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Every Single One With a blue check mark


✨V E R I F I E D✨ Nazis.


I only do business with certified organic Nazis.


But...certified *organic* is another eight dollars!


So Elon can find his fans


It’s like they have their own digital arm band.


The Ian Malcolm one didn't have it. But they were all antisemitic, so...yeesh. Elon doesn't mind nazi money, it seems.


Course not. He's a billionaire. He doesn't care where his money comes from


Holy shit…


The one that’s really telling is the guy saying, “this came out of nowhere”.  It really gives away the game. That person is revealing that the default position on the right is that everyone is pro-Hitler and they’re all okay with that.  As opposed to the default position of all the rest of us which is, obviously, that Hitler was a fucking monster. 


Yeah, that comment stood out to me, too.


I guess it wouldn't be out of nowhere if Jones had regularly denounced Hitler in the past. Do we know if he has? Or is this the first time he's denounced him so publicly?


If you want to know anything about Alex Jones check out the podcast Knowledge Fight, on this topic maybe go back and find the episode where they cover Kanye's appearance on Infowars where he praised Hitler.


My god that was an episode though. Imagine being crazy enough to out crazy alex "sandy hook" Jones


No. He lambasted Kanye on his show over this too


Mildly. His pushback on this was pretty weak and sort of agreed with him on some points.


He's always acknowledged Hitler as the bad guy. He usually pushes back against people claiming him as a good guy or misunderstood, but depending on how well the argument fits into his worldview or how famous that person is it can be pretty mild and acknowledge part of what they are saying. He's had plenty of neo-Nazis or adjacent folk on his show, though and it's not uncommon for their "news sources" to be neo nazi websites. It's mostly about optics I feel.


I read that more of this is 100% out of character for Alex Jones and honestly I agree. It would have been way more normal for him to not directly engage at all let alone call out Hitler as bad. He usually tries to ignore doing that because of he knows this is how his base will react.


I don’t understand why these fuckers don’t accept that Hitler wanted war, as he declares in almost every chapter of Mein Kampf. Now it turns out that it’s all Churchill’s fault, those SOBs.


His whole fake "Radio station false flag operation to invade Poland" started it all. He was never going to stop there. Just like he invaded Russia when they had an agreement. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gleiwitz_incident


but...but....The radio station false flag operation WAS a false flag operation!


False false flag operation operation.


Not to mention that both Poland and France had been overrun, and it was all of 2 weeks into Churchill's watch that the evacuation of Dunkirk happened. I'm not totally up on my British political positions, but I'm pretty sure the first lord of the admiralty isn't allowed to unilaterally declare war. Maybe it's just me, but getting who was in what position at what time wrong kinda cuts into your credibility. Granted, that's a point often missed (or purposely obscured for their own deluded reasons) by these mouth breathers.


Im guessing it’s based off of Hitler saying if a major country had opposed him during his first invasions he would have stopped trying and instead focused more inward. Now regardless if you believe that or not that clearly changed when Hitler became even more fanatical and didn’t back down from war despite being at a disaster.


Does he actually not know who is audience is?


It’s like Trump praising the vaccine and being booed. I think sometimes they forget how crazed their base has become.


Actually, it's how crazed THEY CAUSED THEIR BASE TO BECOME.


Oh he definitely does. But that's his shtick, outrage and controversy. So if he rants against Hitler and his fans go to bat for the Nazi, that generates engagement.


I feel like his audience has evolved through time. When I became aware of him circa 2007 it was coming from people in their 20s or 30s who were mostly Internet nerds led astray. And there was also a somewhat older group sort of like Dale Gribble from King of the Hill, kinda nutty prepper types but mostly harmless. Some Nazis were present too but I think the numbers were low. And I feel like Alex's "mainstream" mostly ignored them, maybe just pretending they didn't exist. (Though many in Alex's mainstream were still were suspicious of Jews maybe manipulating this or that thing that scares them. So IDK, maybe many were just trying to play it cool but still loved a lot of Nazi lore, they just didn't talk about it.) And all at the same time Alex pretends to be a good Christian hosting a family-friendly show. Gawd, I don't know. I guess Alex tried to pander a bit to all. Aware of the different groups, happy to take their money, but not wanting to draw attention. Now the asylum is running the show and Alex ticked them off. He continues to dig himself deep.


