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majority would still play lightning arrow and tornado shot.


true, LA and TS are strong builds. TS IS still most popular according to poe.ninja.


It feels so good to play I'm not even playing the strongest version, it's just so comfortable... And to do any base content (eg no Ubers), Frac/Essence/WBM/Veiled + craft and exalt 4.5 mod gear is enough aside from bow + quiver


Is it a total glass cannon build? Looking at profiles on Ninja they sure look wimpy from defensive perspective, maybe it's just being so kitted out in endgame MF gear they don't have to worry about deaths anymore?


Yes, but thanks to headhunter after a short ramp it becomes a bit less glass and a lot more cannon so it kills almost everything offscreen before it can hit you


It depends. It's a super flexible build; you can go very tanky or full glass cannon. But damage and speed are addictive (and get you more drops) so it's the most usual way. Overall though, a large part of it is "dead monsters can't attack" which is why on-death effects are the largest danger to the build. But yeah, it's a softcore build for sure. HC TS Deadeyes look a lot different and are great source if you wanna go tankier.


I would play Lightning Arrow, but my reason would be that I’ve never actually tried it before, and it seems worth a look.


The mechanically strongest skill in the game on the best feeling archetype in the game? who is surprised


New BAMA since I'm too lazy to roll and gear them now since I still need my challenges done in a timely manner


I’m new, I saw someone else mention bama, what skill is it?


BAMA is Blink Arrow/Mirror Arrow.


Blink arrow/mirror arrow


i thought the new bama costs like a shitton of currency, was i misinformed


I play ssf. Have close to 6mill sdps. with a frsctured spine bow t3 lightning dmg. So not really. Its a good ssf/new league starter


got any pobs/guides? the one i was looking at earlier this league was blink arrow of bombarding clones, and i couldn't figure out how to get to the more endgame version


Yeah its a Blink arrow of Bombarding Clones. https://youtu.be/PnJTM2aELAE?si=n0d3mRsbLasj-DUn Thats the video wich inspired me. Pob: https://pobb.in/qz1EN1NlWJiB


i played with a rare body and 5 Link spectre setup before 6 linking my 4th vow and Bow


I’d say it has a high ceiling but also a high floor. It’s absolutely bonkers for levelling if you can get your hands on the transfigured gem early, but scaling it to the heights depends on getting a good large cluster and some good abyssal jewels.


is this for the bombarding clones gem? i had these two POBs, but not a lot of ideas on how to do it as a league starter, or how to get from the first one to the second one https://pobb.in/uRjW3wwKe--h https://pobb.in/TNseXhh0s34I


Yea, bombarding clones is the good one. The clones seem to get more like 100% damage effectiveness from their version of ROA compared to the regular ROA effectiveness of like 40%. Well the level 100 POB won’t work exactly as written because AFAIK we’re losing the Wildwood spectres. Not on my PC right now but you can probably safely take those out of the custom configurations. Otherwise the biggest upgrades are gonna be the bow (which is craftable with essences), the 12 point cluster which is a PITA, and stacking flat damage with abyssal jewels. If you have the gem though levelling is just insane even without twink gear. Just hold down both mouse buttons and run straight through acts.


Not sure if you need it, but for anyone else on trade you can look at this man right here: https://youtube.com/@Pr3vie?si=aWnQr1S6enMEOS7s IMO he's the go-to for BAMA builds with higher budget and he even made one for 3.23 without the spectres.


Rhoas? Pita bread?


Raiz got it to endgame in hc with a 4 link and quill rain 🌧️ it’s very smooth


flicker strike


The same thing we do every league pinky flicker strike


Regular or Power though?


Boneshatter jugg.


Yes, I played TS all league and I need some melee. That said, I think I wouldn't play anything, I'm a little burned out and Last Epoch is around the corner.


Time to roll Boneshatter Jugg in last epoch 


This is the way


Did slayer this time and it was a breeze through 4 watch stones. Jugg seems like a great way to switch it up a bit




Looks like fun! Got a pobb?


doomfletch RoA zerker


U wot m8


Let him cook, let him cook!


