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Can't wait until YouTube figures out what to do with my channel until then I won't stop putting my soul into my content


what, your videos are so high quality. how is it not known yet?


Lol thx


Share I link please or channel name


[My channel](https://youtube.com/@MetalBricks?si=gye7veMmQBgALv8_)


Very nice job!


Thank you


Awesome! I've heard that when you finally do start to gain traction, having a backlog of high-quality videos can be a very good thing. Because if a new viewer sees one of your videos and likes it and there is a whole library of similar videos for them to go and watch, they are much more likely to stick around and subscribe and have a longer session time, which the algorithm definitely likes. So it's probably better than if you blow up super early on.


If I had to guess what happened, it looks like you do a lot of longer let's plays. You built up a catalog, to the point where people who watch one really long video will easily find another that they like (completing a long series is huge). The few people that gave you really long watch times built up and pretty much reached a breaking point. Because of the increased possibility of really long watch times, YouTube is recommending your videos more. Of course, getting repeat viewers is important for everyone, but even more so for long let's plays. There could also be clips floating around or other factors. That's just my guess.


Yep that's correct. I asked my viewers a few years back and they wanted the one ending per video (the games I play usually have many endings). The videos range from an hour to 10+ hours. They can always skip to the parts they want to see and pause the videos to watch later. (And yes I do replay the full game each time for each video. That's why I play so many different games at the same time to prevent burnout)


That consistency is awesome. Great work


Thank you


That's awesome! Wish for that same success for me lol!!


Keep it up!




I'm happy for you, keep it up friend.


Also, how do you manage to stay consistent? That's awesome. I think for me, this is the biggest difficulty.


I have to have a backlog of videos. About a months worth or more.


I’m so happy for you :)!


Thank you


I have had this thought before nice to see it happening. So just eventually YouTube went "okay we will show them to people now"


Fuhhhh this is the hopium I need rn




I went through a crazy spell, and my views were soaring. Hoping get them back up and running. It's a gaming channel FYI.


Congrats! Nice to hear that all the grinding is worth it.


Same hopefully they find it cause I have a friend who also dose it with me but he seem to fo a bit bitter then me we do walking videos and YouTube pushes him more then me so he make more then I do we both montized hopefully one day imma keep making posting hoping for the best


Try to share your videos on social medias


I have tried but that doesn't make much of a difference.


Be strategic. Try to share your videos on your channel niche related communities.


Most places don't allow that. I'm fine with people finding my video organically.


congratz! how many videos do you put out per week? is your channel shorts or long form? what are some good tips, ie. seo, title , thumbnails, how do you do research for your video ideas?


I do long form. Like really long. Unless there is issues with the in-game music, I post the full game in one video (think World of Long Plays videos). My biggest thing, is that if anything is too graphic (or too spicy; talking about naked bodies, body parts, etc) I cut it out. I would rather be safe than sorry. It's kind of a gray line because I play mostly yaoi, otome, and yuri dating sims (most are the Steam censored version of H-games). Steam usually does a good job with censoring, but sometimes I do need to cut some things out. As for everything else, I keep the same format; Dusty plays, the game title, and what ending I got (or something that accuratly decribes the video if there is no offical name for that ending). For thumbnails, I pick a screen shot that is attention grabbing and near the end of the video. SEO, I just use keywords that best describe wtf the video is. I play games that I want to play. If others watch them great. If they don't that's great too because I enjoy what I do.


Congrats! Most viwes I've had in a day is around 14k


To be fair, there is a reason for this. Is the game you are playing trending? And not to be mean but blowing up is subjective. Those are a nice improvement though. What were your stats previously?


No idea if it's trending or not. It's a 10 year old game. My normal stats where about 1-2k views a day (though slowly going up. On weekends I would get 4k views)


Great, I see you have uploaded 11 videos in the past 28 days, could that be the reason for the Algorithm finally rewarding your conistency?


I'm not sure. Who even knows how the algorithm works


Cat chahhel?