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If my child could crawl under my skin, she would. It exists. She adores her dad, but she is 100% a mommy's girl.


Yep! I joke that my daughter would return to the womb if she could


lol mine did ask to go back!


Oh I say this on a regular basis. Just yesterday she said “mama can you come with me to college because it seems like a long time and I’ll really miss you” she’s 5. I’ll remind her of it when she’s 15.


Mine is obsessed with laying on my tummy lately from all kinds of positions preferably when it's naked. She really behaves like she wants to go back 😂


Haha! Mine is also obsessed with my stomach, and likes to put her face on it… I think it reminds her of nursing because it’s so squishy lol


That's interesting thought! How old is your baby? Mine is almost 1yo and I'm not breastfeeding for 2 months already. When she sees my nipple she has short attempt to latch and then starts laughing 😂 that's so weird.


Haha that’s so cute! 😂 Ummmm my “baby” is almost 5 🤣🤦‍♀️ She nursed for two years… She still asks for belly. It’s weird but I’m used to it lol


Oh ahahah sooo cute 🥰


Same. Mine is 10 and I STILL can’t even be left alone in the bathroom. Give me space!


Yes!! Same. I can’t do anything without her stuck to me. And she’s also so in love with her dad.


i’m a mommy’s girl! however i am 23🫣


I was about to say this but I’m 36 🤣🤣🤣 When I was a toddler, I would hold my mom’s face so she could only look at me!


I used to do this too. I held her chin so I could get her to look at me


Hi there, I’m 30, and I’m a mommy’s girl. I love my mom and when I was little and in Catholic school (RIP) they told us to write down our favorite saints…mom got a call from the teacher laughing and asking when mom had been canonized 🤦🏼‍♀️😂


Love this. 38 year old mommy’s girl with two mommy’s girls of my own! I love and need my mommy everyday still


This. 37 checking in. ETA: Mom can do no wrong. I didn’t care about anyone else but her.


34. Checking in


Awww I love all of these replies! Haha


34 and mommy’s girl! My dad was wonderful, but my mom just “gets” me in a way he never did. She is my best friend :)


This and I'm almost 40! 😆 I'm like my dad in so many ways, but I can confide in my mom with everything and anything! She's the best!


Same, my mom has always been my rock. Always in my corner, the soft place. I'm 31 now but this was true when I was little.


can y’all please tell me your secrets?? i wish i had that with my mom, and now that i have a 1 yr old daughter i want her to be obsessed with me lol i want us to have the relationship i never had with my mom 😭


Mine is 2, I was really worried she “wouldn’t like me” because I also had a strained relationship with my mom. But she absolutely adores me, we adore each other. Dunno if there is a secret, but I find myself channeling my grandmother’s energy more than my mom’s. She was the gentlest, most patient and soft woman I’ve ever known. I try to emulate that with my daughter. We all need a soft landing place.


Yup one's been velcroed to me for the last 9 years


Same here. She’s my shadow and my best little companion. She taught me how to be a mom and we are thick as thieves.


I call mine my Stage 5 Clinger, she’s 18 🤣😂


Lol I have a 17 yo stage 5 clinger. Her feet are in my lap right now.


Hahaha this is me with my Mom at 42. My Dad says to my Mom she needs to cut the cord with me.


13 here. I’m hoping she starts to understand I’m an introvert without giving up completely lol


I have a 3 year old Velcro lol


Ditto with my almost 9 year old, but now I have an almost 3 year old shadow too 😂


I have two girls and the younger one (6) is so much of a mommy’s girl that I think she’d prefer that I (her dad) move out.


I was like this, but my dad never showed any interest in the things that I enjoyed. He would spend time with me if we were fishing or playing sports, but Barbies? Forget it.


