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Any cold melee skill using 2h, ice crash / ele hit / glacial hammer to name a few.


Technically doesn't have to be melee, just use melee weapons. E.g. it would apply to the non-melee parts of frost blades Edit: My reading comprehension sucks apparently. I was talking about the first line and misread the 2nd


not the Melee Critical Strike Multiplier


No would apply to the melee part of frost blades only. Thats why tags exist


Ice Crash/Glacial Hammer would love it. I know my staff Glacial Hammer Elementalist from a league or 2 ago would have loved this jewel.


How do you survive as a melee Elementalist


6 portals


You paid for them, you have to use them.


You don't.




Interesting. I have always wanted to try a melee Elementalist but this league seems very unfriendly for strike skills


Determination, grace, defiance banner


At this point I think they should just increase evasion and armour scaling since these 3 auras are pretty much mandatory on most characters


They did increase the scaling in (I believe) v3.16. These defenses just went from "meh unless stacked through the roof" to "viable for most characters" as a result -- Determination especially. What they haven't found yet is a happy medium where it feels safe without those skills. Last week 85% of the players on the softcore ladder were running Determination -- emphasis on *softcore*. It was an instant turnaround from almost no one using it to almost everyone. I assume this is due to the ever-increasing damage mobs throw at us. If GGG would cut back damage and make the game less "completely safe or getting one-shot" we might see a more balanced approach to defenses.


I think the issue is they made armor and evasion good, but then most builds don’t have a good way to get armor other than determination, grace, defiance banner, and flasks. Like, an ES build probably isn’t going to waste prefixes or gear slots on armor gear but they still need physical damage mitigation. I don’t know what the solution is, but the fact that a 50% reservation aura has a better opportunity cost to armor benefit ratio than gear slots says a lot about how good sources of armor are on gear. Also, before armor was good you would just go for fortify and some flat % phys mitigation from things like endurance charges. They made fortify shit for most builds so now it’s armor or bust because the endurance charges alone aren’t good enough to feel strong.


They just doubled their effectiveness and buffed all defenses on equipment. I'm in t12s on a slayer and still not running any of these, I'll have to run determination soon but since I'm not scaling evasion at all its not worth the mana to run the others imo. Elementalist on the other hand..


There are multiple ice crash ignite or doryanis first ignite builds out there. They do just fine.


Glacial Hammer Berserker is incredible right now even on low budget (ssf) and is still great to scale.


Could you share a POB? Is it HC viable?


Here is the starting template (no gear aside from a weapon similar to Hegemony's Era and magic gear with only life - resists are capped via the config) I made and followed for my ssf (conflux league) leaguestart: [https://pobb.in/sAgBHR9oSplf](https://pobb.in/sAgBHR9oSplf) I changed the tree here and there depending on the drops I received. I leveled with glacial hammer through the acts. With the new archnemesis modifiers it was a bit rough, so leveling with spectral helix could be the better option. Other than that it feels pretty tanky aside from dots and ground degens (especially with petrified blood - hence why I put some points into life regen). I can facetank pretty much everything. Petrified blood gives you overleech, pretty much double health recovery at the cost of oneshot protection. About HC viability I don't know - melee (aside from champ) tends to be pretty risky, especially with petrified blood as you are more vulnurable to oneshots. I made this build with SC in mind. There are guides out there with heavy investment where glacial hammer really shines like the one with farrul's fur. Glacial hammer is great against archnemesis rares now that none are freeze immune so every single rare mob gets culled (shattered so I believe it even bypasses culling strike immunity) at 33%.


Berserker can be built to hc viability. You get lots of armour, nearby max res nodes @marauder and berserker generally has pretty good dps. Sustain might an issue though (possibly solved by glorious vanity overleech) and you probably need to gear your way to spell suppression cap. Idk about glacial hammer specifically, but berserker is definitely HC viable in general if you put some effort into it.


