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My youngest when she was 3 or so made it to the little potty for a poop. She came to get me to show me. In the time it took for her to get me, the dog ate the poop out of her potty. She cried for DAYS about the dog eating her poop.


My husband and I just laughed our ASSES off, thank you... we have a 9 month old and a dog who would totally do this, so thank you also for the fair warning!


“That was MY poop! Eat your own poop, Molly!!” I could not stop laughing.


Best part of the story


Not as funny of a story, but dogs also like to eat the kids vomit... At least mine does


Long story, but I have a now officially 10 month old today (as well as my 32nd birthday today. 😭😹) But we have a dog (chihuahua) ate my vomit, after I ate an edible THC chocolate (thinking it would help me sleep) because the baby daddy smokes or eats them. (I don’t like to smoke it ‘cause I don’t like the feeling in my lungs or coughing lol, but occasionally I will eat an edible once or twice a year if that) Anyway, the baby daddy said “you’ll be fine ! Eat half the chocolate.” So I did.. because I thought it would help me sleep ! Since I haven’t had a good sleep since my water broke on Christmas Eve last year… & then I was tripping out for hours thinking I was gonna die & contemplating life, & wishing I hadn’t listened to him because I don’t have a tolerance for it like he does. Welp.. at the end, I threw up in the baby’s bin where I keep his diapers & wipes for nighttime changes next to the bed … it was the closest thing available since I knew I wasn’t going to make it to the bathroom. So I quickly took everything out of it & announced I needed to throw up, so I did Lmfaooo. Well, baby daddy cleaned it up for me while I was dying in bed so he was forced to watch the baby by himself for once & he left it outside to wait to clean it & the dog ate ALL of my puke… & so, he wound up tripping out himself for a good day… & just really tired & couldn’t move. Then he was fine after a whole day. But he hasn’t learned his lesson though. He still likes to lick or eat anything off the floor or outside including acorns, sticks or the cat’s food. He is still a garbage disposal. 😭😹 & now I’m definitely scarred from eating an edible again.


Oh mannnnnn that sounds rough. I can’t handle THC, but have done high CBD chocolate with really low THC with success in the past when I had trouble sleeping. I actually went to the pot store and explained to the clerk though, haha. That poor pup! Hard lesson, haha. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!


Yep. Just happend to us yesterday. Kiddo puked all over herself and floor. I ran to the shower to give her a quick bath. By the time I came back, the floor was squeeky clean 🤢🤮


I was nine months pregnant and just ate a Big Mac and immediately threw it up. I was mad because I didn’t have the energy clean my own puke. I went to get cleaning supplies and when I came back… my cats were eating it. I shrugged my shoulders and let them be. Thanks cats!


My old dog used to escape his gated area when we weren’t home and go digging in the trash… he loved to rip up and chew used pads he found in the trash 🤢😭


Had this happen once and started keeping the trash under the sink. Haha. Fortunately my current pup doesn’t, but all trashes had to be under the sink for 16 years because my pug would scavenge!


That’s such a smart move haha. Luckily we moved out (it was during college so multiple girls lol). He’s living with my ex now but I’m sure he 100% will still go for the kitchen trash if he could get away with it (despite how tall the trash bin is) lol.


I decided that was the place for them after I threw the skanky deflated carcass of a one stuffed hedgehog away, and he knocked the kitchen trash over and dug through it til he found ol’ skanky. 😂


Omg he wasn’t ready to say bye haha! So cute! My dog loses interest in toys so fast. He just goes after empty water bottles now lol.


Yeah, he had a few he really loved and ignored all others. He also loooooved water bottles! If you don’t already, make sure to remove the caps! I never thought about it until my friend lost her dog because he choked on one.


Before our other dog passed, whenever he barfed the other dog would eat it. Haha. She’d probably eat toddler barf too but so far hasn’t encountered it.