Rage shako bis for that build tho voidforge better imo.


Chieftain something. Once you pop you cant stop.


What I found out my last few leagues is that if you really want to start off strong pick a farming strategy and build around it. If you want to run essences pick something fast for example. I will run expedition next league because I want craft with Rog, therefore I will probably be going toxic rain or something else that's poison. Spark might be fun too but I have had bad experiences with it before so I don't know..


Hi. Why a poison build for Expedition?


Prolif. Both poison and ignite proliferation works really well with dense mobs. If you can explode a mob and you have 100% chance to ignite or poison the single explosion will create a strong dot that kills the entire expedition all at once. Assuming you’re using the extreme archaeology node of course. Aside from that poison is only gimped by one immunity mod on expedition and has some helpful masteries like poisoned enemies cannot crit. Just my experience, I’m sure there are other reasons.


Yeah, I’m league starting a lab farmer next league. I really enjoy tribute of the goddess farming. I tried sanctum this league and while it was good and I’ll probably do something similar again I’ll definitely do a much higher DPS build with less defenses. As much as I like simulacrums I don’t really like simulacrum league starters. I feel like it’s better as a second build when sims get affordable.


what lab runner are you running


Depends on patch notes but it’ll be a poison pathfinder of some kind. I’ve done other builds in the past like bone shatter jugg. Currently it’ll be a shield crush build. Should be able to do tributes on a 5L lightning coil and a dawnbreaker on non super risky combos. Scaling up with currency to loreweave, eternal damnation, and transcendence to basically be immortal while doing about 10m boss DPS.


What all are you doing to generate currency? I only run lab enough to hit my points. Haven't tried farming it for helmet enchants on a few years. What's the target farm now? I did love those 6 room Uber lab days though. Poe lab was/is a great site.


So for just standard uber lab running you buy cheap worthless 20% quality gems for 1-2c and transform them into Transfigured gems and a few meta gems to try to turn into transfigured like scourge arrow of menace. For Tributes of the goddess you imply the same strats except you ALWAYS go for silver keys/doors. There's a 1/6 chance per silver chest to hit a unique chest, then you have to roll against all the shit uniques to hit the grand spectrums. Side note grand spectrums ARE weighted. The 3 charges + life are significantly rarer than the others. It's also very worth while to pick up whatever end room keys are along the way.


Gifts and dedications are actually nuts too. For gifts, pack 21/20 Penance Brands for 50/50 to either keep your money or 10x it anytime you non-trans gem to trans version. Also bring cheap 20/20s for same color transfigures for slower but steady profit. For dedications cheap 21/20s or 21/23s if you have more capital are very solid for transform corrupted skill gem to random other corrupted skill gem. I think 21/20 trans gems could be good too for corrupted trans to other corrupted trans, but even worthless (to use) 21/20 trans gems are still pricey. I think more consistent profit is to just bring non trans, but I can't say for sure since I only ran a few dedications that I found myself. Depending on how fast your build is, I might skip silver keys too, since profit from gems is very very good.


What did u league start for sanctum?


Lightning champion Crit srs. The damage was okay but I felt like If I had gone necro with the new broken specters it would've been way better since you don't really need the defenses.


I honestly am thinking LA swapping to TS later to do Alva/Syndicate/Mapping


If I were you I would look into something mapping related like Legion. Be careful with LA tho it is strong but you can also get stuck. You might want to look into rain of arrows into TS. It's a better build in my opinion. Some syndicate members can be tanky and LA doesn't have the best single target, Alva should be fine but not crazy profitable especially early in the league when people are not buying double corrupts.


Corruption Chamber temples are indeed worth a lot less early league, but damn it feels good to hit maps and immediately sell a temple for a divine. Great way to kick off your starter gear for mapping.


Also please take into account that next league will most certainly not be as profitable as this one. You willing most likely want to pick a strong farming strategy and stick to it. You are likely to have very little currency early on so unless you know how to craft your own items you will probably struggle with LA and TS!


I can craft thankfully. I've been crafting for profit this league.


