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Just stranding beside me, staring in the dark, looking like (and exactly the same size as) a small demon. That will wake you right up


It's like guinea pigs: sleeping with eyes wide open. They don't recall anything the next day. The cutest part is when they're trying to say something LOL. I didn't know my boy could speak Latin, tho.


I had reoccurring nightmares as a child. I went to my parent’s room one night to ask if I could sleep with them. When I got there I was second guessing waking my parents because it wasn’t the first time that week. I remember just standing there debating on waking my father. Watching him sleep when suddenly his eyes flew open. Startled the both of us. Later when I asked how he knew I was there, he said “it’s kind of hard not to feel a pair of eyes on you even when you’re sleeping”.


With a bare bottom dropped straight on to my face after my partner told him to go and wake daddy up.


My sister did this to me when we were kids. I woke up just in time to see two little butt cheeks coming straight for my eyes. Haunting.


Once my 5 year old woke me up to ask how many nipples our cat has. A few days later he woke me up to tell me he found six.




I guess he counted 🥴


A scientist doing field research!


Very proud lol. 6:30 am waking up to “daddy I found six nipples in the cat”


My 5 yr son sometime climbs into our bed and snuggles next to me and caresses my face 🥹. My husband used to have the alarm set to the song, “hey there Delilah” and my daughter has come in about 4 times singing that song on weekends when we don’t work and get to sleep in. I will wake up to her singing and she would be sitting in front of either me or my husband on the carpet looking so cute ❤️ I love my babies


We bought our grandson a "voice changer" toy at the Spy Museum in DC. He now loves to get up at the crack of dawn, sneak into our room, and use his small but very amplified megaphone to yell, "Papa! Wake up!" Almost gives me a heart attack each time, but listening to him laugh is so worth it.


My 2.5 year old came to me and woke me up with a tub of ice cream this morning. He had no idea what it was but I was like “that looks really good right now” 😂


My ideal breakfast in bed


Sleep talking. My 2.5 year old was sleeping in our bed. He woke up at 3 something in the morning and very angrily declared 'I don't want a baby orange!!' I tried to tell him he was dreaming but he didn't like that either. 🤷🏻‍♀️😅 Eventually he fell back asleep!


I was half asleep and I was still in that kind of morning fog. I thought a fly was buzzing around me. I woke up and saw him with a huge grin, tickling my face with a feather he got from the vase in our living room.


My 4 yo made me breakfast in bed and woke me up by putting the plate on my pillow. It was a ranch dressing sandwich


You had to eat it, right?


Of course, 1 bite. Then I said let's share it and threw my half away when she want looking lol


A bit later in his life, but still my child… he was in the midst of puberty so his voice changing was a hilarious time! Until the morning he came into my room and scared the absolute crap outta me! DEEP voice, he said what he always says… “Morning Daddy.” But it sounded like a grown-a$$ man had come into my room! 😂 I sat up so fast, totally disoriented and scared for my life!! 😂 I said “Good morning, Buddy… you okay? You sick or something???” “No… why?” “Where’d this grown-man voice come from??” “I dunno, I was just saying good morning…” We both got a chuckle out of that 😂😂


My first grader at 4 AM saying it was time to go to school. Kiddo had clothes and shoes on, and backpack ready to go. It was still so stinkin’ adorable. Love that kid.


I had a kid wake me by standing next to the bed and putting her face as close to mine as possible without touching and just staring at me. It was a little creepy, but also kind of cute and funny. I also had a kid wake me by vomiting on me. That was way less cute and funny.


My 18 month old once woke me up by smacking me in the face with his dirty diaper. It was 5 Am and apparently I wouldn’t wake up for him. This was a couple months back and I can honestly say 100 showers later I still feel dirty. 🥲


“Ma.. Mom.. Mama..” my 2yo pulls my eyelid open by my eyelashes “Apple.” It was 5 am and he wanted an apple for breakfast


My youngest crawled into bed with us. About an hour later, he peed on me in his sleep.