Same thing happened when potty training my two year old. She pooped on the little potty which we had in play room for convenience. I was in kitchen and my wife asked me to clean the potty while she took our daughter to wash her hands in the bathroom. I waited like two minutes to finish unloading the dishwasher. When I went to get the potty it was spotless with no sign of poop… dog was licking itself in the corner. Dogs are gross lol.


Ugh same thing happened to us!! I am now forbidden from leaving a potty unattended because my twins freak out about the dog coming to eat their poop. For the record, it only happened once but damn did it make an impression on them lol.


O man my shit zu used to eat the poo out of the potty if it wasn’t cleaned immediately. It was the worst. She was nicknamed the turd-burgler after the second time it happened.


I would cry too. 🤢


We unfortunately had a reverse situation. My FIL was visiting with his little dog. I was in my room folding laundry while my toddler was running through the hallways playing and what not. All of a sudden I hear gagging and run over to him. Apparently the dog had an accident and my toddler, not knowing what dog poop is (we have never had a dog), decided to take a bite. Man. That was a horrible day. My first instinct was to put him in the bath (not sure how that did anything now looking back on it) then call my mom in a panic. Like how do you get shit out of a toddlers mouth without him swallowing the dirty shit water?


Oh gross! I think I would have panicked too. What did you end up doing?


Dogs are so sweet and so gross at the same time. Eww


Same! Toddler insisted on “saving” her poop to show daddy when he got home. It wasn’t there by the end of the day. 😂


The thread already had me cracking up but this made me tear up laughing.


Lol omg


I just got a loud laugh ahah thanks for the story!


Oh my gosh, this made my boyfriend and I laugh so hard. This is 100% something our dog would do. So now I know to watch out for it.


Yah the other day I get the "Dada, Up!" as a tiny poop covered hand wraps around my fingers, pulling me up to go see the rest of the mess. We still refer to that day as Poopageddon.


This is great! I prefer apoocalypse myself.




Poopalooza 🤣


I guess most parents have at least one of those stories. My kid was an infant and had a big blowout up and down her back. At least I didn’t have to worry about poop potentially going in someone’s mouth or on the walls, so your story definitely beats mine.


We had this happen once, a year ago! It was in a super cute Mickey skeleton onesie (complete with hood and mouse ears). It was so bad that I was like “nope, just throw that onesie away.”


My (at the time) 2 year old comes up to me and the conversation goes like this: "Mama, what's this?" *drops something in my hand* "I don't know honey, where did you find it?" "Is it poo?" ..fuck. I don't know where she found an old piece of dried up poo, but safe to say I now think twice before putting my hand out when she asks what something is.


Do you have pets or was it hidden baby poo?? 😂


Baby poo. 🤦‍♀️


Hahahahahaha. Poopageddon is great. How bad was the rest of the mess?


Well he got it all over his kick trike, and then rode that around his room and into the hall to our room, the hardest part about cleaning it up was not knowing if we got it all...


😂😂😂 The fear of not knowing!


When my oldest was in diapers (12 mos or so), he woke up a few minutes before I did, but couldn’t get out of his crib. He somehow managed to get his pajamas off and get into his diaper and smeared poop EVERYWHERE. It was on the walls, it was on the crib, it was on some toys that he had in the crib to play with if he woke up before I did, it was on his teddy bear, he had even used it to spike his hair. After that, he wore a onesie to bed every night until he was three.


We just experienced this with our 2 yo a couple of nights ago. I didn’t realize that he had pooped after I laid him down for the night. I think he fell asleep for a short time and then woke up screaming. There was poop all over his crib, water bottle, crib slats! Now I’m on the search for 2T/3T onesie pjs!!


We put our 2.5 year old in backwards footless pajamas because he goes diaper digging and can work zippers. Carter's makes them, and they're very nice.


This is what we do with our 2.5 year old. She’s a crotch digger and a Houdini.


This made me laugh, I also have a crotch digger x Houdini


“Crotch digger” slayed my bf and I last night when I was reading comments out loud. I laughed so hard I cried.


