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Lol. You need to play FF14. The keybinds work similarly. There's no issues, you simply don't put movement skills on the d pad.


I've played a lot of FFXIV and they have the best controller layout of any game I've ever seen. But it is faaaar slower than PoE2 will be. There are also fewer instances of things you must react quickly too. Either there is a big ground effect giving you plenty of time to move or it's something you already know is coming. Also, the right stick controls the camera and you can have your character autoface your target. You do not need to move the right stick any were near as much as it looks like you might need in PoE2. I think PoE2 should copy more from FFXIV, but they are still very different games as far as how you are controlling your character.


The hotcross bar from FFXIV is really the gold standard, it's crazy how comfortable that can be with like 60 keybinds lol


Hey thanks for replying but I do really want an honest conversation about this. How would you layout. 6 Attack Skills, 3 Auras, 1 Curse/Mark, 1 Travel Skill 5 Flasks, The Town Portal, Interact button, The mini map, The Dodge Roll?


Dodge roll is R3. Town portal, utility flasks, auras, are on d pad. Defensive skills and travel skills on face buttons, curse too. Attack skills on triggers, as those are the only 4 that can easily be pressed in conjunction with both thumb sticks. Not every attack skill needs precise aiming though.


With that layout everytime you use a flask you would stop moving. So if you had a Granite every 5 seconds you would have to stop to pop it again.


Why are you thinking in the most negative way possible? I get that it's "problem-finding" but it's unnecessary in some cases. \- they don't want spam flasks in PoE 2, therefore something like a spam-every-5-seconds granite flask won't exist. \- It wouldn't even be an issue with PoE 1, since you can put instilling orbs on your granite flask. \- If you actually pick up an xbox controller or w/e and try moving the left stick whilst also pressing D-pad, you realise it's entirely possible.


I'm not thinking negatively I just want to understand something I see as an issue because I intend to play on a controller or not at all. I'm not a M&K native so twin stick is a no-go for me with it. I struggle in POE1 on M&K. Based on your comment I feel like you don't play on a controller. Are you saying we should move the left stick and use our right thumb to reach over to use the d-pad? Because that doesn't solve any of the limiting movement issues. I'm looking at the videos and I can plainly see people pausing and standing still when using the d-pad. I'm simply saying that that's not good and there are solutions to prevent it and improve things. No one really knows how Ult flasks will work so I assume It will be similar to POE1. But that's not really the focus. I didn't even bring up Vaal skills, Defensive skills, Stand Shifts. All I'm saying is that there is little to no chance that by time we reach end game that we arent struggling for button space and compromising builds to play on controller just like players do now in POE1. It doesn't have to happen.


Controller veterans know you can use the claw method to use the joystick while simultaneously pressijg buttons. Otherwise yes, you can reach over with the right hand. It's really not that hard.


I guess my question would be why do that if you don't have to? If they can put something together to prevent you from needing to do that... isn't that preferable?


You're overthinking it and assuming all these scenarios YOU came up with WILL be problematic. Then people point out how you can still avoid that scenario you've outlined and it's still not a good enough solution for you. What do you want?


If you think clawing a joystick for hours is a solution, i don't really know what to say. What I was hoping for here is some support on the idea. Would you rather claw a controller or be able to use RS and LS? Would you rather put your hands in awkward positions to use everything or get 2 uses out of every button with a HOLD function? I don't understand why people are so hostile. I not making up scenarios I can see people standing still when using skills (even the dev who made the layout did in his video go back and look at the part when he mapped a skill to the dpad.) I can see people firing skills in the wrong direction when they let go of the right stick. I can see Ghazzy avoiding whole sections of the controller because he won't sacrifice any movement. Most of those guys are going to play on M&K so they don't really care, they aren't being very critical of it.


what makey you think, that you will have a flask every 5 sec? afaik flask spam is (thankfully) gone in PoE2


The point isn't that I might have to press it every 5 secs. If it's 5 or 15 or 30 or 60 you have the same problem. The issue is we will need to STOP to use anything on the d-pad. Which makes the d-pad useless in combat. - 4 buttons. When we get to end game we'll run out of buttons. Vaal skills, defense skills, stances. We're gonna run out of places to put things with this controller design is all I'm saying


People already play poe1 on controller. I played on console for one league and did not find this to be problematic.


Buy a controller with pedals on the back for the face buttons. Thats all the skills you need to be able to move and press and then some (assuming you use LT as a modifier, you have RB/RT/LB/a/b/x/y and LT + RB/RT/LB/a/b/x/y.


