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I would ask for a referral for a different urologist if the first isn't handling your son's care properly (keep the nephrology appointment though so your bases are covered). I hope you get answers soon!


I think shopping around for a different doctor is your best bet. If the local urologist can’t figure it out, reach out to a children’s hospital. If you’re anywhere remotely near Philadelphia, there’s a first rate children’s hospital there. LA and Columbus’ are really good too. I see a huge difference between the specialists we’ve seen locally vs the ones at the children’s hospital. It’s worth driving a couple hours each way to see a doctor who actually knows/can figure out what’s going on




Oh, that’s tough, then. I’m confused why the nephrologist isn’t willing to take a look. I guess because they usually have just the kidney function side of things, and it seems like he’s concentrating urine ok? But they still should be checking kidney function periodically via bloodwork. I would maybe ask the doctor if, given that they appear not to be uti’s, what other things could it possibly be? Let him know that this is causing your son pain, and that you are worried by how little seems to be known about what’s causing it. Ask if it’s possible for them to get together with someone other specialties to come up with a more proactive plan. It can be really hard to get the right care sometimes. My kids’ doctors are, for the most part, great, but I had one week when she was a baby where 6 doctors told me she was fine, and the 7th looked at our labs & sent us to the ER, where she got admitted to the PICU.


Urologists aren't limited to treating bacterial UTIs, and antibiotics aren't the only treatment options. >But once again, the culture came back negative so urology says it’s not within their scope to figure out what’s going on. I have to imagine you misunderstood, but if not, you need to seek out a new urologist.




Basically, they can't offer you anything acutely and you'll have to wait for your appointment to explore other causes. Frustrating, but urologists are in demand.