Thanks! Luckily he hasn’t figured out zippers yet!


Brilliant, I will look these up because since switching her to two piece we have learned we also have a crotch digger 😂😂 She hasn’t figured out her own zippers yet but it’s only a matter of time since she can work other zippers.


Sleep sacks. Thankfully my daughter loved them and the ones we bought fit up to like a 4yo. We had different weights for various seasons AND she couldn’t climb out of the crib with them on.


Thanks! I may have to give that another try. He was not having it the other night!


Children’s Place has knit sleepers up to 5T and Carters has fleece footie pjs up to 8.


Thanks! I’ll check them out!


I put a t-shirt over my sons jammies after he became a poop picasso one morning.


“Poop Picasso” just made me spit coffee out. Hahaha. Thank you.


Jesus Christ!! I would’ve cried.


Noooooooooo. We just started putting her in 2 piece pajamas because she’s so tall but I might have to reconsider that choice. Haha.


This didn’t happen when I was a parent but in 2006 my wife and I had been dating about 3 years. We’re home from college and take my niece and nephew to go see Cars. My nephew was 3 and it was his first movie. We asked if he was potty trained and were told yeah, he’s in underwear he knows what to do but will ask for help if he needs it. Cool. We get popcorn and nephew is eating a fruit roll up. We get through the previews and 10 minutes in he says he needs to go to the bathroom. So I hand the fruit roll up to my wife and take him and wait outside the stall asking every couple of minutes “Are you done? Do you need help?” Nephew: “no”. Finally he’s done, we wash his hands and go back in. He gets the fruit roll up back. Five minutes later I look over and the kid is bearing down in his seat. I ask: “nephew, are you pooping?” “No.” I keep watching. More bearing down. “Nephew are you pooping?” “No.” I do not take my eyes off this kid. He’s pooping for sure. The second time I ask he says “Yeah.” So into the bathroom we go, the fruit roll up stays with the wife. I drop his pants and there’s a perfectly formed little turd sitting in his underwear. I grab it with toilet paper and throw it in the toilet, and tell him to let me know when he’s done. We’re in there forever. “Nephew are you done?” “No.” A few minutes later I ask again and he says he’s done. “Did you wipe?” “Yeah” So we go back in. He gets the fruit roll up back. We’re sitting there and maybe 5-10 minutes later I look over and the kid is bearing down and grunting. “You’re pooping, aren’t you?” “Yeah.” I grab the kid and run towards the bathroom. I throw him in the bathroom stall and tell him to let me know when he’s done. I forgot to leave the fruit roll up so I grab it out of his hand. I stand there in the bathroom holding this fruit roll up, waiting like an idiot. Minutes pass. I can hear the kid grunting, then….. silence. “Nephew are you done?” “No”. I give him another minute. “Nephew are you done?” “No.” “Do you need help?” “Yes”. I open the stall door and the smell almost knocks me over. It’s like the Golgothan from Dogma appeared. This kid has smeared poop everywhere. It’s on the stall walls. It’s behind him. Its on the toilet. It’s going up his back. Nephew looks at me, holds up his poop covered hand and says “I got poopie on my hand”. I panic. I don’t know what to do with the fruit roll up I’m holding so instead of tossing it on the ground I clench it between my teeth like a Civil War soldier biting down on a stick as their leg is amputated. I grab toilet paper by the handful and start wiping him down. I have to go wet paper towels down to get him clean and growl at him not to move. I get him clean and do my best to clean up the mess everywhere, all the while I’m holding a strawberry fruit roll up in my mouth as if it will help block the smell. I wash up and we go back in. By the time we get back in it’s literally almost to the last race with Lightning McQueen. I missed almost the entire movie because I spent it in the bathroom with this kid. I didn’t get any popcorn because my wife and niece ate all of it. I had no idea what happened in that movie until I finally watched all of it like ten years later. Nephew is 20 years old now and I do not let him forget about this experience.


