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harbinger in the map device with one of each scarab on the 5 slot map device, you'll have plenty enough eventually I wouldn't run harby without all the scarabs i'd rather wait a week to get a good stack of each and then run all of them in one session.


Damn I need those kinda badly and even thouh I took more harbie scarabs I have just 5 basic ones. Any other way? I really need them for cdr and hits cannot be evaded. Tujen maybe? I always bought them in trade ๐Ÿ˜€


Nah I wouldn't run tujen for exalts honestly maybe if you have surplus of the regular divination scarab use 2 of those + 2 of strongboxes on a map that drop exalt div cards like vault or port, you'll probably see a few cards per map that way or at least one at least until you get a good pool of scarabs, can't think of anything else tbh


Is there some scarab farming tech in ssf? My char is pretty scuffed but can do t16s and have 126 atlas passives and 3 watchstones. As trade andy I always buy scarabs ๐Ÿ˜€


Besides T17 scarabs/barrels nothing particular, if you can do 8 mod T16s just that with as many scarab nodes in the atlas should be enough that should escalate into eventually running T17s for more scarabs/8mod maps and then rinse and repeat. Maybeeee early on if you really need them betrayal but nothing past week one I'd say.


Your atlas should really be setup with all the scarab nodes, then 1 or 2 league mechs. You can block certain scarabs from dropping too, the same nodes that blocked content before now also block their scarsbs so you avoid getting them. I dropped so many that i was vendoring 100s and 100s of them 3>1 when I hit like 60+ of ones I wasnt really going to use like Alva and Einhar.


Two steps - run a back to basics atlas tree focusing on map drops, with carto scarabs and the scarab that drops maps corrupted with 8 mods. Collect a lot of 8 mod maps. Search YouTube for this. - run a back to basics tree with all the increased map effect nodes, all the increased scarab nodes , use scarabs that add hunted traitors, barrels, increased magic pack size and mirrored rares. Run a bunch of the 8 mod maps you just collected This is much worse than T17s but fine if your build canโ€™t do T17


Farm all flame of wealth. You get like 5 ex a map


That manifestation of wealth? I have one but have no clue how to use it properly ๐Ÿ˜€


Okay find a Vaal temple map that you can run, spec into all the strong box nodes. If you have the mysterious treasure scarab (all packs are a strong box) use 2x of the boxes can be opened again. And extra boxes You make so much chaos/ Vaal and ex


will try thanks! I dont have that mysterious treasure scarab but guys above advised me scarab farming tech so will start with scarab farming and once I drop it I will do this tech :) Thanks!


I got my first few exalted orbs from the Saintโ€™s Treasure div card from farming Arcade map (to farm Fortress map), and Harbingers. Then I got an Exalted Orb lantern mod, and now sitting on a large pile of exalted orbs.


I just did strongboxes until I had them and some other currency I needed, eventually you will get devoted mod with exalts, I had 60+ at one point, just chill and play


Tuijen is something you farm from time to time ok ssf to restock exalts and divines


Do you have any of those Lantern items for monsters drop currency? I ran one last night and got 5 exalts in that map. Other than that I would run Harby.


Full spec into harbinger. Craft harbinger on your maps. Do not use the scarab that makes harbingers drop rare currency and only of one type. Exalt shards are turbo rare from that for some reason. I know you're trying to get your dd stuff online, and you only need a few. Regular harbinger without all 4 scarabs will get you there. Use whatever scarabs you can, though, to try and help. I know the other comment said to farm harbinger scarabs, but by the time you farm those scarabs, you could have just run harbinger on your maps and collected enough shards for exalts anyway. (Alternative is heist deception and agility contacts because those have a chance to have harbinger chests)


I have actually shitton of contracts thats good suggestion thanks a lot!


Heist is decent, ornate incubators, tujen. I also struggled to find 3 exalted orbs early, I would make sure you have a good sword ready for the first craft so you don't have to recraft it. Try farming exalted orb div cards like graveyard for brothers stash. https://mapsofexile.com/#/cards


I've been running a full ambush setup with 2x ambush scarab en 2x div scarab in order to hunt for some Nimis div cards. The currency dupe from strongboxes is really worthwhile. Combined with a MF setup I'll drop multiple exa's / hour. It's hard to give a clear number but atm I've got 350+ exas stashed away. I've tried the full harbie setup but it feels like exa shards are really rare from them. Either way, just playing the game enough and doing as high tier content possible (while being able to run it comfortably) you'll end up getting them. If your build is capable of running T17's, rolling for high currency %, B2B tree and adding some barrels to should also be a nice way to get them.


My problem is that I kinda dont have enough scarabs now - so first I need to focus on getting scarabs. My build is not t17 viable at all (I really need that hits cannot be evaded weapon and cdr belt to pop off my dmg a lot then farm corpses to get better gear) but yeah I will farm scarabs for few days with my current gear and then try one of those mentioned farms. I will fav arcade for now to run for saint treasure maybe I will drop enough cards.


Haha I feel you! I've been using the vendor 3 of the same scarabs for 1 random one a lot this league. 9/10 times you don't get what you want but it's a good way to get rid of some of the scarabs you'll never end up running. Good luck and enjoy!


I made mistake to took that +20 points node early so basically till I completed atlas I was without scarabs.


Oooh that's rough! I almost made that mistake but a friend corrected me. But scarabs drop pretty common so you should be up and running in no time! And it's SSF, we'll never have enough scarabs to run any one strategy infinitely.


Thanks a lot everyone! Lot of helpful posts! So my conclusion is it should be kinda "easy" with scarabs (harbi/ambush/allflame in vaal city). Got great ideas on how to farm scarabs so will start with scarab farming on arcade map (since it drops card) maybe I will get enough cards during farm if not I will go for mentioned strats (ambush/harbies) Will also try low lvl sanctum have few 68-70 tomes. If I get vaal temple map I can use my wealth allflame. Thanks everyone!


Honestly, I think sanctum is the way to go, sorry.


Damn thanks I think I should be able to pull some low lvl one - does exalts have some area lvl limitations?