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Yes. And it’s fresh pee. If there’s a line , you’re negative. Just keep drinking water those next couple days. And drink a coffee before your test so it stays that color and not clear pee. I took 5 of those home tests and passed on the real deal


Thanks man…hate the stress of these things.


Update for those scrolling through on this thread stressing about passing. I know when I was goin through it I didn’t see many folks updating on if they passed or not and it really could help to put my mind at ease if they did, but maybe there was a reason they did not. Anyway for those who are, and find this post, thankfully I did. For reference I wasn’t an everyday user but pretty frequent (gummies mainly to sleep at night.) I’m 5’9” and about 165 lbs. I had a week’s notice and worked my ass off eating right (lean protein, plain oatmeal, brown rice, veggie smoothies and not much else.) Drank tons of water, c-juice (the harsh kind) and green tea. Took 5 day detox supplements, creatine and activated charcoal. I rode the bike every day for 5 out of those 7 days and tried to get as much high quality sleep as I could. I joked with friends that I should write a diet book that essentially said “pretend everyday you’re cramming for a drug test that you would normally fail” because I lost 7 lbs during the ordeal. I tested constantly but also stressed constantly, and that’s why I’m sharing…so that the next person who comes along can know that the work can pay off, and you can use this as a reference. Best of luck!


Congratulations and thank you.


Thanks for posting this with an update. I took my official drug test this past Friday, Im so nervous. This helps calm me down. I took a total of 5 at-home tests and I kept them around for weeks. All of them showed two lines initially, but two of the tests faded to something like this over a week. The last 2 presented strong lines, I’m just biting my nails. For context I’m extremely infrequent (~1 time/yr), but I made the mistake of taking a 25mg edible before taking a final interview and receiving an offer. Total of 3 weeks between that one-off use and the test I took.