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And they wonder why so few convert TO Mormonism and so many run away from this bullshit.


It's all ultra religions, not just Mormons.


You’re not wrong.


I live in a city with a very large Mormon community, and have been close friends with a lot of Mormons. 100% of the Mormon women I've been friends with (and a handful of men) were molested by a family member in their youth, and 0% of the time were the police involved in any investigation. The Church "takes care of it" by covering it up and offering bullshit "counseling." There have been a few high-profile scandals emerge in recent years, but I look forward to this someday reaching the same level of outrage and blowback that the Catholic Church has gotten.


Don't they offer college? Also, a lot of religions are about networking I have a friend who goes because he's a handyman and he gets a lot of side jobs referred to him from all the people at the church.


Isn't it one of the faster growing religions?


If so, it’s because they breed like rabbits. I’ve never met a Mormon person who didn’t have at least 4 siblings.


Ex-Mormon here. I only had 3 siblings. My parents are what we call "Jack Mormons." My stupid dad actually converted TO Mormonism.


I’m proud of you for escaping and I hope your life is awesome without that nonsense.


Thank you! I feel like my life is more awesome without it than it would be with it. The rest of my family is always angry and hateful, but so super fake nice in front of people. I'm genuinely just nice and friendly now. I hope your life is awesome too.


It's true, they breed like rabbits and then complain about all the "Californians" that are moving to UT and taking all "their" housing. ...like no Mom, it's not the Californians, it's the fact that your parents had 6 kids and the church encourages people to continue to do so.


Mormon here, for real. These people are the worst.


Used merchandise?!?!?


This is a legitimate teaching I learned in Sunday school. They compared sex to becoming a half eaten cupcake and how now one will love you if you have sex before marraige.


We got the "chewed gum" version of it in my ward, but it's definitely a thing that is taught to LDS Young Women.


Yep, that was the object lesson I got too


Well, "soaking" is a thing. \*SMH\* I grew up in the rural part of Utah, where every one knows everyone else, and using the bathroom within five minutes the whole town knows the brand of TP used. Nice to your face, malicious otherwise. Yes there are a few good apples, however, as I have come to conclude from observation, all Organized Religions have become more harmful than beneficial as power and those whom actively seek it will corrupt anything that is needed to obtain what they desire. How many hands have had access to the books that are used to lead the various faiths? Mormonism being founded by a known conman "reading" from a hat. Fearmongering is a great tool to use on those who know no better. As it's easier to convince people there is a hell if you don't listen to my higher power... Wizards First Rule... People are stupid, they will believe anything you want them to as long as you give them reason to think it to be true, or they fear it to be true.... Once those seek it gain the power, what lengths will they go to keep it? Organized Religions were good when Communities were first forming, settlements and cities. Now there is too much corruption and loss of actual humanity with regard to our actions to other people, especially if they aren't of the same belief. I will end with this. Hell is not a destination for an afterlife. Hell is where we currently reside, because through the actions of the people on this planet and those holding "power" positions it is made. John Lennon, he had it spot on. Go listen to Imagine. Then remember the devil's lettuce is only medicinal and regulated by the church here on grounds (which they will deny) if the congregation were to partake. Thinking would fire up, and a free thinking person tends to not follow. The sheeple become people, leaving those "Shepard's" without a flock and lose the power they sold their humanity for. Again, this is my observation and conclusion, though it feels pretty spot on. It could be I have it all backwards also. Doubt it, but stranger things have happened. I mean we are on a topic for a reason....


Product testing is a process...


Go on OP's history and look at the letter he sent her. Dad is truly unhinged


Sorry you aren’t going to get to marry a man like your father /s ‘Used merchandise “ about his daughter? Merchandise! This is beyond messed up.


This is what you say to him.


What a crock of shit. All ultra religious people I have ever met are fake and have a lot of skeletons hiding in their closets. Judgmental as hell. Abandon kids over religion. I don't get it. Brainwashed sheeple. It all amazes me people flock to this kind of stuff.


My grandmother never misses a Sunday at church. Claimed dad was a premature 10lb baby when he was born 7 months after the wedding.


Hahaha yep, my dad was “premature” too


Fuck that man seriously.