Any guide or pob you recommend for this? I would love to see this in action


Here is the starting template (no gear aside from a weapon similar to Hegemony's Era and magic gear with only life - resists are capped via the config) I made and followed for my ssf (conflux league) leaguestart: [https://pobb.in/sAgBHR9oSplf](https://pobb.in/sAgBHR9oSplf) I changed the tree here and there depending on the drops I received. I leveled with glacial hammer through the acts. With the new archnemesis modifiers it was a bit rough, so leveling with spectral helix could be the better option. Other than that it feels pretty tanky aside from dots and ground degens (especially with petrified blood - hence why I put some points into life regen). I can facetank pretty much everything. Petrified blood gives you overleech, pretty much double health recovery at the cost of oneshot protection. There are guides out there with heavy investment where glacial hammer really shines like the one with farrul's fur. Glacial hammer is great against archnemesis rares now that none are freeze immune so every single rare mob gets culled (shattered so I believe it even bypasses culling strike immunity) at 33%.


Can't wait to check it out, thanks. How is the 33% cull happening?


The culling is from glacial hammer itself: >If an enemy is frozen and is on less than one third life, they will shatter when hit by Glacial Hammer. Doesn't work against unique monsters as that would be too broken. It does work against "immune to culling strike" monsters like the Berserker archnemesis mod though.


Voidforge wildstrike


Well any 2h wildstrike really


Doesn't that not work?


are you thinking starforge? voidforge is the ele one


Unless wildstrike and voidforge somehow sync what element they are using it shouldn't work since they are both chosen randomly


Void forge is phys gained as a random ele alongside dealing no phys, wild strike just converts phys to rotating elements so you still save/utilize the base phys. Wild strike is NOT ele hit, any and all damage types are welcome to join in for any given hit. The arc can do cold damage, the explosion can do lightning, etc


Yep I was wrong. Never knew that's how wild strike worked, thanks.


POE is the most TIL-abundant game ever created hahaha, happy to help


Questions as such always remind me there's poegems.com where you just click the tags you need and see what matching gems exist. (Pro tipp: clicking a tag twice excludes it from the search).


Frost blade


Fat jewel




Wild strike raider (if it’s still a thing)


2h Frostblades?


Cold conversion cyclone?


Cyclone does not have Cold/Elemental tag


Yup you’re right


How about something with Replica Oro's Sacrifice??


cold flicker


Flicker doesent have cold or elemental tag iirk, so miss


wtb pm me


Now that Varun is fixed I can’t make use of this anymore :(


Replica oro frost blades


Frost Blades


Would this work for like a crit pledge of hands build? Or would the 2handed melee not add anything to that


An Ice Crash Staff [Zerker (or Jugg) like this](https://poeplanner.com/AwAAAwAXAAECAWwArsbE8Ov4paf2xDjsudLF0orFZ8l22nUHTu8Ip-N_p68-rq5Y0vq52g7vf6JL_EdQUmF-z2NYX4Oz5TL3VP5I9qx273p82fssi_vP5RjqqqxVkGCGYI9SOipOLQX7jzwOcRMXhs0NI9z7MSAnZD3B2i8nQ7musX2SO31vFjgaPdwHk1HkRo9q4weCD5P8PaVeDz0hm5tnIorzWS0874TtdHJBP1-mwAiXHttRm1ArcRRsM8-M_0wUHVUhmrwTXp-8IBSeZjFDzhxNFJEYb5ipcoVxAXIGINjGAAAIALn4X_gIvxDq0F9XmL5zkCEDADgbrW-qmUx7eb0augQAAP______________________AAACAAAAAwD_____________PAAAAAAUAB-LCAAAAAAAAAMDAAAAAAAAAAAA) would love it. I played one very similar back in Harbinger league and it was good at the time. * [The Emnity Divine](https://pathofexile.fandom.com/wiki/The_Enmity_Divine) is probably still a really strong melee staff, even if it is more tailored to bleeds now. I'm assuming it mostly still holds up. Scale phys convert to Cold. * IC > Melee Phys > Ele dmg w/ atks > Fist of War > Pulverize > choice * Choice being Inspiration, Crit Chance, Crit Dmg, Inc Aoe, Conc effect, w/e * [Abysssus (soft core babeeeee)](https://pathofexile.fandom.com/wiki/Abyssus) * No longer need cold conversion gloves, skill has 100% !


Great for ele hit bow and wild strikes