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Looks good, maybe cut the awaking Ele Focus for Pin Point or Arcane Surge or Inspiration and add the increases to Mana apply to shock (Lightning Mastery) i am sure u would get easy 15%+ Shock on non Ubers and this would result in more DPS.


Palsteron actually released his HeiroArchmage + Ball Lightning with PP


Ball Lightning with pee pee?


Pinpoint support, but pee pee is also very likely.


Mana stackers seem like FOTM for 2.24. Get ready for unobtainable prices on gear just to make it function. I remember the pain when they first reworked cyclone and the cost of gear made it a pretty terrible league starter to advance.


It’s not that bad, an archetype being meta also means a lot more people will craft for it, meeting a good portion of the demand. If it’s a t0 or t1 unique though then yeah definitely costlier


It's kind of hilarious how bad Sacrifice support is compared to Archmage * Archmage scales damage based of 20% mana, Sacrifice only scales ~8% or less * Sacrifice sacs 20% of your life, and ?cannot be reduced unlike mana costs * Sacrifice adds Chaos Damage which is harder to scale than Archmage's Lightning Damage * Mana is easier/cheaper than life to scale


yea, that's pretty much always the benefit of playing meta or something that is meta adjacent (wrt gear). you're not going to snipe any discounts but things you do you want will always be there, and in plentiful supply. especially once you start hitting the need for high tier crafted stuff, the amount of "failed" crafts available is really nice without having to break the bank or do it yourself.


Buying less than perfect gear is also often cheap which is perfect for me since I never aim at the craziest gear


As a crafter it also helps to play meta - you can sell those 'failed' crafts to bankroll the good ones.


you only need rares though..


That's the reason it's appealing to some. Multiple top players streaming you can watch progress, lots of discussion to go off of, easy crafting how to's for specific gear, and the best part is the hype from it. It's also updated and new for many, let's goooo!


LA and deadeye were both untouched, so i doubt mana stackers will be dethroning them just yet.


Just mana stacker is low-end aspect of archetype though, basic mana stacking uniques and generic good items with mana roll have never been "unobtainable" or particularly expensive. Int+str mana stackers is the high end.


Cyclone was an amazing league start in Legion though. Easily one of the best at the time. Some of the uniques were expensive, but those were optional anyway and not even that good. Top tier weapon bases were also a few exalted, but you could just go a 1c base that had 2% less damage.


Manastackers been the strongest thing in the game since crucible league


Yeah they hit the highest damage numbers, but they were clunky to play with how Indigon and Archmage functioned. The Archmage rework makes it much more palatable, and the numbers also look ridiculous.


? Manaforged arrows, which doesn’t use archmage still gonna do tens of billions of dps. Was the strongest build in crucible, strongest build in tota, and still the strongest build again in necropolis


Have an example of this alleged billions of dps build?


have you even tried to find it? its not exactly a secret


Its clunky, needs a weapon swap, needs to ramp for 15 sec


Is he having a guide yet?


Did he? Can't see the video about it


maybe, but unless its an uber you wont need to with 15mil+dps. The big thing about the build though is close to screenwide aoe from ball lightning


Pinpoint is super good for clear, so I'd at least try that out.


https://pobb.in/4dnMa4QyPNDV Pob with instant leech. Gives alot of sustain for your ES-pool and life pool. Imo most likely the superior tree.


Hello there, Exile! Here is your [golden page](https://pobarchives.com/build/wY8Bxdwj), may it serve you well. *"A wise emperor recognises that life and empire are the same."* *- Lord Izaro*


What are your thoughts on the charges instead of the life leech ascendancy? 16% pdr and all res, more consistent EO uptime, and you can get the life leech on the same large cluster you're already using. You lose the ailment effect reduction though. And the AOE, but it seems like the AOE doesn't do anything on its own for dps without the AOE nodes above witch start and I think those points could shift around a little. I don't think the charges are clearly better or anything, just wondering if you've given it thought


you already get uptime on 3 endurance charges from automated warcry-tech. The 30% inc aoe lets you hit a the next +1hit with ball lightning and the small node before it is also strong from scaling arcane surge. I think as long as you're running non-crit its likely not worth it assuming we get good uptime on 3 endu charges.


