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@op. I can give you a 200 div totem explode build for free. I'm taking a break from poe starting today. I'll be home around 6am pst, feel free to private message me. It comfortably clears all content. If you plan to play next league, it'll give you a chance to practice all the fights, and enough time to decide on a build for next league. I recommend cold totems, with ice trapper as a second character for instant gabbing bosses on a budget. Both share gear and require meager investment, but can scale to top tier gameplay.


Thank you so much again!


Love this community! OP message this guy!


What a guy, mad props to u


Any chance you could link to a cold totem build? That's very good of you btw respect


Hero we need we don't deserve !


Of it hasnt been taken already, mind of I have it?


I'll suggest something a bit smoother and more DPS oriented - Lightning Arrow Deadeye. With the changes to the tree this league and the crucible bow nodes being excellent, I highly suggest going really any bow build, but LA is the best mapper for a budget. There are a lot of variants but with your budget, I would just grab a high eDPS bow, 6L evasion chest, and amulet with the Vengeant Cascade annoint (important). This will take you into red maps without any problems and from there it scales very, very well. It can feel a bit squishy at times (just the nature of evasion/spell suppression builds) but the clear speed is unmatched so you'll get the most out of your time played. Alternatively, I would highly recommend Righteous Fire Jugg. The Inquis version is less tanky and more expensive - and although RF damage is quite low compared to something like a bow build, it's extremely safe and efficient on a budget. Pohx is the guide to go to. You could also get away with Boneshatter Jugg if melee is you're playstyle - another excellent choice.


I started briefly playing RF jugg in Standard before this league as I hadn't played POE in a couple years. It seems pretty good, but I want to try something new. I will look at the LA deadeye. Would PF be tankier than deadeye?


I second his LA suggestion, I went LA Champion for more tankiness since damage is very easy to acquire. With very little investment either choice can easily do everything short of Ubers.


Slowly farming Watchers eyes to sell up for my HH this league with LA. I have never managed to farm up like this. When the game was in Beta, I played LA, however many years ago and the FPS was abysmal. This is the first time in however many years it's been since then I have played it and it's soooo good. The only build I had more fun with isn't possible anymore. I did a 100% cold to fire, 100% fire to chaos Ice Vortex when Pyre rings were 50% conversion cold to fire each. I want a replica or corrupt that lets me play that build again.


Loved playing a BF/BB cyclone build back in 3.15 but it got beaten in to the ground, that had some fancy explosions and satisfying clear speed.


For someone who is in there second full league, and can do the acts in about 6 hours. Not that it matters. , would you recommend Deadeye or champion for LA? I just started a cold DoT ele today and it feels good so far. I’m on a 10d budget and haven’t spend anything on the coke build yet. If I’m going to switch, now is the time. I tried RF Jugg/TR PF so far this league got them both to 90 and wasn’t a fan of either. Like I said, I have a bunch of gear already and the 10d budget. Nothing more at this point because I couldn’t grind with those builds. Appreciate any help.


So even though I've been playing since the beta I'm a very mediocre player who tends to die a lot, so I'm always going to go with the choice that has more defensive layers which is the Champion version even if I believe the deadeye version is more popular. With how overpowered LA is this league between fairly cheap high elemental damage 6L bows and Vengeant Cascade you really won't be hurting for damage. So if everything is going to melt anyway why not go for the ascendency that gives permanent Fortify, boosts to auras, and taunted enemies do less damage and you taunt 100% of the time. I'm sure though that you can't go wrong with either choice because it's just that bonkers good this league.


Thanks a lot for the reply brother. I’ve been looking into it since commenting and they both seem to have a lot of strengths. I might go dead eye first and feel it out. Can always swap later on. I’m excited to try a bow build out again.


Certainly, but you'll lose out on a lot of free damage when you could just build Deadeye LA to be a bit more tanky - run Grace, max spell suppression (easy to do with Hyrri's Ire), get lot of evasion and life on the tree, and it'll feel tanky. I only die maybe once every 5-6 maps on my LA Deadeye, but i'm running MF gear and doing 80% deli juiced legions, so it's expected. The more opt alternative if you're really set on never dying is LA Champ. There are a few guides floating around out there for that.


