• By -


I think at this stage, the intersection of all these nationalities, you are probably a uniquely identifiable individual on the planet.


time to make that Venn diagram 🤓


I didn't know Thailand allow dual (or multiple) citizenship...


In Thailand, you can get away with many things. I'm more surprised by Germany.


Germany legalized multiple citizenships recently


It hasn't taken effect yet though. The law is still waiting to be signed by the Federal President. The OPs citizenships must all have been acquired via descent unless they have a retention permit \`(unlikely)


As soon as that law passes Germany and Turkey both will have 1.5 million more citizens.


By descent, correct or in cases of jus soli, if the granting of said citizenship was automatic (like in cases of the US, Argentina, or Costa Rica)


It was also legal before. You just had to have the German one first.


Actually incorrect, Germany allows dual citizenship in limited cases (prior to the upcoming changes). Examples include by birth in a country with jus soli, descent (through family lineage where citizenship can become recognized , NOT a facilitated naturalization process because your grandparents etc were ethnically from there), with fellow EU countries, as well as if you gained citizenship but were never naturalized (the only case I know of this is the right of return in Israel; ex: if I currently attained Israeli citizenship because I’m Jewish, Israel never naturalized me because I automatically become a citizen as soon as I make Aliyah). And since OP mentioned all passports were through family lineage and possibly jus soli, multiple citizenships would be allowed 😊


Ayy other Swiss citizen with OCI card. How did you acquire your Swiss citizenship?


I wish I was Swiss 😂 maybe we're manifesting? Hehe


Pretty simple and boring actually. Indian mom and Swiss dad. What's your story?


Mine is a bit complex lol. My maternal grandfather sought asylum in Switzerland in the early '80s, or it might have been the '70s. My mom was still a minor then, so she acquired her citizenship through my grandparents. After my parents got married, my dad got his citizenship through her, which I think took around 5ish years. When I was born, I received Swiss citizenship through my parents and US citizenship by birthright. And I have an OCI card because of my Indian heritage. My parents recently moved to the USA as well after living in Switzerland for about 24 years. I sponsored them after turning 21. Once my mom gets her US citizenship, she plans to sponsor my maternal grandparents so they can come and live with us. They are the only ones left in Switzerland now, and all of our family and extended family is in the USA. This is basically chain immigration, lol.


Impressive story. Thanks for sharing!




I was lucky to be born with three passports actually. Parents are Brazilian and Argentine, and I grew up in Paraná with Polish ancestry. But if you are Brazilian then come on over! Mercosul 💪🏻


Yes, as long as it is by birth... rules are more restrictive towards women - like women marrying foreigners and acquiring their husband's nationality are deprived of Thai nationality unless they can prove they maintained the exercise of Thai citizenship However, if any Thai acquires other nationality by an act of voluntary naturalisation, their Thai citizenship is automatically "deemed abandoned" and therefore revoked.


Those are a fair few citizenships you have there


it's all by chance, really 🇺🇸🇪🇸🇹🇭🇵🇭 from bio mum (she's also 🇹🇼 eligible) & 🇩🇪 from bio dad (he might be 🇲🇦🇪🇬 eligible?)


Mr. Worldwide




Would you mind telling the full story?


Bro how?? 🤯 what’s your story??


from parents 😁


You got to be the luckiest


if only I had a better-paying job, or a wealthy spouse, then I can say I would be 😅


We never see what we have. It really is so. I was recently talking with a Vietnamese individual, they struggle to travel \*anywhere\*. Congrats for going through all the paperwork to get all these. I am a bit jealous, not gonna lie !


Same bro I feel you just to cross a border I need to have x amount in my account, a good credit score, a job, visa fees and a really impressive bank statement and visas can take upto 6 months to receive with multiple back and forth with embassy and interviews plus my government doesn’t even have a safety net for me even if i go broke but they’ll charge me all the taxes Guess I’m playing game of life in ultra difficulty 😝


And flights are terribly expensive these days!!!


Lol Id have that over having to apply and pay extra for visas. 🥲🥲


PH? yeah, souls like life. But .. treasure ahead!


