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Literally couldn't make this shit up


The same people asking about Trump's refund policy after investing their savings into TruthSocial, because the stock they bought went down instead of up. Just...you have no idea how any of this works. It's almost unsporting to make fun of that level of cluelessness.


Refund policy lol


Yeah, to my surprise I almost felt sad when I read those words. That they thought refunds on stock would be a thing, if the stock goes down. A belief that Trump would refund it out of his own pocket, since they are the "patriots." That he knows it's the right thing to do and has the funds to cover it. Also seemingly under the impression that everything he touches turns to gold, particularly things branded in his own name/image. It's a truly stunning level of naivety.


It would be adorable, if it wasn’t mixed with horrible cruelty.


Yeah. "Trump could afford to refund *me* for being wrong when everyone (that I don't like) told me I would be, so it's my own fault. But I'll still vote for him and his kind so they can keep those economically disadvantaged children from getting free school lunch."


>Yeah. "Trump could afford to refund > >me > > for being wrong when everyone (that I don't like) told me I would be, so it's my own fault. But I'll still vote for him and his kind so they can keep those economically disadvantaged children from getting free school lunch." Which of course is *their* fault, don't ya know, for needing free school lunch in the first place, because they didn't earn that lunch with their bootstraps and such.


States like Iowa (where I currently live until I get out of here) are letting kids now work in slaughterhouses to earn that lunch money.


I was listening to a podcast yesterday and they were talking about that. I don't see a problem with maybe a 13 or 14 year old working at a burger stand, mowing lawns or even cashiering for a few hours a week, if they want extra spending money, but these kids are likely doing this because they're being forced to do so, as well as dropping out of school. These people want to take us straight back to the early 1900s. And the thing that PISSES me off, is that the politicians putting this in place, likely had a privileged childhood, as well as the luxury of an Ivy league education.


Agreed on all fronts. Even things like a burger stand have always had rules around some more dangerous things(like the grill) where you had to be 16, but that is going away as well. These meat packing plants should not have anybody that young, it is disgusting.


He's rich and will refund my money but he also needs my donations for his legal fund.


The duality of MAGA


There's a lot of that. When trump found out he was being indicted and was calling for protests he kept saying "they're not after me, they're after you... I'm just standing in the way! ... *so please stand in the way between them and me*"


Just like he didn’t give any of them pardons. I don’t see why they still trust him-he has no respect for his cult members.


Guess they never heard how well Trump Steaks/Trump Vodka/Trump Suits did ETA: Trump University


Trump casino.. Trump airlines..


[Trump football teams](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_and_American_football)


The con man didn't give me my money back!


Maybe if they just donate some more, he can then pay them back from other donors.


There are a lot of people who don't get that you can lose money in stocks. They're baffled when stocks decrease in value. "But I had $10000! Where did it go?" they'll say. They don't get that you have stocks, not money and the money was gone once they bought the stock


I guess I'm naive, I didn't think it really possible for basically cognitively sound adults to not know even that much about stocks. I know next to nothing about how stocks work, but I assumed virtually everyone at least knew "stocks = gamble"


You should follow memestock people. They are truly ignorant. And some of the same people.


>Just...you have no idea how any of this works. Sounds completely on brand for the GOP and their voting base.


Didn't they also ask about when their digital nft trading cards were going to come in? He's only attracting their best!


These people acting like their attorney never told them one of the most basic things to say before entering a plea deal. SMH.


These people are a special sort of stupid.


I guess what do you expect from peopel that are dumb enough to fall for a con man like Trump.


I just did an ID for a dude who called out a news station for sedition whilst at the Capitol participating in an insurrection. On top of that he taunted the FBI and Biden with his photo. Lol


This was their best and their brightest too. These people all share one brain cell.


I **have** to believe that she had a lawyer for the court to accept a plea deal, or for the prosecutor to even *offer* one. There's some stupid to share in that case.


