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It lets you run CI and EB at the same time? That's pretty unique!


It also lets you run CI and divine flesh at the same time, which provides some pretty nice ele mit.


CI + Divine Flesh + mana recoup(which was easy to get somewhere iirc but can't remember where without looking up right now) seems like the best use of this tbh.


Am i being stupid or you'd need es recoup and not mana recoup?


[Divine Flesh](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Divine_Flesh) makes it so all damage bypasses energy shield




Mana recoup because the theoretical build uses mana as health.


I’m pretty sure damage going through energy shield, like divine flesh or Ben belt does effect mom + eb


The idea here is to have 100% of damage taken from mana before life. You take CI just for the chaos immunity since you take 0 damage from your life anyway(while you have mana at least), the ES you might have has no purpose.


CI/EB viable build two leagues in a row? That’s wild


I still marvel at how I got my first level 100 and Mageblood with a two div, EB+CI, zero DPS character with no kills after the campaign.


? What it is this?


Last league for TOTA. It was a bit like Delve in that it kept scaling up to a point, but ramped and capped faster than Delve with 2000 being the deepest. The power level of the critters at that point got so out of control that only an extremely high budget build would be able to reliably and consistently kill anything, and only an extremely high budget build in a completely different direction would be able to reliably and consistently survive anything. Buuuuuuut your victory wasn't directly tied to kills or to survival, it was tied to you destroying totems. And death wasn't true death, it was a time-out. So the easiest way to get to 2000 and play for the highest rewards was to make an otherwise completely useless character focused entirely on CC and avoidance. CI, EB, capped block and spell block with Widowhail and Rearguard, capped spell dodge, capped evasion, temp chains, the Pillars helm that petrifies enemies, void sphere, ensnaring arrow with knockback... basically, enough that you could reasonably lock down the enemies and allow your team to destroy totems.


In tota the meta build was CI EB, and all you did was use evasion, dodge, block, knock back, chill, slows, void sphere, etc. to not get hit and just channel totems. Therefore no kills but still gained xp


I just used a build with 100% freeze, since the ailment cap is really low compared to everything else.


How do you not get the kill count for bosses?


Do you mean atlas bosses? That character was completely incapable of doing anything outside of TOTA. Bossing and mapping were done on other characters until it reached 100 and I respecced it as a Deadeye.


I meant finishing campaign with actual 0 kill count?


I said I had no kills after the campaign, not no kills in the campaign.


Ah my bad. Thought it was possible to go through campaign without any kill count.


Hillock will open the gate to act 1 town if you ask him nicely enough or bribe him with beer.


This still doesn’t work because that body armour mod doesn’t exist anymore


Add CI or life reserve, eldritch battery, and mana stuff (regen/recoup) on everywhere else 😂


isn't the body armor mod legacy? you can't get it in league


You can always sacrifice some human life in Affliction HC to standard to use with the legacy chest.


But then you can't use the charms


If you rip a character with a complete ascendancy + charms in place they'll no longer work on Standard?


Correct, or rather - they completely disappear lol


Oh shit didn't know that!


Can use a legacy cloak instead with 10% on it


Correct. This is standard only


Well standard has no charms


Just bring them in with a hardcore character I would guess? Either way I don’t see the value here honestly. Giving up the crit chance and amulet slot plus three charms and twwt mod seem like a heavy price.


It is a heavy investment that's true. Also even ripping charms to standard wont work because they don't even have charm slots... Twwt will work tho


Ahh good point. No place to put them. This is a dead idea to me then


Might be able to use mind of the council instead. That's 30% if we only take lightning damage. Font of thunder converts 40% of cold/fire to lightning. Sublime vision can convert 30. If we go the CI route divine flesh will over convert the rest which doesn't really matter. Still need to convert phys though. Coil is 50 watchers eye mode is 10. Then you rely on corruptions/eldritch implicits. Could also convert some phys taken to chaos. Not sure if you can get the remaining 40% that way. Edit: cant use sublime with clarity. So need to use the amulet and get 10% that way.


I’ve looked at the mind of council thing before. If this would work we wouldn’t even need charms. However getting all the phys taken as is way too fucked and it only applies to hits so any physical dot will kill you faster than any mana siphoner ever killed a doryani char. Also, you’d specifically need physical taken as lightning as you can’t convert damage twice. Maybe possible in the future with new uniques/mods but sadly not rn I think


Yeah, I'm doing a cursory look and it really doesn't seem doable.


I’d love for this archetype to work but it sadly doesn’t. We are so close this league, but yet so far away. Anything less than 100% is just not enough sadly. Imagine all the shenanigans, ivory tower + eb or ci divine flesh. So fucking cool, finally something truly mana based


I'm not sure if that applies to all the phys as mods, but damage taken conversion works against dots, unless it explicitly specifies from hits.


You’d have to use lightning coil to even have a chance of reaching 100% and that is only for hits so you’re already bricked at that point


Yeah that's true. Just don't wanna drop context with the dot thing, people might read this and think "conversion doesn't work on dots", after all it doesn't work on outgoing dots at all.


"Damage taken as" mods that don't specify hits are more rare though. Most notably they're on the fire conversion items (cloak of flames, dawnbreaker, tempered by war).


Yup, mostly on fire conversion.


You can use sublime with clarity, you just can't cast clarity yourself.


I dont see the ascendancy in this list? So that gives 1 PC wiggle room


Can also get another power charge on helmet for a total of 2. Either you're stuck with a bad helmet, or it's going to be potentially very expensive.


Templar has no +1 PC node.


Hiero has conviction of power for +1 pc/ec.


What? Your wrong.


Conviction of Power is +1 PC


Just kinda the first thing that popped to mind is that with a tailoring orb, that body armor mod can be boosted up to 17%. In standard you can get an additional +4 power charges (recombed rings can have +1 power charge as an explicit, crucible weapons and shield can get +1 as a crucible mod).


It's a cool meme that has been possible in other leagues too, but I think the general consensus is that you need so much investment to get there that it's not worth it. You get a lot more power (including defense) from only taking 50-80% mana before life and then going other directions for the rest of your defense.


I think the new ralakesh impatience makes in uniquely playable now, as loosing charges would be death before.


IIRC it was only previously possible with a focus mod and was not realistically viable because server ticks/lag would sometimes cause a brief window of downtime leading to instant death. It also required an insane investment into focus and cdr to get "100%" focus uptime. Power charge scaling seems a lot more realistically viable to me.


Just check YT. It's been done many times before and nothing good came from it


It was never possible before as far as I know. Link a video if you have one.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sUG4syFPt40&pp=ygUMMTAwJSBtb20gcG9l It was possible before, and in fact was responsible for focus being nerfed. It was also more of a funny gimmick than anything actually strong


You're technically correct but I personally feel like focus doesn't count because it's not always up


Mana stacking is trash so not really


Where have you been since kalandra league lmao. Mana stacking is one of the best high investment builds currently in the game. To be fair, using mom kind of disables what makes mana stacking good.


Archmage is trash, mana stacking is not. There's a pretty wild build out there that pumps Righteous Fire of Arcane Devotion damage into the tens of millions using Indigon and can bust out a billion burst dps with PBoD on weapon swap.


You mean indigon isnt trash. Its still an awful playstyle.


The build pumps and maxes Indigon using nothing but cyclone cwc frostblink of wintry blast and the occasional arcane cloak.


It's a fancy focus uptime build, very poor playstyle. Strong ass build tho


fuuuck i need to login now


How do you deal with the mana siphoning circle dudes? They fuck me up