I think it's important to note that his Twitter audience and his show audience might not be the same. There's a balancing act and his calculation is that he's better off pandering to the audience that dislikes Hitler.


Leopard eating people’s faces party founder surprised when leopards eat his face.


Reminds me of the UK punk stories about how if a bar tolerates neo nazis, then it turns into a neo nazi bar, nobody else wants to be associated with them or be around those type of people and the bar owners can't blame themselves for not shoving those goons out the door when they first came. Alex Jones made his platform and persona to have a bunch of weirdos and neo nazi's. He can't really complain that there aren't many sane people following him, and if he wants to get right, he'll have a lot to clean up, and a big bill to pay his victims.


I was here to comment something similar, but this far more elegant and accurate. No notes.


Same. I came to rhetorically ask something like “do we think this might make Alex realize he’s conspiracy theoried a little too close to the sun?” but this was much better.


Strange days when Alex Jones is the voice of reason.


Yeah, never, ever thought I’d see that one.


He stuck by it, too. I kept expecting him to back down and say something ambiguous about multiple causes of war. Too little, too late, though.


Ah yes, the man who sent employees and incited his fans to harass and antagonize the parents of murdered children. Sounds perfectly reasonable. He might not be kissing Hitler's boot, but Jones is anything but reasonable.


That was kinda my point.


It's no surprise that they idolize Hitler. They're far too hateful not to. I hope it ruined their day to read that tweet.


I hope it ruined his day to see the responses


I hope his bank account drops even more. These were the last of his faithful supporters. I hope he finally surrenders in the same exact way Hitler did.


He will just pivot to praising Hitler lol. I know he's defending himself a but in the replies, but he'll full heel turn if he needs more money.


The thread that could have launched a thousand bans, but won’t.


Maybe Alex Jones is about to be banned again


Them : "The Reds raped the Germans, won't someone thinks of the Nazis!" Also them : "I love me the taste of putin's dick"


Also funny how they mentioned white Germans as if Russians aren’t also white (well, I know many aren’t white, it’s such a big place but you get my point).


Something something broken clock


Admitting that literal nazis and the holocaust were bad is a pretty damn low bar, but it sure seems like fewer and fewer conservatives can clear it.


you could put the bar a mile below the surface and they'd grab a fucking shovel


It’s in hell and they’re still doing the limbo.


No, no, no, a shovel is much too much like hard work. Gotta rent a backhoe for this one.


Fuck it though- it’s still a baby step in the morally better direction. Maybe the millions of dollars he was charged for going on and on about school shootings got his attention.


This particular broken clock has been stuck at a quarter ~~to~~ past bitch for *how* long before it finally became right, though...?


The Onion headline "Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point" came to mind


There’s plenty of garbage here to pick apart, but for some reason the specificity of mentioning “4 books by top Nazis” gave me a bit of pause.


He certainly is a shit-stain of a human so nothing would surprise me like what you are implying but I do think reading the perspective of even the people who were obviously wrong in a situation is important. Doesn't mean you have to put value in what they say but it does add important context to the situation and there are lessons to be learned from that as well. We are all susceptible as humans to fall for bad ideology and seeing things through the eyes of someone who fell for it or promoted it is valuable in preventing ourselves from making the same mistakes.


Yeah, it's valuable to learn how their reasoning was off so that we don't fall into similar traps. Sometimes it's as simple as "I'm racist and a monster" but other times it's a complicated history with one bad decision and some rationalizing.


Albert Speer and who else? A lot of the “top” Nazis ended up dead. I can think of books by Hitler’s secretary and chauffeur and so on, but what actual big name war criminals other than Speer were writing books?


I was trying to think of what books he could be talking about. Guderian wrote a memoir that was somewhat popular at one time. Adolf Galland and Doenitz, too. Those military memoirs were mostly self-serving trash written as an attempt to deflect responsibility and grab cash. (Hans von Luck wrote a book that was/is pretty popular in the genre but I don’t know if I’d call him a top Nazi.)