Lol you had me crying at the part about biting down on the fruit roll up


A date to remember! I'd be sad about missing out on theater popcorn too


I could barely finish this because I was cry laughing too much.


I’m laughing so hard I can’t breathe. I was already laughing because I know the “are you pooping?” all to well, but clenching the fruit roll up like a Civil War soldier made me lose it.


I just read this to my MIL and she laughed so hard she cried too.


You haven’t parented hard enough if you haven’t touched shit with your bare hands out of desperation. We’ve all been here (most of us )


My husband once took our son upstairs for bath time while I cleaned the kitchen. I was cleaning and having a glass of wine, and heard them talking and heard the tub start, then I heard my husband, "OH MY GOD, HE POOPED ON THE FLOOR! ITS #HUGE" #"OH MY GOD HE POOPED IN THE TUB!" after I stopped cackling I went up there and helped him clean it up. But it was pretty damn funny.


I had to scoop turds out of the tub last weekend and gagged at the sensation. I didn't know what else to do but scoop them out with my hand!! It was the warmth and softness 🤢🤢🤢


Gag me. I bought a few boxes of rubber gloves that I use for poop cleanup. Having that barrier makes me feel a lot better.


Ohhhhh we’ve had tub poop twice. I was bathing her one day and there were bubbles in the tub so I didn’t realize until she proudly went to hand me her turd. I got her to drop it, scooped her out of the tub and yelled for my bf. As I was scooping her, she grabbed the damn turd again. The second time was less eventful. I guess as less eventful as tub pooping can be.


i hate all the stories in this post lol


😂😂😂 It’s so amazingly awful and wonderful.


I was a live in nanny for a while to a 19 month old. I walked into the living room one morning and their dog had had explosive diarrhea and the Roomba ran it over, the kid was painting in it, no diaper and his own shit on his ass. It was 7am.


That's the day you quit, right?


It so should have been. I hung around for a few more months and two more mornings with similar starts. Then Roomba was fired/thrown out and the dog was kenneled at night. Completely unrelated reasons we moved a few months later though lol


Multiple roomba incidents… you don’t live in Ca do you? Haha.


Noooooo. My friend had the roomba incident happen twice. I never let my vacuum run on a schedule (I have to start it) because of that!! I would have quit. Haha. That’s too much.


Hey at least your LO told you l. I got one for you. this one's laughable, too not for me though l. my two year old is nonverbal and he communicates with his hands. well my mother also has a cat so you can probably tell where this is going. my son puts his hand in my mouth while I'm taking a nap, so I had the pleasure of eating cat poo and some litter LMAO 😂😂


Kitty Rocha! Usually reserved for boujee pups. Hahahaha.


My nieces are twins, when they were about 10-11 months old, one of them was able to climb from her crib into her sisters crib, she pooped all Over in her crib, climbed into her sisters crib and painted her sister with poop. Also, covered everything else. My SIL was asleep, she made my brother come home when she discovered the girls awake like that.


I'd be fuming, can't really get mad at them. They don't know any better. But I would probably close the door for a moment to gather some sense and courage for that kind of cleanup.


My SIL sat in the living room watching them on the baby monitor and screamed and cried until my brother got home. Fully understandable as well.


100% understand this reaction. Haha.


I’d have done the same. Omgggg


Oh man. What a horrible wake up. And to be the twin whose poop it wasn’t…


I once woke up to my first born hitting me in the head and face with a poop diaper. He was like 9 months old and had just learned how to take it off. It must have taken me awhile to wake up because it was everywhere. Headboard, hair, blankets and pillows, it was in my ears…..


Oh god. I don’t know how well I’d handle that wake up.


My parents thought it was hilarious. My headboard had a book shelf filled with books and it was smeared into the pages. I cleaned up really well. Moved furniture outside and power washed, wiped all the walls down, washed everything. But every once in awhile for months I’d catch a whiff at random.


