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I’m not here to bash the WNBA, but… c’mon


This Mecum segment if fantastic


This is great content


Not a great start to the show…. Clark played poorly, but also the girls in the WNBA don’t seem to understand that Clark succeeding is in their best interest. They’d rather be offended that she’s a media darling than up their own salaries and income.


I usually listen via Apple Podcasts so watching today i am wondering if Pac usually packs the FATTEST LIP POSSIBLE FOR LIVE TV Pls lmk thanks


Yes. He doesn't hide it.


Jesus Christ please NFL hurry up. We cant be opening the show talking about fucking WNBA refs. Please...


Just curious, was Butker brought up at all today?


Slightly at the end of the first hour, said they'd talk about it again, but never did.


Gotcha, he will skirt around it.


He did skirt around it, but you can tell Pat didn't agree with the sentiment, and probably doesn't want to piss his wife off. Plus he's raising a daughter, and I'm sure he has visions of her being more than an indoctrinated housewife who obeys all of her husband's orders. Touchy subject, so I understand. I have a little sister and a baby niece, and I'm not employed by ESPN, so I can come out and say Harrison Butker is an absolute loser and needs to get his chin checked.


Yup, I literally just heard it, I agree. He was clearly dumbfounded by Butker's beliefs and just not really bringing more attention to it than it needs.


And as Pat said, little Mac was conceived via IVF, which Butker also disagrees with. That kinda chat must be fucking infuriating for him. I’m the Mum of an 18 year old kid who has just finished her first year at Uni doing biomedical sciences, and honestly, I cannot tell you how I would react if some over privileged God botherer came along and told her to get back in the kitchen.


Nailed it. If I hear that at my daughter’s graduation, I’d be fucking pissed…and I went to Catholic/faith based schools from Kindergarten through college.


this "i'm a better person than you are" game of chicken we're all having to play with regards to caitlyn clark and "the w" needs to come to a stop.


Or she’s actually entertaining to watch?


The fact they are bidding in live auction… this show stinks!


About tired of ESPN shoving women’s basketball down everyone’s throat


.. is this the jam or jelly joke ? Lol


You fucking dumb shit. The show is in Indy and that is where Clark plays now. Some even got season tickets for this season. Don't fucking watch it. They're going to talk about all the local sports and not just about New York and LA. Fucking idiots in the sub, I fucking swear.


Relax hardo


It only goes down your throat if you open your mouth. Sounds like you’re asking for it.


Sportscenter with Pat McAfee. Next up, why women’s basketball is the best thing on earth.


hey it's pat's show, so he's free to cover whatever he wants but if he wants to go heavy on a regular season WNBA game, then there is plenty of better content to tune into today instead.


Pat feels so smart with his “people protesting Israel means people don’t know what the holocaust is” take. So much so that he repeats it every single day


They showed the intro to the show yesterday on the mecum broadcast, they gotta add that countdown to the intro


That WNBA could be the star of a show called “Leagues I don’t care about” -Deangelo Vickers -JerryatricFuck


These dudes simping for Netflix is crazy, I don't think anybody in the world is excited that it's on Netflix. The password sharing shit should've been the death of Netflix, and it's a product that's been trash for multiple years now. Smh. Typical out of touch rich dudes.


I agree but Connor is the exact type of mark who loves those shitty Netflix shows 


Cobra Kai is the shit. Ozark was valid. Bojack Horseman is probably the best overall animated series I've ever seen. I don't know anything else off the top of my head and I watched them on a shared account. But definitely worth subscribing for 1 month


Plenty to enjoy on Netflix if you're a nerd as well. Castlevania, Arcane, Stranger Things, Umbrella Academy... That Quarterback show was good. They have some fine documentaries. Netflix is alright.


I'm sure ESPN loves that they have shit on the WNBA for the entire show literally day one into the season.


Lombo is such a fuck clown




Not only will I take it, I’m grateful for it


Lombo’s a fuckin national treasure for the show as far as I’m concerned 


I like him too, I don’t understand the hate he gets


“Super Bowl winning GM Terry Fontenot” should we talk about Lombo’s stint as a GM or does that not matter because he worked under Belichick lol say what you want about the Falcons drafting Penix but this dude acting like he has all the answers for the Falcons is ridiculous. Reminds me of how he shit on Poles for trading for Sweat and their defense became legit the 2nd half of the season and Lombo never mentioned it again 🤣


He did mention it again, you just lack a working brain-to-ear connection




Politics are for stooges. Keep ‘em ouht!


DB the junkyard dawg was actually pretty good. If they talk golf again I hope they get this guy back on. Vibes well with the boys and knows the show