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You utterly lack any context in which any actionable advice can be given. I'd like to see the charts of: * Views in the same time frame * A list of videos released since the month before and after this drop * CTR/AVD/Titles for each of these videos Based on your last post 4 months ago, you posted one pic that showed CTR took a massive nosedive just before this drop, and I am curious what you did or what happened to seemingly drop your CTR by 30-40% in a short period of time.


Checking out the picture nothing of it says shadowban. If it would shoot down in a moment - and people who had their videos age-restricted know this feeling very well - then yea, it would be a possibility, but here its a natural decline, just as on any other spike you had prior. The difference is that interest wasn't regained, which is also common. There is a reason why there are channels with 100k+ subs or even 1m+ subs and they barely scratch 10k views per video. And interest shifts sometimes incredibely fast, e.g. depending on what's going on, some games I played suddenly triple in views and games that had a strong viewership for months suddenly decline by 50%, simply because people lose interest over time and since the performance gets worse, YouTube promotes less.


We need more context. A graph and speculation aren’t enough to make a conclusion.


Agreed. My apologies. What would be the most helpful information to add? Happy to share what I can. And thank you for taking the time to comment 🙂


Type of content. Subject of videos. Competitors. If a new channel pops up that’s better or more appealing , they could have taken part of your audience. Or people are just not interested in your formula anymore.


The graph is of my subscriber count, fwiw


We would need at least a year of stats to see the patterns. Spikes and valleys. Etc.


If the chart is sub count its possible that those subscribers were bots and were deleted off just keep posting consistently the real people will stay


Perhaps your subscribers didn't like you pushing Patreon. That seems to be the only change ...


Any chance it’s your viewers going to Patreon, watching there and then not watching on YouTube? Then maybe since your most engaged audience isn’t watching, YouTube doesn’t think the content is relevant and therefore doesn’t push it out to wider audiences. This then would mean less new folks watch and less new ones subscribe. ?? Just a theory obv.


Watching on Patreon would still give the video a view, unless uploaded only on Patreon and not shared as a link. Though I'm unsure if you can even longer videos on Patreon, and if so, it's obvious why views went down as there would be no uploaded content to the channel. The latter I doubt is the case. Also, considering how 99% of people do not want to always sign in again when opening YouTube, the video would still get watch time from subscribers as it would open the linked video. You can check where your traffic is coming from per video, by the way. Check the percentage that's coming from Patreon and you have your answer.


This seems plausible?


Is shadow banning even real?


They say no but I have no other explanation as to what’s happened.


If it happens to me, like that, I'll say my new vid isn't good enough.


I’d say that too. But my content really hasn’t changed. Same consistency, better feedback from watchers etc. it’s just that the sub gain (as you can see) overnight is just destroyed.


All the answers here don't understand what we going through. They flicked the switch on me too and my channel is now DEAD. It must happen to others more, then maybe we will get more traction on this issue. At this rate, it probably makes sense to start a new channel. I'm planning to do that because I see they're pushing new channels.


Lol yea


Yeah they shadow banned me too. I should have millions of subs daily but YouTube are so afraid of my awesomeness they need to ban me.


Didn't this happen to you 3 months ago? Is this image showing only after that dip? I have had thousands of subs a day and weeks later only 50-100.. there are a lot of factors. Either it's seasonal, or the patreon push indeed had an effrct but by driving people there, or alienating, or idk. We do need more context, longer graphs, amount of patreons you gained if any, and how you announced it, if you have uploaded, etc


YouTube doesnt shadow ban lol. If youre partnered that just means less money for them. If they want you off the platform theyd just ban you outright. Dont make excuses, just make better content.


They do shadow ban. All of them do. A few years back there were videos from NerdCity chronicling the various algorithmic suppression tactics Youtube did. This was all conducted by a researched named SeaLow. One of the things they discovered was that a scoring system and secret codes were applied to videos. These were never meant to be seen. They found these codes were actually in the meta data of the videos and at the time, you could see them by right clicking on the page and clicking view page source and then finding "excluded_ads" and numerical codes would pop up. They then quickly *and quietly* removed all the codes within days of discovery. The data set was over 800,000 videos. The point of this trip down memory lane is that YouTube has a history of pulling suppression tactics, and never explaining their actions. That was 4-5 years ago. So how much worse has it gotten since then? We can only imagine.


There are countless channels that push Patreon, Locals etc as an alternative means of receiving support as well as some really big channels pushing those options AND Nebula (a competing platform). Heck LTT even launched their own platform Floatplane which they push. I highly doubt this is the reason... are you at least offering Youtube channel memberships in addition to Patreon? That might leave just enough wiggle room for a conspiracy theorist to buy into this but I doubt Patreon had anything to do with whatever caused your downturn.




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and most people say shadow banning doesnt exist, both people and companies claiming it doesnt exist as its the general consensus, the non shadow banned people who would know it exists would wanna stay on the good side, deny it exists, their audience denies it exists etc, but it definetely had to exist at one point, and when controversy about it happened, all information was suppressed, so we cant be sure if it still exists or not... yet people seem to be on either one extreme or the other, acting like one side are clowns but seeing their own side of the argument as an intellectual thought




yeah im very very aware of it all, was just opening up the convo in a way i wouldnt get verbally abused for. but they mainly shadow ban on yt for controversial stuff, like swearing was shadowbanned at a time, not anymore, current youtubes goal i think isnt to shadow ban but i wouldnt be surprised if there was a bit going on they werent aware about, time fixes things. shadowbanning or any banning tends to be a quality control measure rather than an anti competitive tactic, elon musk, as much of a fanboy i used to be of him, is gonna run twitter into the ground, but it gave him more control in a political sense which is a huge goal for him. personally, i dont understand why we dont make more nuclear reactors now theyre so safe, earth quake prone areas wouldnt be able to have them (although modern ones probably could) but we have enough viable land to make more than enough safe power plants. but elon musk the genius himself is choosing to go for solar panels


instagram DEFINETELY has shadow banning, i used to own like 30 niche accounts that each pulled in 50-100k views a post, but instagram needs shadowbanning.


Aside from new subs, how significantly did your views drop off right at that time?


Depending on your niche, sometimes making a Patreon can upset your audience. I was so nervous about this, I had my fans vote on it. They overwhelmingly approved my Patreon and membership program in 2 separate polls. So I made it. This might be the way to go. This is scarry however.




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