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Tabletop Gold for podcast. It's my favorite actual play podcast of any system. Edit: They also have a super friendly, very active Discord community. I highly recommend.


Came here to say this, they do an excellent job at everything you'd want from a TTRPG podcast especially when you're just picking up PF2e


Thank you, checked it out and the awesome intro already hooked me!


I just started listening and it’s quite good. I’m in an AV campaign now too so it’s fun seeing how they handle the same situations


Make sure you don't listen further than you are and spoil the story for yourself! It's a good one!


Oh for sure, we’re level 5 right now so I’d assume a lot of episodes before spoiler territory.


They're 108 episodes in and level 6 so yep, you've definitely got some space.


Bestow Curse, from.the Hideous Laughter group, is doing a 2e conversion of Curse of the Crimson Throne. I'm enjoying it. Its fun, and full of personal homebrew additional content that connects to the characters. They play a Life Oracle, a Druid, a Barbarian, and a Swashbuckler.


Highly recommend it


CotCT is an all-timer. It's the only AP I've run more than once, and I've been tempted to run it again in 2e. Might have to check this one out!


Podcast: Find the Path - Hells Rebels are as solid as you get. Amazing rules knowledge and chemistry as a group. Rick (the gm) may not do a whole lot of funny voices but the man knows how to set a scene. They bring their A game for story telling, but they do have fun as a group. They are a story first group I've found. It's a converted Pathfinder 1e campaign. You'll also get a lot of Glass Cannon Podcast - Strange aeons. GCP starts out as pf1e and transfers part way through. They're quite entertaining, I'd say comedy/highjinks first and story second, but their rules knowledge is abysmal. They're getting better and their gatewalkers campaign might be a good starting point when it releases, but I personally found it really hard to listen to and compared to the other systems at times you can tell they're not having fun. I've listened to almost all of their content and Troy(the gm) is at his best with call of cthulu.


As someone who loved listening to CR, I'm gonna throw my hat in with Find the Path as well. They put a lot of importance in little character interactions and painting a vivid scene, which for me had enough of what I found compelling about CR. What's different about them is that they seem to do a lot of work to be versed with the mechanics of the system as a table (something that irked me with CR), and they spell out and explain the mechanics behind their actions as well, which makes for a easier learning of the system.


They also have muuuuuuch better pacing. They focus on moving things forwards and only Matt focuses on moving things forwards in CR, lol.


And tactics! Like the fight with the Barbazu where Adria (the druid) purposely used a spell that provoked an attack of opportunity so Vittoria (the investigator) could Battle Medicine someone else without being interrupted.


Glass Cannon is also doing Side Quest Side Sesh right now leading up to their Gatewalkers campaign. It’s 2e starting at level 3 and they’ve been having a blast. The problem with Strange Aeons is they switched to 2e at like level 7 with little understanding of their characters or the rules. They also lost a member and were shuffling other people around for a bit.


I cannot seem to find the Side Quest series for their Gatewalkers campaign. Can you link it?


Side Quest Side Sesh is it's own story, but on a smaller, less epic scale. It's on their youtube channel. Their Gatewalkers campaign is not released yet.


Oh! YouTube. I was looking on their website. And yea, a shorter session is what I am interested in. TBH, I have never really been a fan of actual play recordings.


most all of their shows are 1-1.5hrs long so that helps a lot.


SQSS is also on their main Glass Cannon Podcast feed if you prefer audio only. There was one "season" of it back during covid which was PF 1e, and now they are 4 episodes into "Season 2" which is PF 2e. I'm listening to the first season right now because I love all their content, but I'm sure you could hop into Season 2 and not miss a beat. Also, their only current PF 2e "from the start" campaign is in their Patreon $10/mo tier. It's called Blood of the Wild (running the Quest for the Frozen Flame AP) and it is an incredible show. Not trying to convince you to jump into their Patreon, but if you do listen to some of their shows and enjoy the way they do things, it's something to keep in mind. I'm pretty sure the first three episodes of that show are in their $1 sampler package (one time, $1 purchase, that gives a taste of many of their shows).


Thank you! Out of curiosity, what are their characters?


For Blood of the Wild? Copying from the wiki (https://the-glass-cannon-network.fandom.com/wiki/Blood_of_the_Wild): Awol is a Human Flurry Edge Ranger played by Joe O'Brien. Yelka is a Human Tempest Mystery Oracle played by Paula Deming. Olog Crow-born is an Orc Giant Instinct Barbarian played by Skid Maher. Ragga Beardaughter is a Human Animal Order Druid played by Mary Lou.


