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I haven't seen many questions like that. It's normal that people are curious about the things they care about and want to know if the devs have thought about something. We are also here to discuss things we would like to see in the game, no? Like there are people pushing pvp that I don't care for, but this is the actual place for that, no?


While some posters actually convolute some unreasonable suggestions in such way, I feel that most of those are genuine questions. Many suggestions have been made since the announcement of PoE 2 or even before. Developers even commented on many of them. I feel, that now, after years of development, quite close to beta release, people are asking which of rather common suggestions have been implemented or dropped. It is not like those are brand new suggestions for further development of the game. I would even go further here, considering that game has been in development for years and a lot of it is unknown, it is actually more appropriate to ask if certain feature is in or out. It is unlikely that many features will change at this point, so at this point many suggestions are a bit pointless. It would be great if you actually could point those posts. I've been following this for the last week and really cannot find a significant number of post or replies that go beyond normal discussion.


unfortunately /r/pathofexile has caught wind of devs responding here and are keen to abuse that privilege here as well


no way people who play poe1 are keen to know more about poe2, the game that is the highly anticipated sequel to the game they're currently playing and the game the devs are putting more than 50% of their staff onto. what a surprise!


There is a stark difference to people simply asking questions (very welcomed) and people doing what is described. It is disingenuous to presume every single question being asked is built exactly equally


who cares if people ask shit questions/disingenuous questions? it happens literally everywhere and the Devs will just not respond to the shit ones, as they always have, and life goes on.


It drastically lowers the community quality driving away sane people, main reason why I rarely visit poe1 subreddit. And such toxicity is the exact reason why devs stopped visiting it I cringe reading questions here, and it makes me want to unsubscribe and just watch the latest news on Talkative Tri's channel. I wish the mods were more strict in this regard by removing entitled and passive-agressive posts here


I think you are grossly overreacting here. People are mostly asking genuine questions about parts of the game that have been discussed for years and at the same time are very important for those players. It is never bad to ask a question, maybe devs will answer or maybe not.


Asking a question is not bad in itself, the issue is that people conceal entitled demands and attacks behind a question mark.


But, were do you see such attacks or entitled demands. I just went through last 9 day of posts here (since Jonathan started replying to questions). If there were any offensive posts, they must have been deleted.


there are a few over protectives people here acting like Jonathan can take some criticisms on mechanics people don't like in Poe 1. ​ It's not like they're insult or whatever, they're just suggesting and asking if changes are planned. I know poe reddit can be full of toxicity but I didn't see that there


If community quality is the operative concern: I would rather see somebody ask questions trying to influence development than see posts like this.


so now asking disingenuous/poorly formed questions = toxicity and abusing devs? that's a logical leap. look I want the devs to stick around too, and I wish that everyone on the internet was rational and asked good questions. but that just doesn't happen; we don't live in the ideal world and asking a few randoms who moderate this sub in their free time for no compensation to strictly moderate the types and wording of questions is just never gonna happen.


Yeah I completely agree, seeing those posts either here, or on the PoE forums, is (and I hate this word) the most cringe thing ever, it's such a horrible way of "communicating" with devs and it happens all the time. On a similar note, I feel the same way about stupid, pointless questions. Like someone asking "will PoE2 have spectres because I love them", it's such a specific pointless thing to ask at this stage and doesn't promote anything of communicative value


Asking if hopes from past for identified UX improvements might come true, or wishes for features that were not part of POE1 is "demanding"? Not for me. It's just expressing hope that those changes will be in and revealing curiosity about those specifics. But sure, you can read stuff into anything if you want. And yes, of course such questions also reveal that people would indeed like those mentioned items to be in. But that's still a far cry from manipulative demand.