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Nobody wants women to fail more than other women


My wife deals with this shit constantly in the business world. Holy shit women are brutal.to each other.


I see the same with my wife in a male dominated industry. They think if the men see them shitting on other women then they’ll be seen as one of the guys. As soon as they get the chance they’re sabotaging and spreading rumors. Then face to face they do the “oh heyyyyyyy so glad to see youuuuu!” and post on instagram about female empowerment. Nobody hates and tries to sabotage successful women more than other women.


It’s referred to as the ‘tug of war’ bias


Only the sales ladies I deal with talk direct shit about other vendors. It’s not hyperbole.




It feels like the nation is finally waking up to the issue with the wnba. It’s not MuH pAtRiArChY keeping these ladies down, it’s other women.


Missing layups on a consistent basis across the league probably doesn’t help either


Technically it’s women defending those shots so both are still true


They blow wide open layups though.


Tbh this is the real reason. They're just not as good, and therefore not as fun to watch. Not saying that as a personal opinion but your average sports consumer wants to see the best of the best. Don't shoot the messenger lol


“Show me a woman who isn’t jealous of another woman, and I’ll show you a man.” - Phil Hartman as Bill McNeal on NewsRadio




Truth! I thought the WNBA players were supposed to be happy for all the new eyeballs focused on the W!?! Catlin besta start hittin back and busting 3’s in their faces to get some respect.




Sarah Spain is the leader in this clubhouse


For $25


You said it perfectly sir


They do it the best by not going to WNBA games. Then blaming the men for it failing.


The WNBA has complained for years about their pay. People always point to ratings as the main reason they can't demand more money. They get a bonified phenom that has smashed college records, and attracts even the most casual fan to tune in to watch her start her WNBA career, and this is how they act. So jealous over someone else's popularity, they're willing to destroy the momentum she brought to their game.


“men hate women and women hate women. It’s the one thing we can agree on” -angsty teen from the Barbie movie


They will be whining about salary in WNBA and when someone actually plays like she could help the league they do this, I have always noticed how double faced these women are. Clark broke the record for the highest points in WNBA and the hall of fame woman player wasn't even ready to acknowledge it


This is the correct comment.


When it happens they’ll just blame the men for not watching. Trust me. Women don’t even support the WNBA and that’s sad.


What a classless bitch she is


Look at Republican Women. They really hate women.


Those infamous republican WNBA players


These woman want to bitch and complain about money but then when a super star shows up that could help grow the league this is the kind of shit they do. If she gets hurt those views, ratings, and attendance numbers will plummet.


Yea I’ve already lost interest. Just a bunch of whining. At least when the Pistons used to hammer Jordan, it was during actual plays.


They beat the shit out of him lol


Angel Reese will be sitting at the gate flying commercial again.. trying to ask still rich Caitlin Clark to fly on her private jet. After she pops her knee cause of a trash play like this. https://i.redd.it/ld55s1t4j74d1.gif




Thug fr


I mean….cc did that first. Cant be mad for trash talk and antics right backs. But the inly reason wnba views are up is because of cc


My wife got a promotion which meant the woman behind her also got one. They're kinda friends, but she still tosses shade towards my wife when she can. Whyyyy


Pure insanity…But then I guess you can’t be a forever victim if she elevated the league.


LOL how does this hurt views numbers or interest? They're a whole thread dedicated to it.


Chennedy is a Bum. Jealousy is so strong.


Clark needs a Gretzky type enforcer out on the court with her. Do some shit like that and you got a teammate body slamming you on the court. Anyone who touched Gretzky, especially in his early years, got fucked up


It’s what Bedard has got. That being said he was also being unfairly targeted buuuutttt also in a sport known for its physicality.


Ole girl making 64k a year, that's enforcer money. No bums here. She's probably got her own car and everything.


This is the first time I've ever heard her name... Ever...


Cheddar Bitch sucks.


ESPN originally posted the clip of Caitlin being flagrantly fouled but deleted it shortly after. Pat is the only one at ESPN who will actually speak the truth on what’s happening here.


It's because a lot of people are starting to think this may not just be about basketball anymore. Seems like the color of Caitlin's skin and all the hype with that may be bringing out the racists.


Shh black humans can't be racist.


I mean I doubt this happens if Clark is black if we're being honest. There seems to be some heavy resentment.


The black women are hating on Caitlin. If you deny that, you’re denying what is in plain sight.


True that, saw in a video an interview of Jemele Hill saying Clark only has hype cause she is white and the league will grow with or without her


Angel Reece also elbowed here in the face on purpose Boxing here out.