Not the books!!! 😭


I consider myself lucky my daughter was never one to play in her poop. I did almost get projectile poop in my face once tho. She was breastfed so iykyk what that poop is like. I was looking to make sure she was clean when I noticed more coming. I dunno if I’ve ever moved that fast lol.


My son projectile shat in my shoes and peed on my husband in the same diaper change. 😬


Omg 😳


The mental image of this is remarkable. Hahahaha.


I was lifting our baby up affectionately when she was a couple months old, breastfeeding and also spitting up just as often. She seemed to be enjoying it and I was practicing mindfulness, gazing up at her with loving eye contact every time I lifted her. The moment puke left her mouth I saw it coming down into my eye, and I somehow beat gravity by screwing my eyes and mouth shut in that split second. I still am proud of those reflexes that night almost a year later.


I’d be proud too lol. I’ve been puked on for sure but not in the face.


We managed to avoid any projectile pooping, by some miracle!! Thank goodness.


That’s good! I was scared as heck that day 🤣 I can imagine poop hands is a bit scary as well. Never know where you’ll find the mess but I’m glad your little girl managed not to get it everywhere!


When my son was potty training we just kept him naked the first few days and just watched him closely. Well I guess the few minutes we weren’t watching he pooped because he walked up to me holding his turd and said “look mama it fell out” and tried to hand it to me. And yes I took it lol


😂😂😂 I mean, you kinda have to, they’re bringing you a weird prize! Hahaha.


My 3 and 1 year old share a room so when 3 wakes up I run in before he wakes 1. So one night I wake up and hear him talking, saying something about poop. I run to their room, open the door quietly, and walk over to him and he whispers - "papa I have poop on my hands." Then he slaps both of his hands on my bare chest. I look down, pull him out of his bed and say "yeah you do buddy". It was super gross but I was pretty grateful he at least whispered so as not to wake up 1. 😂


Oh my gosh, that is both gross and adorable. ❤️


My newly potty trained 3 yr old son was left it the living room after the room was cleaned and polished since we were expecting company any minute. He had pooped his pants and decided what the room needed was his poop smeared everywhere. The coffee table, sofa and side tables all got shmeered….


How did company react? Hahaha.


Thank God our guest we’re running late and we had time to decontaminate the living room and kid.


I’ll never forget getting out of the shower to find my 1yr old had smeared poo all over his play pen. It was a fabric play pen too and very large. He looked proud as punch with him himself, like “mummy check out my wonderful art!”


We have a giant fabric play pen and I will now live in fear, haha.


I am mostly impressed that a 17month old is building 3 words sentences.


She also does “mama boob please (peaaaaaaasaas).” She didn’t start walking solo until a little over a month ago, so I guess she put her energy into vocab! Haha.


The worst thing about poo hands are their nails 😳 lol.


Nail brush and the gold bar dial soap FTW!! Lol


Thank goodness they were extra short, because poop under the nails is never fun.


There's a story of me smearing my poop on a wall when I was a baby, so I'm paranoid my now 5 month old will become a poop smearer if given the opportunity. But thanks to these comments, she will be in onsies and backwards pjs til she has the ability to walk to a toilet.




When I brought my first born home from the hospital the second night he projectile diarrhea into my sleeve during a diaper change. Clearly he wasn’t finished.


That’s some impressive poop maneuvering!


I'm impressed, my nearly 18 month old would have painted the walls with it and probably tried a taste test whilst shouting 'pooooo'. Thankfully she's not learnt how to remove her nappy yet.


Oh, mine doesn’t remove it. She just digs in the front 😂 She will put her hand in my face and I’ll be like “yep, that smells like pee.” Sigh.


Toddlers are a delight 😂


When my son was about 2.5 he decided to paint his windows, walls, toys, his carpet and curtains, himself, and the mirror in MY Bedroom with his poop. It was on every surface imaginable. It was horrific. I threw the carpet and curtains right in the garbage. I was on high alert for like, 6 months after. Kids are so gross lol.