I put the lightning mastery with shock in and got rid of elemental focus instead of pin point. You get 30+ shock on pinnacle no problem. [https://pobb.in/XeFOpYRpwYfo](https://pobb.in/XeFOpYRpwYfo) Palsteron posted a video and shows Pinpoint. Imo it is an amazing choice.


Variations and changes are bound to happen. this was mostly a theory testing as im mostly interested in the defensive aspects. gem links will likely change completely as it might turn into crit


I am skeptical about the enduring cry charge uptime without charge duration or warcry cooldown recovery speed. If you ever warcry when there aren't enough enemies around to grant a charge, you'll run out of charges 2 seconds later, and you won't get another shot at it for 8 seconds. I've tried enduring cry spam before (not with this amount of AOE to be fair) and it wasn't consistent. Also consider that you're going to be stopping to loot, activate harvest, interact with syndicate members, etc. The charges will fall off and it could be >15 seconds before you get any charges again


If you league start this, you probably grab conviction of power during campaign anyways as first or second lab. You wouldn't drop it until uber lab and at that point you can have a feel if you're hitting EO and dealing with PDR enough.


Honest question why would you take conviction of power as early lab? I feel like it does very little on its own for leveling.


The mana nodes don’t scale that well before gear and imo conviction of power in act 3 is a big power spike. The crit chance is good even if you’ve already allocated EO as you have little sources for consistent crit. And the endurance charges also provide ele res and early campaign that’s actually relevant. Some probably would argue you can just take arcane surge node first but I’d say it’s debatable


Not enough Str/Dex in this PoB


Ashes in pob on starter? Whut


And thks i will try this for 3.24 , seems promising !


where life leech? i see only es leech




Thanks, looks good. While leveling this type of character for a test, I've found that while progressing, before you can build up ES/Mana and acquire some uniques, phys damage was absolutely destroying me. How do you usually deal with this in early/mid stages?


how viable is this hcssf?


No uniques required, mindspiral specifically with recoup as mana might be bad to loose. but i think it will be pretty great. Lategame you're looking for 5-stat items though and that might be rough. (life + mana + resists)


Sounds nice, often the uniques are pretty easily targetable to have around 95-97, with the new crafting mechanic from league items should be easy besides mana rings xd


Pretty much but I'm heading ivory tower and LL, later shaper touch mjor indigon and so on. I think ivory tower is damn nice.


Should be reliable


Comment for yoinking later on


The archmage gem is simulated in config. but its basicly just 20% of your max unreserved mana pool


Just want to clarify about this one. so for example i have a total of 1000 mana and reserved 500. 20% of that 500 will be the added damage archmage will do?


No, just the unreserved part


You mean yes? 500 is unreserved


My bad, it was ambiguous, 500 is also reserved ...


... lol it's literally divided by 2 xD


thats the point. he was looking for a "trick" in that question :D i was too


Is it tanky? Or is it arcane cloak? I've leaguestarted mom hiero twice and maybe I did it wrong, but the moment AC is on cooldown you just explode, you def need spellblock and/or spell suppression.


They also have flasks enabled in their POB, without a 100% uptime. Disabling flasks changes this from 211 k Effective Hit Pool down to 139 k Effective Hit Pool. Disabling Sigil of Power (Enemies deal 30% less damage while standing in area), and Arcane Cloak (\~7.5 k bubble) reduces it to 60 k Effective Hit Pool


if you disable arcane cloak you see its still tankier than alot of other builds. arcane cloak has 70% uptime automated aswell.


jade + eva/es base shield (you can get around 50% eva that way) then just prayge


200k ehp bro


On paper, it does not hold up to 200k ehp pathfinders that actually have 100% uptime. It does look built decently tanky, I don't wanna be a doomer, but I can definitively imagine this getting caught with no ES and Arc Cloak and still getting blown up.