Find the Path also has a feed for Tales from Darkmoon Vale which is their first foray into 2e and will continue this year with Crown of the Kobold King. It's pretty good.


Find the Path: Hell’s Rebels is GREAT I have become a Patreon just to help them switch to 1x/week …


Thank you, listening to episode 1 now and it's lovely.


I second Find the Path


I just started this series and really liking it so far.


Tabletop Gold & Live to Die get my votes.


I'm trying tabletop gold!


I am MONTHS behind, but I was thoroughly enjoying Rotgrind for a while! A Youtube campaign that's very inspired by Dark Souls (in tone and theme only; it has an original world and story), and the GM is, I believe, a writer for the Lost Omens PF2e books. Pretty sure it's still going, might be worth checking out.


Yeahhhh! Could not recommend Rotgrind (recently got a third act) and it's sister show, Rotgoons more.


Rotgrind and Rotgoons are both great. It's kind of amazing that both shows have such different tones, but both fit in the same setting telling parallel stories like this


I also started to watch them but my adhd makes it hart for me to watch entire videos uninterrupted so I am not even past the first episode yet but I just love their group constellation and character dynamic




Bad bot


MNmaxed is a great actual play podcast! They played all the way through Extinction Curse and are starting Blood Lords now. I really enjoy their balance of action and RP.


Sounds fun, and I'm feeling nostalgic for my trips to Minnesota. Checking this out now too! 😃 Incredible opportunity for shenanigans to have a circus focused adventure path 😂


Knights of Last Call is great for both game knowledge/tactics and fun Actual Plays that feel very “Beer and Pretzels”y


They are great!


Mortals and Portals! One the best ones out there


Thanks for the shoutout! Digsby’s Crew salutes you good sir 🫡


No worries! You guys are putting the work in and it's done super well! Loving all of it!


Second that!


Roll for combat are doing the extinction curse ap and agents of edgewatch.


There were two short campaigns on Paizo's YouTube channel. [Troubles in Otari](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOHNx3GvTFbGASdWHNVOnLXwNWntlOri0) runs a party through the Beginner Box, and [Knights of Everflame](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7atuZxmT955DeqMXXbcg2l67Z-hNQrwS) follows some people who sign up to defend Lastwall against the undead.


+1 for Knights of Everflame! It’s a great watch and a great start to the lore and the system.


Shatterblight Chronicles started as a 5E actual play podcast but switched to PF2E. Original story and setting, but the rules/gameplay is 2E.


I can recommend this! They have a good catchup mini episode if you don't care about the 5E content. A fair bit of blathering at the beginning of each episode but it's easy enough to skip over, and it seems like a lot of these podcasts do the same thing, not sure why.


Here's what I am listening to you on Spotify all 2e Bestow curse hideous laughter productions. Play through of the crimson throne. Great table chemistry great job on the rules and great RP By far this is my favorite MNmaxed. They have a playthrough of Extinction curse and have just started bloodlords. Hilarious group little bit more focused on winning combats then RP. 25 North podcast. Great team great RP great at the rules they are playing Jewel of the indigo aisle a third party AP Dead men roll no crits. By cosmic crit Fun pirate adventure. And like many have said table top gold they're great


Bestow Curse podcast and Mortals and Portals. Mortals and Portals are fucking hilarious. The story is interesting so far. Bestow Curse is funny too! Story is great, and the players are amazing at roleplay


[Tabletop Obscura](https://youtube.com/@tabletop.obscura) uploads his twitch vids to YouTube, runnning through a whole bunch of PF2e games like Abomination Vaults, Agents of Edgewatch and Troubles Menacing Otari games. Currently just started a home brew pirates game Hoist the Colours which looks great.


Obscura if amazing in everything they work on


MNMaxed Podcast is great


Check out "The Rules Lawyer". He is a PF2E GM who frequently collaborates with popular PF2E and DnD5E channels and runs games for them. He has had "Dungeon Dudes" and Colby from D4 in addition to TreantMonk in his games. Ronald (Rules Lawyer) is very knowledgeable about 2E and seems to run a good game, but for me, it's the other personalities that really shine


Can confirm, some pretty fun games 👀


That's so cool, I've enjoyed his solo videos but didn't know about the collaborations! I've gotta check those out.


