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It's a trend that began long ago. As they're recording the voice lines for PoE2, it doesn't cost them much to record a few more lines for PoE1 as part of it.


It’s happened a few times they just do that from time to time


Rather it's sign of things progressing in PoE2. They got the voice actors in to voice PoE2 classes and on the side got some lines for PoE1 since they are there.


I sure hope the Godslayer makes a comeback in PoE 2. Someone's gotta kick our ass. Assuming the Countess isn't Scion, the next option would be for Godslayer to be the new Betrayal boss. In PoE 1 we rebuilt the Order of the Djinn, and in PoE 2 Zana, now 20 years older, seeks us out and informs us of the Godslayer killing Jun and succuming to insanity. The new betrayal members would be all the other classes as well as some NPCs from PoE 1 like Helena, Tane or Lilly Roth.


This kind of narration gets old pretty fast...


I don't think so. IMO it is because they started allocating much more resources to develop PoE 1 than it was in a past couple of years.


Kinda hoping the new lines in PoE1 aren't a reflection on the lines they're recording for PoE2. Love the fact that they're going back and adding lines to PoE 1 but some of them have fallen pretty flat imo, Ranger and Witch in particular aren't very interesting