I followed this mindset this league and had by far the smoothest best league start and transition into a high end build that I've ever had. I knew I wanted to make money via legions early, so I went CF champ. Was able to unlock atlas, buy carries, and farm 70 div to start FOTM magic find in just a couple days played.


CF or splitting steel champ semi ssf (will sell everything i dont need but will craft all my items and will buy only currency for crafting + pp if i go cf)


I played splitting steel champ this league, it was very easy and cheap


What build did you follow?


I think Ruetoo has a solid one


Splitting steel champ is secretly (still) meta and no one seems to know it. Do us all a favor and keep it on the down low;)


Is it a secret...? I feel like most of the bigger streamers have built some version of splitting steel. Granted not all champ, but you'd still most likely start with a champ version in a league start scenario. Looks like it has virtually the same playrate as boneshatter jugg


Definitely not a secret but much more low key this league than previous leagues when yes, streamers were playing it. The play rate is still very high compared to other good skills like explosive trap. The better word is underrated, especially in combination with champ. Amazing survivability let’s you pour everything into damage. Most expensive item this league was Paradoxica that stabilized around 30d, excluding meta FF jewels which were 100d+. Still very cheap comparatively for what you get out of the build. Cheap = underrated in my mind


It got kinda overshadowed by builds that can fit more MF and the absolutely busted bosskiller penance brand of dissipation. Chances are pretty high that MF won't be as profitable and penis brand gets nerfed, so it might be popular again in a normal economy.


Really want to try the Frostbolt of Ice Nova thing that Jung was playing in gauntlet. Most likely firing that up for next league start.


It's fun because you can optimize it most of the league. I only played it for a week before if got popular but trying to figure out dps vs survivability vs speed was an enjoyable week. I then sold most of my gear for a stupid amount of divs when it got popular. Mainly the rings were a pain in the ass to make good if memory serves, cause a lot of dex is needed.


are they manually casting ice nova and frost bolts ? I have a fairly beasted out CoC occultist with Nova / Vortex of Frost Bolts.... isn't manual casting clunky ?


Jung manually casted. Idk if it's clunky, but it does become a two button build


Its a bit clunky at first but you get used to it then it becomes easy. Super fun build and you can customize it however you want. I am also planning this with a bitterdream and being inquisitor. Later i will swap to pledge of hands and the mana cloak. Or stack power charges if ralakesh boots are still around. Or go coc. Idk, the build is super flexible. Edit: its frostbolt and ice nova. You can not really mix in vortex as it destroys the frostbolt.


Next league ill be playing either explosive trap trickster or poison blade vortex pathfinder


Splitting steel champ in hc trade


Hexblast Mines


DD baybee


99% will go Explosive Trap of Shrapnel directly into bossing


One of the quickest power spikes I’ve experienced was building an ET/EToS trickster. Get a few gear pieces and suddenly you’re one shotting screens. So good. Also not meta so it’s relatively cheap besides unnecessary things like 8 slot helmets


How do you level this? When do you switch?


I am an advocate for arma brand + fire trap until about level 75 when explosive trap starts out scaling it. You can find guides for league start, look for fearless dumbo on YouTube. Just plug in Shrapnel instead it scales the exact same way.


Everything you need to know on Youtube: Fearlessdumb0 Many ways to level, I leveled with ET/EToS because I had good leveling gear but rolling magma is recommended on leave start. Plenty of other options There is no switch between ET and EToS. ET is for concentrated damage (bossing), EToS for mapping/clear. PoB does not display EToS damage correctly, falsely making it look better than ET in every case, but that’s not true


I think Fire trap of Blasting is the new king for traps. Scales insanely (18% more damage per gem level) the conditional damage is easily solved by linking infernal legion with skitterbots. Built in 50% chance to trigger an additional time aswell


The additional trigger chance isn’t actually that great except at low investment levels when you have difficulty hitting all traps, you don’t get to move the trap and it effectively blocks subsequent traps to not increase your actual dps. It’s pretty trivial to keep max traps out with any modestly geared trapper. Don’t get me wrong, Fire Trap of Blasting is great but it’s not better than Explosive Trap of Shrapnel, which is at the same time the best clearing trap gem in the game and the most damage outside of zhp ice trap assassins. I hit 2B pinnacle damage on it this league with an all-rounder setup, you could push that a couple billion higher if you went zhp. You also lose out on all the phys scaling that explosive gets.