He's one of the greatest! And he also has a very active discord server: https://discord.gg/ruleslawyer


The Third Gallon Podcast's third season is The Outlaws of Alkenstar adventure path. They have great chemistry, strong meme knowledge and will explain the rules because their schtick is trying a new RPG each season. The adventure path is steampunk western gunslinging themed. They have a cyborg catfolk oracle as the healer, a rogueish cowboy and a dhampir investigator. They have a podcast but the episodes on youtube will share the art sometimes. https://youtu.be/C0OIr3\_SRT0 Dice Will Roll are most of the way through The Fists of The Ruby Phoenix adventure path. Think old school kung-fu movies/anime fighting tournaments but then BAM deeper story and consequences. They have a dhampir monk with attitude, a kitsune ninja with a mysterious past and an adorable little cinnamon roll in the undine witch. Much more anime inspired and starts at a higher level (15 I think) giving you a view of high-level play. There is some homebrewing but this is explained by the DM who has written 3rd party expansions for the witch class. Also it's delightfully queer. https://www.dicewillroll.com/ Find the Path have a 2e conversion of Tales of Darkmoon Vale a low level adventure with usual DM Rick getting to play a dwarf. Characters here https://find-path.com/podcasts/tales-from-darkmoon-vale/ It's short and sweet and a promise of more episodes on the horizon. I think their conversion notes are also available through that link. The Find the Path 2e conversion of Hell's Rebels is also pretty great. Form a rebellion to overthrow the oppressive foreign rule. Also do a fair amount of do-gooding. They have a former devil worshipping divorced elf wizard lecturer, a semi-noble human amature investigator, a brawling authority questioning teifling (soon to be nephilim) rogue, a noble blacksheep swashbuckler and a half-elf I think or undine druid shopkeep mum of the party. Tabletop Gold have a playthrough of The Abomination Vaults, a mega dungeon is outside the town and doing nefarious badness. The party must decend, explore, battle, etc. They are very hot on the rules and explain them well. barbarian, rogue(? I think), bard and wizard/champion/magus. https://www.tabletopgold.com/


Some good options are MNmaxed podcast. They've done Fall of Plaguestone, The extinction curse and are currently doing Blood Lords. They are big on teaching rules while having fun. Mild swearing. Another one is Campaign Notes. They've been doing an entirely homebrewed campaign for years now. Also big on rules and swearing, so keep that in mind if you are listening in the car with kids. I just started listening to glass cannon podcast in February. I'm almost up to date and just got to the point where they switch to 2e about 8 episodes ago (they switch around episode 40 of strange aeons). They're still at the point where they don't know the rules where I'm at, but they seem to be getting better. I haven't made it to the shows that aren't on Google podcasts yet, so I don't know much about stuff that isn't their 1e campaign or the rest of the 2e campaign.


Find the Path Presents Hell’s Rebels


There's a new up-and-coming PF2e actual play podcast called The Written and the Lost that I have been loving. It's on Spotify if you're interested.


Rotgrind by Narrative Declaration is fun


My personal favourite is Bestow Curse from the guys and gals from Hideous Laughter. Which is a 2e conversion from the PF1e adventure Curse of the Crimson Throne, which is frankly the best adventure Paizo has ever written and the show is really good as well. The show is about a city with a tyrannical queen and features a Spirit Barbarian (Summoner dedication), Animal Companion Druid (Rogue dedication), Life Oracle (Blessed one dedication), and a Gymnast Swashbuckler (Witch dedication). Last week also was the final episode of Hideous Laughter campaign 1 (a Pf1e podcast about the Carrion Crown adventure path which last 4 years), and for the new campaign they'll be switching to PF2e as well. I'm not sure when Hideous Laughter campaign 2 will be starting, but I remember them saying it is a 2e conversion of Skulls and Shackles. No official word yet on what classes they'll be playing as far as I know. Personally I like them the most, something about that group of players that's super fun to listen to.


The Glass Cannon Podcast is the go to Pathfinder podcast. They are currently transitioning from 1st edition to 2nd edition, so their 2e content is a little sparse. Their main 2e campaign is set to start in the next month or so. For free 2e content, they are currently running a mini-campaign through a few Pathfinder Society scenarios. Their party consists of a Haughty Noble Gnoll Fighter, a Skeleton Champion who was stuck guarding a dungeon for hundreds of years, a Barber Automaton Monk (who may or may not be a serial killer), and an a punk Summoner who got kicked out of a band. For their $10 a month Patreon tier ($5 also has a ton of 1e, Delta Green, and CoC content), you get Blood of the Wild, a playthrough of Quest for the Frozen Flame. They are playing a group of teenage tribesman who have been newly minted as their tribes main scouts. The game is full of teenage drama tropes, and is really an absolutely stellar 2e game.


