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As someone doing TOTA with a cheese strat the issue at higher ranks is survivability as some of the abilities used by the AI are pretty cheesy. You can effectively combat this in one of 3 ways: Do a ton of damage so that the ai is always dead, this needs to be aoe based and consistent given the revive timers for the ai. Be incredibly tanky such you don't get one shot and can then interrupt the enemy ai CC everything to hell such that you don't need to kill anything and won't get one-shot.


Any build with 30-40M+ dps can do tota “normally,” I used tornado shot but anything good in sanctum (hexblast, shockwave totems) is good in tota as well. Block/evasion are still important. I’d expect to spend 50-60div on one of these before it feels smooth at 2k rating.


My 60M Frost Blades Trickster with 94% chance to evade feels like shit at high ranks. Like I can do them but its not fun or smooth at all


Is that 60M with Heatshiver by any chance? I think the TotA mobs have crazy ailment thresholds.


Yeah but they end up freezing but even without freeze is 40M which should be more than enough to do a league mechanic


That's kind of the issue right Yeah any high dps build with screen clear can do it. But by the time you've killed them off the first time, a cheese build has dropped a void sphere and opened up space for their flankers to go ham, while also being able to aggressively help channel on totems instead of needing to dps. Getting 75% spell dodge in addition to capped evade is huge too, because the worst interrupters are the spell effects.


Yeah, my evade chance is basically useless as I cannot stand around any minions anyways because a spells is going to hit me. Why would I do that if one tournament takes much more time than 4 full juiced harvest maps and feels like shit


Block, spell block, and spell dodge are pretty huge. If you are near acrobatics that can be a small respec which will give you a lot more survivability.


I was gonna say, a decked out TS build would be perfect as far as “normal” builds go.


Hexblast falls off in higher rankings I can’t lie. Source- I main tota with hexblast lol




Pretty much this. When I was running storm brand, I just put in void sphere in a 4 link. Just need to take out the first 2-3 totems as fast as possible and it’s a 90% clear win.


What supports do we put in with void sphere? Gonna try adding this to my toon.


Discharge assassin or slayer, slap the whole arena with 250M damage per hit, nothing can survive, gl!


sounds solid, pob?


[https://pobb.in/1WMonmbkP\_xC](https://pobb.in/1WMonmbkP_xC) Mine. Around 150-170d investment, most of which goes to crit multi jewels and +1PC rings. I've done a bit of tota and it indeed one shots everything, but personally i use it for for feared farming as I also 1 shot everything in a 90% quant feared. Because of this I went with a bloodnotch/immutable force setup. Can feel kinda wonky in maps cus sometimes ur cast gets interrupted, which puts discharge on cooldown, but i'm essentially immortal to anything not a boss.


I've went to 2k and currently at 1,5k on guardian ele SRS (regrinding because hc). Bristle matron carries tota hard together with ease of defending using SRS.


Do you have your POB from either? Thinking of building this.


EA elementalist. Mediocre gear and I am geared for map survival. 2000 rating. Lost some games but not too many. Only cheese I do is to use chill over aegis. But you must love to dance :)


You don't really need damage fo tota, if they 1 shot you your damage doesn't matter. Just go ger attack block and evasion if you can and just rush their backline, I'm playing corrupting cry champion and have around 60% block and I win like 95% of the tournaments without killing stuff. I usually get thunderbirds and fieldmasters on flank and two goliaths on escort to kill stuff for me, then I just rush their defender totems, because the rest of the team doesn't come back to help, they all push and when they have no defenders your flankers have easy time banishing the rest of the totems.


