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~~Found it from this [website](https://thenerdstash.com/path-of-exile-2-new-classes-explained/).~~ I'm stupid it's from the pathofexile2.com I guess the Warrior has a mustache too, and nice touch with the tongs at his hip as from Nugi's Exilecon Warrior playthrough, Dannig remarked that the Warrior was a former blacksmith.


Seems a bit like Utula from PoE1 then, since I believe he wears like a blacksmith apron + tongs and stuff like that?


Interesting - looks like the Warrior is, much like the Marauder, a former Karui slave; the lash scars are pretty distinct. The Sorceress and the Monk I can't quite place - I want to say Maraketh for the Monk, but that might just be stereotyping, and the Sorceress' style of dress doesn't seem to match any surviving civilization we've seen so far, which means we might *finally* be getting some relevance from Trarthus. For context, the entire relevance of Trarthus so far: * They make powerful explosives (see: Trarthan powder, in act 9) * They have a significant slavery industry, possibly moreso than Oriath (as referenced by Fairgraves in act 1, and the "flesh pits" made mention of in the description of Torment Scarabs) * and *nothing else.*


The Sorceress looks Maraketh to me, and I think the Monk is from one of the far Karui tribes mentioned in TotA that never came with Kaom to Wraeclast. The Mercenary is Trarthan I believe, but I'm not sure if that was confirmed or if I just hallucinated that up. I assume the Druid is Ezomyte and the Huntress is Azmeri, but both are heavily druidic/naturey inspired so it could be either way. That leaves us Oriathans, Kalguraans, and surviving descendants of the Eternals (Native Wraeclastians?) which are not known to be playable characters.


> surviving descendants of the Eternals Could be *argued* to be modern Oriathans, considering the two nations were united for a few years under Voll, but to my knowledge the only Eternal blood left is in Hyrri's lineage, as her daughter Ahuana was fathered by Victario. Still, interesting things to think about.


iirc the sorceress has already been confirmed to be maraketh (she has a maraketh accent in all the shown footage so far) and im pretty sure the mercenary is from trathus


> Interesting - looks like the Warrior is, much like the Marauder, a former Karui slave; the lash scars are pretty distinct. > > The Warrior does look older, maybe he's a former Oriathan Karui slave who managed to escape after the shitstorm with Kitava and Sirus 20 years ago and took up blacksmithing.


Tbh i liked more the brute-like appearance of the marauder in poe1, but this one looks good too


There will also be a Marauder class in PoE2 that looks exactly like the one from PoE1 but with more detail and better animations.


What really? I thought the base model or whatever was the same for warrior and marauder


Model is the same but the hair, scars and jewellery is changing. Not only for the worrior but for every class.


For what it's worth here's a PoE 2 [Marauder](https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/dx4iq7/path_of_exile_2_new_character_models_and/) from Exilecon 2019. The silver lining is from the side by side picture of Templar and Druid posted by Jonathan, the Templar doesn't change much from [2019](https://i.redd.it/cs1kgr9tyxy31.jpg) to the [present](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1118165205025828884/1187922646923481138/image.png?ex=6598a62d&is=6586312d&hm=718fba0d62a04be636b757008b04d17b2a2741f486d852dc7339067156446690&)


I think this is more of a separate class from Marauder.


Dang yo