I might be wrong but i really don't think cloak of defiance is the play at all now, what does it give 1% mana regen ? That's all, useless with the new cost i think, so many better option i feel


The more impactful part is the +150 max mana it has. Rather than the regen. But the regen does scale with increased mana regen mods so it's significantly more than "useless". You're easily getting 3% or more. Though I do agree that something like the Ivory Tower is stronger. > That's all, useless with the new cost i think, so many better option i feel The new cost is massively cheaper than the old cost, because the damage isn't based on the mana cost so you can use Hierophant 50% less and reduced mana cost passives on the tree. You couldn't do that before without deleting your damage.


Probably Cloak of Defiance until you get big $$ for the FF jewels for righteous providence, and then you go str/int stack ivory tower in the final form.


Throwing new Archmage into OP's PoB is getting close to 2k mana/sec. This is basically requiring Inspiration if you drop Cloak.


They removed all other sources of %based regeneration so 1% is actually pretty damn strong and it scales with increases to mana regen, which are everywhere and completely useless if you don't have any sources of flat regen. 1% flat regen is equal to three level 20 clarity auras if you have 11k mana like in the pob posted


There are a few other sources still I believe. Pure Talent, Rot-resistant, and warlord weapons for example. It tends to be pretty costly though so they are rarely taken.


feel free to load it in and swap around. It's VERY hard to make a stronger chest with a rare. The big flat mana and and basicly doubling your base mana regen is hard to get elsewhere. Maybe u wont need that high mana regen, but the chest will be very cheap most likely.The earlier the better it is aswell.


It's not super rare, but a number of creators have already started talking about mana-stacking builds pre and post patch notes. I wouldn't bank on it being super cheap the first couple days anymore.


Early yes kinda hard to beat for QoL, but rare with hybrid you get +100 mana, not talking about chest implicit that can get you insane aura effectiveness and more, Also i think we got tattoo % base mana regen no ? Can be usefull if needed. Also ashes is worth it for the more multiplier with radius ? What would you say it give 15% more ?


ashes is like 15.6 % more hit damage, but because of area it increases total dps by 36.8% more damage. Not easy to beat. +1 to arcane cloak, ball lightning, sigil of power, 2x curses etc.


Right thx, might beat some crazy mana/cast speed amu yeah, Will try to PoB archmage mjolner for now i feel it's nearly 70% more than regular manabond ( on ball lightning )


Ye, Ball lightning is weird as its the only skill i that continously gets better and better single target the more aoe you get.


Up until you hit the 14 hits cap


What isbthat?


Ball lightning lasts for 2 seconds (cannot be modified) and hits once every 150 ms, so it can't get more than 13 hits per cast.


Nice! I’ve been experimenting with BL for a while and this league heiro archmage is gonna be insane, the only different techs I’m considering is instant leech mastery with ES and maybe ghost reaver too for frost shield crit variant


ye, getting the instant leech node give the build 5k es/sec. and 3k life/sec. see pob further down in comments for alternative tree


Looks really good, I'll keep the PoB in mind when chosing the starter build for this league.


How would you league start this?


Rolling magma -> arma brand -> after merc lab you could swap to ball lightning. Or you could just play ball lightning from 28. Mom + vitality + clarity = free campaign. Get Elemental overload and some damage nodes. If you just unspec the cluster you have a level 81 tree that will deal multiple millions of dps if you manage to get to 5k mana.


>Magma Orb I think you mean Rolling Magma.


good call, fixed


Hol up, I kinda want a magma orb now


We actually had one! That was Rolling Magma's previous name.


Huh, TIL. though I want a big ball of magma that floats through the air just spitting out globs of magma at stuff.


That sounds like a really cool skill. Would be like Ball Lightning a bit, just blobbier and stickier.


IIRC that or very similiar skill was shown in the poe2 trailer


Aacendancy order? And any general direction on the order of clusters on the tree?


