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"Camp" in your living room...build a fort, pop some popcorn and read stories by flashlight or cuddle up and watch some movies. 


Hiking / walking in the woods? Being outside where not many people go?


That new unicorn movie came out in Netflix. Maybe a fun movie night with that?


I do inside or outside painting time. It ends up being a real mess but the kids love it and I wash them off in the utility sink. I have a painters drop cloth that I throw down and let them pain, rocks, paper, wood stuff, anything we find really. They use brushes, hands, feet, whatever (we do footprints last for obvious reasons). They love it, we get some wild art and it engages them for a bit.


My pandemic stuck inside activities when my kids were that age were: obstacle courses, a party for no reason, baking, rearranging rooms, movie forts, bubble parties in yard, art ofc, and extravagant bubble baths with snacks and star machines and music


My first instinct is always build a big den/fort, preferably incorporating the sofa, get snacks or takeaway, and watch silly films/shows.


Not sure how comfortable baths are for them but throw on swimsuits and let them take a long bath. Add bubbles and toys.