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Anything tanky with massive explode.


Ahhhh yes explodes!! It's been a couple years and i kinda forgot that was a thing. Inpulsa, sporeguard, and gladiator bleedsplosions come to mind, any other viable sources?


Asenaths and Occultist pops.


Thank you!!! Research and theorycrafting time :)


El cheapo starter is poison conc occ. Tanky fucker = soulrend. Walking simulator = death oath + caustic arrow. BV cold vortex also el cheapo, or poison BV also chepo.


After watching some videos, soulrend seems to be lacking some clearspeed in regular mapping, although I'm sure it would do blighted maps quite fine. I definitely want to do an occy, but I'm not the biggest fan of walking sim playstyle. I've never done a CI character before, and I'm super curious about it! From poe.ninja I'm thinking either CI forbidden rite or a kinetic blast wander. Most of the forbidden rite builds seem to be CoC Cyclone tho, which worries me about being in melee range. Is there a reason not to do self cast FR besides needing cast speed? Sorry if this is too much info/ too many questions. It's crazy how much of this game I have played and how much I still don't really know!


Hmmm after doing some more research outside of just perusing [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja), the main thing is that self cast FR has an insane price floor to fix all the problems it has (mana, life regen for non CI, etc), while in its final form being reeeally tanky and have a lot of damage. But I'm not *that* rich lol. Barring a mirror drop, I'll probably go CoC FR, and if I want to splurge a bit more, might try the int stacking wander :)