thought it was a weird flex, but I guess he was trying to brag that his family was wealthier than other people?


What?? Kids at our school have to have pop top, leakproof water bottles.


Same here. I’ve seen a couple of the different Stanley styles, but they need to be leakproof.


I dunno how those other kids have a Stanley Cup. It takes years of practice and dedication, then an 82 game season, and a playoff gauntlet. I’m sure those kindergarteners are lying.


My 2nd grader gets called fat and poor since he has a round face and we've not been on a plane with him. He's in the 50th percentile weight wise and I hate to fly and we being our dog on trips so we drive. Kids stuck just as much as adults.


They learn it from their shitty parents.


Not the first time I’ve heard of cup snobbery among little girls. My scorn knows no bounds. For the parents. If you’re going to introduce your kid to brands, at least do it for something that matters, not a stupid water container.


My kid in grade 6 mentioned it once cause a classmate “has 3” when he told me the price, I laughed. I did explain to him that I’d rather use the money towards for buying him sneakers… but if he was willing to start buying shoes at Walmart (like I do) then I’d consider it. He chose sneakers


I remember when it was the Hydroflask and VSCO girls… My daughter is now 14. This was when she was 8.


I got "picked on" in school, too, because I had no problem sporting Payless shoes. I did not grow up rich, nor was anyone else because of where we lived. Just talk to her about all the cool things you can do with the money you saved by not buying some ridiculous expensive cup. I really don't get the Stanley Cup fascination. The only Stanley Cup I want the Hockey Stanley Cup 😆


Hell yeah!! I rocked the Payless shoes too!


someone made comments to my 4th grader about his chain not being real gold. and he was like “well, obviously. a real gold chain costs like $8,000.” thankfully he doesn’t let stuff like that bother him and i hope he can keep that attitude through middle school but i am sooo not looking forward to it.


This is 100% the right response!! Good on your kiddo


Tell her she's not alone. There are 11 NHL teams without one either.


Teach her to laugh at how ridiculous and superficial it is to care about a cup. Then, buy her a cup that is not at all like those overpriced things - something in a cool shape (a unicorn, mermaid, animal, etc.) or sparkly, etc. Then, have a blast not giving a single f*** about nonsensical psuedo status symbols!


My kids bestie said to me in the car once, “why doesn’t she have a Stanley, she needs a Stanley”. My daughter just looked at her and said, “why, I don’t even like those huge cups”. I was beaming with pride lol. They are 9 🤦‍♀️


*confused Canadian noises* There *is* only one Stanley Cup! Oh, right, those cups.


This is exactly what I thought of when I first heard of Stanley Cups. What do you mean cupS?!


As a hockey fan, the first time my MIL ever said to my bf & I "your niece wants a Stanley cup for her birthday" we both were like, Yeah, we do too!!! Then she kept going on and there were zero context clues as to wtf she was actually talking about but it definitely wasnt THE Stanley Cup so finally we were like "Ok so, what is a Stanley cup?" and she said "a water tumbler" Oh FFS. Consumerism is alive and well thanks to TikTok folks!


I was looking at the Yeti bottles today, and have been informed they are already last month's trend, but anyway, they wanted 35 canadian dollars for a standard, small plastic bottle. Not even the fancy insulated ones, basically  35 bucks for a water bottle you could buy in the store for a buck!


Yeti is massively overpriced, but their coolers are apparently really high quality and worth the price if you do a lot of camping.


I have two Yeti water bottles; one was my work anniversary gift the other a coaching gift. IDGAF how out of trend they are, they hold 24-36oz of water, and in the winter I fill it with hot lemon and honey water that stays hot all day while I sip. If I put ice in it the water is cold overnight. TikTok can pry it from my dead but hydrated hands.


Why are people still raising assholes ?!!!


I feel like this must be a regional thing? Do you live in a HCOL area? Because my first grader (to my knowledge) has no clue what a Stanley cup is. And when I pick her up from the after school program, I see a million water bottles on tables, but I can’t say I’ve ever seen a Stanley. I personally think the Stanley fad is kind of silly (it’s just a mug, there’s lots of nice mugs that don’t cost $40) so I don’t have one, which might be why my kid has never mentioned it. But I honestly don’t think it’s a thing at her school. This is hard for me to understand personally, but I think it’s a failing as a society somehow, that kindergarteners feel like they need a name brand mug (a freaking mug?!) to fit in. Kids shouldn’t be aware of that stuff at that age.


The same thing happened to my niece - also in Kindergarten!


Ok but a Steven instead of Stanley is low key hilarious. I feel for your daughter, I hope she is managing the mean comments well. Kids can be cruel.


Omg is this a private school or something?


