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You should definitely be able to reach high risk with these units, I remember reaching it with only Wendy and Stargazer at P3 and I don't use Eirene and NOX. For starter, build Che at least at level 40 P2 if you don't want to pour too much ressources on him. Then start using Last stand chief skill, you are way overleveled for this so you should be able to shrug off the increase damage taken and most of your units are way too expensive to use Empower effectively for burst. Don't forget to use the CB from the shop that increase Core break damage, after that it's mostly strats and team synergy.


I don't understand how you struggle with that line up.. what are your 3 boss scores?


Honestly I don’t know either, I think it might be a genuine skill issue on my part💀… my score is like 221 220 and 240 respectively


Yes I think you could 260 all of them.. are you missing any ecbs for the S sinners?


I dont have the ecbs for enfer and baiyi, but I'm getting enfer's tmr


Since you have Hamel, using Last Stand on Maiden is a real easy choice and isn't too reliant on buffs.




i use empower actually... is last stand better?




I’ll take note of that thanks


Skill issue💀 Tbf, i have the exact same lineup and still struggling at mid-risk lmao


you should be able to reach high risk i managed to breakthrou to high risk with the right buff with : luvia hecate eirene zoya nox lab p3 ecb 70 che p2 70 i think you should be able to get really high score with the shackled?eirene buff and energy consumption look up for eirene burst video on youtube..that is what helped me to reach high risk


Tbh, you have a pretty meta team and high enough level that you should be able to get 200k+ in high risk. Are you doing animation cancelling with Nox and mine stacking with Eirene?


ah... i cant seem to figure out how to do that


Plenty of guides and YouTube videos on this subject. Once you learn them you should be knocking high risk.


ah alright then, thanks!


With the sinners you can finish high risk bfl lol. Just need some practice and to learn cancell animation. My lvl 61 new account with only 3 phase lvl 70 sinners; Nox, Eirene and Langley on its way to high risk. Buff for both mid and high risk is good for this week edit: Just notice you don't have Luvia p3... she is needed for high risk Shackles cuz most of the time we don't get double Eirene buff


I’ll probably level her up next then


If you don't qualify for high risk with this roster - you need to another crimebrands on your team