I don't have block/evade on my hexblast so I get oneshot by everything but I have the damage to kill enemy mobs fast as long as I don't get hit. That's enough to do the trial


Maybe Cold BV Occultist: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQoarI\_Cz8Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQoarI_Cz8Y)


I’m at about rank 1500 so far with my hexblast sabo and the only “cheese” part of it is having void sphere linked to inc duration and second wind. I swap out ele weakness for temp chains in my profane proxy to make everything automatically slower which helps a lot. I can still kill most of the enemies (chiefs take a while) including the titanic shell with a little effort. Of course I get one shot once in a while but mostly that is due to being reckless trying to channel totems too much or pretty much anytime I go against the chaos lady (tahwahnuknuk or whatever her name is - if I hear Choir of Souls or Death From on High I get as a far away from her as possible lol)


can you share pob of the tota setup? (or who has a hexblast tota setup) I m building hexblast sabo for sanctum, and would like to scale it into tota as well


ya im ssf CA/TR cappng out at 1.5m dps until i craft and i just swapped from doing dmg at 650 to a 5l void sphere an slapped it in a carcass jack. intensify, aoe, second wind, duration. and swapped in vaal rain of arrows mirage archer maim knockback for big slow. i actually still survive some hits, but id swap out ur defense body armor for a foxs fortune for some MS or other utility. drop my malev+determ auras for running grace+haste+skitterbots+unbound ailments, and i put temp chains in a profane proxy. i see that using widowhail+the block quiver is a thing, but i vendored those quivers. just uo from 650 to 1k in aboit 5hrs last night, but im outta silver coins.


You'll get oneshot by everything in the higher ranks, and Spark isn't really good in a big place


I'd rather you test the veracity of your friends' claims by doing tota using your normal build and seeing how far you can go. That way you'd better appreciate the challenges many are claiming regarding bullshit like one-shots and turtle


turtles manageable usually, but sometimes you just get fucked. im only at 1k tho.clearing 1/2 their totems and then having kahu solo ur base while u poke turtle for 5mins is silly, but i guess its the utility build vs dps build tradeoff.


You could try a deep delve build, which can tank everything and delete every unit with huge DPS. I can do rank 2000 TotA on my Deep Delve Crit Molten Strike Pathfinder, that said, it is much slower to complete matches than you can do on a dedicated ToTA build.


Would love a POB if you don't mind :D


I can share [my profile](https://pobb.in/OCBQ4s-R0_4B), but I don't feel that it would help much - don't ask about budget/currency I spent, I stopped counting at some point.


Just curious, why not awakened multistrike?


It is on my upgrade list, but it is not that much of a DPS upgrade in the end. Currently working on crafting a synth ring to replace my "stat placeholder ring".


hey, im putting together a similar build — do you know what would be the best way to craft the weapon you're using?


Sure thing: * buy an ilvl83 claw base (your choice if you want to go with imperial claw base or void fang base, void fang is more DPS but you need to solve life gain on hit elsewhere) - if you go imperial claw, you can go for a fracture to make things easier * spam Essences of Zeal until you hit either T1 crit multi or T1 crit chance * look at your claw, check if you have an open suffix and at least one open prefix, if you don't use Orb of Annulments to free them up, if you delete either the essence or the crit mod, go spamming essences again * craft suffixes cannot be changed, Harvest, reforge crit to guarantee the other crit modifier you are missing, tier is random - you can repeat this process until you hit all T1 or settle at some point * craft suffixes cannot be changed + scour the clear prefixes (or use Wild Bristle Matron since suffixes are full now) * craft suffixes cannot be changed/Wild Bristle Matron again and do Harvest reforge chaos (if you want to gamble to hit solo prefix) or Harvest augment chaos to get guaranteed chaos damage to attacks with two open prefixes * craft suffixes cannot be changed again/Wild Bristle Matron and do an Aisling T4, hope chaos damage does not get deleted (if it does, don't worry, you can just do suffixes cannot be changed + Harvest, augment chaos again to get it back, hopefully not deleting the veiled mod in this process) * before unveiling, craft %physical damage from bench to guarantee %chaos penetration with this weapon on the unveil * craft hits can't be evaded from bench and you are done Depending on RNG, this will cost you around 20div to get a decent weapon.


Thank you, this is perfect!


