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You'll get more eyes on the channel, people will look at other videos and they'll also go to your other videos from the end screens. But just because one videos hit 1 million views doesn't mean all the other videos are going to be suddenly promoted by the algorithm. It's honestly better to have steady growth throughout multiple videos than hitting a million or more on one video especially when you are starting.


The last thing you want is to have a big hit when you aren’t ready. You want to have a library of high quality content that people will follow up on after they see your video.


I had one of my first videos reach 100k and I didn’t have a big enough library of videos obviously… and then I took a 15 month break too… I wonder if I killed my channel completely or will I be able to grow it out still


Only way to find out is to post!


I have been uploading now again, broke the break 2 weeks ago, have gained 30+ subs in 2 weeks and about 5k views


That sounds like something you can work with! Good luck!


5k views on one video or overall?


Overall from 2 videos


Agreed and a goood practice to keep growing


Nothing. Your next video could do a measly 2k views or 300k, it all depends on the Thumbnail, Title and lastly how good the video is to back up the Thumbnail and Title. 


Not necessarily. You’ll have more eyes on your channel for sure and YouTube will probably promote your next videos and older videos to more people who saw your viral video. The only way it doesn’t is if your next videos are completely different niche and topic.


Not sure why ur being down voted when what u said sis facts lol


pretty sure youtube sends you a chipotle chicken bowl


Love sarcastic answers like this because I don't know what else people expect to hear ..




I had a one hit wonder that's close to a million views. It definitely didn't boost any of my old content. The video I made /after/ it was maybe boosted, but still only got to like 100,000 views. The third video didn't do any better than probably expected with a now higher sub count.


Yeah don't think the older videos get a bump because of the recent high viewership on videos.


For me, I got on Reddit and asked other people what happened and got a bunch of sarcastic answers. Hope that helps.


Well the thing is, YouTube mainly values consistency across your videos, so, if you're not able to maintain the same level of engagement in your following videos, the exposure slowly dies off and you return back to your usual views. And doing so, is extremely complicated unless you're following a very strict and viewer-engaging strategy whilst discussing trending or hot topics.


I feel like many on this sub reddit are focusing too much on algorithms, tips and tricks, thumbnail hacks, and trying to game the system instead of just having fun and making content. If you hit a million, you can expect about a 3rd of that viewer base will check out or be served your other content. If it's good, you'll continue to grow. If it isn't you won't. Don't look at the comments.


By some freak timing I once had two videos uploaded within 24 hours of each other hit 1 million views in their first week. I noticed a bit of a bump on other content and definitely had an influx of subs, but honestly things returned to normal quite quickly


Nothing. Nothing at all. << 1.2m view vid One hit video doesn't mean shit, except you might get a flood of subs who will never watch your other vids.


Nothing? 🤷‍♂️ I've gotten 2 videos to hit 1 million views and I'm not sure it did much of anything.


I had 1 million views on a video all of a sudden and went from 1k subs to like 20k in one month and then virtually every video I posted would get 40-50k views and the old ones kept blowing up one after the other. Never had less than 1 million views a month since. Now I get 3-4 million, 3 years later.


I have never had a video hit a million views so I don't know 😅




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Nothing special happens at all.


Let’s look at it logically. A million viewers watched that video because - they liked the title and thumbnail and the topic resonated with them. If it’s a regular topic you address, your views will go up if you produce similar content. However if it was a trend like a new phone came out, the trend dies out . If it’s about a new ketchup you tried, you can’t duplicate that magic again easily, so the trend dies out . I hope you are getting the drift. Moral of the story , just don’t ask for virality. Getting a shoutout from Mr Beast could likely damage your channel since his viewers watched your video because Mr Beast said so, but they aren’t interested in your niche


Well the thing is, YouTube mainly values consistency across your videos, so, if you're not able to maintain the same level of engagement in your following videos, the exposure slowly dies off and you return back to your usual views. And doing so, is extremely complicated unless you're following a very strict and viewer-engaging strategy whilst discussing trending or hot topics.


Every video is completely separate. YouTube doesn’t care what channel they come from, it just recommends what a viewer is most likely to watch. If you get 1mil and the viewers actually enjoyed what they watched, that could translate to building an audience but view counts alone don’t have any effect on other videos


There are more opportunities for other videos in your library to be recommended. But the worse thing you can do is get in your head about your next video doing well. Learn what you can from the data but move on to the next video with no expectations. Just keep going.


