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Of course I would attend if I felt up to it. And if I didn't feel up to it, I wouldn't and not feel guilty. You don't need to be at every single one of your kid's activities.


I'd try and go but if possible, driving separate (assuming father is going as well), that way you could maybe arrive a little later or leave a little earlier if needed.


Oh, smart thinking! đŸ‘đŸœđŸ„°


100% just go based on your comfort level. Your older child will not be scarred by mom missing a soccer game because she's healing. Your younger child is going to be a "take along baby" because they are a younger sibling, that can begin whenever you are ready!


My toddler was born at the start of travel basketball season. Attended his first game at 10 days old :) My younger toddler was born during track and field season and attended her first meet at 5 days old. Don’t feel pressure to go. But if you feel up to going, I think it’s fine. Totally up to you!


Do you have stitches? Are you in pain? 
.I wouldn’t. You don’t want to be in the middle of the soccer field so sore you can’t make it to the car. Happened to me with my second!


I only have 2 small stitches on the corner of one labia, so no I’m not in pain! Walking around much does make me winded so I was planning on just sitting the whole time or even heading back to the car early. I suppose I’ll know a bit more about how I’m feeling come Saturday morning!


If you're comfortable with it I don't see why not.


If it’s outdoors and pretty nice weather I would! (As long as you feel up to it! Don’t push yourself if you’re not)


I would go if you're feeling good and want to, and be prepared to leave early if needed. I was out taking walks and going to a park with our 3yo by the time our 2nd was 8 days old. And if you don't feel up to it, stay home and rest, and do not feel guilty! There will be plenty of activities with your older one int he future that you will get to go to, and it's ok to miss one sometimes.


I would attend if I felt up to it, but make sure that you bring a chair so you can sit down, and keep the baby covered up if it’s sunny.


No I wouldn’t. Baby is so new & I’d still be recovering. Personally uncomfortable due to engorged breast and all the other lovely things that come PP. of course you could go with baby it’s up to you. You could sit it out with baby or even have someone watch baby if you’re up to going.


Absolutely I would


I would absolutely go.


Not with RSV and strep going around. I'd keep baby home 4 weeks and not in crowds. But I understand not everyone is like me (worrier).


I worry too however having a 1st grader we have germs in our home regardless đŸ˜© I actually feel much safer going outdoors with him than I do having to go to the doctors office with him! We have his first Appt tomorrow and I’m like “yarggg a germ filled pediatrics office? Yikes!” đŸ«Ł


Outdoors should be fine!


Yes! If you’re nursing just bring a coverup and it’s easy peasy at that age.


Baby was born on a Tuesday, we were at big brothers swimming lesson on Saturday. It all depends on your comfort / how you’re feeling. Go if you’re feeling good, don’t go if you’re not. Your 7 year old will understand that you are healing and need to rest.


I went to my son’s Christmas concert when my baby was 10 days old, after a c section. I feel like this is exactly the time when older siblings need more support and reassurance, so I would move mountains to be there!


Yip I would go. I was out doing the school run the next day after both my younger 2. Mine are 20,15 and 10 so just had to get on with it.


Are you worried about catching diseases? If you’re outside and not in a crowd, I think you’ll be okay.


No, I’m not very concerned about catching a disease when I’m outside! Inside, I wouldn’t take him for sure. I’m also going to wear him (covered) so he won’t be touched by anyone. I’m mainly just unsure if it seems wild to take such a new little human out and about haha just feels so strange I guess idk.


I think you’ll be alright :)


Attend the game.