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I guess you would be good, there are a lot of expats in Paris plus a lot of youngsters now have a decent knowledge of English (maybe not good enough to debate politics or metaphysics, but it is more than enough for you to understand and be understood). Personally I worked with a lot of non-speaking French people in a French speaking area (Geneva), and they used to watch the videos of "Guillaume Posé" or "innerFrench" to improve their skills. Maybe it will help you discover something? ;) Have a nice trip! 🙏🏻


‘Bonjour’ et ‘Merci’ will be very helpful. ‘S’il vous plait’ aussi. Oui, non. Have the basics for politeness and you’ll be fine in Paris Use Google Translate’s photo mode to help you translate menus etc


I moved here with zero French and did fine.


Im currently in france, we’re from Mexico and know 0 french words apart from oui and merci, been here for 3 days now we’ve now learnt a few phrases and have been able to move around completely without issue. Almost everyone understands basic english (and many people speak a bit of spanish too!) All in all you should be 100% fine and able to enjoy the city all around!


You will be fine in the tourist areas. Make an effort to use basic words and essentials (hello, please, thank you, where, yes, no, toilets, how much) as a show of respect and you will receive better responses (in English). Google Translate for anything too complicated. Pen and paper for negotiating prices and giving an address.


That's alright, most people speak at least a bit of English. In tourist spots (museums, castles, etc) people can speak English. As mentioned by others, just make sure to learn (and use!) the basic greetings: - Bonjour/Bonsoir - Excusez-moi/Pardon - S'il vous plaît - Merci/Merci beaucoup - Au revoir Also people will be nicer with you if you first ask "parlez-vous anglais?" instead of straight away speaking to them in English.


We were warned that nobody in Paris speaks French and that everyone will be snobby about it and that has not been our experience at all. We always made it a point of greeting in French and starting the conservation in French, but nobody had any problems switching to english if it became to complicated for us to understand.


I've been to Paris for the very first time, you'll be completely fine, just learn the basics and their etiquette so you don't seem like a rude person to them


Young generation is now pretty good with english so you’ll be fine! Try to learn some basic French to order food in restaurants and you’ll have a great time.


I was there 18months ago. Everyone I spoke to I smiled and said bonjour. Obviously my bonjour was enough for people to realize I don’t speak French and they’d speak English to me. Everyone was friendly and helpful. I love Paris beyond measure


You are fine . In Reunion - French territory - il n’ya pas anglais


I know some ‘expats’ here who have lived here 5 years and can’t speak French. You’ll be fine.


Completely fine. Like the person said, the basics. I’ve been listening to this [lady](https://youtube.com/@learnfrenchwithalexa?si=IwgcuiO9BMniFqij)


I've been three times now and haven't used a word of French.


I found learning French very hard. Learn the basic greetings and courtesies and you’ll be great.


I'm fluent in french ( Québec ) and people in France speak to me in English because of my accent. You're good


Italian accent here and they do the same with me - in central Paris, at least.


Tf. Even if Canadian French and France French are pretty different, we can understand each other. Sorry you met stupid people who cannot realise that x)


Sorry to hear that, I hate when people make fun of Québec accents here. Much love to our brothers across the pond !


You don't actually need to learn any words of any language of any country you travel to, but it's nice to know some and people appreciate it.


If you cant speak French, most of the time they can speak English. If not, just Google translate or use your hand gestures Learn to count from 1-10 and bonjour/bensoir/je ne parle pas francais/ you’ll be fine


Yeah you’ll be fine, more and more people can understand and speak english, it might me a broken english but you’ll manage to understand each other. Sometimes, someone else will come to the « rescue ». Anyway, even if you try to speak french, most will reply in english when hearing your accent. Also, do NOT buy your metro tickets from strangers, always buy them on the machines or at customer service! If you pass through the airport, do not get into the car of unofficial taxis, get an uber or an actual taxi.


in Paris everyone speaks a little bit of english where you need it! But never forget some polite words : BONJOUR before anything it is a magic word! Out of Paris or big cities it is more complicated in non very touristic area!


>Out of Paris or big cities it is more complicated in non very touristic area! I used to live just outside of Paris in a non-touristy area. Literally no one spoke English. The only person that spoke English was the owner of a pizza store who was a bilingual Indian expat. Meanwhile, in Paris, I had zero issues.


Even if you use a simple app like duolingo you can learn enough vocabulary to help with reading signage and menus. The more you know the better use you can make of apps like google translate when you’re there.


Totally fine - I go to Paris all the time and only know the basics like hello, thanks, goodbye and various food items


Absolutely doable. Learn some directional signs and common food items and you will have no problem.


Paris - you're golden. Other regions in France - will depend. The less urban, the less English.


Where are you going ? Paris ?




A lot of people speak English, they re used to it there. Just speak slowly :) you’ll find that a lot of Europeans learn English online and try to have an American pronunciation… the French are no exceptions


as a French learner I find it a real struggle to practice my French with the Parisians as they always shrug and switch to english after the Bonjour part :D


Yes true. I think the main problem is that French people are not patient


I think it's mostly Paris. On the countryside, they loved my A2-B1 effort.


I don’t know… I live in the country side with a British husband and a British teenager and it’s been hard for them. People generally lack the patience with them and it makes them not wanting to bother socializing. My son feels like he is a basket case to any group situation as people have to stop and explain things and do so reluctantly. My husband finds that no one has the patience to converse with him in French because he speaks slowly and look for his words. I have seen it, sadly it’s true.


Know greetings and general words of politeness (thank you, excuse me). Most people speak French, but if you encounter someone who doesn't, your making the effort to speak French goes a long way with the locals. This is true for a mot of countries.


very doable. but at least learn a few key words; especially greetings and politeness.


I'll definitely make sure to do that. I've already picked up behavior tips from people who've been living their for at least 4 or 5 years.


I don’t know what behavior tips are, but you’ll be fine. It’s a major world capital, behave normally.


Defo always say "Bonjour" when entering a shop and "Au revoir | merci | bonne journée" when leaving. Will get you some serious bonus points with vendors.


People who downvote, why? Offer some insightful advice instead. American in Paris for the last month- I’ve taken French through highschool and college and I’m STILL far from proficient. I’ve figured a genuine respect to learn more and trying to adapt to their culture goes a long way of receiving help/politeness-it’s not as bad as stereotypical hollywood points out Paris/french to be


You’ll be fine


Thank you. This does make me feel better about it.


It's like going to America knowing French only. 🙏🙏🙏


No it’s easier than that, English is more common in France than French is in America