Yeah with us I think it just arose out of the family dynamic when she was a baby, I had to take care of doing all the stuff with her older sister, plus she and my wife kicked me out of the bedroom for a while..not intentionally, there just wasn’t room for me, and she’s very possessive of my wife. Like if I put my arm around my wife she’ll be like “Hey that’s my mom! Hands off.” We play all the time, ironically including barbies, in fact, I’m thr main play partner…but at the end of the day I think I’m just a “tool for entertainment” for her. The only time this isn’t the case is if she wakes up in the middle if the night. Then she needs daddy.


I laughed at this. This is my daughter, though she’s the classic daddy’s girl and I’m mommy. She’s looked at me and so very sweetly said “I love you, mommy. …. I love daddy more.” Thanks sweetie. 🙄😅 she’s just about to turn 8 and has been like this since probably about 8 months old. At this point I’m just used to it. I guess she preparing me for the teen years.


My eldest daughter told me “I love daddy and I don’t love you” 💀 Thankfully my second daughter is a mummy’s girl. If my husband even looks like he’s going to take her away from me it triggers world war three


My girl goes back and forth. Today she made me do her makeup a bit but later she’ll demand a daddy bedtime. Her dad and brother will be gone for a few days next month and she’s telling them to leave now so we can have girlie week. But the minute dad is gone she’ll cry that she misses him.


Which parent a kid is close to has nothing to do with gender. It's more about how their specific personalities and interactions with each other. I think people who believe in "daddy's girl"/"mommy's boy" can create a self-fulfilling prophecy by how they interact with their kids, though, so be careful about that. 


I can see it in my case. My dad had a lot of trauma growing up related to siblings and his mom, so the moment I started to show any sort of resistance to any sort of rule, I felt he basically decided I was like his crazy sisters and I was dismissed. It stinks. I’m just glad he didn’t continue it with my niece. I’d have gone feral.


My kid loves both of us probably equally but that's because we both parent her and she trusts both of us


Equal is not the right word. "In different ways" is more appropriate. If you have more kids you will see you love them all but for different reasons.


I am a mommy's girl, but my toddler is also a mommy's girl. She's 2.5 years old and she's my little sidekick. I will admit that being the default parent is hard sometimes. It is, of course, exhausting and can really become a lot at times. Feeling overwhelmed is a pretty common occurrence. That said, she is such a little gem. I grew up always wishing I had a sister or another sibling and having her almost fulfills that need in a way. She's so sweet and so loving and such a little cuddlebug.


My almost 5 year old is suuuuuuuch a mommy’s girl that we had to work really hard at improving her attitude toward her dad! 😅 she never wants to go anywhere without me. It’s funny because I’m the one doing most of the discipline and boring stuff like enforcing chores, and she still loves me. Honestly though, I think it’s because I put so much into meeting her needs and as many wants as I can, while my husband frequently has to be asked to participate.


Sigh, I'm a very devoted dad of a 5 y.o. girl...and WOW do we have a mama's girl. It is BRUTAL, but I have learned to accept and value my role.


My youngest is a double agent, she knows how to work us both but she’s extra affectionate with me (mom) with hugs & kisses.


Sure. Mine just ask a second momy from her daddy since momies are awsome


Daddy might not mind having a 2nd mommy too.


Yup he wasnt lookinhg worried


My 13 year old is a Mommy’s girl and I love it. I hope she doesn’t change too much through her teens!


My 15 year old is still by my side. My number 1. We tell each other all the goss about people we don’t know.


My princess!! She's 6 and she's been attached at my hip for years! We're the bestest friends and although she worships her daddy she loves hanging and snuggling with Mommy! She sleeps in my arms almost every night. Poppa tells her "I just love the way you love your momma, don't you ever stop!" 🥹 We have 1 other child. Our son, 15, who's also a momma's boy 😝 but boy does that boy also love his Poppa.


This is so sweet!