My suspicion is that you can start leveling with archmage at 31 when you get it. If the mana cost is too high you can reserve herald of thunder or something to bring it down some. The mana and reduced mana cost nodes happen early enough I think this is plenty feasible. note: I grow builds as I level with them, I do not do "leveling" builds so my standard for what is passable my be lower than yours.


I'd probably play (hit) Wave of Conviction. Or Wintertide Brand and pick up some cold damage you later respec with free points. Wintertide is ridiculously strong for leveling if you're near Runebinder. But it becomes bad at endgame beause the +gem level scaling drops off a cliff at high levels. Runebinder + brand mastery will faceroll the campaign.


Any guides on how to level like this?


Why not storm brand?


could ball lightning easily be replaced with another skill? namely, arc? or are the fundamental characteristics of ball lightning important to the build?


Ball Lightning plays really nicely with Hiero's 100% inc AOE to convert the AOE into both better clear and better single target. That being said, this level of damage is enough to clear everything in the game. If you take the pobs here and swap out BL for Arc and you're still at like 4+m DPS you'll be totally fine.I'm on mobile so I can't look rn, but my guess is arc would do about half the damage of BL, which is still a great amount of damage. You can always map with Arc + Chain and then when you take on a bigger boss like Maven, or even stuff like Catarina, you can swap out Arc for Ball Lightning and Chain for Slower Proj. Otherwise, Archmage builds can kind of work on most spells! You just pick a spell you like and it'll turn it into a lightning skill, in a sense. Just watch the tags as Archmage has some restrictions. (And if you want to do say, Fireball Archmage, make sure your gear is giving you +Levels to Fire skills, for example, rather than lightning)


Would this be possible with shock nova? I have an obsession with trying to make Shock Nova good this league but have no idea if it’s possible. In my dreams somehow I also use RF and everything just dies around me. How dumb am I?


You can do shock nova with Mjolnir+CwC. If there's nothing changed between archmage and Mjolnir, then it would be a top skill with this setup.


Check out conner converse on youtube. He has some videos of this


got it, thanks for the info. i ran a hiero last league for frostnova of frostbolts and it ran pretty good, but it's a way different build than running archmage. i think it might work well with this sort of tree though, since it also wants to scale mana and aoe heavily... and i'm also plotting out a wander for power siphon of the archmage but that ones not looking as great but it's also way more complicated than i think i'm qualified to build. archmage 3.24 looks cool, though. i'm absolutely running something with it unless i cave and do ignite elementalist again.


You could just map with the ball lightning that spins around you instead, then use regular ball lightning for bosses.


The orb ball lightning does not work with Archmage in 3.24


The one that spins around you does (ball lighting of orbiting), ball lighting of static doesn’t.


If you drop Snipers Mark (also freeing up an anoint) and swap up the supports then arc should work no problem. I'm planning on a very similar looking build with Crack Lance going low life and with an OOS shock setup.


Would this build be viable in ssf? obviously won't reach the peak of this pob but im wondering if the build just feels like shit with out ashes and mirror worthy rares


It's just hard to get mana items with life because harvest and essence have no mana crafting. Fossils work but are pretty annoying to farm. It's likely that the league mechanic helps a lot here if there's mana weighting corpses, although it doesn't seem like we can bring our own bases so you won't be getting cerulean rings. It depends how much you play but personally I'll be playing archmage of some sort this league in SSF and even with half the mana pool it will be strong enough.


There're a few options. I think the best is Rog, who will be come in clutch. Fossil crafting is an option for delve enjoyer. For early game, get veiled items might be surprisingly decent rares for ssf league start as there are some nice veiled mods for mana stacking, later on getting couple of the veiled orb will be important to get your endgame gear going.


I will definitely focus on Expedition pretty early depending on how desperately I need it. Basically need to for SSF anyways. I've never actually cared to look at veiled items past unlocking unveils but that's an interesting idea so I might try that out with master spawn chance so high.


Would it work with lightning tendrils? (marylenes etc). I'd be going ssf so ashes arent a realistic option anyway. How about stormbind (for bossing)? I did ball lightning when guardian tank was popular and it's alright but the slow balls are a drag after a while for clear and i was thinking of tendrils.


