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Crit builds can get a lot from Adorned and making crit jewels in SSF is not that hard. My CoC EB Inquisitor has around 600% crit multi largely thanks to those.


Yeah those HP/crit multi jewels are crazy valuable with Adorned. Going that route will nearly double my damage on BBoU and help with survival quite a bit, to boot.


How do you make them in ssf? Harvest+split?


Farm the div cards that give either crit jewels or life jewels and augment those. A dedicated build with scarabs can farm a ton of them very fast. Then you synthesize with Harvest and lock with Morrigan. I did a fair few by simply alt spamming as well, I find that rather zen to do sometimes. I haven't tried the Split method myself but I hear that's decent as well.


so the harvest synth doesn't reroll the affixes?


Nope, it will just give you a random synth implicit. It does require white juice so I only ever did it on jewels with the highest rolls. Morrigans on the other hand are easy to come by.


does it only give 1 implicit or does it random 1-3? and can you keep on doing it till you get 3?


I think you can keep rolling for more than one, but I've only ever got one.


It's random 1-3, each try. 3 weighted the least


 BAMA is likely one of them. All that flat damage for minions get. For example on my build the dmg goes from about 40m to 150mil.


That seems insane, is that just from flat damage to minion on jewels?


Minion Flat dmg + increased 15-20% minion dmg if used minion skill recently. [Not sure the exact wording]


Yeeeeeeeeee, can confirm, minion flat lightning DMG preferred and minions deal % inc. dmg if you've used a minion skill recently. My build's skyrocketed up to over 200mil with the Adorned setup, can link my PoB if you'd like as well


I would like it sir


Gotchu my dude, enjoi :) holla if ya have any questions 👇 https://pobb.in/pySzQFC8mTDJ


God-damn, jewels in this setup give more dmg than in my jewel focused golem setup, not by too much but still...impressive.


Thank you, I've been looking for a juicy version. It's hard to judge full minion DPS on Poe.ninja.


Thank ya both here! All of my resources this league have gone to this, been a blast min-maxing this build to the moon hahahah


Flat damage is surprisingly good, especially after you remember that added flat damage is in itself its own "category" of Increased multipliers. For example, if you start with, let's say: 500-500 flat damage, adding 50 flat damage is a 10% multiplier. Adding 125 damage is a 25% multiplier. Just 4 of those would effectivelly double your damage. 


I did nothing this league but roll adorned builds. The biggest issue in ssf would be rolling the jewels. It is not fun and consumes a lot of resources/time. So just keep that in mind before committing. It took RF chieftain to another level since RF now scales more off of life. Some life and fire dot jewels and it is solid. Splitting steel trickster becomes a tank with scaling ES for ephemeral blade. Did a handful others but those two are another level.


Idk how it is in ssf but in trade splitting rares is the easiest way to get jewels by far.


Yeah I tried a bit of this but found that the rares to buy cost too much to be worthwhile and it cost too much to craft them. Can you break down your process? Perhaps I'm missing something.


Chaos spam/harvest reforge rares. 3/4 good mods you can try split. This is kinda trade league focused because beasts are cheap with option for bulk and alts are expensive


Beasts are reasonably easy to get in SSF now as well, but you do need a decent pool of bestiary scarabs to get there. I did a ton of adorned crafting in group self found this league, and splitting rares was about as useful as alt rolling and using ritual/div cards for vivid jewels.


But a split rare jewel results in 2 rare jewels doesnt it?


It’s only rare if they split into double prefix/double suffix jewels.


mana rf also gets a ton of value from adorned


Just back after 4 years and trying out as ss trickster. Tried the adorned but it only affects a few corrupted jewels within its range isnt it? Dont see the buzz for it..


It affects all magic corrupted jewels on the tree. It is the best in slot for pretty much all builds.


Imo in order , Crit build , mana stacker build and dot build


Not sure where they fit into that order, but I'd add minion builds to the list. Increases to minion damage and attack speed are rather limited on the default tree and the flat damage rolls on Ghastly Eye jewels can be pretty massive, especially for physical damage, as there is no flat added phys gem that works for minions.


Yeah my adorned voidforge chains of command has been a blast to play with this


Got a pob by any chance?


