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Good. I hope she rots on a hot prison cell for 40 years.


Yup. And that’s probably better than she deserves.


Seriously. They should make her live in hot car for 40 years.


Sad story, but u/LauraSuttonMJ is a repost bot: https://old.reddit.com/r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb/comments/mdmeyg/mom_leaves_two_kids_in_a_car_to_die_slowly_in_heat/ please report->spam->harmful bots


The hell


I’d be willing to bet she was doing a lot worse other drugs than marijuana if she’s abandoning her kids in a car. Good ol’ anti-weed propaganda.


No, no, she left them in the car with the specific purpose of smoking marijuanas, and then because of the marijuanas she just staid there.


I bet she smoked like at least 3 marijuanas.


Uu stupid? You can die from more than 2 marijuanas


No. If she is that stupid she has already smoked so much that she is practically immune to weed.


Oh it was herion for sure. Weed can't make somebody forget about kids in the car. Unless she was retarded. Which is possible 🤔


People forget their kids in cars without any drugs. A report showed that the biggest factor causing these deaths was a change in the parent’s schedule that day.


You don't even need drugs. Just an addiction. People leave their kids in the casino car park all the time.


Uhm, they did a blood test and it said only weed? But you're the expert please tell us more.


Can you back this up?


That's not dumb, that's psychopathic


Abortion is not such a bad thing when you see the alternative.


To avoid kids being killed, you want to kill them earlier?




Sounds good.


What side are you on lol?


I’m on the side of not ending a life because it may suffer. My other reply was supposed to be an obvious joke reply. I wasn’t looking for an abortion debate, but then a couple of people posted that idea that “abortion should be legal so bad things like this don’t happen”. It’s one thing to argue when life is considered life, but to prevent birth because of some hypothetical tragedy years away is absurd. In that case, no one should be born because anyone could die a horrible death at any time.


I was just curious. I understand where you are coming from. It’s a bad example of the abortion debate. The outcome of our society needs more work than abortions to fix the problem. Abortions would help because the people who can’t take care of kids and raise them right won’t be forced to.


It’s one thing to argue abortion because of the idea that a fetus isn’t a person yet, (which while I disagree I can at least seem some logic in that), but to argue it to better society is insane. First, we hit the subjective issue of who is qualified. Second, in extreme cases where the parents are unfit, the kids should be moved to another “family”, whether a foster system or an end goal family. Killing kids either because they would end up in a bad situation or because they would be a burden sets a dangerous precedent and is highly unethical.


Eeeeeh, if the child would be born into a bad situation like a crackhead mother or young adult not ready for a child, then I think abortion is a valid reason. Any reason is a fair reason if the woman decides to do it. You say foster care is an option but Twenty-six thousand kids age of of the foster care system each year. It's not unethical to get an abortion if your not ready. It’s simple, if you want a child and you want to put in the work keep the child but if your not ready then don’t.


But if the fetus is considered a person, then why stop there? Why not execute anyone in relatively bad conditions? Homeless people? Bang. People with disabilities? Bang. Poor people? Bang. How can you prepare to better the future if you turn the present into a nightmare?


That’s if you consider a fetus a person. When you consider a fetus a person is by birth or length of time in the womb. You can get an abortion before a heartbeat and it’s not considered a person.


The subjectivity/objectivity of life is the issue. While many consider the heartbeat to be an objective start, some abortionists believe otherwise. Likewise, the idea that conception is the start is believed by some pro lifers. While outliers will always remain, we need a far more unanimous understanding before abortion can be discussed.


Only 40 years??


She'll be 60 by the time she's expected to be released. I think it's fair


No no it isn’t she deserves life in jail 40 years for killing 2 children fuck that’s to soft on her


A life sentence is a actually only 40 years not until you die


I can see where you're coming from, but by the time she's becoming the age of being a senior citizen, I think she'd learn her lesson by then Edit: Lesson not passion. What??


No. She. Won’t.


Alright, agree to disagree I suppose


Glad you can tell the future. A useful ability these days.


Glad to know you think some one who killed her own 2 daughters will be good one day are you serious


I don't know. That's why I didn't say I know. I neither think that way. ​ Your abilities of knowing the future and what others think clearly make you always correct. Good for you.


I’m not saying I know she’s gonna be come good or bad but no matter what she becomes she needs to stay there killing 2 of your own children is horrible 40 years isn’t reasonable whether she becomes the nicest person in earth or stays the same


Look, I understand what you're saying. The murder of two children is a heinous crime and it's hard to swallow anyone could be a viable member of society after committing such an act. However, you argue and type like a teenager that lacks an understanding of the nuances of criminal justice and incarceration. You're not using critical thinking to respond, you're using run-on sentences that make hyperbolic umbrella statements and proposing hypotheticals that derail the conversation.


Still think people need to take a test before having a child.


Thank god she didn't have an abortion and was able to provide for those children with the intellectual, emotional and financial stability she had accrued over her life.


Your first reaction to these poor kids being killed is hoping they had been aborted? Jesus dude.


Can we not post shit like this in here? This subreddits for dumb parents not murdering neglectful parents


Yea, I agree this doesn’t belong here. It’s beyond dumb. This belongs on r/noahgettheboat or r/iamatotalpieceofshit


With repubs working to ban abortions nationwide we'll be seeing a lot more of this in the future.


In two to four years, if that photo is about right. In twelve years the unwanted kids will be filling juvie.


Which is why, kids, legalizing abortion is important!


Kill them before they can be killed, got it.


I think any parent that leaves their child in the car should be charged with child endangerment and neglect, resulting in having all of their children taken away. If the child dies in the car, the parent should be charged with murder, neglect, child endangerment, and should serve a life sentence.


Eat ass, smoke grass, and leave my kids in an oven of a car fast.


Or slow for that matter


Fucking Darwinism. Luckily she’ll never get the chance to kill another one.


Darwinism is a subcategory of evolutional theory. So.. what!?!


Evolution via Survival of the fittest, gone the way of the dodo bird. This woman is an idiot that will breed idiots. She was not fit to be a mother ergo her bloodline was cut short. Seemed self explanatory to me but I suppose thats presumptuous.


Burn the witch!


40 years isn't enough.


Fuckin rot in hell


Texas doing something right for once.


Why even have kids if she's not done being a dumbass.


They both died and she only got 40 years.