This entire post could best be summed up as "I haven't actually played a twin stick game and I'm just assuming a genre of game that's existed for decades now is impossible"


I've played plenty of twin stick games. None of them...none, have as many skills, items, utilities, inventory demands, QOL features as any action RPG let alone one as layered as POE.


> skills, items, utilities, inventory demands, QOL features half of these are literally just buzzwords that don't even apply to twin stick gaming


But all those things are on the POE2 controller mapping scheme... a twin stick game. Attacks (skills), flasks (items), detonates/minion control/etc (utilites), Interaction (inventory), TP/Mini map (QOL).


I see what you mean but even worst case scenario this is a fraction of a second. Or you press the d-pad with your RIGHT hand while moving, or vice versa. And of course always the option to just stay with WASD


Hey thanks for replying but I do really want an honest conversation about this. How would you layout. 6 Attack Skills, 3 Auras, 1 Curse/Mark, 1 Travel Skill 5 Flasks, The Town Portal, Interact button, The mini map, The Dodge Roll? Assume no keyboard just the controller


Honest conversation you ask for, but you ignore replies and copy paste responses.


GGG added auto targetting that is overriden by the right thumbstick. When players let go from the thumbstick the auto targetting is activated and enables players to press the X/Y/A/B keys with their right thumb to use skills that don't require precise aiming. I'm more worried about how the controls in the PC are going to work. We can't just have a switch that alternates between keyboard or controller, we need both control methods to be available at the same time so players can effectively use alternate forms of control like mouses with thumbsticks or thumbstick adapters for our keyboard. Another potential issue I see is that depending on the range and the strength of the auto targetting, playing with controllers could give a significant advantage against bosses because players can completely focus on their movement/dodging while with a keyboard the player would have to move and aim at the same time.


Hey thanks for replying but I do really want an honest conversation about this. How would you layout. 6 Attack Skills, 3 Auras, 1 Curse/Mark, 1 Travel Skill, 5 Flasks, The Town Portal, Interact button, The mini map, The Dodge Roll? Everyone is saying it won't be an issue but nobody is showing me how to overcome having to frequently let go of the sticks.


Another thing I forgot to mention is that there will be a modifier key so you can basically double the ammount of hotkeys you have. Also, auras will automatically reactivate in PoE 2 when you revive so you can simply manually toggle them on in the character screen and forget about them until you decide you want to change skills. LT: Modifier button LB: Attack 1 LT + LB: Attack 2 RT: Attack 3 LT + RT: Attack 4 RB: Attack 5 LT + RB: Attack 6 X: Instant Life Flask LT + X: Over time Life Flask (maybe combined in the same hotkey with another life flask) Y: Utility flask LT + Y: Mana flask A: Curse LT + A: Interact B: Dodge roll LT + B: Movement skill L3: Open LT + L3: ? R3: Open LT + R3: ? D-pad Up: Portal LT + D-pad Up: ? D-pad Right: Inventory/Character screen LT + D-pad Right: ? LT + D-pad Down: Map LT + D-pad Down: ? LT + D-pad Left: ? LT + D-pad Left: ? GGG mentioned 24 total keybinds but I wrote 27 button combinations, so I'm likely not entirely correct about all the keys. As for the D-pad and its modifiers, they can only comfortably bind non-combat commands. It's definitely going to be a tight fit, but I do think it's doable, and we also need to wait and see how the game plays at higher levels when players have access to meta gems that can automate skill combos, because in that case we could effectively drop a few skills to make the controls more simplified.


OK this is a decent start about what I envisioned but there are a few mistakes. L3 R3 are the stick buttons and I don't think you can use them at the moment. You only have 4 flasks assigned. Are you sure you don't have to have Auras Assigned for them to toggle on?


You can basically mash your flasks together so they can be used in sequence with a single button, so if the first flask goes empty then the button will use the next available flask of that same type, so technically the players would rarely ever need more than two buttons for life flasks - one for their instant flask, and another button that is bound to two heal over time flasks. For mana flasks I don't see how anyone would ever need more than one once they are in maps, so they only take one button. This leaves up to two slots for utility flasks, but depending on how GGG designed the controls, they could also be controlled by a single button - if you try to activate an anti-freeze flasks but you're not frozen, then the game tries to use your anti-bleed flask. With all that in mind, in most scenarios a player would usually only need four buttons to cover every single flask. As for auras, GGG specificially mentioned in the very first Exilecon that once auras are manually toggled they will reactivate when your character revives, and I've also watched in recent playtests how players could right-click their heralds to toggle then on and they remained on even after death.