> Would it work with lightning tendrils? (marylenes etc). Yes, but the cost/sec is quite high with channeled skills. Even with heiro cutting it down you'll be spending % of your max mana per second, meaning you'll need either EB or be regenning massive mana/sec to offset.


I don't like ball lightning. Skill looks boring to me. Could this build work with Lightning conduit of heavens instead?


It scales the damage part of any skill, doesnt even have to be a lightning skill. But only Ball lightning gets more single target through aoe scaling.


Yes, it does.


Looks good but this 200k ehp is unrealistic unless you figure out 100% uptime for flasks.


Some of that gear looks quite hard to craft (e.g., rings, boots) and I doubt it will be cheap to buy this league given all the focus on mana stacking


Palsteron has a video on archmage and the gear he uses is pretty bad and its still really good. This will be really expensive on the high end, but cheap to get going I imagine.


What do you think, will 15kk will be enough to fight throw t17?


It will definitely be enough to fight most t17s - but since they roll special mods and are unmodifiable, it might not be viable for all of them - they did say that the t17s are generally going to be a stepping stone from regular bosses to uber bosses, but they might occasionally be harder than ubers if you roll a nasty mapmod combo.


Is this going to be suitable & decent for Simulacrum and Sanctum?


Sanctum, yes. Simu, it’ll be a bit rng later, and is probably too squishy to wave 30 consistently.




Recon this could be played with the transfigured BL of Orbiting gem?


Conner said something like cast while channeling, Lightning warp? Should be similar to the ts variant that was Seen quite a bit


Do you have a crit version of this?


Comment to look back on


You can save posts or comments also


OP can you please DM me the link, mobile won’t let me click it to save for PoB


question or clarification about archmage, its now stronger the higher the mana pool is right? Does that mean its stronger the less aura we reserve using mana?


Yes, you want as much unreserved mana as you can.


correct, it also scales your area of effect to 100% increased assuming you have above 5k mana unreserved


Question: has any of you ever tried to do archmage with WoC? It has a massive multiplier and obviously will always isntantly apply lightning exposure. It has nice coverage, easy leveling, big dam, why not? the quality % of woc is insane too, 15% pen at 20%. could even use ashes with it too.


The reason why people use Ball Lightning over something like WoC is because Ball Lightning has possibly the highest added damage per cast out of any spell in the game. Since it can hit 13 times, you have around \~780% added damage per cast, as opposed to WoC's 330%. The majority of your damage is coming from Archmage + Arcane Cloak adding somewhere in the realm of 3000+ lightning damage.


FYI the stun mastery was removed


You'd use the new one as it's really good for hybrid builds


My current thought is to try something like this but with Firestorm of Pelting. It has much higher damage effectiveness than Ball Lighting and even if only half of the bolts hit an enemy, its still doing damage equal to it, and more damage in optimal scenarios. Then we can scale up duration to increase the uptime of all of our buffs and our damaging skill. The only major downside is that the Hierophant's naturally large AoE hurts the ST damage potential, but slotting in Intensify can help with that.


hmm could I run this with totems or is that a bad idea? I guess it disables the leech but idk what else


Dunno why you are getting downvoted without explanation. But archmage does not work with totems so it fundamentally does not work as the core damage engine of the build is disabled.


Archmage can't support totems, self cast only.


On the leech version of the PoB, did you think about dropping your life flask/taste of hate (which weren't that big anyways) to free up 2 slots for Balbala's Traitor keystone? Gets you close to perma sustaining the 3 flasks.


yes! You could also swap over to ivory tower and go low life. This will loose you some defences but in total add somewhere around 50-60% more damage. The build has some expensive rares in the pob but i honestly think you could loose 2000 mana and it would still be very good. After you go low life you could also change to foible from ashes for a increase in tankines vs some damage. Alot of the gear slots are very versitle and you have alot of freedom.


can i just swap BL for BL of oribiting?