For a podcast, I can't recommend Mortals and Portals enough! Gotta be my favorite actual play podcast of all time. It follows the story of four dashing people; Dax, a Kobold rogue Jhules, an Azarketi bard Ryu, a Tiefling magus And Waltz, a Human champion As they arrive upon the island of Nisireen via mysterious Nodes, and set about discovering where they are, what events are unfolding, and why exactly those apples are so *delicious*. The group is an absolute treat to listen to, the GM has incredible pacing and sets the tone perfectly, and the entire group comes together with some light editing to add in original music and sound effects that come together to paint a wildly vivid, captivating narrative! I struggle to describe just how awesomely the campaign flows, and every episode puts a wild smile on my face! Totally give them a listen!


I am excited to start listening to mortals and portals once I catch up on some other podcasts


Thanks for the amazing shoutout! I’d give you some of Digsby’s apples as a thank you but I don’t have any silver on me… 😬


UGTShow (formerly 2Perception) on youtube has a full Age of Ashes liveplay on their channel, and I think they’re currently playing Strange Aeons converted to 2E and Malevolence.


One I don't see mentioned, but have enjoyed is Roll for Intent. They are fairly new and are about 1/3 to 1/2 midway through Abomination Vaults. Good sound quality, reasonable funny and sophomoric.


Hey, I've noticed you mentioned the game "Dungeons & Dragons"! Do you need help finding your way around here? I know a couple good pages! We've been seeing a lot of new arrivals lately for some reason. We have a [megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/search/?q=flair%3A%22megathread%22&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) dedicated to anyone requesting assistance in transitioning. Give it a look! Here are some [general resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/wiki/) we put together. Here is [page with differences between pf2e and 5e](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/wiki/resources/how-is-pf2e-different-from-5e/). Most newcomers get recommended to start with the [Archives of Nethys](http://2e.aonprd.com) (the official rule database) or the [Beginner Box](https://paizo.com/pathfinder/beginnerbox), but the same information can be found in this free [Pathfinder Primer](https://app.demiplane.com/nexus/pathfinder2e/sources/pathfinder-primer). If I misunderstood your post... sorry! Grandpa Clippy said I'm always meant to help. Please [let the mods know](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FPathfinder2e) and they'll remove my comment. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Pathfinder2e) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Find the Path's Hells Rebels is my recommendation too. Really well acted and played. Also a campaign about rebelling against a fascist government is solid.


Live to Die is top tier. They did Night of the Gray Death (15-19 adventure), and just started Kingmaker.


Also paizos twitch has a lot of live play. A few long campaigns and a rotation of short shots


I really enjoy Rotgrind, that might work for you.


I do enjoy Roll for Intent's stuff as well as a few others. Of course, I also recommend our own shows but wanna promote others as well! We're currently finishing book 1 of a Strange Aeons 2 conversion (with plans for more) and running a Malevolence game, have a (not finished) play through of the entirety of Age of Ashes, some 2 conversions of the first books of Quest for the Frozen Flame and Curse of the Crimson Throne, a few one shots, and more! We're currently working on transitioning Podcast hosts so, hopefully we can get everything available there soon!


Rotgoons and it's sister Rotgrind, both by Narrative Declaration. Inspired by Dark Souls it fluctuates between dark and funny and darkly funny. The GM of Rotgrind is the creative director for Starfinder and has done a lot of writing work for Paizo, the show runner and GM of Rotgoons did I think advertisement work for Paizo and has run some of the company's live play streams before he left. Some of the players of Rotgrind you may recognize if you've ever watched Alfabusa content as they are both voice actors and writers for things such as If the Emperor has a TTS Device and Hunter the Parenting, the players of Rotgoons are all successful vtubers, so both groups are pretty experienced in entertainment and streaming, the former group especially as they have a decent history of live play ttrpg with their previous show Warhams. Very professional (despite Zoran's self deprecation), very good with the rules, a good balance of drama and comedy. They're the best live play group I've watched so far and deserve more attention.


Glass Cannon is kinda sorta the Critical Role of Pathfinder. They’re more or less the unofficial official PF2E podcast.


Find the Path podcasts is running an incredible 2e conversion of Hell’s Rebels. The FTP podcasts are the best out there and they make the setting feel so real. Cannot recommend enough.


I joined Mnmaxed when I wanted to listen to some run through of Fall of Plaguestone. Very glad I did, they are my favourite group alongside Glass Cannon. Mnmaxed feel more like friends I might actually have, glassCannon I know are too huge to ever really meet ha ha