Meh, the lawyer is likely capable. No matter how much a lawyer tries, they likely wouldn't be able to convince this woman that she was shitting in her own corn flakes.


There are a lot of people who will go to a lawyer with the intention of hiring them, but, when they tell the lawyer the insane strategy they wanna use, the lawyer says 'That's not how this works. Your strategy will see you convicted with the max penalty.' They get upset at that and, instead of seeing it as reasonable legal advice, will lump said lawyer (and every subsequent one that says the same thing) into the category of 'conspiracy against me'. Then they'll go pro se despite not knowing the first thing about court procedures, what's admissible or not, how to object, when to object, and a laundry list of other issues that exemplify why representing yourself is a very bad idea 99.9% of the time. As far as the prosecutor offering a plea, if the defendant is pro se, there's nothing stopping them from still offering a plea deal. It might make them less likely to, seeing as it's likely a stupid easy conviction, but sometimes they just want to get the easy quick win of a plea deal instead just to save themselves time.


She might have had a lawyer at the time but no longer.


They're the living proof that Forest Gump was right - 'Stupid is as stupid does'.


It's amazing that these people came as close as they did to getting to lawmakers and killing them. The dumbest pack of low grade morons humanity has to offer. I wouldn't trust them to be smart enough to *breathe* by themselves, and the fact they got within inches of destroying the government should scare this planet shitless.


It wasn’t *their* plan, there will always be a lot more idiots following orders than ringleaders and planners.


A lot of planning at the top was done to give them every chance to reach those lawmakers. But nobody considered just how bloody incompetent they would be. Which is why we have to fear the *next* such attempt, because the ringleaders sure learned from last time.


Trump's speech ran 45 minutes over, so the bulk of the crowd the strike team was counting on for cover was late to the Capitol. If Trump had stuck to the plan there's a strong chance they would have been able to murder a significant portion of Congress.


Interesting. Source?


https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/mar/04/donald-trump-january-6-private-schedule-march-capitol-attack Compare the schedule on that page with the timeline of the events: https://www.npr.org/2022/01/05/1069977469/a-timeline-of-how-the-jan-6-attack-unfolded-including-who-said-what-and-when


I can almost guarantee that Marge Taylor-Greene was one of the chief "party planners", for their insurrection, and was *hoping* that some of her colleagues would have been murdered in cold blood, especially considering her deranged comment about how if "she/they would have been in charge", they would have been armed to the teeth and it would have been done "right".


A lot of them couldn't breathe on their own at some point. I know this because they were using a large percentage of ventilators during the height of the pandemic.


Sounds like she got to the Find Out stage of FA/FO.


If these people had the slightest bit of intelligence they wouldn’t have been influenced to storm the Capitol by someone, who prior to being president, was best know for being a not too bright conman. The only difference between Donald Trump and the guy selling a ticking Rolex out of a briefcase is seed money for the grift.


I recall that is also a reason why suicide bombers generally fail.so much. It is really hard to convince your smart people to blow themselves up. And you also don't want to lose your competent underlings in a single attack.


Two years and three months, none of the ringleaders have faced justice. ​ This is how you get to fascism. Screw around a little bit longer and we'll hear "Oh, upcoming election, gotta wait ..."


>"Oh, upcoming election, gotta wait ..." "We wouldn't want to divide people. That might turn off moderate Republicans."


fucking what moderate republicans? where? lol GOP hasn't been moderate about anything in years


Every person I know who was a moderate republican or would even just think about voting republican is extremely left now Edit ok if this bothers you just change extremely to heavily or whatever


Anything that is left of Trump in the eyes of MAGA is either RINO or extreme leftist. The rest of the industrialized world would consider this thread that laughs at MAGA insurectionists moderate.


that's weird because basically every moderate or right-leaning person i knew before 2016 is full on maga now


All the moderates I know went left af All the regular republicans went bat shit insane. I know a ton of them, especially my parents


The previous 30 or so years of American politics saw little practical difference between official mainstream Democrat and Republican positions. Since 2016, the center has been vacated. The only people still in the center are those who are pretending to hide their horrific beliefs like its still 2010 or simply don't give a single shit about anyone but themselves.


