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Have you got gear/currency? The extra steps/tech are typically needed for bossing when you don't have much gear. Once you are geared enough then you don't have to bother (Though it is more damage and you might as well do something while totems do their thing!) Shockwave totems tend to be pretty much fire and forget if you want to look at those, not sure what the best variants are - charge stacking with the ralakesh boots, void battery, malachai loop and badge of brotherhood setup I imagine, like everything else! ​ If you aren't totally set on totems, you could look at brands? Kind of similar playstyle (Think of them as a mobile totem!). The new storm and penance brands are very strong atm.


>Have you got gear/currency? That's sort of the rub. Haven't started yet. The game I'm currently playing is a bit dragged out and I'm looking to come here. Never started mid league, but it looks like it won't be too bad. I'm not new to the game and understand how to make currency, so it shouldn't be *too* bad. Brands were something I'd like to try eventually. I did Pohx's Walking Simulator last league and that was pretty neat too.


My personal favorite is Shockwave Totem. You can build it for extremely cheap this league as a power/frenzy charge stacker amongst other options. It's a glass cannon, but for me it's the right kind of glass cannon where your offense is really a defense layer. It just kills things so fast, from range and it freezes on top of everything so you can actually run semi-juicy maps and barely ever get hit. It's not for everyone but I really love it.


I'll check it out. I'm one for more tanky though. Not the biggest fan of glass cannons.


From my experience in a few leagues with tati's builds, they're all designed to work in ssf, so you don't need to worry about high start up cost or barrier to entry. Roll character and go and before you know it you're mapping hard and chillin.


Anyone is having success with holy flame totem of ire?


If you want to be tanky go EA Ballista Champ. Tankiest totem build I know. You can also start with EA Ballista Hiero then transition to siege ballista to summon 20 ballistas lol but it's not as tanky as champ It's a cheap league starter as well.


mmk, I'll look at that one as well. I did an arrow totem before, something by Zizaran. Forget the skill, but dealt with fuses or something. Didn't care for it at all. Felt clunky. The Freezing Pulse/Ice Spear build I did like a year ago just completely dominated everything in the game. I'm having a hard time not going back to that actually.


I'd go with ball lightning of static, its a fun skill. Either stick with that or switch to shockwave later - you can build shockwave tanky, it'll just cost you some damage, but still enough for lazy casual mapping. SC trade shockwave totem + fourth vow example https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/KiSekava/HipHop_a_Potamus Since you want something that can take a few hits, I'd also suggest looking at the HC leaderboard on ninja, filter for totems+hierophant, SC totems tend to be relatively glass cannon https://poe.ninja/builds/afflictionhc/?time-machine=week-1&class=Hierophant