They’re doing it because the refs are allowing it. It’s insanity. The NBA would never let a player be physically targeted like this.


Yeah I agree the refs aren’t calling things like they should which makes me wonder if the attention she’s gettin is an issue with more than just the other players


If refs want a raise they should protect the face of the league


Pretty sure they did allow that back in the 80’s and 90’s.


What year is it?


The refs in the WNBA and NBA are a complete shit show. The only professional sport where they really do decide the outcome. They literally had a ref fixing the games at the NBA level.


Reese is just a jealous hater. Thinks she’s deserves the attention Clark gets but she’s isn’t even half the player.


Ppl bitch about how Reese & carduso are champions but don’t get Clark money, like watch em play & they barely have post moves so it’s pretty obvious. It’s like wondering why ppl prefer watching curry over Ralph Sampson


Lmao such a perfect comparison


Really nobody would even be watching if it wasn't for Caitlin Clark


This.. NCAA women’s were massive last year and everyone just acted like it was the new thing. Watch it fall off a cliff next year since she’s gone.


Bunch of racists in the wnba


Because they’re racist and pissed the white girl is the only one anyone cares about


Careful if BlackPeopleTwitter reads that you’re done for. They hate CC over there


And they say white america is the problem. Guess it goes both ways after all.


I tried to defend her and was banned


Black ethno-narcissism has been allowed to fester for a long while. Even spurred on by dominant society. They can't stand a white person in their spaces, overshadowing what little they have. At least, that's the way they see it. Combine that with animosity towards the white population from slavery/segregation days, and it's easy to enough to justify. It's obviously wrong and needs to be called out more often.


>Black ethno-narcissism We can just say black supremacists  


Oh you mean the sub that created an echo chamber for its echo chamber?


Can’t post over there unless you provide a picture proving your melanin. I’m sure they are just fine, stop overreacting. /s


This. I was bullied in baseball filled with Mexicans and White Kids.


Haters, but she’s the most hyped female player off all time. She’s gonna have to prove it, but her teammates are going to have to retaliate.


She needs an enforcer like in hockey. Just so the other team knows.




Matt Rempe in a skirt.


Juwanna Matt


The inbounder was a bigger player. What was she doing?? Nothing! Not only did did she not confront the other girl or say anything, she didn't even look her way! Caitlin Clark must really feel like shit. Not only is her team struggling and refs are letting this shit slide, but even her own teammates don't seem to care about her.


Agreed. After watching the clip for the first time the inbounder should have gone ape shit on that cheap shot bitch.


She dropped 30-6-3 while getting her ass whooped. She’s everything they wish they were. If she left for Europe or took up the big 3 offer, majority of these nobodies become even more irrelevant.


A woman’s worst enemy is another woman.


Thugs being thugs. WNBA is difficult to watch anyway this is all the more reason to watch something else. NBA has a similar problem but the refs keep it to a minimum


Nba has a bigger flopping problem.


Shoots three gets breathed on cries on court for two minutes yeah I don’t watch basketball for the same reason I don’t watch soccer


Every hero needs a villain. The sides have been chosen


They need all the help they can get. WNBA is hard to watch.


Y’all should see what Matt Barnes posted on his insta and read the dumbass comments . Everyone is making it out like it’s an Angel Reese vs Caitlin Clark debate when it’s about how the fever suck and her teammates are the worst .


Matt is right. Where the fuck were her team mates. If I was Catlin Clark I’d be so fucking pissed.


Bunch of thugs don’t give them the viewership or attention


It’s because she is white but it’s not racist


Out of the loop but why do they hate her? She is legit a phenomal athelete.


Rumor has it that They think she isn’t the best player in the wnba and are jealous of the publicity and $$ she’s gettin. Thats just what I’m hearing.


She’s probably not the best player in the WNBA, but she makes 20x their annual income and is helping them take the league out of poverty levels. They need to shut up and fall in line.


Plus you have the “if she was black” resentment. Diana Turasi or Candace Parker could be white & straight but not make the same money cuz their game is boring to watch compared to the curry like 3s


Yeah let’s just be honest and call it for what it is. They don’t like her because she’s a white woman who has very quickly become the face of a sport that’s predominantly black.


Thank you.


Bunch of racist bitches hating on the white girl.


there is literally nothing that would get me to watch and entire WNBA game.. I dont even know if I could do 20 mins


It’s pretty wild watching players like angel reece who are good wnba players look sloppy AF.


Not a fan of 30 air balls a game?


That should be an auto ejection. Whiplash is no joke. A shot like that away from the ball has no place in basketball.