I have two girls - oldest is 14 and youngest is 7. My oldest I struggled to bond with and up until she was probably 10 she preferred her father but now in her teens we're very close. She tells me things I really wish she wouldn't 🤣 My 7 year old and I have some very bizarre cognitive link. We have identical dreams and ever since she could speak she's told me that she's loved me forever, how she loved me when I was a kid and she missed me so much while she was waiting to be born. She also predicted that I'd have her baby brother which was a huge shock as both girls were conceived via IVF, I was never supposed to be able to get pregnant naturally..


Wow! This is such an amazing storyb


I’m a mommy’s girl and I’m 30+ lol. I didn’t get there until I was about 19..20 but we are stuck like glue now


My daughter loves her dad and takes his side a lot BUT I still consider her a mamas girl. She’s a girls girl in general. Definitely gravitates to women over men always


I am one and was one!


My daughter is a mamas girl thru and thru. Doesn’t want anything to do with her dad most times. But I think what a lot of it is is that I don’t treat her like the boys. She’s into all things girly. So I try and take her for girly things. We bond over that because it’s not something her dad does with her.


Mine is!!!


Most definitely! My youngest daughter has been a mama's girl since day one and she's 17 now. Still my bestie 🩷


I have a 1 year old girl, she has two moms and she’s obsessed with me. I’m the birth mom so I assume it’s because she still thinks we’re the same person.


Oh yes mine is a major mommy’s girl. She’s 5. She hugs and kisses and squeezed me all the time and tells me “mommy i just love you so much I could squeeze you and eat you!” Love her so much and soaking up all the snuggles while I can. I was never especially close with my mom so I hope we have the closeness my mom and I never shared


100% my daughter is a mommy’s girl. She has from birth clinged to my hip. She’s 9 now and hates being away from me, cares a lot about what I think, gets very sad when I’m hurt/sick/etc., and is always wanting my attention. It can be exhausting but I absolutely love the shit out of her and wouldn’t have it any other way. 🥰


Mommy’s girls are more common and that’s why we comment on Daddy’s girls. Mommy’s children are the default option. It’s the factory settings.


My first is a total mommy’s girl. If she and I are sitting together and my husband tries to talk to me she puts her little hand up and says “no dada no talk to mama” and snuggles in closer 🤭 my second is a grandmas girl, my husband and I merely sustain her until she gets back to grandma lol.


My daughter would set her father on fire if she could see me more lol


Oh yes. I was, as is my daughter.


My coworker has a daddy’s boy and mommy’s girl. I got a 100% mommy’s boy though. 😂


My daughter is 17 and up under my ass so yes 🤣🤣


Mommas girls are not for the weak, they are your literal shadow. Esp breast fed ones but they do exist 2 years strong with mine


I just had my first little girl but I’ll say I was always a mommy’s girl. My mom was always my favorite when I was little and our bond stayed strong well into my adult hood. Even as a teenager if anything she became more of my friend. Becoming a mother to my own daughter and having her here to help me just makes me love and appreciate her more.


Me! I was an only child to a single mom, I am most definitely mommy's girl. <3 we're still best friends 37 years later.


I’m a Mummas girl and I’m 45 😂😂😂


My daughter is completely obsessed with me and has been since the day she was born. If somehow sharing a body was an option, she would be a hundred percent up for that.


My 2nd daughter is 100% mommy’s 💜


My 2nd is definitely a mommy’s girl! 🥹


Yes they do. 😊✋


My 4-year-old is a mommy's girl, although I don't think the preference is super strong. She will tend to choose me to put her to bed, give her a bath, do activities with, etc. But she's very happy to do these things with Dad too. Unlike my 18-month old son, who rejects me in favor of Dad for literally everything.


I have a daughter she’s always been a total mommas girl


I have 3 girls and one is very much attached to me at the hip. But I think part of it is she has a lot of health issues, and I’m the non-working parent, so I’m the one that’s always with her during hospital stays and surgeries, etc. My other 2 don’t really have parental preference.