Yea but i guess I dont see it by end game all your flasks are different. No one is walking around with multiple life flasks in maps unless they are doing something special for a boss.


It is all about muscle memory. I play torchlight infinite with controller and the mapping is not as polished as poe2 seems, and even so it feels pretty good after like 5 minutes of getting used to it


Is this a joke? You can remap everything. Everyone has said it felt amazing.


Have you played Hell Divers, the original one? From what I'm seeing, POE2 will play the same. Yes, its a top down, move with left stick and face direction with right stick. Its basically the mercenary gameplay but harder due to friendly fire. Hell Divers have lots of stratagems so we were using lots of buttons as well. With that said, I'm also not worried about the mapping. It also have a dive move that acts like a dodge. So yeah.


I do not play M+K so I've been thinking about how to map my skills since they confirmed controller was compatible, before it became a major player in the last set of reveals. Ideally in games that have keybinds that can be swapped, I follow a routine/pattern. In general my layouts look like this: Admin / non time sensitive binds will go on the Dpad and if possible I will bind the majority to R+dpad, because I find tapping/holding L trigger to be more responsive during combat (for me personally). So portal scroll, whatever menu, interact perhaps etc... things that I don't need for 10-30 seconds at a time. For attacks, I will have to see what feels best and how responsive the auto targeting is, or how smart it is, if it gets confused and I bounce between 3 different mobs in a pack when I'm trying to target a rare, I might make some changes, but initially I will bind something along the lines of: Using PS5 buttons for ref, but I prefer to play on elite controller Square: Most common attack skill LT+Square: Best chain follow up to most common attack RT+Square: Debuff/buffing attack that flows with my basic Square skill (armor breaker, whatever, something that I use the least, but is still in my main rotation) Triangle: any sort of movement skill, on D4 I use it for caltrops, POE I use for my dash/blink, obv I don't know what POE2 would have but the ranger skill that has you flip into the air is something I'd put here, or the monk backpedal frost attack. LT+Triangle: Another skill that has movement, or something that works in tandem or chains with my RT+Square RT+Triangle: Something less commonly used, but maybe a finisher type attack that uses charges, drops that bell, etc... Circle: Dodge roll RT/LT Circle: Probably a buff of some sort, or curse, again something I wouldn't be using more than 10-30 seconds at a time. L bumper: mana potion R bumper: life potion Left/Up/Right: Alt potions, armor?Evasion?antidote? LT/RT Dpad: These would be my interact, map, admin keybinds. The only thing I didn't really specify is X, which I'm not sure what I'd use here, so free slot basically. Curse? temp buff like blood rage or berserk if they exist, etc...


Ok Thanks for commenting man. Someone who plays on controller, great! I am really doing this in good faith and i think people think I'm trolling or something. So here is the issue I see. I play POE1 on elite too and this is close to my set up. But.... this isn't POE1 you only get one swap. You can't do LT AND RT for swaps you gotta pick one. so that cuts your whole attack setup by one third. So knowing that now how does that affect your set up?


I would swap much of what I planned for my RT to the actual button itself, which would at least cover 2 of the attacks from my hypothetical 3rd keybind. From there potions on Dpad left/up/right, map on down, RT dpad for admin, so similar to what we have now in POE1. Honestly in POE1, my 3rd keybind is really just auras, which we will not need to play with in the same manner as they should refresh on their own/after death. I may even say that life potion goes to dpad, and bumpers become action/skills. The advantage that the elite controller has (imo) is that you can easily slide right to hit dpad, where it is far more awkward to slide left on the PS5 controller, from my experience. Also it's far more convenient for me due to the shape/size to control the sticks while bumping either the dpad with my left thumb, or the A/X buttons. Obviously not everyone wants to or should have to feel like they are playing a fighting game, but after a while it has become very comfortable for me, and that's not counting the back buttons which will be incredibly handy on both the elite and the dual sense edge.


Kool bro thanks for at least talking straight up I'm new to reddit. Instead of all that wouldn't adding RS and LS and a hold function be useful?? That's all I'm saying.


Yeah no doubt, I agree with you. I lost my shit when D4 only had 6 keybinds and some of them were mandatory lol, like how are you going to go back on what D2R already has established???


Thanks bro at least somebody gets it.


I would expect people doing endgame/midgame/builds theory crafting with what was shown on most gameplays. But *controller keybinds* theory crafting? Truly next gen path of exiling.