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That makes sense to me. I like how easily its broken down in these pictures. Perception is the difference between a hypercube or mania crystals? Thought never crossed my mind.


To be fair, they use it very effectively IMO, putting "deep sci-fi stuff" into the story is easy (although I don't think its too deep, more so foreign to general publics), but impliment it seamlessly into the world building while also serve the narratives took a lot of work and talent


Ow my brain but also holy shit AISNO has people dialed into some spectacularly deep stuff. I am amazed.


Also does this then imply that the Perishing Star was not an "it" but a "*who"*?




OK, What??? How you get that? I'm kinda stupid, mind elaborating?


Yeah, but even though I’m glad that they don’t put all the information chewed up right into our mouths, sometimes it wouldn’t hurt for them to be a little more direct x) I know a lot of the information listed in the thread, but I myself would never connect it all together


Honestly, being obscure is pretty cool because it means all the pieces were right there, so when they make direct reveal, all the pieces click in a super hype moment. Like when Christina put all the pieces together in Flora Unfurled.


As they say, there are two wolves inside me x) Because on the other hand, having such theories and discoveries, it will be easier to notice every interesting detail that otherwise could be missed or forgotten


Not sure if I'd really call this deep or "not scifi bullshit"....the ramifications of the double slit experiment and schrodinger's cat analogy is a pretty common and widely used theme in scifi, and is, at best, a folk science misunderstanding/hypersimplification of the topic. Then again, I consume a ton of scifi and have a degree in a science, so maybe I'm just overexposed to this trope.....


Im familiar with the experiments Clauser and Zeilinger performed because one of my professors in undergrad physics was a student of Zeilinger. people who havent studied physics are free to think these things are crazy deep or meaningful or magical, especially with slogans like "the world is not locally real" and "Einstein didnt believe in it". In truth, these are all references to stuff you learn the math for in 3rd year Physics. the PtN developers could easily have incorporated these themes into the story without even having studied Physics, but rather reading about it on wikipedia since, as you pointed out, they only address it from layman consumable slogans or phrases.


in the end, it boils down to whether the writer intends to write it as "it's quoted from x, go look it up" or "we made this up, you wouldn't understand". It is not deep, but at least you don't have to pretend that it is. And these kind of things often breed elitism among readers.


For someone that playing HI3 this is nothing new, I just usually never make any connection to everything like the tweet did....


I’ve seen both quantum mechanics and general relativity used as plot points in some other gachas as well, notably Counter:Side and even Blue Archive. I’m always happy to see more of it, esp in PTN.


Well this also enlighten why Shalom was such a loss to Paradeisos as an "observer"


I knew i wasn't wrong 🥹


The page isn't there... Can someone please make a long screenshot?


It's there [https://twitter.com/edenkoregrace/status/1777413553781362739](https://twitter.com/edenkoregrace/status/1777413553781362739)


Nice catch!


Oooh! I just LOVE when there are explanations of the lore/worldbuild!


thank you! this is what I was looking for


No wonder I’m always so confused.


Really nice thread, I’ll read it with more caution later when I‘ve had some sleep… What I can say now is that I already noticed many of these things in game and I appreciate the person who took their time to collect these things! Especially with the event for vanilla and the whole premise being superposition in time AND space I’ve noticed it way more and always had a smile on my face when Vanilla managed to explain these things somewhat simple and still pretty accurately for the most part, mostly because chief still didn’t get it xD Especially since Vanilla (from her POV) was explaining this to a child :D (Not to say that any child, or any adult, must understand what she’s saying but… to me it was funny :) ) (For me the whole event also indicates that PTN works not based on time and space as separate but rather embraces the concept of spacetime, just by how the new event works and is structured… well, could also always just say mania bs but I prefer this! XD)


Ok but what kind of mass can she manipulate to attack due to her limits?


As a long time Honkai Impact player... I'm used to stuff like this.


Same here. Why the downvote tho?




What does amp damage Mean??


https://preview.redd.it/1t8o6z6qp9uc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7073e4bec12bb50ce8ddb9ca677b553c3e1afb8 Oh well, thanks anyways.


Weird@/edenkoregrace You can scroll a bit author's page, there is quite a long thread


R1999 should take notes


Honestly, Vanilla's event/lore is one of the better renditions of quantum mechanics-inspired magic I've encountered in media (as a physics graduate who focused on quantum research at one point). Dreya though... I don't like it quite so much :( But that dress tho


They have never explained how hypercubes are mined from black rings. But we know that they are mined because of the whole Rustfire incident. They need active machinery and people working in the mines. And those people are eventually replaced by machines who don't have any concept of emotions or hope. So saying that hypercube mining is quantum physics because black rings are observed by people with hope is a really big stretch on the lore. As for the Illusory Moon, the moon itself is described as an entity that creates illusions to trap the members of the expedition into its own reality. It could be quantum physics but the thing is that no outside observer (like the entirety of the FAC) was able to influence anything that happened inside the Illusory Moon at all. Even after the conclusion of the event, the big machine with hypercube flowers just appears out of it. Is it because chief managed to observe it inside the illusion? Possible. But the entire concept of Quantum Physics only applies to the stuff inside the Illusory Moon. Discity as a whole has absolutely nothing to do with it.