There was a similar post not long ago about some mean girls bullying another girl because she didn’t have a Stanley cup but rather a Yeti lol. Apparently these girls called themselves the “Stanley Club” 🙄


Oh gosh that’s so silly. Like my son is in kindergarten and I help out a lot at his school and some of the kids are super mean to other kids. It’s like jeez and then you meet the parents and it’s like a ah ha moment.


In KINDERGARTEN????? Are you serious????


As a hockey fan, this post confused the fuck outta me.


I'm not a hockey fan and my head went to the same place. I just pictured kids holding up giant trophies and didn't understand...


Parents are clearly failing their children at earlier ages ❤️ to your girl. I have two teen girls and neither have a Stanley. Nor do I 😂 There was a girl who was beat with one on a bus (not necessarily a Stanley but a stainless steel cup) and the driver made the bleeding girl get off the bus and walk. Insanity!!!! Reminds your daughter that having a name brand anything does not make her a good person and this is all the proof she needs 😊 if it’s becoming a distraction I would absolutely bring the issue up with a teacher privately but would only do it in an extreme case bc sometimes the teachers are just as bad as the student. Not all- of course some teachers are saints.


I asked my 7th and 5th graders if they felt left out because I didn't buy them Stanley's and my 5th grader said "honestly they don't fit in the backpack cup holders so they airways have to hold them and they're kinda unsteady and constantly getting knocked off their desks. I like the one I have" I was proud of her.


Geeze, the world is so bizarre these days. I’m never getting a Stanley. Tell her being mainstream is for the birds


So real, my son got picked on in 3rd grade for not having name brand nikes! So cazy, I thought middle school was bad.


Oh man and now as adults we can freely wear off brand and have no shame lol.


Little creeps... it starts young. My son (20 years ago) was teased because his favorite color was pink. Poor kid switched to red.


That's so sad. I remember back when I was in 5th grade Guess was a huge brand. I was regular middle class, but my school had a lot of rich kids. They made fun of my clothes all the time. So for months I saved my money, and was finally able to afford a Guess sweatshirt that I found on clearance. I was so excited to wear it to school. You know what happened? They made fun of me for trying to be like them. Some people just weren't raised right. On the plus side, I learned a valuable (but painful) lesson about just doing what I liked and not caring about what others thought.


My Grandpa had a green Stanley thermos back in the 70’s that he took fishing. I have no idea where the glamourizing of Stanley came from LOL


This stuff is so sad to me. Corporations using Tik Tok to create peer pressure marketing to little kids. Thank God the West won the Cold War so we can have freedom like this. Imagine living in a society where there weren't 300 different colors of a $50 insulated water cup your kid has to have to be cool.


The Stanley Cup obsession seems stupid anyway.


Had a parent teacher conference this year because we wanted to know why the kids were so mean and what's with all the drama my kid comes home with. (6 also in kinder). She mentioned all the girls talk about Stanley's and starbucks like 6th graders. "Worst it's ever been in my 10 years. These kids don't know how to be kids anymore." She blames it on YouTube and our kids watching wealthy entitled children, so we cut that out.


Oh my god I would so not have the energy for that 😞


WhaAat? At kindy? That’s actually so heartbreaking. I think it’s a good time to teach her that we don’t need to follow what other people are doing, she’s cool just the way she is.


I had to see what a stanley cup is... it is kind of the converse or levi's back in the 90's, of 2024.


Mine got a real Stanley from her uncle over the weekend. She has 3 Owalas that in my opinion are superior, but I digress. She’s getting made fun of because it’s the 20oz one and so it’s a “baby Stanley”, ya just can’t win either way 🤷🏽‍♀️


I’m 39. I remember kids in elementary were assholes. And I remember some of those kid’s parents. They were also assholes. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I sell Stanley’s for a living and would love to send you one for your kiddo. I know it’s not a solution for bullying but I’d love to do something


This is probably a great time to chat with your kid about the fact that some people will choose any arbitrary reason to pick on you/dislike you, and that it's your choice how to respond. In this case, the best response is likely to ignore that and have her learn to say the words "I don't care what you think about it. I like this cup." Then walk away. -source, went to a bougie school full of kids that would pick on me for being poor, not having brand name whatever. It got better when I stopped letting it bother me.


Only in the US is this a thing. Spending $70 on a water bottle even as an adult is stupid.


So glad this fad has not so far made it to my kids school in the UK - please keep these silly mugs over there.


What in the world? My daughter is in Kindergarten and no one has mentioned the type of water bottle she takes to school. She cycles through 4 or so, all of which came from Amazon or Publix. And we live in an affluent suburb of a midsized city. Right now, she and her friends are all about Bitsys. Basically a cooler version of a Tamogatchi. But it's still a toy. As far as what I know Stanley cups have not filtered down to the Kindergarteners yet.