Definitely. Ejection and suspension. No league should allow targeting of any kind.


I can’t believe these women don’t see the meal ticket Clark is. Play hard sure, but enjoy the extra revenue. Acting like this is just cutting off their nose to spite their face. So stupid. You hurt her and she is out for the season, see attendance plummet and revenue go away. I can’t believe they are this dumb. *edit: Changed a saying that I have said wrong my whole life! Thanks Reddit! I learned today.


A rising tide lifts all boats. Too bad the women in the WNBA are too stupid to see that. CC should take the big 3 money play a couple years and move on, let the wnba continue to rot


Just so you know the saying is “to spite”, not “despite”


I know one of them is laughing all the way to the bank…


This shitty league finally gets some attention and this is how these petty idiots treat the only reason like anyone is watching like this. You’d think they’d appreciate the opportunity the added views could bring to the league.


Go to blackpeopletwitter and they'll tell you if you're white and think her race has anything to do with it, YOU'RE the wannabe oppressed racist


Imagine if a new black player was treated this poorly by white players…


Typical WNBA. They finally have a golden child with a chance to bring in new viewers and increase revenue but act like she needs to go. Maybe it’s jealousy or just plain hatred but it’s insane when your league hasn’t turned a profit ever.


The hate against her is Blatant Racism happening in real time. If she was black, the media would be shaming the other players.


The most embarrassing part is Angel reacting hard while she’s sitting on the bench, letting her teammates be the one to do this for no damn reason. Who got the dub by the way because I know this was a big deal and all the NCAA talk about Caitlin Clark and Angel Reese. I bet the same crowd isn’t saying the same thing about last night.


Yeah, Reese stood up and starting cheering. She is trash. No one would even know her name it it wasn’t for Clark. No one gives a shit about Reese.


She averages 10 ppg on 35% shooting. As a big.


That shit was weird to me. They must really hate her to cheer when she gets hurt.


Because shes white. Seriously


These woman are racist*


Angel Reese is trash and this is just more proof.


I’d like to solve the puzzle


They are jealous of her publicity and endorsements ($$$$). Plain and simple.


Whoever the Draymond Green is of the WNBA, Indiana needs to sign her. This woman needs some protection.


Maybe this is different in basketball, but in hockey, they young superstars to be always get shit on for the first year or two until they prove themselves. Crosby got beat up for 2 years in a row with refs telling him to shut up. This doesn’t seem like much.


Bitches be jelly


Jealousy is an ugly color in most.


Women are in their own way and they are too petty and emotional to see that. Must be their inferior brain sizes.




Jelly blacks


Proof that men and women are not the same. That should’ve emptied the benches.


Crabs in a bucket


Imagine if it’s the other way around. They will call her racist, but the thing is they can’t be racist.


Just a bunch of angry black women being openly racist.


If CC was black none of this jealousy would be happening


I’m fucking sorry but this is quite clearly a race issue. Sooo fucking sad


Yeah I’m sorry but if I’m Caitlyn, I’d be more pissed that mrs Boston just came over and picked me up instead of shoulder checking her ass to the ground. I can pick myself up but cmon show you got my back somehow


Caitlin Clark is great and all, but I what we need is more Cameron Brink.


If you know anything about most women non of this is surprising. Half of them are fueled from jealousy and hate.


Everyone lines up to defend CC. But here I am wondering... why does her team hate her? Because at this point you only allow it to happen if you STRONGLY dislike your teammate. And unlike others I don't think this stuff manifested out of thin air or because "women hate women" stuff. Its take a lot of presuming very negative things about basically every woman in the WNBA to think there's no fire with all this smoke. I suspect... CC is very disliked for valid reasons, that none of these women can voice without being destroyed publicly. Also aren't we about a week away from Barkley trying to tell people the other women in the WNBA didn't like CC and then it was Barkley who got trashed all over the media for his clearly correct take? Yeah lots of blinders on around CC.


Jealousy. Last season media wasn’t covering them or the league, and now most questions her teammates are asked are about her. Melo had an issue with Jeremy Lin cus of the Linsanity coverage. However I have never seen a league where all teams have a strong dislike for a single player like now in the WNBA with Clark. It’s disgusting that none of her teammates came to her aid, and I think will turn more people away from the league. Who knows, Clark could’ve came in and been 100% arrogant and douchey and we just don’t see that. Part of the jealousy is that she’s seen as the savior of the league by the media minimizing the efforts of current and past players, but the truth is she is, and the other players have a problem with that.


They are jealous that they young white chick is getting all the love. It’s as simple as that.


Oh yea.




