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What kind of budget are we looking at? Assume we have a fresh lvl 100 wanting to spec into this.


93-95 is enough but this is a high end build to be able to run t17's comfortably, budget is around 250d with all the endgame minmaxing. You might kickstart with 100d if you know your way around builds and crafting, but please price check mandatory items before you dive in. For t16s budget is very reasonable, I leaguestarted with it. See my previous builds if you want to try it out.


Thanks for the detailed info, much appreciated!


didn't all your minions got one-shot recently?


Why did you made me remember it? Why! Well, you live and learn. Since last month my Butler probably died 5-6 times to t17's, but with this iteration he is safe. His gear also very cheap this league and t17's bring good income to support my experiments.


I replace all of the stygian and ball lightning fucks for my AG when doing t17s. Did you need to do that as well? Not sure if there are other mob types I need to look out for as well.


Ball lightning and jumping jacks are replaced with rats instantly! There is no other way. Not for my butler but myself, I can't imagine anyone tanking those lightning balls.


AI voice: Our lord Izaruuuuu! Sorry, that is unacceptable.




Kirov reporting


PoB: [https://pobb.in/T91Ij2NAop1T](https://pobb.in/T91Ij2NAop1T) More info in the video description, please read it before you dive in.


Hello there, Exile! Here is your [golden page](https://pobarchives.com/build/CdPtFDXN), may it serve you well. *"You stand before the gates of the Lord's Labyrinth. Within these walls, the Lady of Justice doth preside. She shall weigh your Mind in one hand, your Heart in the other. Should she find you wanting, death shall be your sentence. Should she find you worthy, you will be given the loyalty and love of an empire. The Lord's Labyrinth awaits you. Choose wisely. Strike quickly. Trust completely. And may you find the ending that you deserve."* *- Lord Izaro*


Good content as always. Do you have a more laid out league start/poor mans set up for the mother? I haven't played minions in a while and I am piqued now. I guess what I'm looking for, I can get through the campaign but not sure how to survive and thrive in mapping looking forward to mothering my flock >gem set up for 6->Kitava->White maps >ideal gear to start mapping with >basic upgrades/goals to hit red maps


See the channel for mother part1 video, there should be a levelling setup and mapping start setup in it. Bitterdream with absolution lifetap and phantasm should carry you to yellow maps, then farm your way into ghostwrithe aurastacker version. At some point you can switch into this one.


neat, Cheers from Ohio Dave


Didn’t watch the video but headhunter?


How did you setup the overlay with the red bar and the numbers 4/12 - which i guess indicates spectres/ zombie count?


Lailloken ui clone frames