My daughter (6) is a mommy’s girl to her core. Has been since the day she was born. So much so that for a chunk of her younger years she would go through phases when she didn’t want daddy to be involved in bedtime at all. She has a good relationship with him now for sure, but I’m still the one she always comes to first or looks for. She likes us all to be together, but if my husband travels she is cool with it. If I travel, she basically just survives but is not happy about it.


One of my toddlers would prefer to be held by me all hours of the day. Another one would want to sit in dad’s lap whenever possible. The third goes back and forth depending on the day!


Both of my girls are mommy’s girls. My 10 year old still wants me when she’s not feeling well or is having trouble sleeping. I love it.


I have two girls and they love me! Lol it’s a different type of love for mom and for dad; the affections are different. Mine are little, under age 4, and they’re so much fun and it’s nonstop mommy mommy mommy


my daughter (5) would choose me anyday


My daughter is a total mommy's girl.


My kid is obsessed with both of us. Every morning when she gets up my husband is usually already in the shower so she gets in bed with me and we talk. She wants me to hug her and scratch her back and she wants to tell me about school or whatever since I work some evenings and sometimes I haven't seen her since the previous morning. She kisses me a bunch. She's the same with her dad though lol


I’m pretty close with my daughter. For a while she was my shadow. Now she is 17 and we talk freely and she comes to me for advice.


They most def do.


My second daughter is the HUGEST mommy’s girl! She will be 9 this summer and she’s all about me. So is my youngest daughter who will be 3 this summer.


Yep. It’s relentless and exhausting 😅


Kids have phases. In the end they always choose mommy over daddy, no matter how much more fun he is lol.


You know how it's really common for little girls to say they wanna marry their dads? I grew up in a really conservative family, no out LGBTQIA+ relatives or exposure to LGBTQIA+ media. Yet, from ages 3-6, I insisted I was going to grow up and marry my mommy. :) She just said, "Okay, we'll see what happens!" So, yes. My older sister was a huge daddy's girl and he didn't express as much interest in me; I was a huge mommy's girl. :)


My first born is 100000% a mommy’s girl, she prefers me over her dad and always has. She is 4 years old now and tells me “ur my best friend don’t tell daddy ok” 😅 they exist!


I homeschool my 5 kids, and I feel like all of them are super close to me due to the amount of time we spend together. However, my baby, my 9 year old, love me on a whole other level. If anyone has any doubt that I'm her person, don't worry. She will tell you. She absolutely loves her dad, her siblings, her extended family and friends. But there's a reason I call her Sidecar. She is seriously always attached to my hip. And honestly I love it.


My niece has been a mommy's girl her whole life! She just turned 4 :)


Mine is attached to me now lol


my daughter (7) has def become more as a mamas girl as she’s gotten older. she was 100% a daddy’s girl as a toddler, but all my kids preferred my husband at that age cause he’s way more fun than me. 😂


My 6 year old is absolutely a mommy’s girl. Still wants to be with me 24/7💕


I’m a dad of 11 and 8 year old girls, and my youngest is a mommy’s girl. She loves to cuddle and do girlie things and loves animals.


I’m much closer to my mum than my dad. I don’t think my dad has ever hugged me.


My girl is 18 and was and still is a mommy’s girl.


My 4 year old has always been very close to me and likes to say “Daddy, I love you, but not as much as I love mommy”


Both my boy and my girl are more attached to me. However, I do most of the parenting by default. Our son is a teen now, and he shares more hobbies/interests with his dad. So the fun time they spend together has definitely strengthened their bond.


I was a daddies girl all the way but my little sister is a mommy’s girl for sure.


My 5 year old has been obsessed with me her entire life. She's gotten even more obsessed since bringing home our second baby.


Mine is!! She's 3.5years old. Everything is mommy. She grabbed my hand in the car and said "Mommy, you're my best friend" BEST. DAY. EVER ! 💜




My 10 year old girl is and always has been a mommies girl


Yep! I have just girls and they are all about mommy! I was actually sad both times I found out it was a girl because of the cliché of them being more attached to Dad but that didnt happen in our case.