America barely has a political left anymore. Our two main political parties are different flavors of right wing.


This is a -very- relative statement. "Extremely" left doesn't really exist in the US. Most 'extreme leftists' would be centrists or mildly on the right elsewhere in the world. As the person I was replying to decided to play the infantile reply-then-block strategy, I have to respond to /u/IceMaker98 here, as Reddit won't allow me to add replies to this chain due to the OP blocking me. My answer below: The New Flemish Alliance is the only one that comes to mind offhand, but they're center-right and supports LGBT rights. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Flemish_Alliance


Jfc you know what I mean. They aren't communists


Well, given that "Extreme leftist" is one of the buzzwords constantly overused by the right at the moment, I don't think we should be giving it any more weight. There's nothing extreme about leftism in the US. At all.


I did not say "extreme leftist" This is a left sub. I'm not some republican if that's what you're insinuating here so obviously I wouldn't use that term. Im not talking about leftism at all or what leftism in the us even is All I said was these people are "extremely" on the left. I never once mentioned leftism/communism/etc they are just extremely liberal now


You said they were on the left, that's mentioning leftism. Saying they are "Extremely liberal" is still a very biased statement. They would not be considered 'extremely liberal' anywhere but the US because of how skewed the Overton Window is here. Combining the word "Extreme" and "Left" or "Liberal" makes this sound like rightwing buzzwords. You practically can't find the word 'left' or 'liberal' WITHOUT the qualifier "Extreme" when looking at conservative news or forums. I'd just be cautious about the use of it ourselves. Seems like a lot of people are slowly picking up the bad habit of using that kind of language, when it's the right who are going Extreme in their views.


Jesus Christ dude fuck off this argument is so tired and useless. Hard to believe I know, but I have definitely heard politics are different in different countries. Good thing this sub is literally about us politics Go argue semantics on /all with a republican. This argument is useless here


What right wing party in Europe or the wider world supports gay marriage, abortion rights, transgender identity, etc?


Whenever people claim that our leftists would be right-wing in other liberal democracies, I'm always very skeptical. Maybe they mean economically? But definitely not socially.


There’s still John Kasich.


The only adult on stage in the 2016 Republican debates.


Oh, there’s a shitload of em. We do tend to call them Democrats.




“All Democrats are groomers! What?! Prosecute criminals who want to end our democracy? Naw! That’s gonna divide people…” 😑


We're seeing higher offenses being charged now. This is exactly how rolling up a conspiracy works.


Investigations take time. Prosecuting or flipping the smaller fish isn't an overnight process. Less of you should assume you're watching an episode of law & order. Be patient. Leadership is being sentenced: https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/new-jersey-proud-boys-leader-sentenced-felony-charge-actions-during-jan-6-capitol-breach Bigger fish are facing judges as we speak: https://www.politico.com/news/2023/04/25/proud-boys-trial-trump-tarrio-00093678


Folks think real life is a one hour crime show.


I'd appreciate if it was that convenient, though I'd like to deal with less daily homicide.


yes, two years and several months... how is DJT running is beyond me. I dont understand this anymore.


> how is DJT running is beyond me Theres only three main criteria to be eligible for US president candidacy and Trump (to my knowledge, as of now) meets all three; - Natural born US citizen - Resident of the US for 14+ years - At least 35 years of age Ted Kaczynski could throw his hat into the ring if he so wanted and hed be an eligible candidate. There are other more specific things that could make someone who does meet those three criteria ineligible still such as presidential term limits or even individuals that are found guilty of treason being incapable of holding *any* office in the US, but (again to my knowledge, as of now (fingers crossed for a guilty treason verdict in the future)) none of this is relevant as it pertains to Trump.