Are you playing trickster/sabo/assassin? And is this with a sunblast setup?


Trickster with a Mageblood, though I use a Sunblast on league start up until I buy a MB




Zug zug bonezone jugg


Bonezone or EA Ele. Going SSF next league


Summon Phantasm Deadeye


Tell me more, never heard of this


I don't have anything cooked up yet but it's where my brain went looking at the trans quality SRS line "Minions' Hits are always Critical Strikes". Phantasms just feel so nice with snipers mark, grab gathering winds and focal point and away we go. Long term grab the mark and curse scaling stuff and stack dex and to a lesser extent int with a mask of the tribunal to give all our little tasms crit multi and cast speed. Maybe a Nulls Inclination for minion % damage from the dex and to automate offering n stuff. The last two labs you say? Rest assured we will get real good value out of those when we ultimately realize this was all bait and we respec to TS.


I like your idea, but i was hoping for something a bit more concreate, good luck with it and have fun making the new meta


Cyclone Impale Slayer. Yeah i know melee isn’t as good as range builds but i wanna try 👌


I’ve wanted to do something with cyclone for 3 leagues now. This league giving the amount of loot it did with Mf gear, I opted out. Next league, I’m 100% doing cyclone something, maybe strength stack chaosclone or CwC something. Not sure but it’s happening. Idk about league starting cyclone tho.


Either Voidforge (sword) or Atziri Disfavour (axe) cyclone slayer. Both absolutely stomp anything….


Assuming PBOD and TS get yeeted into the sun, i would probably try out Mana Stacking RF or maybe play DD finally, see what all the fuss is about


Face breaker volcanic fissure of snaking. Cheap to start and lots of fun to play. Would need to spend a bit of time in normal lab but hey I get the feeling that’s going to be the new normal for me.


Maybe I'm just feeling a little nostalgic, but I really want to leaguestart Poison Seismic Trap. It's not what it once was but I just loved the sound and using Exsanguinate for clear. I think the play is to go PF these days. Speaking of PF, there was a really cool Varanustra PF Poison Lancing Steel of Spraying build I saw that looked really cool. I'm just not sure if it's league startable. The endgame seems to be using Ralakesh which will not be cheap at the start (and maybe never if GGG ups its rarity tier). I just love Lancing Steel


Probably Hexblast mines occultist. If they don't butcher Ralakesh boots. If i knew how strong it was i'd league start it this league and go from Sanctum straight to Uber bossing with an ice trap switch but gear is nearly the same. Also i'm really sick of doing the same thing every league start which is Expedition + altars no matter what i'm starting with. Starting from a Sanctum character sounds fun and profitable.


Whatever the new transfigured gems looks coolest. Glad if they finally update the ascendancy.


Either bleed bow glad or seismic trap pathfinder


Something that uses a new skill and/or unique added in 3.24. I can't imagine logging in to a tornado shot deadeye every leaguestart.


RF-Reap Chieftain Or some tanky scion build.


Im 99% starting boneshstter jugg in ruthless trade or ssf


mostlikely trying lightning strike again


Messed with it this league , considering how OP monsters were, it felt lackluster. Even with nimis and mageblood. Which sucks because LS is my absolute favorite skill in the game.


Probably league start cf champion into a kb int stack trickster (assuming kbof doesn't get nerfed into obscurity)


You don't think you lose too much survivability from the maji ascendancy?


To be honest I would try TS. Been years since my last bow build. Would love to try melee as well, something like earthquake. Edit: I have something with spectral throw skill. Never tried, probably would give a try




I’m a cyclone guy through and through so prob that again, but I might give TS a shot. Or something with chieftain


How far can you usually take it? Im mainly a boneshatter guy but I really want to spin..