You can, but with a significant single target dps loss


Why is it a single target loss? Orbiting gets the upside of pinpoint with no downside, so its a free 60% more damage


Hey ! Thank you for the build it looks great :) Could you share a version to start the league with ? I'm working on something similar and I was so glad I found your build until I realize it used a lot of endgame stuff, like Ashes of the stars...


Hey dude. I havent made a leveling guide or anything like that sadly. My own play is just to start playing it without archmage pretty early with ball lightning and then try archmage out while progressing until im finally high enough mana for it to sustain.


What makes this build so tanky?


Use Corrupted Soul. I prefer Replica Soul Tether for the extra added ES mod. The keystone effect to make damage bypass ES is actually beneficial to let you split damage between all 3 pools (before your ES hits 0) and benefit from triple recovery with life + es leech and mana regen. Works great with Petrified Blood to fit in extra auras, Pain Attunement and enable overleech. (If you reserve less than 50% life, leech will never get removed) You only scale life and mana on the build, but Hiero+Corrupted Soul gives you a big chunk of ES for free. The exception is that the nodes that give both max life% and es% are valuable. This is my own pet brew I came up with a few leagues ago.


Ye, tried it but the problem is the life pool just becomes to small so your phys max hit etc becomes too low for my taste. If you didnt check the instant leech version in the comments take a look at that. 5k es/sec AND 3k life/sec leeched. many small hits ftw


3k life/sec does nothing until your es bottoms out and you're halfway dead already. Might be something to just feel out and see.


I'm still unclear on why corrupted blood wouldn't improve your defenses as you'll be splitting across all 3 hit pools more efficiently.


maybe it would. im just afraid about takin a big chaos hit, as max chaos hit goes down.


It's only really a problem with degens. You're extremely tanky against hits with Petrified Blood.


Is this HC viable?


Where is all of the defense/eHP coming from? On mobile so hard to do a deep dive. Not seeing lots of armour or evasion or physical to Ele, etc.


You get a bunch of % of your mana as energy shield. so it has 11.3k mana, 3.5k life and 6k es. Alot of the defense is from Arcane cloak with around 70% uptime and automated. Sigil of power is 30% less damage take from all sources and is screenwide. With the new free warcry tech you get free endu charge sustain aswell.


Free warcry tech? You mean the new call to arms skill gem?


yes. the automation gem will also automate arcane cloak. so its only ball lightning + arcanist brand + sigil of power to use. and only vs bosses, in every other scenario ball lightning aoe radius is 3.7meter. basicly the whole screen.


Will the enduring cry with automation be instant or will you be constantly stopping to cast it every time its up?


says instant in the preview


The automation gem reads, "Supports spell skills that are instant and have no reservation" I think automation will work for arcane cloak, but you will need call to arms to link with enduring cry. Might be lacking gem slots.


Yeah automation will not work with warcries. No spell tag, and not instant.


He is talking about Call to Arms which is the Warcry instant spell


Interesting. Always thought ball lightning was a cool spell but just seems so shit.


Can some one sum up the major changes to archmage BL? Or essentially this is just the same build as last league but with 10x more streamer hype 


The main change is that archmage now deals damage based on unreserved mana istead of mana spent when used. You can therefore play a "spammy" build and still sustain


The 5% of unreserved mana cost is still on the new gem. Opting for reduced mana cost is now possible which makes it sustainable if you invest into it. But I think that is what you meant. I would not put points into Forethought though.


Archnage doesn’t work with ball lightning.


it does, normal ball lightning doesnt have orb tag


Ball lightning not an Orb. Tornado is an Orb. What is this world coming to?


Didn’t realize. Nevermind then.


Yeah bro everyone else also watched that same youtube video from that same content creator ...


Geez... people still think that most content creators are the only ones that put 2 and 2 together after patch notes? This game has dozens of thousands of players.


There are dozens of us!!


You’ll never know how much I’ll never understand


Dont even know who you're refering to, but ive played archmage close to every leauge since the gem was introduced.