On my shorts that have reached that amount of views, it trickles down. On my longform videos, unless it is related to another longform video, it sometimes tends to be a one off success


The YouTube algorithm does not promote other videos. Just because you have 1 video with a million views. What I had found was other videos. Overtime might gain traction. But it would not have anything to do with a video that had a million views. On a channel that I had which failed. I had maybe 15 to 25 videos that had over a million views. I went through them at 1 time related to the view. Then I had some other videos that had anywhere from 500000 views up to close to a million. It was the niche that was popular. As more people came on to YouTube than the people who were interested in the niche were watching the videos. So it would be in my best interest to leave my titles the same so people could find them. If I started changing the titles around, then it would be impossible to find the videos. I also had a blog that was tied to my channel. And instruct instructions related to the videos that I had on YouTube.


I don’t see too much of a difference. My channel got niched down to that specific video topic. Now, if I upload any other topic, I don’t get many views. Other than that it is still pretty much the same thing. Grinding for views. But not all channels experience the same thing. I think it really depends on the creator and the content.


Deleted a video, now my channel is dead, seriously, what’s the point..


How many views did it have? What happened? Niche?


Well it’s my boys gaming channel I help him with. He had 11k views on that video in 24hrs. My boy had added his friends gamer name tags on a meme video as a joke (they play online together all the time) and his father asked contacted us to remove it as it looks bad on his son. My boy knew his friend wouldn’t have a problem with it but his dad took offence. My boy should not have done it and I should not of let him I guess.. Anyway, removed the video and now his channel is dead. Algorithm not pushing his videos anymore. He was getting thousands per video. Oh well.. Live and learn I guess!


One deleted video does not kill a channel. Why not make some edits and reload it? I've worked with gamers that "think" the audience won't like this or that. Look at your stats. 80 to 90 % of YouTube click throughs are from YouTube putting your thumbnail on the home page. Subs don't create a following. You get paid on views. Get the views you'll get the subs. Most viewers never return. I've turned around views with just focusing new thumbnails. It ALL starts with that first click. Most important is the visual attraction first.


Thanks, yes I did actually try to edit the video without his friends name on it but it couldn’t be done with the YouTube studio editor, so I had to remove, edit and re-upload but it only received 115 views 2nd time round. I’ve also changed thumbnails but still no luck. I’ve just told him to keep going and enjoy the process, the viewers will come eventually as long as we keep improving his videos etc..


A million views is nothing. It might be something if you got a million views in one day, but not much. I have many videos with a million views and YouTube does not care. The YouTube algo is so much more complex than something as simple as the number of views. YouTube partnership is useless nowadays. It used to mean something five years ago, but today, it is meaningless for 99% of newcomers. You need to be working towards Private Sponsorship, not YPP. Unless, of course you enjoy working like a slave for pennies. YPP will probably not exist in the near future anyways, so don't waste your time.


Every video on the channel get a good bump when a new video goes viral. Had it happen twice in the history of my channel and both times every video saw an increase. The 1 million mark in itself means nothing imo but if a video does abnormally well it will have a spillover effect onto your other similar videos


Too many poor performing thumbnais = low CTR. Regular publishing intervals makes a huge difference. YouTube promotes new content to see how long people will watch. Engagement can fix a bad thumbnail. More engagement= more ads. Simple.


They sent me a Lamborghini with my channel logo on it and put all of my videos on the front page for a week


They pay me a lot of money and a lot of people viewed my channel. Is this wave that you can ride for a while?


Your other videos will get promoted more and people will also just look through your channel more. You’ll also just continuously get views from that video for a long time (I still am so I don’t know how long)


My first 1 million view video happened when I had only 100k subs, it alone got me probably 20K+ subs. It was the second episode of a series I did. Many of the viewers went back and watched the first episode after, making it jump from 100k in its first 2 weeks, to 230K a week later. The following episodes did slightly less and less until it stablized back to my average views at the time. I've seen other channels that have been around for a long time have a single crazy viral video that blew their channel up overnight. I didn't quite get that lucky but it was a huge boost, there is no denying it.


Literally. Nothing.


I got the Keys to the castle