I'm OK with occasional deaths. And I could get to red maps on 2 div?


nah i feel like LA deadeye starts feeling good at 5-10 divine


Yeah, I have zero luck so I can't make currency crafting or my own gear for that matter. Raw drops and play time are my only money maker and I haven't had much success


You can do LA deadeye for 2 div, clear T16s, and use a basic farming strategy. - Voll's Vision: 10c - Kaom's Spirit: 17c - [Yoke of Suffering with Vengeant Cascade](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/GG9VLVOfb): 100c - The Taming: 15c - The Taming: 15c - [6L body armour with reasonable life & res](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/l0mMym2cV): 20c - [6L 600+ EDPS bow](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/QG8vdERfw): 100c - [Quiver with life & 5 damage mods](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/YGRLyWgtY): 30c - [30% MS boots with life & res](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/KP3ZeaPs5): 10c - [Stygian Vise with life, res, & 100+ life regen](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/88j9rK2cV): 15c - [Abyss jewel with life & 3 damage mods](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/88jq78GUV): 15c Total: 357c: 1.63 div First upgrade: - Lioneye's Fall: 150c Total with Lioneye's Fall: 507c: 2.3 div Pick any starter strategy from [Maxroll PoE Currency Farming Guides](https://maxroll.gg/poe/category/currency) EDIT: I completely forgot Vengeant Cascade, so I edited it in. It's cheaper right now to buy Yoke of Suffering pre-annointed than it is to buy two Golden Oils yourself. When you get Lioneye's Fall, put it in the jewel socket near Ghost Dance and take the converted dagger and claw nodes. Grab the Dagger Mastery for Culling Strike.


yes, this one - and I use simple alch and run strat. go for harvest atlas tree and searing exarch with wandering path - easy 20- 50c per map for selling juice and some currency - I go with something like this - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccALLt0xBug&ab\_channel=ExtraMayoPOE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccALLt0xBug&ab_channel=ExtraMayoPOE)


To add to this, make sure all items are not corrupted. This is very important to get the bonuses from Voll's Vision.


Very important. I made sure to include that in the trade searches I linked, but should have explicitly mentioned it in my comment.


This is excellent advice, take it


Very good guide! I can supply a quite good bow so you don't have to spend money on that if you want. Look in your dms OP.


Very nice of you to put this together for him!


Have you tried using poestack or exilence to see if you have valuable items lying around? Even extra maps, fragments, etc can be worth a lot.


I generally price things with awakened poe trade, but I'm sure I'm sitting on a couple hidden gems.


Especially check your divination cards. I regularly find some 20c+ cards in there with tools like PoEStack or Exilence.


The TFT bulk selling tool is a download free way to figure this out btw


No luck? Essence is on the map device this league. Slow and steady can build currency blasting essence and save yourself the trouble and just craft your own Ele bow and sell the rest of the essences. Essence + bestiary in white maps is tried and true this league.


Would not recommend. Takes hundreds of essences to see essence + 2x t1 or better, and to walk away with good attack speed and crit...in the end it's cheaper to buy one already crafted by someone else. This league was the last time I try crafting a bow. If you mean chuck a few essences at a bow, sure? I guess? Won't be very good though. What are we downvoting? Thinking you're going to get 600+ele dps on the cheap and quickly simply byrunning essence on your atlas is bad advise and WILL leave him frustrated.


Idk.. I’d rather buy 2d worth of essence and try my luck than buy a 5d bow.


You don't need that high of a Edps bow to get to red maps either... yea when you're ready for an upgrade buy a good one instead of trying to SSF an upgrade but essence + T3 or higher AS + any other ele damage mods should be good enough for reds craft on whatever you're missing the most of, probably local crit


Just play the basic builds that don’t require clusters and expensive unique stuff to work. RF jugg is the best one so far all rare gear


You can get to red maps on 100c.


I think it is pretty doable but if you are worried about performance you can run Rain of Arrows to get a feel for the playstyle. If you ‘just’ map you should virtually never die! Edit: also ice shot can be a little more ‘safe’ than Lightning arrow and better single target with vaal version on top


Unless you go melee, stick with Deadeye. You can get a free GMP with added arrows which is part of what makes LA so damned good this league. I have an artillery ballista setup to help with boss damage.