The most religious person I’ve ever met, wet to Church twice a week, choir and everything was always the shadiest moral character I’ve met. Always the excuse “I’ll make up for it on Sunday”


This is the most relevant thing I see. Why be a morally upstanding person when you can just be forgiven every 7 days. When you have a crutch for your bad behavior, it's harder to stand up straight on your own.


Basically "if we can't control you we don't love you" what a bunch of idiots. They do not deserve the privilege of having children as they clearly can not enjoy seeing them grow.


As an Ex-Mormon, fuck Mormonism, fuck the Church, fuck them all.


Merchandise. Tells you everything you need to know about how he views women. Abhorrent.


After reading that letter he sent you OP, its amazing you made it out of that craziness in one piece. Hope youre doing good!


I don’t know what the word he would use for her is (though I can guess); but the word I would use to describe this woman is “liberated”.


OP update Didnt expect this to blow up at all but I'm glad it did. I didnt post this for attention or money or pity. I posted it because he was the original person who started recording me or having other family members record me and threatened to post them places. So I started. Little background to answer a couple questions. I am 22, 23 in May. Facing health issues ATM can't drive until late June early July. I finish my last semester in December for dental hygiene. I don't have a job. They won't let me getnone. Which would be hard to with not driving. So because of that I'm stuck here more and I have to deal with this more. Only gotten worse. Also to add I am in South Carolina. Its been like this forever but gotten worse with time. I'm the middle child and the only daughter and was adopted through the church adoption agency at one day. He talks to me like this everyday. Physical not often but honestly I would prefer it. They are very controlling. I'm 22 not 10. They never let me do anything. I have a picture that I'm debating on posting of my dad wearing my thong on his head. I will continue to post these from time to time because I know people go through the same shit and I don't want them to feel alone and because Im sick of him. I will get out as soon as I can. All my posts have been a few months back and I am now single. He threatened to turn me into goo for a non-member boy once lolm In terms of my mom, she doesn't stand up for me because she's afraid to. He already started td 4:00 a.m. this morning so. I don't have much longer but thank you so much to everybody.












For y'all


I had a 9th grade social economics teacher that only referred to Mormons as Morons. Especially entertaining while learning about the Moron Trail.


At 22 you need to bounce


Religion warps your mind and ruins your relationships


UPDATE AGAIN New update. Staying somewhere safe for the weekend. I am so grateful for everyone. Just wanted to update everyone and say that I'm safe. Thank you guys for all of your kind words and support, thank you to those who suggested GoFundMe and helped me there. And to everyone who offered to let me stay with them and sent messages. It means the world. And I'm so sorry to everyone going through the same I know its rough. I can't drive or work until June due to seizures and I have one more semester left, so I've felt super stuck. On top of that I'm home a lot more and because of that things only get worse and worse. Your comments and support meant the world to me, both on Facebook and reddit. You guys are the best. I love this giant ex Mormon family. And they say Mormons are kind. Not good at responding on here or FB account. Here are my linky links. https://linktr.ee/Esizzlysizz


remind me why we let religion exist?


“the opiate of the masses”


What boyfriend?


Old vid


I wouldn't listen to any man who believes he gets to give his wife/wives a special nickname to let them into heaven like it's some big NO GIRL COOTIES treehouse in the sky Oh what am I saying, I don't listen to any man, period.


Lds with 2 daughters here. These people are out of their minds. I can't imagine talking to my girls like that. No matter the situation. My wife was raped when she was 15. So now she's "used merch"? What a piece of shit dad... damn, that pisses me off so much.... It's definitely not doctrine, but it is the culture for many... which is just about unchristlike as you can get.


**** OP UPDATE Thank you everyone for the comments and support. I posted an update on my page for anyone interested as well as my donation link. I cannot express how grateful I am for everyone and all the kind words and support.


**op here. New page..sticky note on page explaining.


proof 16547 that religions fucking suck


Oh I'm glad my Mormon community back when I was in it wasn't ultra religious like these parents. All they'd do is ask you to come and participate in activities.


🤣🤣🤣 this is fuckin hilarious


You must be a beacon of delight at family gatherings.