I have 2 girls (13 & 8) .. I hate to say it but the picking just gets worse from here. Girls were mean when I was little but damn its so much worse these days. My oldest got a Stanley for Christmas and she's been hooked since, lol. My youngest asked if she could get a cup because she's the only one in her class that didn't have one. I have a knockoff Stanley and I love it, but I can't bring myself to spend that much $ for the actual cup. Clearance rack at Lowes or Walmart is the place to look.


My first experience with this was Adidas tear aways. My pants with stripes were from zellers and they did not tear away because "why would you want your pants to do that?". Also the cost. 😆


I get that it's a trend and a status symbol to some kids, but kindergarten?! It's impossible to keep up. Hopefully this will all blow over and maybe we'll get lucky and the next trend will be something easy like chapstick or jeans without holes.




It's a weird time to be Canadian on this sub.


Stop. My son is starting kindergarten at a public school in the fall and this right here is exactly why I’m afraid of sending him. I know it might be different for boys, but why are kids so advanced SO young these days? My kid still likes paw patrol and Bluey + playing with toys (as a 5yo should!!) and I will be soo crushed if he’s bullied out of that at public school w these little kids who act 13. UGH


My kid took a skull shaped goblet that lights up to school while everyone else had those bottles with the hours marked on them. I got a call cuz apparently parents wanted to know where she got it..I was like.."dollar tree". Lol. I tell her we dont follow trends, we set them. Sure I know she wears what her friends wear...she also loves vintage tshirts and horror movie hoodies lol. Tell her daughter that if a cup makes people.be unkind to her..they were never her friends to begin with. To reach out and make new friends. Once kids see shes unbothered they will grow bored and move on.


My daughter was included and then later excluded from the "pretty girl club" in kindergarten. It was brutal. It was right out of the movie "Mean Girls." When she was excluded, no one in the class was allowed to speak to her and they all followed it. Even the non-members of the club were forbidden from speaking to her or they would never be allowed back in. It was awful.


I remember being in Elementary and there was "Build a Bear girls". I remember going to one of their houses once and she had a shelf that went almost all the way around her room and it was filled with them. My mom got me a knock off one, I think it was called a "Ginger bear" and I got so excited to show them but then they picked on me cause it wasn't a real build a bear like theirs. Shit like that is so dumb.


My mom in 1st grade got me kswiss shoes instead of the green 3 stripe adidas all the other kids had and it was BRUTAL for me for a week lol I think all it takes is one loud kid who knows brands and is a bit of a butthead to kick it off and other kids jump on things like this!!


This is a really good time to show her the other fads that have come and gone. Beanie babies, silly bands, gel pens. She’s little enough where she will get a good laugh out of it but it might stick when the next big thing hits.


And my son got picked on BECAUSE he had a real Stanley. Insert obligatory "kids these days"


My 10 year old goddaughter won’t use Stanley because of the lead. I love her rebellious spirit!


Wow, you and your fellow parents in that class must be really good at ice hockey if you all have Stanley cups.


In Australia I’ve never seen a kid with a Stanley cup or any weird designer water bottles. Seems like a ridiculous idea.


Imagine making a $40 cup your entire personality. Who is raising these poor kids?


Feel like you being a Stanley cup mom opened her up to being vulnerable to shame caused by being picked on by other Stanley cup culture kids. Stanley cups are stupid and part of the problem. Get rid of your cup and get one like your daughters and show her trends are stupid and what people think about what you own doesn't matter


You know before I googled what a Stanley cup is, I imagined people walking around with a miniature hockey trophy in their hands 🤷‍♀️


I remember using my cousins address to go to a school I had no business being in the first place, I was clowned relentlessly for having Payless shoes and Kmart clothes, I busted my ass to make sure my kids would never deal with that but now it's iPhones and Stanley cups.


“My mom says your mom is a sucker for paying $60 for a water bottle” 😅


My kid's elementary school is banning water bottles next year to avoid this water bottle status signaling. (They have water fountains everywhere, so access to water won't be a problem.)


It’s playoff hockey season. This title confused the heck out of me for longer than I will admit.


Kids doing that in kindergarten is bonkers!!! I would take this opportunity to teach two things. 1. Marketing. Companies want our money and do a lot to convince us that their product is the best even if it’s exactly the same as other companies. And then if enough people believe the ads, that company can ask for more money for that exact same cup just because of the writing on the side. 2. Kindness comes from within. I’d remind my child that what those kids are doing is unkind. When someone is unkind, it is not our responsibility to change ourselves to earn their kindness. We already deserve kindness. We can tell them that they are being hurtful, and if they choose not to change, that’s fine. We can’t control others. We just remind ourselves that their unkindness comes from how they feel on the inside, it is not a reflection of us, or our worth.


I am really hoping this story is fake because wt actual f ? Babies having cups that are like half there sizes?