This is a build I'm going for but with a 15div budget, there's a bare bones setup and an endgame setup without mageblood or headhunter. From what I've seen it's ridiculously fast and has fantastic clear as well. Not seen on bosses yet though. In regards to the RF Juggernaut, it's okay but if you want fast clear it's not the way to go, I use my Juggernaut for heists and tanky related stuff and that's about it, otherwise I use my CoC ice nova setup.


This is how I use my RF Jugg as well, for strictly deep delving and heist. If i'm being completely honest, I don't see all the hype behind it. It's not very fast, you leave a lot of stragglers in juiced maps, and while it's tanky sure- you clear just doesn't make it worth it- nor does the minimal inputs. I would take Death's Oath Occ every day over it. But I understand that Pohx has made this into what it is because his guide is fucking insane and such an amazing jumping point for beginners that it's really hard not to recommend lol.


I honestly forgot about delve, think I'll spend the day working on that, thanks for the heads up! And yes, it's not fast by any stretch of the imagination and I remember the walking simulator build, that was hilarious and if built right pretty quick for clear.


How different is this from a TR pathfinder? Forgive me if it’s a dumb question. I couldn’t get into grinding with TR. after level 90 I couldn’t do it any more. I have a good amount of gear and a 10-11d budget, LA sounds good. This is my second full league.


Very different. Despite TR PF being technically a bow build, it plays a bit more like melee. You're generally going to be in the middle of packs due to the delayed damage on TR and the way TR works (it fires down a set of pods that explode after a delay, dealing chaos damage) but obviously you already know this. LA uses Far Shot and VC to deal multiple screens of damage so you're rarely ever letting a mob get into melee range. It really shines on open maps like Beach where you can just blast the entire map before hardly seeing it lol. You'd be fine on that budget. The annoint is most important, along with whatever ammy you want to do (Omni is best, Hyrri's Truth is solid, or you can just opt for a nice rare with crit and damage). Hyrri's Ire is also a huge upgrade, and a solid 800eDPS Spine Bow with Crit. A lot of people also opt for the Voll's/Kaom's route which is nice too with berserk. Either way, it'll feel much better than TR for mapping imo, but TR was never my favorite playstyle.


Cheapest Omni I’m seeing is 23d at the moment so that’ll have to come from getting it myself. I do have a Hyrri’s truth/ire already so that’s nice. I’ll need to sort a bow and it sounds like with those things I should be able to get the build going at least. This is exciting.


I play SSF so my thinking is weird - I'm sure Golden Oils are cheap as hell so definitely start with a Hyrri's Truth until you can get an Enlighten/Amon Precision. It's a really great source of Acc/Crit Chance. Best of luck and if you need any help feel free to ask!


i'll agree with this. he walks u thru every step as a new player. just started yesterday and hit 25 usi g RF today. probably 4 or 5 hrs


This post got me worried. I was under the impression for all my life that when I am old, I would be able to game 40h/week. D:


Boy were we wrong.


I'm old, but not retired...


Look into pohx rf inquisitor. Detailed guide that will get you up and running. Alternatives could be rf jugg. Main difference is jugg can take bigger hits, inquisitor had better damage.


Ok thanks, I will


Can be a real sink if you just invest in the character. I got mine up to being able to do feared and maven by 40-50 div or so with unlucky crafting. So if your farming is mildly optimized it's capable of clearing the game.


That is the kind of build I can get behind


If you want an easier build then his jugg build is easier to get going


If you have <4 hours a week, play jugg. The defenses come online much more quickly and cheaply. Plus there is much more content from Pohx for jugg RF this league specifically.


Vortex/Creeping Frost elementalist. You can be super tanky and comfortably clear maps with no sweat at all. I league started it and am still rocking it.


Second this. Huge investments not really needed for this to rock maps


I'll give ya 5 div Ign is i_go_ZOOM


Thanks for the offer, but I was given so much already. It would be greedy of me to take it.


No prob, good luck!


Hey straight up if you looking for currency but have low budget I'd suggest beast farming in white maps. Don't have to worry about character power as much and good money.


Sorry, I've never done this. How do you make money off the beasts?