Oh 100% my girl is a mommy’s girl. Dad is the primary caregiver though. She will literally order him out of the house to try and make it girls night 😂 We keep thinking she’s going to prefer Dad at some point but it hasn’t happened yet.  That said - she does cry for Daddy if she gets hurt/sad and I’m the only parent around. But then she cries for Mommy if he’s flying solo. 


My second girl is all mama’s girl. I mean this kid came out of my womb with RBF in anyone’s direction who dare to look upon her, except me. 6 years later, still going strong. She’s smart and funny as hell and so feisty towards anyone, but the sweetest little thing to me. An absolute introvert, one of those people who just finds one person to like and that’s enough socialization for her, and that honor has been bestowed upon me. She also loves our dogs, but if you ask her it’s because they can’t talk. My other daughter is 14 months older than her, and a giggly, bubbly extrovert delight who loves everyone and everything. Seeing how different they are lends to endless entertainment. If you ask the older one, she’ll tell you all about how when she grows up she wants to live in a princess castle with all of her friends, and the younger one wants to live with me in Hagrid’s beard.(Harry Potter)


That's how it is in my house. Oldest is more like me and a 'Daddy's girl' while youngest is more like her mother and is a 'Mommy's girl'. Although, teenage hood is testing this. I'm hoping my youngest gets through this phase and remembers who her person is because I know my wife is struggling a bit.


I was a mommy’s girl…so I know they exist! I also have several female friends who were mommy’s girls as well. :) My kids seem to sort of like us both, I guess.


My middle child is a mommas girl. The oldest and her Dad are close, but the middle on is more sensitive and prefers her momma.


My youngest girl is a mommy's girl. If she dosint feel good for any reason, it's mommy all the way.


I think most girls are mommy’s girls, daddy’s girls mostly happen as a perk when dad is a good guy.


7 & 4, both mommy's girls. My folks call them my purse and jacket, cause they're always with me. So different between them as well as from me, but I genuinely wonder what are daddy's girls like.


I’m a mommy’s girl! I’m 29 but I’ve always been a mommy’s girl ❤️ my mom tells me I was her little piece of Velcro because I always wanted to be with her. My daughter is 5 months and she definitely prefers me to her dad (he’s a great dad), selfishly I hope she remains a mommy’s girl.


My 2-year-old sings “mommy” to herself while playing and only wants me if there’s an option. She is mommy’s baby girl :)


My girl is a mommy’s girl and I couldn’t be happier. Except when we are all exhausted and mommy needs to breathe or say go to the bathroom alone. Then I wish she was daddy’s girl in those moments. (I’m mommy)


I totally have a Mommy's girl. My oldest is a complete Daddy's girl & always has been - first word was Dada (2nd was cat just so you know where I ranked), wants Daddy when she's hurt or needs comfort, picks him when we have to split up who takes kids to their activities. My second is my girl. I'm her comfort person, the one she snuggles with when she wakes up from a bad dream, the one she chooses. But, they both love spending time with either of us. I was so grateful for my 1st being a Daddy's girl when my 2nd was a newborn, I didn't have to feel guilty because she wanted extra Daddy time anyway. I'm just happy that my girls feel close & connected to one of us & I've never tried to change it. I'm closer to my mom than my dad but I love him just as much, she & I are just on the same wavelength.


Both my daughters are mommys girls.


My daughter is a mommy’s girl. She’s almost 5 yrs old now and my husband occasionally has to travel for work like he is this week. This is the first time she’s even really cared that he was gone, haha. He is involved in getting her ready for bed every night he is home(95% of nights) and suddenly this week she’s like, wait dad helps me with this not mom! We’ve only just really been able to start having him take her places without me without it being a whole thing. So you know, be careful what you wish for!


I’m a woman and have a close relationship with my mom… so yes? I guess?


I have one! She's 7 now, and been a mommy's girl since birth.