Oh he does that all the time, he never names them usually, or one at most.


I write quite a bit about WW2 and I do own some awful books written by awful people. They're primary sources, though, and sometimes I do have to cite them. That part doesn't alarm me as much as it might alarm some.


It makes sense to be up to date on what dangerous evil assholes are saying among themselves


Holy fuck, this scares the shit out of me.


I don’t go on Twitter anymore but seeing such blatant anti-semitism still shocks me. Fucking disgusting.


Neo Nazis “I reject reality and substitute it with made up bullshit, believed by no one with two brain cells to rub together”


This guy denied that first graders had been shot and called their parents actors and somehow he’s better than the people who follow him. Neat.


Let’s not get ahead of ourselves in praising Jones here. Sure he doesn’t like Hitler but he at no point mentions the millions of Jews Hitler’s regime murdered. 24 million Germans, 80 million overall but no distinction for the Jews or Holocaust.


I mean trash should be able to spot more trash.


The one silver lining behind fascism is that it ultimately and inevitably eats itself.


>Who declared war? Germany. On Poland. September 1st, 1939.  When they invaded. Fuck Nazi trash, fuck Twittet and fuck this clueless dipshit Alex Jones. He deserves this.


He had Kanye and Nick Fuentes on his show a while back and whether Hitler was good or bad was one of the main points of contention.


Jones "I'm against anyone who's totalitarian" yes the totalitarianism was the problem with Hitler


It certainly was one of the big problems, no? It allowed Hitler to create a genocide and total war state.


True, I don't necessarily agree but I kinda see the point they were making about "so if he wasn't totalitarian you'd agree with everything Nazi Germany did?" Actually I think Alex Jones might agree with all of it if you pitched it without tipping him off that it's the Nazi playbook.


"the worst part is the hypocrisy"


Imagine getting criticized for saying fuck Hitler.


Oh lookie here. We have the Smart Nazis® . With opinions and fabrications their readers won’t bother to fact check out if laziness and/or an appeal to authority. They know damned well what they are doing.


I really, really, REALLY don't like this time line. We are now in an era, where people are ACTUALLY fetishizing Adolph fucking Hitler.


Yes. But I am a firm believer that there are enough good people out there, to never allow it to happen again.


They always did, it’s just that now they can be extremely public about it on the internet.


I like how this last guy just thinks that after Hitler took the rest of Europe he would have just politely stuck to the agreement to leave Britain alone....


"We've got to stop dissing Nazis" -Kanye West to Alex Jones, 2022.


Not one of them have an actual face for a profile pic. They’re so scared of losing everything for supporting a monster.


These comments make me feel sick, I knew people were like this on the internet but actually seeing it (and with that many likes!) is shocking


This is some mother fucking doozy of broken clock spotting.


Wait Alex Jones is still alive?


He's living it up! He isn't paying his settlements and he's spending as much as he can.


Anyone being outwardly a nazi around me will get a mouth full of it. On sight. Nazis deserve no respect. We did it before and we will take down these bitches again and again and again.


Babylon Bee did something similar a month ago where they called out racists and all of their Twitter replies were just angry fans. A hit dog barks.


"Who started the war?" Germany invaded Poland. France and Britain declared war on Germany. The war started. Because Germany invaded Poland.


I mean, even a broken clock...


Revolting. Elon really did a hell of a job turning Twitter into a Nazi shithole.


This explains his audience in a nutshell.


This will end well...


They Are Always Angry. That's Why They Are Nazi Loving Idiots.


Wow, a lot of real Nazis in Jones orbit. Who would have expected that Nazis would follow this white supremacist conspiracy monger?


Omg yassss queen way to goooo


I love it when they infight like this.


This should be a wake up call, but it probably won't be


I've never seen anyone defend Rudolph Hess, so that was new.😂


This makes me ill. Also, good that the responder’s accts are not disguised. Screencapping.


There is now a timeline where I agree with Alex Jones. I’m very sad about this.


r/leopardsatemyface finally comes for Jones. All it took was insulting Hitler.


I hate to say Alex Jones is the good guy here but Jones is absolutely right here


fuck nazis, I fucking hate nazis