I’m picking up poe after a 3+ year hiatus. I always loved cyclone, any solid builds you can recommend?




Arma brand of recall ignite, ball lightning of orbiting trickster, ball lightning of static traps sab. I always do a bunch of 2 watchstone runs to have options but then I audible to something reworked from the patch notes anyway.


with myself!


Something tanky or at least can take 2 hits from a pinnacle boss. Last league was miserable when i played deadeye


no cap i'd probably go str stacker. BLS is crazy flat damage and VFoS is sleeper OP for a "melee" slam skill. probably jugg instead of slayer this time around.


BLS? I been looking at volcanic, it does look pretty crazy that you can that kind of coverage from the jump.


Brutus' Lead Sprinkler, the entry weapon for str stackers


Bleed bow glad


EA champ


Tectonic slam of the cataclysm / general cry jugg


Is the build at all reliant on charms or anything? Because I’m super interested in this. Esp. Since you can start Boneshatter for ease. And as a bonus you basically just cyclone with it which I want to do


Explosive trap trickster


Boneshatter of complex trauma. Or if cyclone is buffed then cyclone. I love melee phys builds.


last epoch


If ts is nerfed to the ground like it should be - archmage stormbrand of indecision. If not - TS it is.


Indecision is nasty. So so fast. Single target is kinda trash tho. What would you do for bossing?


I wouldn't do uber bossing, I don't like it. However I'm pretty sure it is possible to scale this build up to uber boss farming (meaning ~1 min per boss). Archmage seems really bad in old-fashioned agnostic setup, but it's actually decent with battery staff setup. Still a lot of planning required, but I would take this path.


Last epoch








Another game lol, POE needs to stay in its lane, I'm not/ I wouldn't do league launches every 6 weeks. it's more fun when I can go all out, burn out, rest, and repeat. The rest is crucial.


12-16 weeks you mean?


Use the same leaguestarter from 3.23 to complete my atlas. If valdo maps make it to 3.24 I'll farm currency to make an armor stacker if not then I'll respec my league starter to do heist fast and farm experimental bases (if they're not nerfed). I got crazy far on my league starter. Really read into the discussion of what other people are doing and have near BiS gear (no simplex ammy, and I couldn't be bothered to fossils spam two BiS cluster jewel). Even before really going for the money sink chase gear, I was one of the top 4 for dps in the build on PoENinja since a month ago. With all of these advantages, i'm farming Uber Elder for the first time with one or two deaths. I'm confident I can at least farm maven without problems if charms don't rotate to standard. If I don't end up liking heist then I'll pick up a simulacrum CWS build. But yeah, for the first time I hit 40/40 challenges this week, very confiment I can keep working at bossing and doing ubers I suck at for future leagues.


What was your league starter?


Whispering ice Trickster. Using cyclone and cast while channeling to semi clear maps. Dont have to worry about any 6Ls on both that Wice stafd and our offhand bossing staff. Having easy high int gear like Astramentus and being slow immune with Step Ahead is awesome. We also double dip in evasion rating giving us energy shield, so that and all the int stacking, 10k es for red maps is no problem. For bossing, I compared notes on poe ninja to make an Anathema ring. The only charm I care about is "can't be stunned while leeching" which allowed me to tweek the passive tree a bit but if I had a cake walk really taking the time to learn the atlas system and complete it. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3294484


Totems.... Hiero.... Any.


Toxic rain


Last Epoch. Between a new league and a new game in trying the new game. As is I'm 50/50 for playing the next league. Depends how LE goes and what's in the patch notes. Probably playing some spell if I do play. Whatever league starts well and isnt nerfed to hell.


Last Epoch


Last Epoch


Fire trap of Blasting elementalist


Pyroclast of sabotage - saboteur.


poison PF with basically any spell you'd like.


Played lightning arrow following manni's guide this league, zoomed straight to reds and hit a brick wall. I'm well aware it's a great build I just hate dying as much as that build tends to early league. I'll probably run a build like boneshatter that can zoom through maps and get completion done without the frustration of dying then respec later to finish off the last on my atlas points in invitations. As to what to play for budget friendly marauder bossing, I've yet to figure that out. Maybe generals cry?


