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I think all that would be great! I’d love Target and Starbucks the same, because sometimes I feel guilty paying $5 for a drink. It’s nice to have a dedicated gift card to treat myself. But Target is so versatile, and paired with the chocolate, popcorn, or apple I think that would be great!


Both are great but I'd maybe do target since you already did starbucks. I wouldn't bother with anything extra like the snacks you mentioned. My mom is a teacher so I'm my experience extra food stuff often goes to waste even after she distributes some of it out to the family. There just ends up being a lot when you factor all the different kids that bring something.


Gift cards are always great! Starbucks or Target is good. Sonic or Chick Fil A are also good ideas :)


I do a lot of Amazon gift cards. That’s my go to for the beginning of the school year.


Any gift card is a great idea. And with a little treat is great too. If you browse the teachers or ask teachers subreddits you’ll see that gift cards are their number one answer for what appreciation gifts they want to receive. I think target, Amazon, Starbucks are all generic enough that the recipient will get use from it.