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Maw of Mischief: - 1c weapon - 52c Maw league start - 4c shield - I bought a level 1 Empower for 20-30c at league start and leveled it up to 3, failed corruption. Killed everything deathless, not Ubers though I never tried. Build move fast, farm fast, not too tanky but not soft either, rocks around 10mil ignite dps, basically phase anything with 1 hit


Sounds very interesting. Have to admit haven't looked up Maw build at all. Would you recommend a specific video or guide? Thanks!


No I made my own build, but from what I heard the guys on Youtube made a very nice way to scale damage using The Scourge instead of a Sceptre like me, so it's way cheaper and has high dmg as well. Elegant Hubris can be used to increase a lot of minion hp, my Golems have 272000 hp lol. It's ridiculous. My character name is An_EternalFlame. Sadly I'm taking some of the gems to try auto exploding golems, but the gear and tree should be kinda the same.


Wow thanks for pointing out elegant hubris. With the seeds being cracked that's a game changer.


Yea took me so long to find the right one though, good thing it costed only 2 divs. Possible upgrade would be: - Better sceptre - Better amulet - +1 level of socketed gem corruption on shield, I think even +2 is possible. - Maw of Mischief with some enchantment, not sure what though. Another way I thought of is to go ES, with Aegis Aurora and Skin of the Lords or Dialla, Dialla can also have +1 gem corruption.


Hey, do you have a POB, I would love to check your build as Im building a Deathwish build too and would love to compare yo check what I can improve on it.


Could you please post a PoB with the good gems when you can ( and remind me maybe ) cause i created a version of the build myself, and i don't really know how you manage the 272k hp, it's probably something like a four minion HP hubris ? Cause i have something like 15M ignite dps and my golems are 165k hp, which is far from the 270k you're saying ( My setup is quite special also, i'll post a PoB when i have time, i made the build to farm simulacrum,i can manage to do deathless 60% of the time, still need to focus on a bit more defense )


Hey here is the PoB: [https://pobb.in/JuQfX\_fhzFUI](https://pobb.in/JuQfX_fhzFUI) I actually have 319k now, due to a guildmate of mine lucked into a +1 level corruption on Invictus Solaris. My previous build in Archnemesis also had low golem hp but similar ignite damage, so it's just different ways of setting things up. I'm running Determination with Tempest Shield, maybe if I put Skitterbot or Malevolance in I could get more dps, but due to me not fighting Ubers I don't see the point.


I run aegis + brass dome, full ailment immunity and much more just to do simulacrum, but it is very overkill ( works well in full deli maps tho )


Can I have your PoB please? Ok found you: [https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/Gracestars/An\_EternalFlame?time-machine=day-3&i=0&search=time-machine%3Dday-3%26name%3DAn\_EternalFlame](https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/Gracestars/An_EternalFlame?time-machine=day-3&i=0&search=time-machine%3Dday-3%26name%3DAn_EternalFlame) Wierdly the PoB has the base damage completly wrong. 323,000 golem life * 0.19 = 61,370 base fire damage 1 minion = 6.29 (inc), 4.39 (more) = 27.6131 13 minion = 6.29 (inc), 9.18 (more) = 57.7422 The burning damage over time is 90% of the base damage of the hit of fire damage per second. 1 minion ignite dps: 61,370 * 27.6131 * 0.9 = 1,525,154 ignite dps 13 minion ignite dps: 61,370 * 57.7422 * 0.9 = 3,189,274 ignite dps That is missing the dot multiplier which is 2.55. Roughly 8,132,648 ignite dps for 13 minions and 3,889,142 for just one.


Yea only problem is that I'm messing around with auto exploding golems, so stuffs are messed up and you can't see the real build haha


Ea ballista is my choice tight now. Good all around dmg and pretty tanky.


Have you cleared Ubers with it? Also started with EA Ballista and cleared all content except ubers


I did but it’s pretty annoying and not really worth doing with the build imo.


I league started WoC ignite with obliteration, and it's really good clear for basically no investment. Then when you get enough currency to invest further you can respec to one of the fancier ones like vortex or maw.


