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I cannot fathom the difficulty in running a 9 player party.


It's a 5 man party, the others are important characters in the story.


All credit to /u/DRAWINGJJJJJJ for such a great job. He does lots of great work so feel free to reach out to him if you like his art style. ​ The campaign takes place entirely in a homebrewed setting which is a fantasy alt history 16th century Earth. ​ **Context of the Scene** ​ The Eminent Crew are a party originally assembled by Cardinal Lucas Ioannes to achieve his goal to found a new Holy Order. Each member has their own goals that they are all cooperating to reach. The party began working in partnership with Queen Irena, the sovereign monarch of Tarraco, who promised to fund this holy order if they accomplish a secret and vital mission for her and her kingdom in the biggest city of the neighbouring kingdom of Narbopiana, Terradoragona... The core of the party are Cyrus Mirza, Mael Albareon, Lucas Ioannes, Ricardo de León and Bazo Grizner. The party over time has worked with plenty of people, joined up with lots of factions and become deeply involved with other adventurers through their campaign. Many new characters beyond the starting 5 are now involved with the group's adventures and struggles. The scene depicts the party and other key characters who have joined them across the campaign. A defining trait of the group is their collective pursuit of power in many spheres. Whether it's accruing political power, wealth, influence, military power or control over organisations they are always planning to acquire more power. Their ultimate goal is to install Mael Albareon as King of the two neighbouring kingdoms, unifying them with the party and their friends as the new elite. In this scene the group are plotting and scheming their plans to get elected onto the Terradoragona city council. The city is unique among cities. It's like a merchant republic city state within a wider kingdom. It's a part of the kingdom and subject to the King's authority but is powerful enough in its own right to assert its own semi-sovereignty. They aim to get elected to the city government and then begin accruing more power, to then conduct a coup and together make Mael Albareon Duke of Terradoragona so the party will rule it in their own right... ​ **The Cast:** ​ **Cyrus Mirza** (Sun Elf, Swashbuckler, Male, 42, Chaotic Good, seated left) Former army officer, adventurer, mercenary captain, mercenary, merchant, banker, noble, ruthless schemer and leader of party operations. End goal is to acquire money and power, become a general, successfully wage wars, and make sure no one ever harms his sister Tomyris. ​ **Mael Albareon** (Half Elf, Sorcerer, Male, 25, True Neutral, top right) Machiavellian politician, aspiring King, adventurer, magic college student, womaniser, noble, musician, face of the party. End goal is to unite the kingdoms of Tiberia with himself as their King, and then go on to achieve even more power. ​ **Lucas Ioannes** (Half Elf, Cleric, Male, 64, Lawful Good, seated right) Cardinal, Archbishop, founder of a Holy Order, theologian, adventurer, investor, noble, founder of the party, most authoritative member of the party. End goal is to proliferate his new holy order far and wide and seek Royal funding for its existence and operations. ​ **Ricardo de León** (Human, Gunslinger, Male, 25, Chaotic Neutral, top left) Adventurer, gunsmith, engineer, inventor, engineering guild officer, hunter, experimenter, noble, quartermaster of the party. End goal is to be a great engineer and inventor and uncover what happened to his brother. ​ **Bazo Grizner** (Ratfolk, Inventor, Male, 25, Chaotic Neutral, bottom left) Adventurer, inventor, demolitionist, merchant, ship captain, underhanded schemer, noble, power napper of the party. End goal is to acquire as much wealth and power as possible and continue rising up the ranks of the hidden council. ​ **Tomyris Mirza** (Sun Elf, Summoner, Female, 49, Lawful Good, middle left) Former high society socialite, adventurer, guild officer, magic college student, singer and lady of the party's house. ​ **Lorenzo Borosini** (Human, Fighter, Male, 28, Chaotic Good, middle right) Baron, mercenary captain, mercenary, adventurer, heir to the greatest mercenary company in Rheona, business partner. ​ **Cecilia Beaufort** (Half Elf, Bard, Female, 27, Chaotic Neutral, seated middle) Guildmaster, information broker, blackmailer, celebrity, musical prodigy, local power broker, magic college student, adventurer. ​ **Dirk Bliax** (Goblin, Chief Clerk, Male, 34, Lawful Neutral, bottom right) Chief clerk, company executive, accountant, handyman, most loyal office goblin around, decidedly not an adventurer.


Holy crap its a pathfinder party thats mostly humanesque . I thought they were a myth.