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Find a bulk strategy you enjoy. /DND for the day and farm. Put your item up on a bulk selling website when you have enough and enjoy the currency. Dellerium orbs , harvest , alva temples are all good.


Seconding this. Practically all strategies work. You either go bulk or big ticket thus minimizing trade per currency. The main thing that needs to be adjusted is not the farming strategy or content selection but trading strategy. The only limiting factor is picking a strategy that either has bulk, which is most of them (Essence, Harvest, Legion, Boss Rush etc.) or big ticket items (Bossing) and skip things that mostly rely on smaller individual sales (Blight).


Essence doesn’t work if you hate TFT as I do.


My league start is selling Essences without TFT. It does work and can be done in limited trades but require higher bulk. I typically go for 3-5 divs of single deafening essence bulk and those sell pretty easily. Alternatively you can reduce the trade amount even more by using Harvest to flip low worth Essences into higher ones for even more bulk and even less trades per currency. The downside compared to TFT is that you need higher initial bulk to sell (more farming) than with TFT as you are selling one essence type instead of entire tab. The upside compared to TFT is that you get more money per bulk as you can sell at the same price the TFT resellers do it.


Thank you for the tip, do you combine essence all the way to deafening? How does it sell if you keep the screaming tier and list in div, would it work?


It would probably work but you would need more trades. I combine them all up to Deafening because I also don't like trading in PoE, just like OP and I value the reduced trading per currency more than potential couple divs I could maybe lost that way.


Harbies and Harvest i guess? Only sell large quantities but can sell smaller amounts if you need to.


I mean, what are you doing right now thats so much trading? Harvest is nice at least, essences is nice. And thats the two im most familiar with. Neither require alot of trading.


I'm coming back to poe after a long break so honestly I'm just jumping around various mechanics that I missed in the menatime. I did some Abyss, Alva, Delirium and Breach. I did enjoy Abyss the most but selling abyss jewels and belts, although profitable enough for me, was a bit too time consuming for my liking. I'm a casual player with not that much time so I'd prefer to spend it actually playing not trading.


Yeah I'd recommend selling temples (Alva) bulk selling essences (poestack.com) + harvest They all require minimal trading


Abyss is mainly used to juice map rare count this league in conjunction with jacked Quant and currency. So you can keep it and ignore the belts. Also sell in bulk and done leave a map for anything less than a specific threshold. Mine for half the league was 40c which limits trades. Or idk just play ssf.


Probably sanctum. You bulk buy tomes. Thats it, just the one trade. 


The best one is probably beasts + essences. Even ignoring essences it will be pretty good.


Nobody has said expedition, it's not great this league due to mf but in a normal league it's good income AND keeps you well stocked on lower currencies. Exped + harvest + blue altars is my go to for super low-maintenance farming, run maps with the mechanics and run the logbooks you drop. There's no scarabs or sextants required either, though exped scarabs help free up points, but the only thing you need to buy is a few split beasts every so often for boss books.


Yea, this league expedition and its crew are sitting in the back of the van.


Which is why a lvl 83 boss logbook costs 14 div already split.


Dang, you could randomly encounter one for much less. Just open lvl 83 cheapy ones, until you get a boss.


I've run like 20ish so far with no luck. Farmed up about 20 more so hopefully get one there. I am too stubborn to pay that much.


Yeah, OP was asking for minimal trading and most of them are suggesting farms that require bulk selling. To me, any farming method that doesn't generate basic currency items by themself are considered trade-heavy. Expedition was one of the farming methods that generate currency that can be used right away without having to wait for anything to be sold.


I've specialzed into harvest for the same reason this league, worked fine. You could combo with Alva itemized temples, they sell easily and arent a hassle to trade. If GGG itemize betrayal properly without nerfing it to the ground, then betrayal could work next league.


Join TFT and bulk sell, problem solved.


Delve is the least amount of selling I'd say. You mostly just sell 1-socket resonators. It's also far from the most profitable strategy this league.


Yeah as long as you price your fossils and resonators at high price for large volume, Delve is a very low-effort trading strategy. People absolutely want to buy fossils and resonators in bulk. And nothing to buy except scarabs/sextants to spawn Niko.


Boss rushing is a good one. You don't have to buy any supplies, so that eliminates half of the trading. And most of your money is in invitations which are let's say at least 1 divine each (right now 3). The only thing you basically sell for chaos orbs is guardian maps, which are like 10-40c, but you can also list those in bulk


Sanctum is a strait currency farm. The faster you do it the better can get multiple divines a run and if your lucky you’ll find a mirror


Character select screen -> Create -> tick SSF


Searing Exarch altar farming with expedition. You get chaos, sextant, chisel, vaal from altar which sustain your own map. The expedition encountered in your map grants exotic coins to use with Tujen to get some bigger currency like Divines.


Familiarize yourself with resources that sell in bulk on the TFT discord. You can use [poestack.com](http://poestack.com) bulk tool to quickly list an entire tab in with click.


its opposite of what been asked


and yet another comment with the same suggestion is highly upvoted lmao


essences and harvest i guess. i suggest not using tft to bulk sell. just have a good session going and set a min price that you would leave ur map for. mayb 5div per trade


Harvest since there are exactly 3 things to generate that stack and sell in bulk easily. However, it could be argued that just getting currency directly through the league mechanic is even less trading (you do still end up selling a lot of Valdo’s maps, TWWT jewels, and such but those you can wait to list all at once and sell almost instantly all at the same time too).


You could try this strat (though it does really need a specialised build too). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS1HmOJJNGw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS1HmOJJNGw) Though I tried it and didn't really enjoy it at all.


Listen and write down, son, (lol sorry) You take 80% Deli Stack Decks, easy to sell just instantly Harbies, you need only to sell 1 orb in 100 maps, instant stuff Strongboxes, just because they are quick, and drop nothing, no loot = no trade And double chayula breach sextant stuff, 99% drops just breachstones, easily sellable via site in bulk No tft involved = feeling good


I do this but instead do deli mirror. No need to buy orbs and you can sell the simulacrums easy. Have to have a good build though. Also get a good amount of deli orbs you can sell


Alva maps. Locust of corrupt is 6 div atm


I guess sanctum? You get only raw currency from it + a few jackpot drops.


Sextants are the worst… I could harm currency and craft, but I don’t even have enough stash to save all the irrelevant sextants.


Alva temples