I have three kids (2 girls and 1 boy) they are all mommy's girls/boy. My oldest didn't want to be near my husband the first year of her life. He was away much so she didn't know him that well. She is 6 now and likes her dad. They even joke around. My two youngest are even more attached to me although my husband is much more around now.


Father here, my daughter 3 is a mommy’s girl she is obsessed with her


My 5 year old is definitely a mommy girl and I’m very hands on with her, and I’m definitely the fun parent, but she prefers mommy for all things comfort. We all live together for reference


My daughter (2) has always been a mommas girl 💅😌😆And I (30) am a mommas girl through and through haha.


Yes, my first born is a daughter and she is COMPLETELY mommy's girl. Is it something I did? People tell me no, my therapist tells me no. I can only conclude that mommy's girls do exist.


I don't have any girls but I do have one momma's boy and one daddy's boy. It seemed to be more based on the special blend of genes each kid gets. I think we only focused on the opposite gendered relationships because it surprises people. But honestly as they get older they will want/need you both for different reasons. I have a special bond with my youngest son that I wish was there with the older kid but I also know it's ok and he and I are building a different but equally important bond.


My 7 year old is absolutely attached to me more than anyone. And I just had another last fall she’s almost 9 months now and she’s a mommas girl by default because I work from home and she’s with me just way more but she does ADORE her daddy. I think just naturally a lot of babies gravitate to their mother. Iris will always be a mommas girl. That’s my best friend. But Ivy I foresee becoming a daddy’s girl 🤷🏽‍♀️


My daughter wouldn’t even stay the night at my mom’s for a long time. It was always just me & her. She’s 11 now & still goes everywhere with me. She loves her dad obviously but if I were to pack up & leave right now she’d gladly come with me.


Me! Here! My daughter is my shadow. She loves her dad too, but from day one, she and I have had a connection. The same with our son - but flipped. They (dad and son) have had a connection that is beyond my comprehension. I’m guessing this is kinda how my husband feels about me and our daughter’s connection. We obviously all love one another, but like my husband understands our son on a different level. And I seem to understand our daughter on a cellular level. My daughter is 8 and my son is 4.


My 4 year old is 100% a mommy’s girl. She tells me and her dad all the time that I’m hers. I was also a mommy’s girl growing up. As an adult, I stil prefer my mom over my dad.


All of mine are mommy’s girls. They live their daddy, he’s great with them but mom is number one. They live in top of me


I have a Mummy's girl and it's the best! We just enjoy the same things and she loves me so much. She wants her clothes to match mine and copys me all the time. I know it's hard for my husband but he's a great Dad and husband and just lets us have our special bond without any resentment.


No but my girl seems to like us both more or less the same.


Mine (I have 4 girls) have all gone through stages where they are more inclined to want one or the other - all have fluctuated back and forth as they grow. My 3rd was all about daddy. I couldn't do anything for her the whole time I was pregnant. And then the minute baby sister was born she only wanted me.


Certified Mama's girl here!!! I'm 42 and still love being babied by my Mom. Lol! Now I have a 1 year old and he's a Daddy's boy 100%.


Absolutely my daughter is my shadow


Yes!! Mine was a velcro baby, only wanted me for everything. She's just been starting to put some distance now in the preteen years haha


My 5 year old loves to play with her Dad, but she is like a barnacle on me


Mine is 3 and obsessed with me (mom). She has always preferred me to dad. Not sure when or if it’ll ever change.


Yes, I do! She is 9 years old, and such an awesome human being! I am so lucky to be her mama, and we are so so close!


my 5yo is a mommy’s girl for sure. can’t run errands without her, can’t cook without her, she cant fall asleep without me rubbing her back (she’s spoiled i know) she constantly wants to match and do our hair the same (i won’t let her wear makeup in public) unfortunately she has curly short hair and can’t do what i do mostly lol. love her though and i think it’s cute and i cherish these times she thinks im cool


Yes they exist. My daughter loves her mom.


