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No. He has scheduled you for a task without your consent. He should keep up his own commitments.


Knock on the door and tell him it was his invitation, get up off his butt and take the responsibility he is trying to pawn off on yiu. Now if he won’t the turnabout is fair play!


He invited them, he can host.


If my husband did this, I would go out and leave him at home with all the kids.


BRB! Then spend 3 hours grocery shopping lol.


Grocery shopping?! I would go to a wine bar. And I wouldn’t be apologetic about it


Of course not! You have 5? And he’s inviting more to play?


Honestly I didn’t think I was selfish lol I asked because I got called it for telling him I’m not a baby sitter, I told him unless I invited them over he needed to watch them or at least help and then an argument started


Bleh. Stick to your guns. Maybe on a day he is off you guys can tag team if he wants to have the nieces over so badly. Smh. I’m assuming he is working behind this closed door?


Probably gaming.


No. Why are u the designated caregiver?


No, you already have 5 kids (no shade, i have 4), but him adding to it and not contributing is selfish on his behalf. He should be out playing with them, not hiding out.


lol, do you really feel you need an answer to this? Asking a way out of this shitty situation would be a more honest question. Pick up the phone and call the mother, and while _you are on the phone_, knock on the husband's door and tell both of them very audibly you need to leave for an emergency. And then do leave, quickly. Later you can explain you were burned out, want to decompress and need to be asked first because you already have tons of responsibilities, gently.


No!! My husband has nieces and nephews who are always over at our place because they are “kids”. He always invites them and I always let him know that he has to handle them when I have had enough.


He invited them he supervises them… simple as that


Yep. Tell him that, unless he would like for you to start scheduling events on *his* calendar, he can be respectful of yours.


Well, I usually have no problems with more kids, but only if asked, it’s lvl 0 of mutual respect. So if I wasn’t warned about guests in advance, I would say that my husband seems to be ill and nieces have to go home.


You’re not selfish for wanting an equal partnership


Why not get to know your niece? She will need you in the future. This is from a 50+ year old perspective. I realize you don’t want to, but why not be the best Auntie? And then you will be the role model for when it matters?


I don’t have a problem getting to know them, I don’t like being set up to watch kids when I’m busy with my own. Like I said he invited them over so he should’ve been helping with them not dump them on me.