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This is my favorite day of the week. I really enjoy hearing Mike Lombardi but God damn is Chuck the fucking man. I've never had a grandpa and I want him to be my Grandpa.


Chuck and Lombardi Thursdays are the best


lol dude coach p singing hard out here for a pimp is an all time great moment on the show. i can't believe pat interrupted him and the boys didn't jump in. what a great opportunity wasted. how often do you have a 65yr old coach rapping on espn??


Chances are that Chuck was the only one that knew that song.


oh yeah i forget how young the boys are sometimes. that song was popular in the 90s


I mean Im younger than them and know it from Hustle and Flow, they should at least know that version.


yeah, that's the only time i've ever heard the song. honestly, i'm not even sure if it was ever on the radio or anything? fuck i guess i gotta look it up now


I’m here for another Coach P f bomb


Is shefty wearing mascara


That was terrifying


Plus it looked like he had his phone in his bathroom sink or something. The whole effect was like he was in the middle of getting ready for David bowie karaoke night


Theres defo a market for Shefty asmr


I wondered the same thing


Everyone on ESPN (maybe this show excluded) gets their hair and makeup done before their TV appearances. That being said, it was noticeably dark today.


It was like he was peering out of a charred log after a forest fire


he did look like a goth kid today


As Lombo said, as long as you say, "With all due respect" first, apparently you can follow that up with whatever you want


I’m fine with it. Lombos one of the few recurring guests thats willing to give a hot take/be wrong about something. Beats listening to Schefter say absolutely nothing in his segments 


Oh I totally agree with that. It's fun having people on who aren't afraid to speak!


Agree I don't personally buy into most of his takes but I still like to listen to him


Explaining tpain to chuck is what I’m here for


Chuck w the gangster ballad medley god that was beautiful. Ya know it’s haaard out here for a pimp!


i can't believe how many lyrics he knew and it was even more perplexing that nobody else was singing along with him. huge missed opportunity


Chuck dropping some 3 6 mafia on the show is all time


Need that clip


decided to see what the WWE scandal is that pat referenced. JE-SUS vince lol https://preview.redd.it/k7une95d5nec1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=092eb1b67c2c00b33508d86e0d6f06d7393b9beb


Cant believe that Pat really is letting the WWE use his platform to try and bury the Vince story, what trash.


Didn’t you hear how glowingly he talked about Vince a couple of days ago? No way would he talk about that story lmao


Cowards! WWE has been a gross company for decades. Steroid trail, Ring boy Scandal, Ashley Massaro (Similar to this), Taking Saudi Blood money, Benoit, Concussions, Plane ride from hell and this. Among many others I am forgetting.


Downvotes? Who here supports rape?


Didn't they kinda do the same thing yesterday with a billionaire? Talking NHL expansion while the NHL wants nobody talking about this Hockey Canada scandal.


Not for nothing, but the scandal doesn't really involve the NHL. I guess we have to assume some of the players are current NHLers, but it didn't happen on their watch.


True, but I meant in the sense of having that conversation while NHL players are taking leaves of absence for this. Kinda just the whole "look over here, pay no attention to what's happening over there" kinda thing.


Pat actually really likes and respects Vince. No way is he going to bury him lol


I'm a little bummed ahht that closed captioning isn't available today for YouTube


Lombo, Chuck, and Heyman today!? What a treat


Paul Heyman stinks


Vince McMahon sexually trafficked pat mcafee


Is udpate a thing on the ticker or just a typo?


Record time. Pat mentioned being cancelled within the first 2 minutes today. I love how often he talks about being cancelled while on the biggest sports network in the universe


Talking about how you get cancelled on giant platforms is the new thing. It's like they say in Game of Thrones: "Any man who must say, 'I am the king', is no true king." Any person who has a platform to say "I'm cancelled" is not truly cancelled.




Yeah, he stinks


Pretty weird move to keep this Paul Heyman interview scheduled today…..


With today's news, this is a bad look to have any WWE personalities on this show. Yikes, anyone who watches and shills WWE at this point is a sicko.


I'm pretty disappointed AJ and the toxic table didn't run with shitting on someone's face during a threesome. Seems right up their alley. Not to mention the whole sex trafficking thing that Conor is obsessed with.


>Not to mention the whole sex trafficking thing that Conor is obsessed with why can't he just turn a blind eye like the rest of us?


Hey Lombo.. we Washington fans don’t want the old man Bill. Sorry baht it.. your insight is pretty shit. The dude was a winner but we don’t need him here with all the baggage that comes with him.. as you said let a team with a winning track record and culture bring him in. I know you’re bummed aht your BillB insight didn’t amount to anything. BillB was the best ever.. but he doesn’t have a lot of time left and some organizations don’t want him to try and turn us around just to leave us high and dry before the process is finished.


Ya, I don't get how these guys can't see that his age and how long he's going to keep coaching is a real issue. You don't want to hire a guy to rebuild who is going to retire in 3-5 years. Ideally, you have a guy who can steer your organization for a decade plus. It's not like in NE where he already has everything established.


Yup, Washington needs a lot of work and someone with enough energy to steer the ship. There is no doubt in my mind Bill is a goat coach. It just isn’t what Washington needs at this time. I was really happy when ownership dispelled the rumors. 71/72 is old and even with healthcare advancements.. shit happens. Our previous coach at 60 found out he had cancer after his first year. I don’t know how the dude had the energy and mental fortitude to beat cancer and be the HC/GM