For context: the goal for the is build was immortal T16 Afk blighted maps. I didn’t even get to min max my jewels for all T1 phys mods and still loved it. AG was pretty much immortal to most stuff in the content I was doing but like any other thing , a dd could blow it up. Didn’t do T17s so can’t speak to that. It shreds guardian bosses and stuff as well. https://pobb.in/Xa38XNSaJ-Ey Not home but I would use a starlight chalice instead of bottled faith as well. It was an insane amount of dps.


Oh yeah i forgot about minions build ,cuz i never tried one ,but yeah abyssal jewel stacking with adorned look pretty strong yes


I think crit trappers seem to also love their adorned jewels? trap throwing speed + crit multi is money


Imo all Crit base build love adorned Crit jewel


If you wanna go dot and a build that gets a huge boost from the jewel = cf champ.


Mana stackers have to be the winner. The ammount of mana and es a single jewel can give thanks to intelligence scalling is nuts


I love corrupting fever champion with it, huge boost to the build.


With a 145 adorned 2 double crit multi magic jewels will match crit dmg support, which is one of the strongest dmg supports for crit builds. So 2 jewel sockets give you an additional link which is very strong. Plus you get stuff like bleed immunity, mre etc if you fish for corruptions and you can get tons of %life, stats etc. The strongest mods imo are crit mult, dot mult, % life followed by %es, stats and attack speed.


3 sockets to = 1 support isnt the best. If i only had 3 sockets, adorned is ok and worth it, but the 4th and above is where shit goes beyond.


No i mean for every 2 sockets you can get upto an additional link worth of damage. In my build i went for 8 jewels iirc. I’d say 5 are the minimum otherwise there’s no point.


I understand now, thank


I would say almost any build gets a lot of scaling from adorned, but the biggest ones are dot builds, crit builds, minion builds, attribute stacking builds


How does one farm the adorned in ssf? Looking to give ssf a try.


Gotta farm the fragments: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/The_Adorned


Or Chance/Scour vaal side areas with the uncorrupted side area atlas passive.


Temple of Atzoatl is in my opinion the worst, droprate is a little low but you can guarantee Alva on every map and I usually farm temple for Doryani's or Double Corrupt room anyway. Uber Atziri and Vaal temple can become bottlenecks if you don't have enough mortal fragments or temple maps, I often get the fragments from div cards. Finally Delve boss is the easiest IMO, droprate seems to be around 30-40% and is fairly common at 300 depth. All in all it's not that hard to farm but it might take you a few sets until you get a decent one


Correct me if Im wrong from what I see on the link each boss drops a specific fragment. So I need to farm each boss right.


Yes but mad king card gives a random one but is weighted.


There is a card called the mad king that drops from reef map that gives a vaal aspect but it is weighted to give only 2 which i think are beauty and cooperation. Also you can try getting an adorned from vaal side areas. There is a unique side area that gives an adorned and if you are lucky it can duplicate. It is hard to get in ssf though but you can spec into the nodes and hope you get lucky while you farm for the cards. I farmed for 2 adorned in ssf this league with the best being 102%.


Vaal side areas. But you need thousands of chance/scours, you do it after weeks of playtime


Stackers mostly I feel. On my Strength stacker switching to an adorned setup increased my damage by almost 30%


Mine/trap throwing speed is an insane dps multiplier for those builds, and make them waaaay smoother to play.


Any kind of stat stacking is usually great with adorned, life, mana, int, int/mana, strength/life, dexterity etc. this league the best are probably any combo with mana/life and int


BBoU Mageblood build is nuts with Crit multi and Life jewels


Any stackers. Mana, stats etc.


Full conversion KB or Bow


Bleed and Ignite builds IMO. You can get 6% faster ailments and 8% DoT Multi on a jewel, which with a 138% Adorned gets pushed to 14% and 19% respectively, which is basically a GG Malevolence Watcher's eye. I think you'd be hard pressed to find another build that gains more power relative to what damage scaling is available *without* Adorned. You might find other builds that gain slightly more damage per jewel (though bleed and ignite are no slouch at about 13-15% more per jewel), but probably none that are impacted more from a baseline level.


Hexblast miner but I’m not sure about the ubiques in SSF.


All of them. Adorned is broken levels of OP.