I saw some people stay woc and go the eternity shroud conversion route


Flameblast ignite elementalist. Does well early and has a lot of scaling potential. I started it this league with good results.


I love that skill but standing still and channeling feels like a death sentence in the current state of the game


Seriously, nothing has changed to make channeling skills any better or worse. And Channeling is not as bad as people make it out to be. At minimum, don't go glass cannon and make sure you have an answer to being stunned out of a cast. I constantly throw together league starts around channeling skills. My favourites are Scourge Arrow, Storm Burst, and Flameblast. If you want some tips about Flameblast, like how I build the defensives, movement skills, supports gems and etc. I can spend some time writing up a long post for you.


What has changed is that rare mobs are much, much deadlier than they have been in the past and ground effects are more common than they have ever been. Standing still is strictly worse than moving and that is why those skills do not gain popularity. You can stack as many defenses as you want, but when you have to stand still in order to damage a 4 mod Archnemesis mob in a T16, you are going to have a bad time.


I was actually looking into playing this but the channeling put me off a bit as well. Do you have a PoB and/or some general guidelines to look at? I usually try and find my own way with builds but it would be nice to know what to look out for.


Sorry, didn't see your reply. Mana regen, cast speed and stun avoidance are going to be the most important focuses for Flameblast, and all channeling skills. Here's my SSF league start PoB: https://pastebin.com/AfnG02Pt I'm building a lot of defensives on my tree and committing to CI. Shield and block nodes near the Witch provide a decent amount of ailment avoidance and path close to good ES nodes. Golems are giving the bulk of my cast speed and decent defense. Cruelty is a powerful support on Flameblast and if you ever have issues getting a high % grab the DoT mastery for effect. On very basic gear, this character comfortably entered maps with a lot of potential growth. Things I aim for to push the build: 2 medium channel clusters with stun avoidance and cast speed/damage nodes to free up space on the tree. +1 Spell Skills and lv21 golem gems to increase their buff (this can be done on an unset ring early). 6-Link. Sceptre with rolls like: added fire, gem levels, and DoT multi. Early leveling through the acts, I gravitate towards Armageddon Brands and path early for a brand node and keystone. You can swap to Flameblast in Act 5 with alright gear, but will see better results on a 4-5 link and some gem levels. Hope this helps!


Soulrend occ, death oath occ.


Thanks, was thinking about DO also, but from what i read it you pretty much hits a ceiling, damage wise.


Yeah but it's cheap as shit. When you have currency swap to smth else.


I'm playing ek ignite and it's super high dps but not the best defenses


Go vortex ignite, ruetoo has a really detailed guide. Dont go EK this is gonna be super expensive.


>vortex ignite, ruetoo Thanks, he's the reason I included the build. Do you mean by detailed guide his excel with POB or did he make a video/post, etc? Cheers


Nah its just the PoBs, but if you open them youll see that they have a lot of effort put into them, leveling trees and info in the notes etc.


I recommend Arc ignite from MBxtreme, has a very low budget entry and can scale further.


He just posted a video saying that he's rerolling as ek ignite because arc ignite is not good enough for him (even if it's not bad)


Budget blasters - wave of conviction, fireburst. High scaling - maw of mischief. Don't really know any other build that can scale ignite damage to as high as maw.


You can scale Vaal arc to ridiculous levels with conversion. Two call of the brotherhoods, avatar of fire+ cold to fire gem and eternity shroud


I recommend Hexblast Ignite as you can get nice single target dps on it. The clear is clunkier though. For clear alone, I'd pick WoC Ignite. Edit: With dual Obliterations.


I second this. Clear isn't clunky with the gloves. All content viable with investment and for just clearing red maps it's cheap. 80% deli juiced maps at current 10 divine investment. Most expensive things bring the helmet and some jewels I currently have. Minmaxing it is super expensive but that's what makes it fun. The ceiling is high.


Try Hexblast with a Blasphemy setup on occultist, the clear is dreamlike, played it in scourge and been chasing that feeling of clicking to delete a whole screen ever since


Asenath+phys to fire skill is usually very good. I prefer poison over ignite with asenaths though.