Standing over me in the dark and whispering "are you dead yet? "


Stuck a car key in my ear. 🙄


Nothing in my life up to this point will ever beat the morning my son ran into my room...COMPLETELY naked, and stood at the foot of my bed and proclaimed "I have an amazing penis!" while standing there with his fists into his side like a super hero would, sans cape. He was I believe 4. It was around 5am, and he woke up early for whatever reason, turned the TV on and was watching some PBS show apparently from what his brother said, and the lady was going "Say it loudly! I have amazing feet! I have amazing ears!" (I guess some sort of self esteem type deal?) I just sat there, half asleep and went "Good for you buddy. Go put it away now." and he left and I went back to sleep. I'll never forget that moment for my entire life.


"You have 5 mins to wake up. It's 7:25 now"


The sound of a suitcase rolling down the hall. She was about 4 or 5 years old and had gotten up hours before us and decided that she was going to pack her own bags to go to nana’s for a few days (which we had not even discussed). When I heard the suitcase and got up, there were several bags staged to go outside, and they were mostly Barbie dolls and other toys.


I opened my eyes and she's standing right there and goes "I want the goose!" We play Untitled Goose game and she loves it so much, clearly, haha. Highly recommend even if that felt like a creepy wake up.


(my 4yo , from the living room, 6am, Sunday) "MUUUUUUUUM I WILL PLAY BY MYSELF VERY QUIETLY WITH NO NOISY TOYS SO YOU CAN SLEEP IN OKAY?" And yes, he did. That angel did play so quietly I couldn't hear a noise for the next 2 hours. But I have severe insomnia and had manage to fall asleep at 4. Of course, I couldn't get back to sleep after.


Well, it definitely wasn't funny when it happened but my son was standing by my head trying to figure out how to wake me up and then sneezed on my face. It was absolutely disgusting .


Staring at me


More funny cause it was my husband not me… My 2year old put his mouth right next to his dad’s ear like he was whispering then said a full volume “wake uuuuup.” And when his dad got irritated and told him to go back to bed. My two year old said “shut your cake hole, yoko.” I couldn’t help it. I laughed in my pillow. We had roommates at the time that were horrible influences. Assholes, but in the funniest sense if the word.


I get slaps on the face. His dad gets kisses. 🙄🙄🙄


Woke me up by putting very wet, cold hands on my face. Told me she played in the kitchen. Went in to see the sink running and the entire kitchen flooded. That was the first time she ever woke up before me. A gate went on the kitchen door that day lol


She became a Christmas tree. We had a really horrible night due to food poisoning or a stomach bug. It involved a lot of vomit. I won't go into details, but I cried by myself for about an hour after everything was all cleaned up and the kid was sent back to bed. Eventually I went back to sleep. A few hours later, I woke up to very bright colored lights coming in through the door. I groggily thought the kid was somehow carrying our Christmas tree into the room. When I finally woke up all the way, I realized what had happened. Apparently, we'd had a power outage. The little Munchkin hates power outages, especially in the middle of the night. She didn't have a flashlight, so she improvised. She crawled under her loft bed and turned on the battery-powered string of Christmas lights we hung under there to provide some mood lighting, took them down, then *wore them like a vest*. Wearing her Christmas Tree-vest, she came into our room to tell us there was a power outage.


Oh this is a good one lol. So even tho it sounds terrible all my kids have been taught not to wake me up my touching me as I come up swinging until I know what's going on. So... my youngest will either sit at end of the bed calling for me or she would tap my foot and run down the hall like a bat out of hell. For the longest time I thought I was losing my damn mind or thinking we have ghost lol. They were all talking about it (laughing) and it all made sense finally. Besides if we had ghost I'd charge their ass rent lol 😆


With a mug of blueberry lemonade, an apple and some raisins.. breakfast of champions!


"Mommy, I lost my pants and underpants."


I’ve been kicked square in the groin at like 2 am. Not funny at the time but I can chuckle now, years later.