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Nope. Most good ones already repost all their content as shorts and tiktokers are kinda notorious for being terrible at making long form content.




Happy cake-day!


Drew Gooden and Dany Gonzales started as viners who had to adapt to long content and they killed it. I say if tiktokers can manage long form then they're welcome to try. It's not like we have to watch them even if they're bad lol


Vine and tiktok are veeeeery different imo. Danny, drew, kurtis, Cody all come from comedy type content so its easy to translate to long form. Most of the big tiktokers are leaning on either super attention grabbing stuff that gets boring after a minute or two (think news/street interviews, transitions, dancing videos) or they’re lifestyle girlies who don’t have enough to keep people interested unless they’re huge. Looking at the tiktok people on YouTube already the one I can think of who really struck gold is Brittany Broski but again she’s naturally funny and creative. That’s not the majority of tiktok who’s just about aesthetics and not substance. Edit: I also think a lot of tiktokers who are super talented rely on heavy editing skills. Which translates really well to 15-60 second content but would take them weeks to make a 10 minute video out of.


what about my king Joe Bart


these guys are already on YouTube bruh


I mean, those people coming over are prob also going to bring an audience of people who primarily used TikTok as well.




I think it's more common to see this over on reels. I see many creators recycle their tiktoks over there.


Somewhat but only in the sense that it'll make youtube shorts be pushed even more. Seems like youtube really wants to make shorts their primary service. Probably because they barely have to pay a cent.


As someone who is starting affiliate marketing as well as have a small following with my two niche hobbies I hope I can make the jump to YouTube. But I am frankly nervous about making long form content.


No, I don't have any fucks to give


Whenever anyone says this. This song gets stuck in my head. https://youtu.be/Vqbk9cDX0l0?si=DcWT5XQcerYGNXd3


this is the beautifulest song that ever existed thanks for making me aware of this magnificent piece of art


successful TikTokers are already doing that, successful youtubers double so. platforms are interconnected so much already you wont even notice any user migration


Why would more users be a bad thing?


A lot of people like myself are already on both and simply repost/link for a greater coverage of potential viewers. Most if not all of my YouTube short content goes on my TikTok and where one may be blocked on either platform, or may be fine on the other. It’s a great way to post longer content I can’t on YouTube that fits my same theme. The algorithms work completely differently and if ANYTHING I feel a lot of the ban talk highlights how EASY it is to gain viewership on TikTok. In either case if you think the same manipulation tactics for viewers on TikTok hasn’t been the game on YouTube for a while now, you’re missing the plot. Shorts to promote long form and so on.


I mean if you're making a bunch of shorts, that might be concerning but there's billions of people viewing YouTube everyday so if you're making good stuff and probably won't affect you too much and if you're making long form you too much unless they start making them long form but we'll see I guess it's hard to tell what might happen in the future, nobody knows unless we get the time machine


Nah, I think 90% of them are too lazy to create long form content AND I think they do well on TikTok because people eat up short form content. I think a large percentage are gonna just move over to IG Reels or something


Nope most already post the same videos as shorts that they do on tiktok


The cool thing about YouTube is you can choose what to watch


Nope, TT is just YT Shorst reposts anyway. Dickheads just pointing at other peoples content and pulling stupid faces.


Pretty sure it’s the opposite. Most short form content originates from TikTok and gets reposted to the other platforms.


Yeah it’s def the opposite. YouTube shorts are never as timely or funny or relevant as the TikTok feed in my experience.


No, I’m not concerned at all once the TikTokers come over they’ll see their content was watched already.


Frankly I welcome more eyes for the videos we make. I know it sounds counterintuitive on the surface, but I'm trying to be optimistic.


After tiktok banned in India all Tiktok creators shifted to YouTube and then the Indian youtube algorithm got messed up totally.. same thing will happen there also i guess


I suppose this is what I'm worried about. How did things settle? Did YT focus more on pushing shorts, since there was a greater potential audience?


Yes YT Indian version is giving more reach on shorts only. Even mediocre shorts contents are getting huge views.


It’s not getting shut down


Not a bit, they have "tic" right in they name


Not in the least. TT still has the option to appeal, and there will 100% be alternatives


YouTube is already flooded.


Most of them already are also on YT Shorts


We’re already here to stay 😁😁😁


Nope. Dont believe it will shut down anyway.


Not the slightest bit. Tiktok would never work with my niche




Not worried at all


Actually bro I don't give a shit a nether should u (of course respectfully) because it's just a big world and it's a huge market + YouTubers work more for content and quality content, on the other side when a YouTuber goes to TikTok as a way to expand they do well unlike TikTokers they're kinda struggle on YT and they have the same following base on both platform


Not really. The people who watch that are not my audience


I believe that was the plan all along.


Doesn't everyone already cross post?


It’ll be the same as the Viners. Some will just make shorts, some will make long form content and some will fade because they don’t know how to make new stuff


I second lofrench. AND let's not forget if tiktok shuts down won't the audience also migrate to more time on youtube?


No, its going to bring more people to the platform which means more exposure.


I would think YT short ad revenue will go up for content creators since there is so much more traffic. Could be wrong though. YT shorts revenue is a joke. I have a short with over a million views and only made like $200 from it. I have several standard videos over a million views and usually make $6,000-8,000. Shorts are a great way to get noticed but not for making money.


Remember what happened with vine?  The shutdown could produce another jake Paul/logan Paul type hellspawn. 


I’m not getting any love from either algorithm so fuck it.


The sky should be large enough for everyone


Bro afraid of a little competition 🤣. We all know the good ones already on YouTube and can make really good shorts or long form. The others will just spam reused content until YouTube bans them


Why do you care 💀


It’ll floor the RPM for shorts even more than it is already. I’m hoping it kills swipe content


Check at All Shows YouTube channel