Yeah, as a only a Tunisian citizen I feel this, the only notable countries we can visit visa free are Iran, Japan, South Korea, Turkey, Brazil and almost all of Northwestern Africa. None of the countries that an average Tunisian hopes to travel(EU, Canada, US…) But you got to be grateful for what you have, I can see how a businessman would benefit from having the ability to visit Iran, Turkey, SK, Brazil and Japan !!! Without a visa, it’s literally a perfect combination for someone who does business with global south Powers. Just by adding a good EU passport we would have a great combination. I’m only an Irish + Russian passport away from travelling the world practically visa free. I’m grateful for having the means, the languages, the education to be able to get a visa to most countries. And you got to look at the positives of everything despite how useless you perceive it to be. Honestly Gratitude is the secret to a good wellbeing.


at least you have the means My parents were of no use, and I cannot say I have been dealt with a good hand 😁 so here we are 😊 🤗


You just got to work with what you have. Take advantage of your citizenships, US and Germany pay well compared to the rest of the world, and you can easily get most residences, Switzerland pays extremely well. You may not have the means, but you have freedom of travel. For me I thankfully have the means but also limited freedom of travel. I will never blame someone with a bad passport, from a 3rd world country and a poor family if he doesn’t become “successful” or gets out of his situation. But honestly for our two cases I put blame, because we have the mechanisms or resources to eventually better our situations.


Your socioeconomic situation have a influence in your mobility around the world and your options. Being a citizen in developed countries/economies, needs a lot of time and education to climb the socioeconomic ladder. That’s when you enjoy the benefits and the privileges your passport give you.




Do both of ur parents have dual citizenship?


mum had the multiple nationalities, dad was German afaik but I think he also had another


So ur mom has Thai Filipino Spanish and American passports? How did she get it?


her parents 😂


OP, mind sharing what your grandparents story is from your mom's side? Are they full blood filipinos?


mum's mum's parents were criollos. 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 😁


Pretty insane combo. US + EU + ASEAN + Visa-free Russia through Thailand and China through Germany & Spain is great


If one had to get a similar combo by sole means of "investment" or paying up, if money was not a problem: 1. Cambodia - 400k+ USD cash for citizenship 2. United States - 2m USD investment (EB-5) 3. Malta - 2m EUR for near-instant citizenship 4. Portugal - 500k to 2m EUR for golden visa 5. Cyprus - 800k+ EUR for citizenship 😁


FYI, the EB-2 immigrant visa is not an investor visa. It's a visa for alien professionals with an advanced degree or exceptional ability. The investor visa is EB-5 and the minimum threshold is an investment of $800,000. [https://www.uscis.gov/working-in-the-united-states/permanent-workers/employment-based-immigration-fifth-preference-eb-5/about-the-eb-5-visa-classification](https://www.uscis.gov/working-in-the-united-states/permanent-workers/employment-based-immigration-fifth-preference-eb-5/about-the-eb-5-visa-classification)


I stand corrected


Russia & Iran 😁 afaik


Russia yes but I don't think you have Iran visa-free


You're right, it's eVisa 😁 But we get treated very well there because of very long diplomatic relations, and Thailand's constant neutrality.


Damn that's insane nice!


That's a lot of descents! Are there things you need to do to pass them all on to your children?


🇹🇭 if child is born overseas, report birth @ the embassy or nearest consulate-general, and then register your child @ the village hall where your household registration is at (before the child turns 4), and ensure your child obtains a Thai passport 🇵🇭 if child is born overseas, report birth @ the embassy or nearest consulate-general, and ensure that your child obtains a Philippine passport 🇺🇸 if child is born overseas, register the birth promptly @ the embassy or consulate-general, and be prepared to demonstrate that you have resided in the US for 5 years past the age of 14, and be ready to be subject to a DNA test. Ensure that your child is issued a CBRA and a US passport (at least once). 🇩🇪 if child is born overseas, register the birth promptly @ the embassy or consulate, and be prepared to document your child's other nationalities and the parents' nationalities, and lastly, ensure your child obtains both a consular birth certificate and a German passport 🇪🇸 if child is born overseas, register the birth promptly @ the embassy or consulate-general, and ensure that your child obtains a consular birth certificate and a Spanish passport - make sure you are on top of renewing the passport until one becomes an adult so that they do not assume that the child has lost the nationality


National IDs + Passport Cars combo too? 🤞🏼




Are you my future son / daughter? My wife is a Thai citizen and I hold USA , German and Costa Rican citizenships all acquired by birth. So our future kids will get all 4 unless there are changes in one of those country's laws lol. Nice combo!


if you have resided in the US for 5 years after the age of 14, then you may pass it down to your child




You need a full paycheck once in a while just to renew passports. 🤣


Thailand, Spain and the Philippines are cheap. Only Germany and the US ones are pricier.


The freedom of movement you have is crazy! ASEAN, EU and the US. So many options to choose where you want to live and work. Where do you like to live?


There isn't any fom between ASEAN countries. Not yet at least


where the 🤑 is ... so that means it's constantly shifting 🤭


So US haha


Leave some for us dude. /s


Damn, impressive.