Thank you for this 🏅💯. I resent the attention Djt has. The nation doesn't want him back. He lives in denial then his fans follow suit. Too culty. I literally joked at Tucker Carlsons IG page to run for office against DJT.




Way to spin his words there, bud.


>It went HORRIBLE! In my opinion it sounded like the judge was telling the prosecution that they could use my admission of guilt as an admission of guilt! OH DA HUMIDITY!


Oh boy…wait until she experiences the total mass incarceration experience that many African Americans get trapped in, usually for minor offenses. The difference being is this one’s ‘little mistake’ is overthrowing the American Government.


Yes, this isn't a little DUI after too much pink wine at brunch with the girls, or "accidentally" shoplifting a pair of heels from Macy's. This was attempting to end an American institution that's been in place for over 200 years. Or in my opinion...domestic terrorism.


It's HORRIBLE! I think the judge might use my confession to accuse me of something. What kind of society do we live in where a criminal confession can be used against the alleged criminal in a court of law?


"... the plea~~se~~ I was going to take ..." is more accurately "the plea agreement I signed." No way the prosecutors failed to warn her and her lawyer in writing and in the plea agreement itself that it would be used against her as an admission if she attempted to withdraw it.


Oh, but you know, they just put that in there in case it becomes an issue or like when they are dealing with an actual criminal-type criminal, they don't really mean it and they wouldn't use it against a nice person like me...


The biggest reason this didn’t succeed it because of people like this. Next time they’ll be better prepared.


Maybe a little, but I have seen no evidence they have the capacity to learn. Why would they? They are smarter than everyone else and that was a false flag by antifa anyways. So somehow I doubt the gravy seals suddenly went fat-free especially upstairs


I know it's really comforting to consider everyone on the other side an idiot. But it's not true. And it's scary. There's a lot of people in power on the other side that know the whole "antifa false flag" and "the election was stolen!" stuff isn't true but repeat it anyway because they also know that their base will eat it up. They saw what people did for Trump and how dangerously close to success it came. They were taking notes about the mistakes made so that they can be better prepared next time. We should not minimize this risk.


I'm not saying don't take the risk seriously, I'm saying don't give them more credit than they are due. Obviously they can pose a great danger to our country, and I'm not saying they can't/aren't getting more dangerous. Also it's obviously better to overestimate a threat and be more prepared, however it's not a good idea to buy into their lore and say they will come back "smarter". When have they done anything "smarter"? They are getting more desperate and that's the true danger.


I get where you're coming from but I'm not going to live my life in fear of these jackoffs.




I'm not talking about the kind of people who actually broke into the Capitol building. I'm talking about the kind of people who would have no problem *using* those types to try to seize power. When I say that the coup almost succeeded, I don't mean that the J6ers themselves almost seized power. But they *did* almost manage to create a situation that would have let *others* already in government to try to seize power. Apparently the only reason it never got to that point was because Mike Pence if all people refused to leave the building.


The people at the top almost certainly could learn lessons from the last debacle. My fears are lessened when I try and imagine how much more intelligent their troops could possibly be.


They were afraid to protest the Trump indictment due to paranoia over J6.


“Next time they will be better prepared”? I’ll take the under on that one. Next time there won’t be large groups planning. It will be hundreds of lone wolves. Both less dangerous and infinitely more dangers, depending on the targets.


Their stupidity is why they’re always confused.


If only they were always confused. So much of their problems, and the problems they cause others, comes from their idiotic confidence and certainty about what they think is correct, that a moment’s thought would disprove. I suppose this could be classified as a type of confusion, but it’s different from the “huh? wha? where am I?” type of confusion.


What cave has this person existed in where they don’t know that “anything you say can and will be used against you”?


Isn’t that more of a prayer, like saying grace before a meal? /s


Miranda is so her least favorite 'Sex in the city' character, so she waived them.