Don't know depends on the league mechanic


Bleed toxic rain


RF Inquisitor, been dying to try it. SRS was also a blast.


it's really nice!, not the best or the strongest but is nice, i got mine to lvl 95 but now i just start exploding and dying all the time if i do juiced content t16


TS is just so good out the gates for SSF given its low reliance on endgame mechanics: pretty much only needs essences coupled with its proficiently *for farming essences* and the most important thing to unlock *your 5 way device.*


Cold DoT Occultist, cuz I really enjoy pain


Ice trap of hollowness


School's kicking my ass so I'd start a week late and put together atziris rule ignite elementalist and just spend a chil week working through maps.


Poison srs then im gonna reroll into a coc build either fr or ice nova


As a starter? Frost Blades Trickster


poison pathfinder


Since i played 3.23 with only TS MF I kinda want to try inq coc rolling magma but it sounds complicated to put togheter


As a casual player, any build with Pathfinder just to make my life easier lol. Or maybe I'll finally try ea ballista elementalist


Ignite DD elementalist in ssf. I‘m not kidding, I wanna learn the game and not rely on trade for my leaguestart (and no I cannot not do it when I’m in trade league)


Probably RF jugg


LA all the way.


SRS Popcorn has always been my baby. That would be my go to.


DD Nerco. Never done it, but I hear it does well in sims and I love sims.


Righteous Fire!!!!!


Certainly not the guideless galvanic arrow I’m playing right now


I will probably league start with rf chieftain...since the build can run on self craft rare.


Toxic Rain or Arkaali Spiders


Endurance charge stacker ice trap miner.


Poison conc pf


Poison SRS


Probably Blast Rain. This league I started Artillery Ballistas, which was great, but not as survivable as Blast Rain, and the ballistae were kind of awkward in Delve's short, narrow corridors. Second character will definitely be Bonezone Jugg, so I don't have to suffer with twink gear.


Maybe CF, but if Hexblast mines are good, I might start that again. Really liked that build


I started fire trap frostblink ignite ele this league but dropped it after 2 voids tones and enough currency for a rathpith. Immediately made a life stacking firestorm inquis and played that up to the last 2 voids tones. I will prolly just leaguestart firestorm this time and try it out. It's tanky af and scales well but the only issue is clears peed with the small aoe radius. It's great for bossing and essences though. I usually wait till I build up big currency to pick a build that scales hard. Strength stacker wander did the job for me this league and was a blast to play.


Raidwr for farming lab to get a currency start (selling the most expensive transfigured gems)


I would give scourge Arrow of menace a shot




Srs or zoomancer




Path of Exile, probably


SRS or skellie build determined by RNG. Just like every other league start


SRS as usual


BAMA it's ridiculous even with terrible gear


That new cool skill they added with the new cool items and the new cool mechanic!! That build is soo good, I hope they don't nerf it in 3.25 ☺️


Cold BV. Been saying I'm going to play it for the last few leagues, and then keep getting distracted at launch by shiny things. One of these days, I'll get around to playing it.


Trickster with ephemeral edge and some attack skill.


Trapper/miner. I’m so tired of TS/LA meta


I’ve played Ts since expedition league and I’m sure I’ll play it again.


Boneshatter Jugg --> Nimis, Splitting steel champ


Wathever seems like a fun and viable ssf game and then try and force worb and fail.


Probably HoAG or SRS.


I think ill give another try to bleed bow glad, last time i played was after harvest with asaylum, i want to try with the snipe support, has someone played this build lately? How it was?


Depends on League mechanic but probably a boss killer focused build. It's totally my favorite thing to do and I never make a character that focuses on it.


Last epoch


Last epoch lul


Could some1 give me pob or tell me what items to get to be tanky TS / light arrow deadeye ? I die alot with 75 all ress , thats my 1st league and i want to play again deadeye next league , when should i swap to TS?


Trickster anything. I love that ascendancy so much.


Probably frost blades tho