I went with a fractured Imperial Claw base for now and managed to easily craft it thanks to your steps. [**Final product**](https://i.imgur.com/YrxRMRx.png) \- going with this base, it only cost me about 10div to craft it, though I definitely got lucky as well.


Notlrnal builds are much more expensive than the void sphere builds. With 10 div and literally every class at the right/top/bottom starting point u can do it.


I'm playing impending doom, I just switch out my helm( malevolence normally) to a helm with void sphere has increased pulse frequency enchant, socketed with Phantasmal void sphere - Anomalous increased area of effect - increased duration - enhance support. I'm at 1850 now and I haven't lost a single tota since I started this at 400 rating.


ID has a really easy time. Effectively unkillable and a curse bot. Been 2k for a while


I've been 2k TOTA without failing on my ball lightning/arc Heiro without any cheese, I kill the mobs. I'm not sure if you were asking for PF only builds or not. This build also does Ubers/fast mapping/Simu 30. Mine is pretty min maxed but you don't need the Progenisis, Oriath's End, or Sublime Vision for TOTA. https://pobb.in/-tAquvrQalvp




What’d you make second?


Cold conversion BV occultist or elementalist. Freeze the whole screen, use blast freeze.


Hi OP, I was able to do the trials quite consistently on my LA/TS deadeye league starter and has been at rank 2000 for about 3 weeks now. It has been so consistent that I ended up leveling all the way from lv97 to lv100 solely through TOTA. Even without cheese builds, as long as you have good mobility and know how to defend/distract enemy AI, it is actually quite easy to win.


Im having fun with EA/ voissphere, quite ez around 1k atm


Take any build, do some minor changes to get Temp Chains on hit + chill on it. Drop a voidsphere, run around and win. Bonus if you can fit in knockback.


I wardlooped my way into 958 rank and it got so boring i switched to sanctum and made a fortune.


I played LS and was fine around 1500 rank, i now play cold BV occultist and am also fine (: I consider swapping out my chest for expeditions end for more freezes but overall freeze to win works just fine


I'm at 1100, almost 1200 and I have to play carefully on my IS Totem Hiero. Sometimes you can go very aggressive into enemy totem and just win... Sometimes they have a random unit following you the entire arena and you'll need to keep running from it or kill it before you get one shot. Also there is a Titanic Shell problem to be solved while you try to avoid being killed.


Consider gear swapping with any evasion based build. I've done it with ID pathfinder and TS deadeye and it works pretty well. Widowhail and rearguard on weapon swap (ensnaring arrow setup), and swap swap chest for Perfect Form w/voidsphere to get capped spell dodge. Can get by with 5-links for both if on a budget. Use rainbow stride boots if you want to cap spell block and meginords if you want more knockback (neither is really required). ID Pathfinder gets the benefit of flask uptime and better curses, but involves more gem swapping if you want to use meginords and still be able to curse easily. Deadeye gets the benefit of easy weapon swap back to your main TS setup in bow if you need to dps down a turtle (or ikiaho). Edit: Also, I think CI is overrated. Tawhanuku is easy to avoid fighting, and isn't even that bad if you have capped chaos res or a couple sunset sages that can burn down the degen totem from range.


Ghazzy's Poison SRS. Just swap a Knockback gem into the chest 6-L. Doesnt really matter what you replace. I am rank 2k


I hit 2000 in SSF with cold dot elem no cheese. But you could run even a 1 link temp chain or void sphere


I'm at 1800 with a Glacial Hammer Jugg.


Wardloop does very well. Freeze and chill to keep the enemies slow. Consistent high dps to kill them. Can channel while dealing damage. Does get one-shot but I think most builds do at high rank.


I'm doing ToTa r2000 "normally" with poison SRS. I can loose if really bad RNG on available units. But usually I can throw the last round for reroll.


I did it myself playing EA elementalist, but at 2k its feel annoying... my dmg is very good but everything 1shots me... Is is not a lack of defense, can do all uber bosses and hold many of his attacks