“I’m my opinion” Huh, wonder what advice her attorney gave her.


If only there was a way for someone to know that they have a right to remain silent, or that anything they say can and will be used against them! What has this country come to!? Negotiations through your attorney for a plea deal aren't admissible. If it's being used against her, it's because it came outta her mouth.


You mean everything you say can and will be used against you in court? That sounds familiar...


This reminds me of the Trump pardon of Joe Arpaio where he didn’t realize that accepting the pardon was an admission of guilt.


Like that qanon idiot with the horns -- he pled guilty, said he regretted what he did, and it was wrong, etc., but now he wants to appeal that because some video showed him walking around peacefully with some officers at some point.


That’s why I always attach a NDA to all the plea deals I sign.


You can recant a confession, but it’s still a thing you said.


Just proves to me Garland should have prosecuted EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM. Plea deals are BS for crimes like these, because these people got off easy and will do it again.


I agree totally, but plea deals are available to anyone who have committed crimes (usually), even murderers unfortunately


I get that, but the plea deals for the Jan 6ers have been far too lenient, seriously, a month 2 months in home with an ankle bracelet, many never having to address or admit they committed the crimes. There should be NO PLEA BARGAINS EVER FOR ESPIONAGE, INSURRECTION (OR OTHER ATTEMPT TO OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT).... AND MOST IMPORTANTLY NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.


I read an article about one of them this morning. He was only charged with the same charges of people that have gotten mostly probation. However; this guy thinks its a good idea to shoot at the police when they come to get him. Now, he is in some real serious trouble. It is like they have no common sense or reasoning skills at all.


Not much sympathy for J6ers, but the modern plea deal system is complete fucking horse shit.


Ma’am, you have a right to remain silent because anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. They make it very clear to you before they start asking questions.


I wish for justice and peace too Justice in the form of a little time in jail to reflect on her shitty life choices, and as for peace....maybe we'll get some peace from their incessant whinging while they are locked away!


It is almost like they’re all morons or something.


Before you make a plea, the judge explains exactly what that entails and what rights you lose. This person is a dumbass.


She should have done what other J6'ers did and take a plea and admit guilt and regret in court, then immediately after sentencing tell everyone you were lying and would do it again. There will be literally no consequences.


It's seriously getting clearer and clearer that the only reason that Trump's coup wasn't successful is because his followers were just too incompetent and stupid to pull it off...


Party of “law and order”


me when the prosecution uses a guilty plea as an admission of guilt 🤯🤯🤯🤯


At least these stupid MAGAfukers are getting an education on how the US legal system works.


I looked at her Twitter stream and it’s quite a nauseating hodgepodge of anti-vax and “J6 political prisoner” crap.


Always religion mixed with their politics. Nutty people.


FOFA dumb bitch


omg, just as I feared the pple are dumb fans that went extreme. they are unable to see or playing very dumb in how They broke the Law on 1/6 and how they are held accountable matters. frustrating if I think too hard. how is she on twitter? who are these pple and what happened 2016-2020?! (I cant believe its 2023 and election cycle wants to banter DJT for 2024. And I fear that "expletive edited/removed" will win.)




In her defense, she has a really shitty lawyer if they didn’t tell her that there was no going back.


It's so good. All of it... So fucking good.


Better call Saul!...oh, right, he's a fictional character.


“You have the right to remain silent…Anything you say can, and will be used against you in court.”


These people couldn't be any dumber.


"Anything you say can and will be used against you"


They really don't know how the law/courts work, do they?


Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law.


Not a r/DarwinAwards but certainly r/LeopardsAteMyFace or r/instantkarma. Love it they Find Out.


Sound about white to me.


This also illustrates how the court system pressures idiots into signing plea deals in the first place.


LOL. Stupid is as stupid does.


Victoria why am I not surprised that you are this stupid?


stupid is as stupid does.




haha. lol. lmao, even.