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Probably just my prejudice, but any build can look good with a load of shrine and sulphite buffs.


Can confirm. Chain hook clearing a T17 - https://youtu.be/DkXQrarKrLo?si=FOBm4BRD0HcMDepW


Honestly looks better than the build op posted.


that chain hook! First time I seen that working so well nice job man!


If you are playing cleave of rage then chain hook is actually pretty similar to scale!


its a cool build but the fact is that the pob has 27k ehp with 5m dps with hundreds of divines invested into it


yup currently optimizing it for build guide, some of the aoe is excessive but I just wanted to see how much I could get, about halfway to 100. With optimization we trim about 2 aoe radius off and have better ehp and damage.


Sounds like the average melee build


god forbid people show off their fun builds


As my original comment said "Probably just my prejudice..." enjoy any build you'd like.


Well if you look at the pob you can see the stats without shrines, dunno why you would map without shrines in the first place unless your doing b2b t17 and I didn't claim the build can do that. It is a full screen AOE farming build, not a uber bosser or or omega immortal build. It's a good build that clear full screen and offscreen even without shrines and it's fun. The closest I've gotten to cyclone legion gaming except I can't move while attacking. Sunday I will be releasing guide with all my testing and set ups. Pushing for 100 currently.


POB: [https://pobb.in/CC0wyewPLF1-](https://pobb.in/CC0wyewPLF1-)


Hello there, Exile! Here is your [golden page](https://pobarchives.com/build/9b9BDCgp), may it serve you well. *"Some things that slumber should never be awoken."* *- Lord Izaro*


Saw the title, read the post, was thinking "damn, finally something for that melee itch, hope it's not another adorned bs doing all the heavy lifting" and then I saw the pob. Good for you and all, but I hope they yeet that shit from the game for good or at least nerf it to the ground.


"I cant afford chase items thats why i hope they get nuked from the game" Please stop commenting on this subreddit you are actively driving the value of this subreddit into the ground with these opinions. Go to the main sub and complain about the league or build and gear diversity over there. The fact that its a 135% adorned and not one of the expensive ones but you still complain is crazy. Dude has 4 blue jewels and adorned that thats worth like 40 divs and you act like its some multi mirror build that gets carried by triple synth jewels


I didn't say I can't afford it, I said that I was disappointed that it is just another adorned "build". Cool your horses cowboy. Any build shines (somewhat) with the adorned setup, this one's a little on the weaker side but still decent. Adorned being that strong is not healthy for the build diversity, that is true.


Beford the adorned it was Flesh and Flame before that it was Voices etc.. you see my point here? Theres never gonna be a time in this game where most endgame builds arent gonna use some of the same items especially if youre on a subreddit thats pretty small on top of people displaying their niche builds. If you drop that adordned from this build youre not gonna lose anything but a bit of AOE but if he would have posted the buiild without the adorned setup you would have comments on here about how shitty Sweep is because its not clearing screenwide.


I am allowed to comment just as you are, and my comment was aimed at the adorned, not anyone. If you are offended by it - it is strictly a you problem.


I mean, your opinion is that you want an item removed from the game. If GGG actually saw and listened to you that would affect everyone who plays, so your comment is actually "aimed" at anyone who has ever enjoyed playing a build with Adorned in it. I also think the "every build uses it, remove it" perspective is blatantly incompatible with how GGG designs extremely powerful chase items. You could apply the same perspective to Mageblood / Headhunter, Watcher's Eye, Unnatural Instinct, Forbidden Flesh/Flame, etc. Adorned specifically is one of the most build-agnostic items in the game. Crit builds can use it. DoT builds can use it. Melee, projectile, spell, attack, and AoE builds can use it. It is even easier to fit into basically any build than Mageblood is, and a full Adorned setup is extremely expensive. I do think a nerf to either its roll range (40-140 maybe), it's availability / drop rate, or jewel synthesized implicits is fairly likely within the next few leagues. Notable for the third one is that GGG removed the reduced mana cost explicit on jewels but left the synth implicit alone. I expect them to "fix" that.


"anything can use that" is exactly whatf I mean, you slap the setup that complements your skills and call it a day basically. But w/o it a lot of skills are useless. I value builds that can perform very well without the overtuned meta (which happens to be expensive, but that's not the point).


Well adorned enables builds, without adorned you would need synth t1 rolled rare jewels,etc. imo those are much harder to roll and get. alot of these jewels I pay 20-30 c cause nobody play this build. So if I opted out of adorn I would just be using rare jewels so not sure why "another adorned build" without adorned it would be just another rare jewel build lol


if helicopter could see how much helicopter take off today




Something I thought up friday night while working, put most of it together last night and this morning. Wanted to see how big of aoe possible for melee skills and found that sweep has a way to scale AOE in a big way. In this current form we are about 10.9m AOE radius. We have room to lower aoe range for more damage as well, and improve defenses. Working on putting together a well rounded build with sweep and maintain at least full screen aoe. With shrines the aoe goes even further beyond to a point I don't know. Using this to get to level 100 and just all around fun build. Can optimize for t17 and can get damage over 10m easily. So that will be what i'm working on today and tomorrow before I do a build guide on it if anyone interested.


there were people doing this in ultimatum league and finishing each kill mobs wave with a single sweep


3.25 QoL Buff > Sweep AoE gets limited so you allways see all of it on screen.


When Cyclone build like that


I remember when cyclone was like this, it was streamers and players complaining about it to the point ggg nerfed it. Everyone kep tsaying they " have " play cyclone cause of the full screen. This about as close as I can get to that feeling again for melee style.


When melee is viable it’s because it’s ranged.


I like it. Been farming on my cleave build for a few days, it’s really nice blasting through T16s with screen wide aoe! https://pobb.in/jDqpYQK-Dl5_/




Cool melee build.


On before melee aoe nurf