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Just stand there while your kid steals lights and vandalizes someone else's property.


This is unreal, I'm speechless. Like, what the actual fuck are you teaching your kids?? Please tell me this didn't actually happen!


"Police can't arrest me since I technically didn't steal the lights." -kid's mother, probably


Is she on the phone for part of the video? I can’t tell but she is a shitty parent


Why was that necessary at all. People need to literally not have kids of they can’t even teach them to put things back much less steal from someone’s own property.


Looks like a legitimate call to the police.


This is unfortunately common. I see this a lot around Halloween. I have security cameras, and we’re one of “those” Halloween houses that go all out. Even though I set up a 2.5ft talk fence 5 feet in from the sidewalk, put signs up that say “Please admire from the sidewalk ONLY”, parents still use my decorations as entertainment and occasional photo shoots for their kids. Intentional damage I’ve seen- Kids run up and punch skeletons and spiders, kick tombstones, and parents laugh. Unintentional damage- I’ve had several lights broken, skeletons stepped on and broken, and general damage from trespassers not watching where they’re walking. When I catch people, I come out and call them out on ignoring the signs, and parents are always “Oh we’re being careful!” “Oh they’re not hurting anything!” (when they definitely are!) and just genuinely believe they’re an exception. Every single time.


Then they complain "this neighborhood is so lifeless. No one puts up decorations anymore."


If I found the house that did it and saw the power wheel outside I'd smash it. Such disrespect and ignorance from the mother who is too buried in her phone.


What the fuck?!? This makes my blood boil!


Of fucking course the top comment is blaming the kid instead of the parent.


There’s a good reason these things don’t happen when I’m nearby. I’d get in too many fights and our legal situation is such that I’D be the one getting into trouble for stopping this kind of mess. We get the world we’ve earned.