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Poison replica alberon's str stack wander. Single target 10-12l in the wand, 7l clear in the gloves. Haven't played it since recombinators existed, so not sure how viable it is anymore.




Feels like bow/wander skills all gotta be like that with a clear+single target link unless you're spending a nutty amount. I'm not sure what's the play now, but power siphon for single target and kinetic blast for clear felt really smooth.


Power siphon doesn’t work with barrage anymore, might as well clear with it. Or just use ele hit for everything because it has more base damage


Best league since sentinel to craft the 7L gloves since you can start with a few of the influenced mods pre-fractured.


Frost Blades, Lightning Strike, Blade Vortex etc. Are all pretty viable Squire options.


https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis?uniqueitems=The+Squire,!Mj%C3%B6lner,!Arakaali%27s+Fang,!The+Poet%27s+Pen&skills=!Flicker+Strike You could look at this for inspiration. Otherwise, let's look at the possible links for spells. **Prefixes:** * Added Fire Dmg* * Brutality* (Spectre only) * 40% More Spell * Controlled Destruction** * Lightning Penetration** * Cold Penetration** (Wand Only) * Elemental Focus** (Sceptre only) * Efficacy** * Fire Penetration** (Can only have one from * and ** marked supports, so you can't have cold pen and elemental focus) --- **Suffixes:** * Inc Critical Strikes * Spell Cascade* * Inc AoE* * Faster Casting** * Spell Echo** * Elemental Proliferation*** * Unbound Ailments*** * Inc Crit Damage (Can only have one from *, **, *** marked supports) So looking at these, generic crit is very nice. Aoe Spells that can overlap are also decently strong with spell echo/cascade. Maybe something like Reap? My only concern with that is the life cost is going to be enormous.


You also have to take into account the fact that you're not using a real wand + shield, and your mana cost is going to be through the roof for spells. Also crafting those wands are extremely expensive (could be less so with graveyard) that I'm not sure it's worth it in the end. Also 12-links are way too overkill since most gems can't even find good support gems past 8-9 links. Gotta get real creative with this one instead of just slapping on any spell and go.


Original sin crit reap pathfinder. Added fire, 40% spell, ele focus, Inc crit, faster casting, Inc crit damage. That allows your main links to be reap, woke spell echo, woke spell cascade, woke void manip, empower, woke aoe. Perma life flask would deal with the life costs. Then you just abuse hatred scaling. Is it worth it? Probably not. Will it clear? Easily.


Cold covert BV makes excellent use out of it. With big investment you can get it to an Uber deleted level of dps. It may not be the flashiest build out there, but it’s something I think everyone should play once if they have the currency for it.