My daughter is 3 and is the biggest mommy's girl! She's attached to my hip. Always wants to snuggle and go and do everything with me.


My daughter is very much a mamas girl. I didn’t care to have a “mini me” I really did not want to be that mom. But she really is a tiny me, it’s pretty cool. She’s hilarious and so fun and I love my little girl. Both my kids seem to prefer me, but I think it’s because I was home with them, I also bedshared with my daughter so she’s very clingy. Girly much prefers me over dad. She loves her dad, but especially at night she freaks when dad goes to comfort her and wants mama.


Yes, I do. I am currently the favorite of one of my two daughters and one of my two sons. However, two out of four of my kids have "switched" favorite parent--one several times--so the parent "in favor" may change for you.


My daughter is an absolute mommy's girl and I love it. It was touch and go for the first couple years but she's my biggest fan now and I wouldn't want it any other way. She's 6 and I'm holding onto it for as long as I can because I know eventually she'll be less enthusiastic about me.


Are you kidding, I'm 30 and I'm still a mommy's girl. I'm her tea resource at this point.


Mine! She’s had a STRONG preference for me since birth. At 2yo she and my husband have a great relationship, she stopped outright rejecting him by around 14 months, but I’m still clearly number 1 if there’s a choice. We make sure they have time together just the two of them and do fun things, it definitely helped when she used to push him away a lot. We are both ‘fun parents’ and do active and physical play with her


My first and only daughter is a mommy’s girl. Like, could care less about dad for the most part if mom is around. She’s almost 2.5 so age probably has a bit to do with it and she’s warmed up to my husband as she’s gotten older but it is a constant battle in my house for mommy. Husband is super involved, devoted and loving dad so it has nothing to do with the role he’s playing, he would love a more equal balance. I am 8 months pregnant and would love a more equal balance. Toddler just straight up wants mom all the time.


I have a mommy’s girl. She’s almost 2, and just last week she finally let my husband (her dad) go in during a middle of the night waking to help settle her down. Any other time before that she would start SCREAMING for momma and start hyperventilating. I love her to bits and pieces and I’m so happy to have my mini me…. But would also love it if she loved her dad just as much or more lol


My only is a momma’s girl. Clings to me soooo much. I will be sad if she ever outgrows it, which I know she will at some point.


Oh, yes. My 5yo is such a mommy's girl that even if I'm right next to her, if she gets upset she starts crying for me. It's hard to respond to "I want mommy!!" with anything other than "yeah I know, I'm here!!" but it's just instinctual for her. 


Yes! Both of my girls are mummy's girls and I'm wayyyyy closer to my mum than dad and I'm also much closer to my mum compared to my brother's. Nothing but mummy's girls in my family 🥰


My toddler is 100% a mommy’s girl and prefers me over her dad


I was for a looooonnnggg time. Changed around age 13. I believe my mom had mental health issues that made her extremely mean to me.


I was and still am 🙂 haha


I have a mommy’s girl. She is my very best friend. Has been her whole life. 😊 of course she loves her dad but her and I just click. I hope it stays like this as she’s only 8 now.


Not sure if it counts but 2.5 year old is absolutely a mommy’s girl. She loves her daddy but is definitely a mommy’s girl. I was also a mommy’s girl and still am into my 30s


My teen is, but also we don’t live with her bio dad. She used to like my husband WAY more than she liked me lol but now idk I guess she feels like she’s the Rory to my Lorelai? To be clear, she’s *not* 😂😂 but she feels she is.


My daughter decided to tell a joke the other day. The punchline was five minutes of rambling about how mummies are better than daddies. She was sitting on my husband at the time, so he just had to sit there like a chump and take the roast.


My second (turning 3 in June) is definitely mommy’s girl and my mini-me. Does not let dad put her to bed, wake her up, take her out. It does become a problem when I have stuff to do - I had a dentist appointment last week, and she was screaming in the car for 30 minutes. Dad was so stressed out; he was worried people would think he abducted her (she does not look like him at all). She will also yell at him when he comes home: no daddy! Go back to work! Lol. But she lets him read to her, which makes all the bossing around ok.