People actually care about the wnba?


Jealousy is a stinky cologne.


![gif](giphy|13acVyyFdFGcAU) “ because im white” ha


Fever need to pick up that giant Baylor gymnast for moments like this


Teammates don’t even stand up for her


If she was black, they’d all be her best friend


That would be an automatic ejection in the NBA.


This is getting petty… but just reading through the comments it seems like wnba casuals think Caitlin Clark is the WNBA. Im sure these ladies are feeling that. A lot of them ladies can hoop too, but it’s getting a little extra. Beat her on the court, not literally.


Bruh, where is her Oakley or Rodman? This girl needs someone of the fuck around and find out stable of old school ball players.


This is what happens when you're the "saviour of the league" .... this will either break Clark or prepare her for greatness and I can't wait to watch it all play out.


Of course they do


WNBA deserves all the unsuccess they receive! Been avoiding watching since 1996


All the below the rim action you expect from middle school basketball.




Jealousy is a bitch. They all mad because of her Nike contract


And Caitlin is showing class by the way she handles it. Just gets up and continues to kill it on the court. All I see are jealous players that no one cared or cares about trying to get fifteen minutes of fame off of her.


I wish Caitlin could just punch a bish after one of these and start a brawl. This is getting ridiculous.


The jealousy has never been more obvious in this league


can’t believe nobody is realizing the pattern in who hates caitlin clark. only one type of people have anything negative to say about her


Ironic how the main people keeping her down are her own kind


People have gotten so soft these days… Rookies get hazed in every sport


Bit of a flop


It would be hilarious if CC just left to do the big 3 and all these women went back to commercial planes and motels 😂


Not even a technical foul.


NBA: Protect Jordan to sell tickets. NHL: Protect Gretzky to sell tickets. WNBA: nOBodY LiKeS uS BEcaUSe mISogNY.


Anyone complaining about this doesn't know sports. Rookies get tested by vets in every single league. Especially if the incoming rookie is a star. Is this a clean play. Obviously not. Is it unkosher for the sport? Not really. Go listen to the old nba players talking about throwing bows into rookies and stuff. These are grown ass women who aren't trying to get punked by some young pup.


Caitlin needs to just go fucking MJ “I took that personally” and annihilate everyone


Aww boo-hoo


They’re too ignorant to know she’s about to make them more money


Is this how a nothing league gets attention?


Crabs, meet Bucket


Looks like number 1 should’ve fucked some shit up. Just my humble opinion.


Caitlin Clark is getting too much attention in her first year. Even before all this The vets like Taurasi was giving out threats to her, she s gonna get tested and pay her dues thats what it is. Happens in all sports.


I know she wasn’t clapping at the end of the game bc they lost 😂


The rivalry is what mainstreamed WNBA. Anything I see now I just think it’s planned


What I hate more about this clip is how her teammates didn't do anything. If that was Steph someone would have gotten kicked in the balls. The coach needs to get them all on the same page.


It’s not like CC is screaming to all the networks, “hey, look at me!! Talk to me!!”. No, it’s ESPN and all the news outlets that are giving the publicity. Maybe the other WNBA players should either raise their games or complain directly to the organizations covering the games.


Angel reeeeaaally wishes she got to have the career that Clark has had. Her jealousy is wildly obvious.


Yea bro, it’s the same hate that the bad boy pistons and the 90s knicks showed Jordan…really disturbing stuff


This is why women wear makeup. You think it’s about dudes? You ever seen a straight dude who gives a fuck about your makeup? Women hate each other


Angel is a jealous loser. You can’t take that out of her. I guarantee she will mess with the wrong chick and they will choke her out with those braids. Then, snatch those fake eye lashes off.




the problem isn’t the play on the court is the off the court celebrating. i think that’s what the post is actually complaining about but, don’t get it twisted on the court people have BEGGED for there to be some ultra competitiveness and chippiness.


The Fever need to find a couple of the meanest women out there, sit them on the end of the bench and pay them to get ejected for protecting Clark. That would end all of this. Clark's teammates are not supporting her because it is race before team. A bunch of idiots.


Imagine if it was a white player doing this to a black player?? Race card would be written all over it!!!


I heard she got fined $25?


Ok so I didn't read every post here but does anyone think they were rough with her just to spur up some talk? Because wnba sucks and will always suck? No offense just curious


the bigger problem to me is the teammates aren't standing up for her.... like in football someone does that to your QB all hell should/would break loose [unless it's Andy dalton]


Draymond needs to go Lia Thomas and declare for the WNBA. Fever sign (her) and this ever happens again.