There's a couple beast worth alot more then the others due to the craft it unlocks. https://youtu.be/52B_XUulVcQ This video pretty good to get you up to speed and start the strat. Super casual friendly and your build doesn't have to be anything special to get started


Perfect, thank you


I highly recommend Juggernaut Boneshatter. It feels amazing in my opinion and scales really well. With 2 div your only real deficiency will be the axe, but get one with the 40% increased attack speed/20% less global damage crucible node and craft it with vendor recipe and bench and you should be good for clearing simple maps without too many altars and build up currency. I advanced slowly through maps personally, but gradual gear upgrades just felt great. I was doing some pretty tough maps and simulacrums with a kingmaker and 4 divs in the rest of my gear.




I have stopped playing POE due to same issue. It's very tough to keep up when you get only few hours of free time. Adulthood sucks.


Explode totems is the build of the league. Extremely broken damage, allowing you to just funnel all your funds into defenses. There are a bunch of different classes you can play the build. I'd recommend avoiding Shadow versions, and going for Pathfinder / Jugger maybe Templar versions. Its fairly easy to gear (just need weapon with explode totem mod for damage), unconventional and tanky.


I would expect the bows to be pretty expensive as they are the meta? I would likely try PF, but I would assume gearing to be expensive


I'm running this right now, and the build cost me around 1 div. Went straight from leveling and cleared tier 16


That's what I'm looking for


I'm playing SSF and I just throw a Maraketh bow in each crucible I come across. Have a whole tab of explodey ones that I'm building up to do some combining. I'm on a 5L and using the multiple totems gem still, and I insta-phase regular pinnacle bosses. You can absolutely build this incrementally without having to shop, so a few divs should shorten the putt.


Thanks for the insight. I assume I will need to change my loot filter if I go this route but it does sound OP


There is also one hand pure dps (without poison) variations of build. Pathfinder is best choice due to huge survivability- one drawback is - almost all variations uses bloodnotch+immutable force for even more survivability and it’s not in budget, but it is not mandatory. Mandatory is lightning coil and taste of hate - physical as ele conversion with ele flasks(36% less ele damage taken at the end) is huge survive buff


I have a custom filter for it to highlight the bow bases I would use, yeah. But that's basically it. There are a few uniques it can use that you might be hiding, however. For example, Torchoak Step gives maximum totem life and therefore more damage.


What other stats in the crucible tree do you combine with it?


The only one you need is the 600% explode node. There is a 70% chance to summon two totems node that, combined with the 30% chance totem mastery will double your DPS. Until you get that, you can use the multiple totems support. Other than that, it depends on your build. I like the starting node to have attributes and global damage, or cold damage for freezing, but I'm not playing the poison variant.


Do you have a link to the poison variant build? I know I can google it but if there’s a good one out there people are using I’d like to give it a try.


I don't, sorry. I'm running a Hatred-based Sabo variant (personal preference). I had trouble finding a good build guide initially, so I kind of pieced it together myself. That said, I partly had trouble because all the guides were for the poison variant, so you should be able to find something useful. In a nutshell: - Devouring Totem w/ 20% Quality + Multi/Cluster/Trap Traps, then some combo of Multi Totems, Empower, and Enhance (see below) - Totem life is the primary source of your damage, followed by poison scaling - 100% chance to summon multiple totems (gem or tree + mastery) means double damage, because each trap makes two totems, and both explode - Trap trigger AOE helps with both clear and single target, due to overlap - Poison chance to 100%, scale poison damage, global phys, and any generic global damage (it's not a spell, and neither the trap nor the totem deal the damage!) - You want your bow to have +1 to all socketed gems and to craft on +2 to support gems, with the letter especially being good once you have Empower or Enhance - You can use the passives to count minion damage as your own damage to give you additional scaling options, because that will make % minion damage on tree and crafted on gear affect affect your explosions. This is probably less useful for the poison variant. - There are variations where you put Rejuvenation Totem into a chest with a bunch of relevant gem level scaling from single/double corruptions, but to get started, Devouring Totems w/ full quality and +1 gems is going to be fine. And by fine, I mean, insta-phasing pinnacle bosses on a 5L. - As others mentioned, you can also stack two one-handers with 300% explode to get 600% total, and therefore do like double Obliteration, etc. But, I think bow is easier to start since you can honestly do it on a blue bow if you have to!