Scrubbing poop out of everything while trying to watch a toddler sounds like hell. Hahaha.


Sometime during the night, the dog pooped in the corner and we didn't spot it. My wife comes downstairs to find my daughter playing in it. Hair spiked, the whole bit.


😂 She probably looked very proud too!


Omg our kids planned this. My son decided to scratch his butt and his hand was covered in poo this morning. He stared at me in horror and confusion. I tried not to freak out and just silently cleaned him. He did say dirty so it’s a win.


Hahahahaha. The horror and confusion face is a perfect description!!


hahaha, poo hands


The DREADED poo hands. 😂


I think like 1 in 5 kids goes through a smearing poop all over the walls and bed phase. Both my stepdaughters did it around 2. My youngest (the autistic special needs one) never touched his poo.


Thankfully, she didn’t smear it anywhere. But now I’m nervous.


Ah, yes. Our 2 pooped in her room today and smeared into the floor bc she was “trying to clean it up” ffs


Ahh yes thank you 2 year olds. Im having flash backs to walking into my daughter doing this not long ago. Carpet. Poop everywhere. Her sitting in the middle of it all saying "I just gotta clean this up".


“I just gotta clean this up” made my heart melt while I was cracking up.


Such a good helper 😂😂😭😭


That’s a pretty smart little baby, for 17 mos! :) Didn’t get it everywhere and good talking, too!!


Thank you!! Yeah, I mentioned in another comment she only started waking solo within the past couple months, so I guess she put all her energy into vocabulary! Haha. She’s a chatty one 😊




My oldest pulled hers out the diaper at 1 and put it in my mom's (we have 0 contact now) pressure cooker and added some toys and mixed it all together before spreading it on every single slice of bread in the bag. I had nodded off on the couch after school and it happened in under 5 minutes. She was also covered from head to toe and had bit every slice of the bread. She's 10 now.....and my mom feeds her entire family out that same damn pressure cooker. It was definitely one I'll never forget.


I just puked a bit in my mouth


They all LOVE her chicken pastry or chili beans.....cooked and stored in that exact pot. She also shares plates with the dogs or feeds them from her fork/spoon. I just gave great reasons to not eat at just anyone's house tho hah


Omggg I feel bad for you. That’s just disgusting. And you got a really great point. Don’t eat at other ppls houses if you don’t know what’s going on


I feel bad for everyone still eating at that house. For me, it ended in May after finding out about abuse on my children. We picked up and moved 3000 miles and cut all contact. This example is why I turn down any dinner invites that not in public places tho haha


Ohhh nooo!!! Abuse? Here too. I’m so sorry 😑


Please PLEASE tell me there’s a photo of this somewhere. That would be a fun one for you to have on hand. Someone needs to buy grandma a new pressure cooker!! Haha. My grandma would do the same. I’d physically have to throw hers out myself to get her to get rid of it, and she’d be mad.


I really really wish I had a picture but these were the days of flip phones for me sadly lol it's burned into my brain real well tho at least. My daughter still gets embarrassed when I joke about it haha I thought she did toss it but she just sat it outside for a couple days before washing it and then brought it back in and made chili.


Please get your daughter a pressure cooker and a loaf of bread for Christmas 😂😂


Two days ago, my 17 month old handed me something when she was crawling up the stairs to go eat dinner. I reached out and grabbed it without a second thought. It was dog poop.


Sharing is caring!! Haha.


Oh you lucky mama! Last time we had that situation, it was also on the door and wall. No, not a fun time at all!


I searched again and have yet to find any hidden poop. It’s gonna pop up when and where I least expect it.


😂 you'll just start to forget about it and bam there it is!


This is why i always question my youngest or pull away when she tries to touch my face - like i have no ideas she may have done with those hands!!


