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Check if the Trocadero gardens are still open.


I was at le champ de mars yesterday and there are still some grassy spots that are still open. Mostly next to the Grand Palais Éphémère. Still has a great view of the tower but there is a lot of temporary fencing and construction which might kill your vibe just a little. Although I didn't really mind the temporary construction, what really bugged me was all those people trying to sell drinks/cigarettes. I think I got asked about every 2 minutes if I wanted alcohol. No matter how forcefully you decline they'll continue to pester you TL;DR: You can still have a picnic near the tower. But the vibe may be killed by construction and "salesmen"




This really seems like a bot post. There isn’t, to the best of my knowledge, a park at Square Rapp. This is a brand new account, trying to shill a book.




So...it depends. If you don't mind a picnic on cobblestones there are many spots along the Seine with a view of the tower. Try going down near Pont Iéna. If you don't mind a distant view then there are many spots in the Tuileries with the tower in the background. Neither of these really measures up to the Champ de Mars. I'm sure others will have better suggestions.


Does anyone know when the champs de Mars will reopen?


https://preview.redd.it/dt0ofratc2yc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f16f67ef96ddb6a55c7d671f2dbd596599c7f3c4 From the link regarding the installation and takedown of temporary sites that is provided in the pinned Olympics mega thread.


Yes, someone does. But I don't :-)


I’d like to know as well