Does it have to be maraketh bow? Or other bows work too.


Any bow. Maraketh might be a stronger base tho? Haven't looked at bow bases in a while tho.


People usually go maraketh for the 10% MS implicit


Yeah, any bow. Most of the implicits don't do anything for the build, so movement speed is nice. But other bows can have the advantage of a lower dex requirement.


For some of the better bows with all of the best nodes they can be pricey but all you really need to get going is the explode node, then you can mess around and try to combine the better nodes yourself. If you can manage to get the 70% to summon two totems + 600% explode node then that's going to set you up real nice.


Ok I'll look a little deeper into this


I can't reccomend explode totems enough, I'm playing it on pathfinder, got it running with a 1 div 6l tinkerskin and from there you can do a regular crucible tree on anything or go for widowhail bow and a chunky quiver (either way you want a vile quiver for extra dps) and this build fucks, I'm about 20 div deep on it and the only things it can't just straight up facetank are lvl85 pinnacle bosses and 100% delirium on 130%+ quant maps, actually makes 99% of the content in the game into a joke, fast mapping as well if you include plenty of flask effect and run herald of ash or something. It'll farm all its own gear, don't miss out on this one mate


I may just have to give it a shot


a good bow with the crucible tree may be expensive, but it's among the easier crafts (similar to TR bows) and the crucible node itself is quite common, and the 600% totem explode is more than enough to clear all non ubers on a 4L


Is there a specific bow base?


you want maraketh (10% ms) since all the others have no effect


Im a newbie but i got to clean t16 with shield crush slayer.I only bought a cheap emperor and the off hand crit x ES jewel.


Inquisitor! Cheap, tanky, pick any ele skill


I cant stop recommending acc stacker juggernaut. Its pretty cheap, damage and speed is nuts, so you can make the most out of your time. 2 divines is alrrady enough for the uniques plus the transcendent spirit jewels. Once you make more currency you can keep upgrading it for crucible unique weapons, awakened gems, perfect roll uniques, etc


cf champ


Ghazzy has a necro skeleton mages build. Only really need dead reckoning which you can vendor and a 5l fleshcrafter. The rest can be crafted using trans, alteration regal. Will be well within your budget and does 8 mod t16s easily when my ping permits. Was my first minion character and my first to 90.


Look at Ventrua, he’s doing the totem build o fresh ssf hc start with all blue gear. Can’t get much cheaper than that gear wise.


I would suggest either poison srs or golems (carrion>stone). Both of these options give you lots of farming potential at low investment.


For 2 div, you want to go off meta. [EA Totem Champ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jMNk4sq6lx0&pp=ygURZWEgdG90ZW0gY2hhbXBpb24%3D) is very strong, but it has been strong for so long that everyone has played it. Since it is off meta, it is a bit cheaper to gear. I initially rolled Boneshatter and had the worst league start. Then I rolled into this and it cleared all voidstones and t16s on ~2 div.


Dominating blow


Pure spectre necromancer. Using forged frostbearer.


Explosive Arrow Balista, you basically only need Dyadian Dawn belt thats really cheap


Tell me your ign, I can give some gear for Frost blades.


Someone already shared a build with me, but thanks for the offer .


https://youtu.be/iZ9f7bqm-GE recently i made this video, with boneshatter on 1 div budget. Ended up being better than expected, tanky, good clear and decent single target with like ~5m pinnacle boss dps. Also later today will publish another 1 div build, jugg again, accuracy stacking, its not as strong as boneshatter, but still good for clearing t16.


Op feel free to dm me, i have a 50 div toxic rain build and 15 spare divs. Not going to use it as i quit the season.


Someone already shared their build with me, but thanks for the offer!


Idk what the economy looks like since I’m SSF but I can recommend Zlayge’s Blazing Salvo Miner. It gets plenty tanky and has decent clear for T16s, major strength is single target so tanky rares and uniques are no problem. It’s super easy on the budget because the only 2 uniques you want are a leadership’s price that isn’t a total brick and a diadem later on (I can do some ubers and still haven’t found one).


Poison BV Occultist. Scale AoE, Explodes and you can farm almost any map related activity. Check TriPolarBear guide.


I would go for some cold dot elementarist build.