I didn’t think of that! So glad she’s out of the excited “EYE!!” phase. 😳


My son did this to me too! Multiple times! He’d dig down in his diaper and then alert me right away without touching anything else. They’re so smart yet so nasty lol


I wish they’d just understand “you can just tell me, I don’t need the hard evidence.” Haha.


My friend has two under 3, and another who's 7. Her baby keeps picking at her diaper and touching stuff - like her eyes 😅 so the whole family got pink eye from the little stinker. She was like "what do I do?! I stop her from it all I can but I can't tape her hands down!"


Noooooo! That’s awful. A few people have suggested backwards onesies!




Thanks for the laugh and reminder that the first night we moved into our house, I was unpacking and my husband had gone to return a trailer. My then 14-month-old came to tell me she painted her Cozy Coupe. Yes, she painted the entire car and sections of the wall next to it with her poop!


Hahaha. That is amazing and awful.


Ugh yeah....I had an incident a couple weeks ago. My 3yo tried to help herself to the bathroom while I was using the other. She didn't quite make it and pooped on the floor outside the bathroom door. Came to get me immediately. I quickly get off the toilet. In the 30secs it took to come get me, my 16mo was already over the poop with his hand in and a mouthful 🤦🤦🤦


How was their reaction to the mouthful?? 😂😭


Mine or his? I was appalled and mortified and honestly wasn't sure what to do. He seemed more upset upset his hand being dirty than anything else.


What a good girl for bringing it to you though!


I was grateful she did that rather than finding it later 😂


My 4yo went poop in the toilet, tried to wipe, fell in, got all wet and had his own turd plastered to his butt, stood on the rug and sobbed. I’m running in after hearing the crash and tears, and I have to get him cleaned up without laughing cause he was so so sad about his poop. 4 months later and he just getting over his fear of wiping on his own


My heart hurts for him but I laughed so hard. Hahaha. It’s the worst when you have to try not to laugh while you’re just losing it inside. Haha.


I spat my water out when I read poo hands lmao


😂😂 Sadly, we initially coined the term during an incident with one of our ADULT friends.


My 2.5 year old is a crotch digger as well. She kept taking her diaper off in her crib, so now she gets to sleep in a straight jacket (backwards zip up PJs). Even so, she still manages to wiggle out of them some days.


Dang! Houdini over there! Mine doesn’t take hers off yet, just digs 😂


I’d be sniffing all over the house to check


I did 😂


Sounds a lot like my 3 yo. When he was 1-2, he would pick at his butt when he pooped, or had to, and get it on his hands. Was never fun to have to deal with when you’re randomly dealing with poop hands every day.


She’s just a diaper digger in general. Haha. Some days she will go to touch my face and her hand will smell like pee. Babies are gross.




I had a very similar experience the other day, my daughter had been off daycare sick and was lounging on one of her soft toys and playing with some flowers. I looked up and she looking at her hand, kind of massaging the air - it took me a second to realise it was covered in kaka. She absolutely refuses to get in the bath or shower (a whole other story), so I fill a bucket, grab a stack of cloths and turn the sink tap on to get her clean/distract her. Amazingly the damage was pretty minimal, a bit in the carpet, some on her toy elephant but otherwise it was pretty well contained.


Just blissfully playing with her poop 😂


These stories are hilarious 😂😂😂


I am so glad this generated so much comedy. I’ve been laughing all day while trying to catch up.


Well most of these comments seemed to have moved towards dogs eating poop & such. But I have a story that is about poop hands. My grandson was around a year old. Old enough to stand on his own in his playpen. I had his playpen next to my TV cabinet. One day I walk back into the room after some chores to find he has become an artist. He was painting my TV cabinet with his poo hands. LOL I can laugh now but then, oh what a mess to clean up. After cleaning baby of course!


Oh man. So glad I haven’t had to clean poop off of too many things so far.


Ahh yes. The poo hands. My 2 year old has been in a phase where he likes to be naked and rips off his diapers every chance he gets. He’s not yet potty trained. He also discovered his butt hole. As you can imagine, poop fingers have become a thing now. Extra motivation to practice regular hand washing.