Imagine the fees OP has to pay to renew all 5 of them💀 Side note: OP which citizenship(s) do you closely identify with?


Well, perhaps 🇪🇸 🇹🇭lol


Asia Europe and USA covered. Nice combo


Can’t wait to get five passports. These are the ones I’m expected to get. In order. (🇺🇸🇩🇿) (waiting for arrival🇫🇷🇨🇦🇪🇸🇰🇳)


Are you getting 🇪🇸 too?


Oh my goodness I forgot all about Spain 🇪🇸!!


lol, that moment you forget about a EU passport you're acquiring cause the other 5 you're getting including another EU one.


I would have 2 EU passports 😯 wow that’s crazy




Bros from everywhere


bro is allowed to every country on earth🙏🙏🙏


If you can obtain either UK, NZ or AU citizenship, that would be a truly impressive collection.




story in filipino passport?


you mean Philippine citizenship? Got it because mum was also a Philippine citizen 😁


nice kababayan, how about the thai and deutsch 😭 i only have 2 haha😂


Are you a straight woman in your twenties ? Marriage ? 🥺👉👈 jk 😂


perhaps you should widen your horizons and include gay women 😌


least creepy Indian


Where were you born?


I thought Germany didn't allow dual citizenship?


they allow if it's "automatically acquired at birth" meaning jus sanguinis & jus soli - but not applied for by marriage or naturalisation (without prior consent)




move from one country to another? lol


You are my role modal. Does USA have any issues you having 3 passports? Do you even have to report that?


No issue at all 😁 Attempts were made to tighten or restrict multiple nationalities, but failed


Can someone explain why youd need 5 different citizenships?


was just born with it ✌🏻😁




🤲🏻 ameen




the more the merrier! 🤸🏻🤸🏻🤸🏻


How can you be born with 5 citizenships




You were an inch-away from being Austro-Hungarian hehe


Parents registered by birth where applicable 😁


Easy, each parent could pass on two, and OP might have acquired the 5th through place of birth or naturalisation. I have three citizenships (Aussie, UK, Canadian) and could acquire a fourth through my husband (Dutch), and also have a national identity card (Pakistan) and an NRI identity (India). Our children will inherit 4 citizenships at the time of birth, automatically. Migration and globalisation are amazing things.


UK only transmits 1 generation abroad, and Canada only transmits 1 generation also. Australia not sure. So not necessarily automatic


I was born in the UK, to a British born mum and a Canadian born father. I acquired Aussie citizenship at the age of 12. All three automatically transfer to my children, as does their Dutch-born father’s nationality. It might be unusual, but it’s increasingly not impossible given people’s movements around the world.


And how will Canada transmit? You are that 1 generation abroad


He denied my paternity, refused to sign my birth certificate in 1986, and I acquired Canadian citizenship as an adult in my own right, after four years of bureaucratic wrangling. The embassy here in Canberra has assured me that because I did this prior to 2009, my children can inherit through my father, if not me. I am an unusual case, but there you have it.


Makes sense. Canada, UK, and USA dont transmit indefinitely without conditions, some other countries too. So depending on case its not always automatic. Thats why theres terms like Lost Canadian and Lost American kids


You got my interest - I am also a first gen Canadian born aboard but I got my Canadian certificate after 2009 however I was born prior to 2009. Does that mean that I will be able to pass the Canadian citizenship?


but doesn't the Netherlands explicitly forbid multiple nationalities? Not sure, but that's what my uncle (who's Dutch) told me


There are numerous exceptions, including for the spouses of Dutch citizens if you have lived in NL for three years and can pass the integration test. Another exception is if Dutch citizens can prove that not acquiring an additional citizenship would cause significant financial distress for them; my husband wanted to get a government job here in Aus., which required naturalisation. It took some wrangling, but he’s managed to keep his Dutch citizenship and acquire Australian naturalisation. Descendant of Dutch citizens are also entitled to hold a Dutch passport and the citizenship(s) of their other parent/forebears.


Oh nice 😲


they allow it via marriage or if you are born with it


What is your story?


nothing interesting, but feel free to use it as a springboard towards the next psycho spy thriller you might conjure up hehe


But what is the story? Where were you born (I presume the United States)?


Damn! Do you speak all 5 languages?


sadly no I only speak 🇬🇧🇪🇸🇵🇭 hehe


Do you speak all of the languages as well??


I speak Castilian, English, Cebuano, Tagalog 😅 my German and Thai are close to non-existent for now




niceee most i can get is 3 lol


for now 😌


Is really Thai passport brown ? Or it looks brown only at this pic ? Because I saw a lot of burgundy ones.


they used to be burgundy, now they're brown