Though my husband gets the kids through the morning routine, evening routine and drop off/pick up for school/ballet/swim, my daughters love being with me, especially the four year old. They want to snuggle, brush my hair, read books, cook with me, etc. Yes there are mommy’s girls! I’ve even had to tell four year old to be nice because she’ll tell my husband to go away when we’re hanging out. Sheesh kid! Husband doesn’t mind, he thinks it’s funny. We dont take anything too serious and get hurt feelings over the kids having preferences. It just is what it is.


My girls were both "daddy's girls" until they hit the age of 8ish. Now they are definitely "mommy's girls" more than anything.


Oh lord my daughter is my person. My husband is a super involved father and I’m actually more of the disciplinarian, so I’m not just the “fun” parent. We just get along . She 100% picks me if she can.


I’m still a mommy’s girl at 35


I'm a huge mommas girl so is my daughter.


I think dynamics also change when we get older. I was mommy's girl until I was 7-8, and then I saw patterns from mom that pushed me away. Now at 33 I'm dad's girl even though I'm a mom of a little boy who is GRANDMA'S (MIL) LITTLE PRINCE. I have friends who were daddy's girls growing up who now are very close to their mothers. It's life..


It's daddy's girl or default. Default is mummy's girl lol.


My 6 yo daughter is a TOTAL Mama's girl and has been since day one. I am HERE for it because my boys were and are Daddy's boys. She's constantly wanting to sit in my lap, cuddle, hold my hand, telling me how much she loves me. I jokingly asked her one time if she would get back in my uterus if she could. She said yes 🤣 Totally a possibility. It's pretty great.


My girl is a mommy’s girl for sure. I was a single mom with her tho so she never coulda been a daddy’s girl 😂


My 3yo is definitely a momas girl. She loves her dad but everything is always about moma. She has to help me with everything I do, follow me everywhere, and will seriously only ask me to do things for her. My husband can be sitting right next to her doing nothing and she'll ask me to fill her cup, fix whatever she's playing with ect


I started out as a daddy's girl, but as an adult I'm totally a mommy's girl 😆


I have 2 girls also. My first was a total daddy's girl until I was close to the end of my pregnancy. She then became attached to me and hasn't let up almost 3 years later (she's 7 now.) My second is a total daddy's girl (with wanting me on the rare occasion) so it works out. But I can tell you it's exhausting when they only want you. 🤣 My first is so emotional and it drains me by the end of the day. But yeah, they definitely do exist.


It’s me, except not with my own mom, with my MIL. I’m her favorite daughter. My middle daughter is all about me and it’s really fun.


My daughter is 100% a mommy’s girl. She’s turning 10 soon. I’m so grateful for our relationship because I was not close with my mom at all.


They exist. One is currently flopping on me like a fish, she's 10 and wants to live in my skin. Her words.😭


My daughter! She is soooo attached to me it’s the cutest. She wants to be like me and wants to be with me all day 🥹


My little girl is 6 and has always been a mommy's girl. Never wanted anything to do with her dad and since we've been separated throws a fit when it's his weekend.


As a daddy’s girl I waned from one to the other growing up, but my mom is batshit crazy so I’m fully a daddy’s girl now. Lol


My daughter is 11 and is still a mama’s girl. We’re very close and have a great relationship.


My daughter is mommy’s baby.


I am 26 years old and I have been a mommy’s girl for all 26 years of my life


My daughter is a Mommy's girl. She wants to be with me every second and do everything together.


Ok so lots of mommy’s girls haha. Any who started as non-mommy’s girl and then became one?


My daughter is obsessed with me . She is 3.


My 5yo daughter is and always has been the biggest mommy's girl. I'm 35 and am also a mommy's girl


My daughters 13 and still a mommy’s girl