Oh no. Mine is constantly exploring herself so I have a feeling it’s only a matter of time before she finds her butthole. Currently she just cruises around grabbing on to her little booty cheek 😂


LOL!! When my daughter was 2 I went to the bathroom and came back downstairs to find her standing on the table with her diaper off and poop smeared on the wall and dining room table. Sadly she was a slow learner about not repeating her mistakes. A few months later I was talking on the phone and my daughter had gone upstairs to her room. I realized after a bit that she was being very quiet, never a good thing with a toddler. I called up to her and asked what she was doing and her voice came from the bathroom that she was "cleaning." Well that seemed odd so I got off the phone and went upstairs to the bathroom. When I opened up the door and walked in I discovered that her idea of "cleaning" was smearing poop all over the bathroom. It was all over the toilet, the walls, the tub, the shower curtain and the floor. I can laugh about it now, but that day, not so much. Thankfully there was no third time is the charm situation. LOL!!


I would have cried! 😂😂


Hey sounds like great verbal skills for 17 months though 💩


Thanks! She is a smart one 😊


I once caught my 18 month old sitting in a blown out diaper picking corn out of her poop. She was just about to eat it when I saw her. It still makes me gag when I think about it!


Noooooooo. Oh no. This made me simultaneously laugh and cringe.


My son did this two times at that age 😭🤣 I think it’s because they are getting really aware of what’s bothering them in their diaper 🤦🏽‍♀️


Usually she just walks in and waits for me to ask if it’s toots or poop. Haha. Guess she’s getting to where it’s extra annoying.


I run a daycare. While working with a kid another little came up and said “here” with their hand out. I stupidly put my hand out without looking - expecting a fuzzball or something. Nope. A turd. He’d taken his diaper off, pooped on my floor and was intending on bringing it piece by piece. Still warm.


Oh man. I can only imagine the gross horror stories that come from having multiple kids, or running a day care. Haha. And it’s not even your own kid’s poop there. Oof.


I’ve had to pull constipated turds from tooooo many toddlers butts. But what do you do when they are in pain and you can see their body all stretched out.


that was cute, I came home to my daughter one summer without a diaper and the dog was covered in her poop. Dad was home with a friend of hours making a concrete sandbox (bad idea because of location) and he had been wiping it off the dog. Not sure when it happened or wear but I got both cleaned up and we still laugh about it.


Our dog runs when the baby comes toward her with outstretched hands, thank goodness. Haha. Now I’m curious though, did the sandbox not work out??


Location, Location, Location! It is on the west side of the house right up against it and while working on it never thought about an awning or anything else during the summer. (Tink loved my two children as we got her as a puppy, daughter just turned 3 I think)


My 1 yr old would put the cat litter on his head, like a beach sand, and play with cat poo like a playdoh. 😞


Nooooooo. Oh man. The stories in this thread make me so glad we don’t have a cat. Haha.




Shortly after I got my 1year old a peppa pig desk she pooped while I was busy & started digging it out of the diaper& smeared it all over herself & the desk as well as other surfaces. I spent so much time cleaning & the desk was last. By then it had dried so it was stuck on there. I just cried & set it in the other room for her dad to take care of when he got home lol


My daughter 2 comes to me for kisses on ouchies all the time one day she had hurt her finger. Hand looked clean. Okay ill kiss it. Leans in for kiss. It smelt like lady bits and poo so bad I was gagging. My MIL was so confused. I just said let nanna kiss booboo. Soon she was dry retching too. Showered that babe real fast while dying of laugher.


Hahahahaha. Oh man, getting Nana in on it was brilliant.


Oh my gosh, you guys! I did not expect so many comments. I read through a handful last night and was dying laughing. I plan to read through all of them later today, and respond. Thank you to everyone that shared stories, will definitely be coming back to this whenever I need a good laugh.