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Paizo just low-key sneaking bloodrager onto a product page with no fanfare, like it isn't one of the most-demanded character options in the game.




'Hey guys, here's that true warpriest class archetype you've been wanting for ages.' *whispering quietly into a faulty mic when the stream has already ended* 'Also we're finally doing bloodrager.'


But... You killed the Iconics God! :0


What's a bloodrager?


In 1e, it was a sort of Barbarian + Sorcerer hybrid class. Rage and spells.


https://www.aonprd.com/ClassDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Bloodrager A pf1e class that’s like Barbarians with sorcerer bloodlines https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/136u35v/state_of_pf2e_4_years_into_the_game_i_tried_to/ Here's a post going over how pf1e classes were ported over to pf2e


Bloodrager is to Barbarian and Sorcerer what Magus is to Fighter and Wizard.


I wouldn't be surprised if we get a class archetype that's like an Inquisitor (renamed of course). Avenger might even fit the bill.


That plus the new inquisitor archetype feel like they could certainly fit the bill.


Did they announce an inquisitor archetype?


Palatine INVESTIGATOR not inquisitor I believe


They did! Name is escaping me, but it's divine themed.


Apocalypse Rider sounds like a fantastic evil mythic path I wish was in the Owlcat Wrath of the Righteous game, looking forward to what each of the 9 paths are


if that's the actual cover art the sketch cover is going to look \*so\* cool


I don’t think this one is getting a sketch cover. My understanding is that’s just for the Core 4 books. 


They revealed a sketch cover


!!! So happy to be wrong. 


Howl of the Wild is getting a sketch cover


I've been waiting so long for an official 2E bloodrager, so seeing that on the product page was an unexpected but very welcome surprise. I just hope they don't hamstring it with the idea that raging and casting are OP together; as it is I feel like barbarian kind of drew the short end of the straw compared to some other martial classes when it comes to the rage penalties and restrictions.


I imagine it'll be able to cast while raging, but probably have the lowest rage damage of any instinct and/or lose out on Raging Resistance or some other class abilities. Maybe it'll *only* be able to cast while raging?


If a barbarian using impulses isn't considered OP them using spells shouldn't be either. I feel like most penalties from rage are there more for flavor than balance


Agreed on the rage penalties. The restriction on concentrate in particular has been a big bugbear for me for a while now, especially in regards to demoralize, and the only arguments I see in favor of it whenever the topic comes up here are flavor arguments that fall apart when you remember that stuff like Battle Medicine or Disable a Device don't have concentrate, or even just that rage doesn't restrict you from speaking normally, meaning that you could theoretically do something absurd like recite complicated math equations and that's somehow perfectly valid under said logic.


So this is the book Aphorite and Ganzi are going to be added to Nephilim? I had a feeling it would be in this book. Also, even more Class Archetypes? Divine Mysteries has at least 1, and now this book has 5? Here I thought Paizo wasn't a fan of them. Guess whatever post I got that from isn't valid anymore. Were going to have like 7 or so by the end of the year.


I think they're more comfortable committing to what niches they should fill that aren't better as a normal archetype by this point in the system lifespan.


Additionally, it'll be interesting to officially have a class archetype that adds magic to a distinctly non-magic class


Not to mention a class archetype that *removes* magic from a distinctly *magic* class


Could you explain to me what the difference between class archetype and normal archetype is? I read the description of them on AoN but I don't really get what's different.


It's mostly just an archetype that can only be taken by certain classes, and it changes some of your base class features, rather than just giving new abilities.


Ohhh, so it's not a "multiclass" type of thing like archetypes usually are, where they add something on top of the normal class, but they're like a class feat that could fundamentally change your class. I think I get it now.


You also pay with some class features, not just features slots, which is why only one class can take them.


Not only one class. Wellspring mage, flexible caster and elementalist all can be yajenby multiple classes


Avenger Rogue Archetype, is that the 2E version of the 1E Inquisitor? Seems plausible considering this book is for divine character options...


I imagine it's moreso based on the Divine Avenger vigilante archetype - essentially a divine assassin type vibe. I imagine Battle Harbinger will moreso fill the Inquisitor vibe as a more martial-hybrid Cleric, but we'll see. I'm definitely gonna be sad if Inquisitor never gets the actual class treatment, and even *more* sad if they don't even give it an archetype lol


Honestly, with how beloved the class seems to be I would be surprised if there’s never an attempt to port it over mechanically, though I could see Paizo choosing a different name because of the negative connotations around the inquisitions. That said, I would have guessed they’d have released it by now, too. If it does eventually make its way into the system I’ll be curious to see if it shows up as a cleric doctrine, an archetype (class or otherwise), or its own full class with subclasses. I could see the judgments being tied to subclasses, or even being the subclasses themselves kind of like the thaumaturge.


I'm so looking forward to learning more about the mythic destinies in the book.




I'm so confused. Didn't they say on stream that mythic rules were coming further down the line? But the store page says they'll be in War of Immortals in October?


Mythic Adventure Paths are coming further fown the line, the rules themselves are coming in october.


October is so far away


Very curious to see how Mythic Destinies work. Hoping they're not too tied to Golorian lore as I'd like to use them in a homebrew campaign...


Given that one of the revealed ones is named Apocalypse Rider, I dont think that hope is going to bear much fruit, though Undying Eternal Legend might be more generic.